I can’t help but think that Filipinos who blame former Philippine President and Congresswoman, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) for everything bad that has happened in the country have a squatter mentality. By my own definition, people who have a squatter mentality have this strong sense of entitlement. They believe that the government owes them benefits or privileges. This is why you will often hear people say, “It is GMA’s fault why there are more poor people in the Philippines”. Never mind that GMA had no control over people’s decision to have more babies they can’t afford to feed. Of course, GMA wasn’t perfect. But like I said in my previous article, the fact that the Aquino government can’t even charge her for her “crimes” using a case that could stick means that they’ve got nothing much on her.
People with squatter mentalities do not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society. They think that they can rely on the government to be responsible for their own happiness. It is quite a fitting description considering squatters by their very nature have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others. They also think that the laws do not apply to them and that they are entitled to disregard them. Some squatters can be arrogant, defiant and selfish. For some reason, the incumbent President, Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) and his minions come to mind when I think about people with squatter mentality. After all, PNoy and his mouthpieces keep blaming GMA for everything, including their own shortfalls and especially when they commit gaffes.
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Take the case of singer and songwriter, Jim Paredes. He has been very active on his twitter account lately trying to vilify GMA every chance he gets. This is what he tweeted earlier: “Atty Topacio MD, better check her height. I think she may have stopped growing, too. She may need therapy abroad.” Judging by the number of crass tweets Jim has been sending in reference to GMA, I think it is safe to say that Jim may have lost the plot. Jim appears to be struggling to find his relevance in Philippine society nowadays. His jokes are so half-a-century ago – back when political correctness was non-existent and Tito Vic and Joey ruled the comedy scene. To be precise, his jokes do not belong in this day and age when making fun of people’s appearance or illness is a no-no and a sign of ill breeding.
As a self-proclaimed key player in the very first (and certainly not the last) people power, Edsa revolution, Jim seems to think that he still has credibility after lending his talent to the campaign for PNoy during the 2010 presidential election — PNoy, who most rational people know, was the least qualified of all the presidential candidates. Sadly, Jim used his popularity to help PNoy win the election. Jim’s action is something that I would consider “misguided” and his lack of remorse in supporting PNoy even after PNoy’s mediocre performance after almost two years in office is pathetic to say the least. Worst of all, Jim’s blind support for PNoy’s defiance of the Supreme Court says a lot about his character: arrogant, shows no respect for the law, and no concern for the rights of others. In short, he seems to have a squatter mentality.
There are many more high-profile personalities like Jim Paredes who still refuse to see the big picture. They fail to see that their continued ranting against GMA and some of the members of the Supreme Court continues to divide the nation between those who are being irrational and those who can think objectively, which in turn results in disunity and instability.
Ask the average Filipino why he hates GMA and you won’t get a straight answer. He’ll just spew the usual “she cheated during the 2004 election” or “she stole taxpayer’s money” drivel. It gets really boring to hear the same thing over and over without getting any of the specifics or details of their allegations against GMA.
Since some people have a hard time figuring out why they hate GMA, I have come up with a list of the most probable reasons why they do:
1. Most Filipinos think that blaming the late former President, Ferdinand Marcos is so passé so they have moved on to GMA. A quarter of a century after Edsa, the Aquinos and their supporters cannot keep blaming the original “bad guy” because blaming Marcos after all these years will highlight the fact that there was nothing significant about the so-called “people power” revolution that happened in 1986 to begin with. It becomes funnier when you hear them say, “GMA is worse than Marcos” because they don’t realise that this is the same as saying, “We were better off during the Marcos years”.
2. Most Filipinos need to blame someone for the lack of progress in their own personal lives. They might still be stuck doing the same dead-end job or in the case of some, still stuck waiting for government handouts.
3. Most Filipinos are actually angry with themselves, not with GMA. Underneath that arrogance is a people who are clueless as to why the country continues to be plagued by corruption and lack of progress. They don’t realize that it is the people’s lack of attention to how public servants do their jobs that is the reason why public funds gets mismanaged. In other words, people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.
4. Most Filipinos need a diversion. They’ve got nothing going for them. In the case of PNoy for example, he needs to divert people’s attention away from his lack of leadership skills and lack of vision for the country’s future. It is beginning to be quite obvious to a lot of Filipinos that his only agenda for the entire duration of his term is to prosecute GMA. PNoy seems to think that he can simply continue to ride upon GMA’s economic gains while blaming her during his term.
5. Most Filipinos are suckers for drama. This is why they would rather believe hearsays or “tsismis” than facts. It doesn’t help that GMA was said to be not in good terms with some stakeholders of mainstream media. Allegations of GMA’s criminal activities probably gave them huge profits every time they printed stories of her “crimes”.
6. Most Filipinos are addicted to instant gratification. Instant gratification describes the short-term satisfaction gained from impulsive behaviour. And some of the things that can give Filipinos instant gratification are initiatives like “people power” revolutions and habits like defying the rule of law. It is much easier and quicker to get instant results when you throw the rulebook out of the window. But there are grave consequences when using shortcuts like defying the law as an option at getting something done. Most people have not realized it yet but removing an elected leader unconstitutionally the first time already set a dangerous precedent. It gave people excuse or reason to justify doing it again and again. Marcos, Erap and now the Supreme Court.
7. Most Filipinos are ignorant of their rights. 25 years after Edsa, Filipinos still struggle with their knowledge of what freedom is about. They don’t seem to know how to use their so-called freedom responsibly. This is evident in how some Filipinos keep throwing false accusations against their opponents left and right without thinking of the consequences. This is evident in how PNoy keep saying that some members of the Supreme Court cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
Some Filipinos are even ignorant of the law and individual rights, which is precisely the reason why they are gullible enough to believe people who claim to be doing the “righteous” thing like when DOJ secretary Leila de Lima claimed she was looking after the “national interest” in defying the temporary restraining order of the Supreme Court.
8. Most Filipinos are beholden to celebrities and sons and daughters of so-called “heroes”. If you don’t have a celebrity gene, you could end up the bad guy. But what’s so dysfunctional about most Filipinos’ way of thinking is that they keep voting into office the relatives of the public servants they say are corrupt (the Marcos’s, the Estradas, and the Arroyos among others) and most of their preferred lawmakers are showbiz personalities or are sporting heroes. Which is why precious time and taxpayer’s money are spent on trivial stuff like the proposal to rename Edsa to Cory Aquino Avenue.
9. Most Filipinos are still looking for a hero. The people who voted for him thought they found a hero in PNoy. But PNoy actually thought he could get some direction on how to run the country from the people. Both are getting lost in the process of looking at each other for clues on how to get to the quickest way to the “tuwid na daan” or straight path.
10. Most Filipinos still believe in “angels” and “demons”. This is unfortunately a legacy of peoples’ belief in superstition. Like those who believe in witchcraft, some will believe “evil” stories involving GMA even if these lack any basis or evidence to back up the claim. Because some things are very difficult to accept like the reality that they are also accountable for their own lives, some Filipinos would look at their problems, shrug these off and say that things happen for a reason because of interventions by “The Adjustment Bureau” or some heavenly being. Never mind that some things like politicians getting away with criminal activities happen because of their own negligence or lack of vigilance.

So there you have it. It does make sense for most Filipinos to keep blaming GMA. They don’t have to do anything but send out “sick” jokes and feel good about themselves. Unfortunately for them, their lack of foresight can be their undoing. They fail to realize yet again, that even if they successfully prosecute and put GMA in jail, the way they did with former President Joseph “Erap” Estrada or even when they forced Marcos into exile, they will have no one else to blame but themselves for the lack of progress in the country in the end.
And that is why there are a lot of squatters in the Philippines.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
How biased is this, don’t go uppity on the poor. Before you help others to understand things in life, you should understand them first yourself. You can’t go spouting things like “People with squatter mentalities”. with all due respect please refrain from being discriminating on your own fellow Filipinos. First you should do a research on both sides before posting things like this.
– Concerned Fellow Filipino.
I don’t think you get the point. I was referring to people who have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others; those who think that the laws do not apply to them; those who think that they are entitled to disregard them; and those who are arrogant, defiant and selfish.
What gave you the impression that I was just referring to poor people? Although some poor people can act that way.
Anyway, didn’t I cite an example of people who have squatter mentality? Please read the entire article again.
Maam, What gave you the impression that I was just referring to poor people? – “squatter”
What about it?
Can you define the word squatter maam? is it a word for the poor?
Squatter: (noun) a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused land.
• historical a settler with no legal title to the land occupied, typically one on land not yet allocated by a government.
Aaaand nothing really about being poor. And while your garden variety squatter is poor not all of them are.
so she was referring to that? or the impression of how poor people think? 🙂
Not all poor people have squatter mentality just like not all rich people have excellent breeding. Didn’t I give an example of people with squatter mentality? Please think before you comment. You are showing everyone that you do not get the point of the article.
how about writing a blog that contradicts this? perhaps you can enlighten us on why the author is biased? or discriminating?
Sir/Maam, i wouldn’t write an article just to contradict this. I already stated my point on my 1st comment and i didn’t say the author is biased. but the article is, and about the “discriminating part” here it is “People with squatter mentalities”. did I answer all your questions sir/maam?
What is so discriminating about describing people with squatter mentality?
“don’t go uppity on the poor. Before you help others to understand things in life, you should understand them first yourself” – Dru
Not all poor people are squatters though. For that matter, I keep hearing people admonishing others to “understand the plight of the poor”. Here’s an even better recommendation: Why don’t the poor take the time to understand the rich? I think poor people have a lot more to learn from rich people than rich people from poor people.
Well sir I really do understand your point but how about this, as a member of the higher society = “THE RICH”. with their greater capabilities, why don’t they start to guide the poor. let them understand… educate, not discriminate. that’s just my point. 🙂 but i really do appreciate this “Not all poor people are squatters though”
Oh you can teach the ignorant all you want, but if the ignorant do not learn, they’ll remain ignorant. Students have to do their part.
i spent my life living and growing in squatters area and believe me,i am not offended by what ilda wrote about squatters mentality.she is precisely right in describing the mental status of the filipinos.we are actually a nation of sira ulo.we are to be blame for all the illnesses affecting our country.ang buhay sa squatters area ay talagang challenging in the sense that residents lived on hand to mouth existence.majority are really not educated kaya madali silang ma-exploit ng mga corrupt politicians sa atin.huwag kang masyadong pusong mamon at hindi naman biased ang article kasi hindi naman concentrated ang article sa mga squatters.
I’m glad you get my point. Thank you for proving that not all poor people have squatter mentality.
Good point @balitangkutseroo
Some rich people had squatter mentality like the present president of this nation.
Dear balitangkutseroo
the elites, the educated and the “cultured” define who and what is poor. they are called squatters because they live in the land that is not theirs. its just a term and a definition. i’ve grown up as a probinsyano where i’ve never realized that selling coconut husks as young as 8 is already child abuse in the western society. in my case, our culture in the province is that at that age we have already been taught the value of “pagkamasinop” at “pagsusumikap” by tilling the land and acquiring other resources from it… that is why we always have food on the table. everybody works!!! men, women and children. nobody is abused. its a part of the culture.
OTOH, those born with a silver or gold spoon on their bungangas will define me and my kamaganaks as poor. I’m NOT or we’re NOT. We are culturally rich than they are. In our town walang tamad… walang Squatteric mentality.
That was an excellent take, Jet. 😀
Dru doesn’t get it. “Squatter mentality” = stupidity, biasedness, idiocy, crowd mentality, etc. Obviously, why should squatters complain about how hard life is when they themselves settled on land that doesn’t belong to them? It has nothing to do with being poor. It has something to do with being in your place.
oh ms concerned fellow filipino…you too have a squatter mentality…you don’t get the point, do you?
Dru. The operational definition of Mdme. Ilda is not in anyway derogatory or discriminating to the persons below poverty line. She refers to how some or most of us think… SQUATTER or SQUATTERIC. Just like what a squatter does. Being poor, with no resources the “squat” and encroach somebody’s land. For whatever reason why they are poor that’s another argument. Madame Ilda used this standard definition in a different context and that is what you call “oferationel depinisyon”. Gets its? Its a state of mind.
Its like your state of mind… its squatteric. You’re crying wolf in a different context.
Love u too Ms. Ilda. Hehehehe…
how much they paid you?
Tanga!—By Ilda’s definition the Cojuangco clan are also squatters. They feel entitled to take over land not really their own—Uber-rich squatters etong mga eto–they could not be called, by any stretch of the imagination, “poor”
Read first the article carefully next time you choose to nitpick again.
They could be the most powerful squatters in the land.
It’s never about the socio-economic standing of a person, rather, it’s all about attitude. Not all squatters, have “squatter mentality” and not all, who aren’t squatters are spared of the “squatter mentality”.
I wish there were more Filipinos like him. Even some people who live in posh villages can have squatter mentality.
Indeed. Being poor is no excuse to not work hard.
having a squatters mentality means having no respect for rules, policies and rights. before you criticize the article, read every sentence. it’s not about being poor coz even the squatter in our subdivision has air conditioning and yet he is a squatter coz his mentality is exactly that of a squatter — one who passes something for legit when it’s fake like a land title.
I agree. You have a point. When read this I felt the same. besides, we can’t blame the person if he/she is like that. In fact you may know the person by his/her name, but you don’t know the story behind his/her life. I respect the opinions of others. But what I don’t understand is that, why do we need to mock on other people? All people want a private and peaceful life.
Take that Mayor Inday Sarah!
For me, this is the best line in this article:
“people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.”
It just explains everything about why we are this way right now…
I really can’t believe how a simple concept is so hard for some people to understand.
They have to ask this question: What are they doing to stop the public servants from stealing public funds?
i can’t even figure out if it’s really apathy…because sometimes i think it’s fear (angel-demon syndrome; man-below-god disorder). ever since, i always always always blame religion as the real reason for all these. the religion that scares Filipinos to think, w/c resulted to Filipinos becoming apathetic.
I covered that bit in item number 10, which includes superstition. Frankly, the situation is so dysfunctional that it can be a bit difficult to pin it down the exact cause of people’s apathy. What makes it so confusing is the fact that some educated members of our society tend to use the same flawed way of thinking as some of the uneducated ones.
They have to ask this question: What are they doing to stop the public servants from stealing public funds? – Argumentum ad Hominem. 🙂 you guys are funny
Why would you consider that ad hominem?
drat! too much looking for “argumentum ad hominem” phrases, you end up wrong… you are funny!
haha, don’t need to look for it. i know it’s meaning exactly. pls sir stay on the topic. let’s talk about our ideas not my choices of words. Thank you. hihihi
Looks like I also have to define what argumentum ad hominem is. And no, Dru, you clearly do not know what it means, and hihihi-ing will not get you out of this one.
I truly agree!
Great job on the article Ilda!
Hopefully,this will teach trolls like vincenzo to shut the hell up for once and do something about their own lives rather than blame GMA for everything.
Thanks Anonymous!
his article made sense, with no one to blame we as a whole nation, looks for ways for us to get distracted and this in turn gives us an obscure way of defining the situation. squatter mentality might be a little extreme, however the fact is manipulation by the media and government are more to blame. the media fails to show us the real picture and depicts something else while we get fond of watching of wil time big time. personally this is a valid point of view, but the only downside might be coining the idea that we are “squatters mentality”. We can push ourselves to push on and not the government who will do it to us, I get the syllogism however refrain from stereotyping our own countrymen. BAH!
My sentiments exactly. i get the message of the article, i just wanted to say this ” but the only downside might be coining the idea that we are “squatters mentalityâ€.”. – IT’S SO EASY TO UNDERSTAND. No need to get mad. 🙂
it is only appropriate to tag all Filipinos (in this case,in Ilda’s statement) because, come on, if MAJORITY of us doesnt have the squatters mentality, we wouldn’t have made a ridiculous nation
Heil Der Fuhrer! He likes to propagate and control der squatter mentality! His great nutzie genius created the CCT mendicancy program! Through his alms, the squatters become loyal to him and him alone! Do not shout “It’s so easy to understand” for you do not have the nutzie genius of der Fuhrer!
Instead of self-development livelihood plans and programs he envisioned this gimmick as a means to spread the propaganda of his greatness! No small or medium business enterprises just alms for the poor. Witness the clearing of BIR road and you will see squatter mentality at work! They rebelled, used home made explosives and even fired weapons! Der reich police has a hard time!
Witness the squatter mentality even in the reich senate where the senators shout and heckle the witnesses without respecting rights! This where they resort to argumentum ad hominem! Squatter mentality is there whether high medium or low! Heil Der Fuhrer!
I personally blame it on history and race. Haha
If you feel that you cannot trust the media, then do something about it. Go find another source of information. Be more skeptical and analyse all points of view.
Which part of the article is stereotyping? And did the article refer to every Filipino? Please be specific.
Nothing wrong with using the term “squatter mentality.” Take note of my explanation above.
Ms. Ilda gusto ko lang po magpasalamat sa mga articles niyo, eye-opener po silang lahat. Everyday, I got to read about something “new” news (paulit ulit na lang kasi yung mga balita sa e-newspaper and net). Your articles make me realized a lot of things and lately it made me see the picture how I was thinking when I was still staying in the Philippines and how different I am in seeing the things now. Sabi nga nila maappreciate mo yung painting kung nasa malayo mo siya titingnan. Don’t get me wrong, I love Philippines and I would go back there in a beat! Philippines is my home, my only home! But I can also honestly say I would want to be part of a country where I could get a give and take relationship from the government and right now, Philippines isn’t. Maybe that’s one of the reasons when expats like me would rather migrate to another country than going back to Pinas. I will still look forward to the day when I can say, I would go back to the Philippines rather than be presented with a choice of being part of another country, an adopted home.
@ja en
Thank you for reading it. It is good you are doing something with your life. People should not rely too much on the government for their wellbeing. But we do have to watch what they are doing. They are being paid by the people to manage public funds not to squander it.
I don’t like GMA because here PR people suck big time.
It’s also the reason why I don’t like Noynoy as well.
What I don’t like more than liars are obvious liars. Hard to find honest people these days.
I agree with you. People forget about presumption of innocence. As it is, GMA is already guilty in the public’s eye (As PNoy will be if he doesn’t alleviate poverty and please the ‘squatters’). If the courts let her off because the prosecutions case is weak, they will say, ay they already are, that the courts are tainted. Yan ang mentalidad ‘squatter’. I hope (for his sake) that PNoy’s successor will not be as vindictive or as inept as he is and actually work for the country’s good without having to set somebody up to take the blame if he fails. I bet if PNoy, even after putting GMA behind bars (let’s just say), still fails as President, it will still be GMA’s fault.
It is possible that he will say that it is difficult to do his job after GMA.
very well said…thanks for this article!
I second that 🙂
to dru, Ilda’s not trying to mock the squatters per se, instead it is the “Squatter mentality” that she’s talking about…
I’m glad you get the point too.
Der Fuhrer propagates squatter mentality when he loves his MILF friends on one hand and blames the military for its losses of galant men in Al_barka without assuming responsibility on the other hand!
His late response to the Luneta Hostage Crisis is also squatter mentality when he failed his responsibility in not even apologizing to the victims families!
Der great fuhrer’s smoking aboard a PAL B-747 flight from the US is squatters mentality as it also shows his abuse of power and criminal tendencies! Heil Der great Fuhrer!
Hmmmmm, this seems strange ‘coz I know exactly why I hate GMA and why I hate PNOY too. 🙂
Why do you hate GMA?
Der Fuhrer was hit hard by a pro-democracy newspaper! It appears there is a conspiracy plot to murder the tagged yellow star of David Frau Arroyo!
The Plot, known as operation plan: “Put the little girl to sleep,” was published in the pro-democracy newspaper Philippine Star(headline page 8) dated 12/1/2011.
Perhaps the Fuhrer should look back in history and remember operation valkyrie. Sieg heil!
if there’s one filipino trait that i am very keen to abolish, it’s self-entitlement. pinoys took the saying “ang di lumingon sa pinanggalingan di makakarating sa paroroonan” to a different level.
those with the so-called “iskwa mentality” are experts on that. take a look at the people the masa keep bringing into office. it’s either they go for the glitzy, glamorous showbiz personality because they’re simply gagging for deflected glory, or the one who promises to “help the poor” or who claims to “know what it’s like to be poor”. they either want someone to leech on or to commiserate with their plight– much like the real heroes of the BS telenovelas they wolf down on a daily basis.
those rose coloured specs need to be taken off, island people! progress doesn’t happen overnight and YES, you have to WORK TOWARDS IT.
Spot on, Bechay. Apparently, Manny Villar wasn’t poor enough to win but PNoy was rich and influencial enough to win. Go figure.
you’re right on the money, ILDA. this piece should reach mainstream media, and those squatters in the palace. how about posting this in aquino pages?
good job!
Thanks ammore! How I wish.
you are also so right about “entitlement.” this president thinks he is heaven-sent, and his followers regard him as some kind of royalty courtesy of people power. it’s about time we dump him onto the pasig river for him to realize his thought processes are MUD.
Moral of the day: Apathy, especially when talking about issues like the ones that most of us here are discussing everyday without bias, kills…
This is a well-written article. I commend the author. However, I don’t think she have completely grasped the truth on the issues. The majority of the people is not that dumb. The majority is the silent crowd, just watching as the events unfold. I think the majority feel relieved that finally; though PNoy is seen inefficient, etc; GMA is behind bars. Sa ospital pa pala. I don’t like giving advices, pero I’m giving the author one anyway. Subukan mong pumasok sa isang elementary na public school. Manatili ka don ng kahit 30 minutes. Isipin mo kung yong perang “nakuha” nila, iginastos don. Ano kaya ang pinagkaiba? Kung di ka mapapamura kahit isang salita, maybe you are living in that perfect and dreamy world created by Nicholas Sparks. Get REAL!
Are you blaming GMA solely for what happened to your local public school? Did you see GMA pocket the funds? Do you think GMA is the only one involved in what you think is stealing of the funds? Did you write a letter to your local representative about the problem? What else did you do to get the attention of the local authorities? Why are you only complaining about it now?
You are right that the majority of the people may not be dumb and are just silent. But it may be because the Aquino Regime may be efficient in keeping them silent. They after all have the support of media and others, who can pretend to be the voice of the people, when they actually only represent their own voices.
What he said. 😀
have you ever tried your advise yourself?
saka, yung perang ‘nakuha’ nila sounds silly.
sinong sila, magkano? pano mo nalaman ‘sila’ nga? ano katibayan mo? at bakit ka napapamura sa galit kanino? sa ‘kanila’? o sa kawalan mo ng tama at balanseng information about facts?
no offense but i think you should be the one that needs to wake up and get real.
sabi nga dito diba, kahit makulong si Gloria… you will still be entering the very same public elementary school you’re talking about. even after PNoys term is done.
get real…
It’s not really his own public elem. school. This sounds more and more like a propaganda as I read through the comments….
what could we expect from a zero analysis person like yourself, captain facepalm? everything that isn’t gloria-hating is propaganda, right? genius.
“everything that isn’t gloria-hating is propaganda, right?”
errrr….you said that…only you said that….You might have thought that you’re perspective in this issue might not only be the existing nor the right perspective.
you presume to read minds when you barely could squeeze the juice out of your own.
it doesn’t matter whether you agree with what i think is the right perspective. what matters is you’re told, perhaps indirectly as it were, that YOUR posts sound like they came from a propagandist themselves. who cares if you don’t agree that i say so? even i don’t.
then nothing’s solved. our ranting here just showed that if we can’t unite on a common issue, we can’t act decisively. Did I make you believe something for you to call me a propagandist? I was just asking you to open up your mind more. More than that’s open up now. Not everything is it seems to be. My mistake is to have started commenting at all. Damn, I just can’t stop my fingers you are too exciting to miss.
oh, i’m too sleepy to even start expounding on what i think of you and your comments.
i’m sure you’ve heard that the classic way to keep idiots in suspense is
have you ever asked yourself what happened to the pork barrel given to your congressman? or the supposedly budget for education of your mayor or even the plan that should be made by the city treasury? Why blame GMA for the condition of your public elementary school when the closest supposedly “public servants” in your place just sit back and relax and be as idle as they can be while you get irrational and put all the blame to GMA? Oh I get it, because you yourself chose to just sit back and curse and be idle just like those couch potatoes.
I am not blaming GMA for anything. She did what she did because the country allowed her to. I agree that, in a way, the Filipino people deserves where we are right now, politically and economically.
What I am trying to say is that we should DOWNPLAY the crimes GMA and company did. I understand that there are countless corrupt officials right now. I am just glad that we are now on the process of bringing down a bunch of them.
*Should not downplay, pala. Sorry! 🙂
And also, speaking of Congressmen, mayor, etc. I hope masali yong congressman namin dito. Kasali yon sa mga sumipsip kay GMA nong term nya.
for someone who asks not to downplay what gloria’s being accused of, you certainly have no trouble playing it up and exaggerating what you think you know as if you’ve proven the charges. golden rule, pal.
here’s something you’ll find interesting: when you said “She did what she did because the country allowed her to” i immediately thought of de lima and her defiance of the supreme court. now, that’s impunity, and pinoys are letting it happen.
I have made the right choice not voting for PNoy.. I have always think of him as napilitan lang tumakbo dahil sa mag tao sa paligid nia.. he doesn’t have the sense of responsibility kasi hindi naman tlga niya ginusto toh.. Kaya tingnan niyo na lang ung mga proposed changes niya.. Will it help the Philippines if we change the name of EDSA?? c’mon.. eh kung tinutulungan niya tau dun sa RH bill.. mas ok pa un..
Yes, napilitan lang sya tumakbo. Which is why he seems unmotivated to fulfil the election promise that was written for him.
Good read! I share your views! Madaming kumukunsinti sa corruption. I was once guilty of that… Its an easy way out eh…. Pay 200 vs 500 on atraffic violation… Seemed very practical, but we are actually feeding a corrupt future. We need to enf this, we need to be responsible and accountable for our actions. Kung ayaw mo mahuli, wag kang gumawa ng mali, at wag mOng hayaan ang iba na abusuhin ang bansa/kapwa natin. Pnoy has never done anything. Swerte lang sha na aquino apelyido nya.
That’s correct. When you offer bribes to traffic enforcers, you encourage corrupt behaviour.
May I deviate …
I AM one of the silent majority. I have nephews and nieces in public school. During PGMA’s time they were given free rice, notebooks and other things needed by a child and her/his family. Now, wala na yan! We were grateful for the help from the national government. But we were happy that tax we are paying are being used to help the filipino people.
During PGMA’s time, the kilo of rice is P17. Magkano na ngayon? P43? At least nuon meron natitira sa sweldo. Ngayon? Puro utang. Excuse me but PGMA made it easier for low wage earners to live! Many are getting hungry.
I believe she is innocent from all the crimes she is being accused of by this vengeful government. Noynoy is a SICK man, he needs help.
We just want to be able to live in dignity, we expect our government to work for us not against us. We will do our best to be a good citizens and follow the law. But we expect the Executive to uphold the Law.
Ayan Cris, here’s the answer to your challenge.
It is too sad that we had elected someone who is not at all fulfilling his promises during election. I hope that our kababayans will finally snap out of their yellow mind control and elect someone who is much more competent than that wannabe incompetent yellow dictator.
Thanks for your input, Ana. There’s nothing like reading realistic comments.
Now you can believe what you want to believe…but I would label this as biased…
What would you label as “objective,” then?
Si Mam Ilda eh “Girl Kontra” na:
A) maka GMA
B) anti-PNoy
c) All-of-the Above
Which part of the article made you think that I am either “maka GMA” or “anti PNoy”?
the whole thing po. And let me-add po, reading the article, na imagine ko rin po na parang “anti-pinoy” po kayo. The way you say and describe “most filipinos” in your article, parang na-alala ko po yung commercial na “Walang ganyan sa States”.
For me po kasi, contrary to your post title, the Filipinos don’t blame Gloria for everything. The Filipinos blame her for all the improper things she did. It started nung sinabi nya na hindi na sya tatakbo sa elections after Edsa2, then nasundan pa ng iba-ibang incidents (Hello Garci, ZTE deal, money on paper bags for the Governors, having 2 congressman as sons, midnight appointments, etc., and last eh yung recent attempt nya na lumabas ng bansa). Sure, me mga lusot sya sa mga maaring ikaso sa kanya, or maybe hindi mag hold in court ang evidence laban sa kanya; but I do believe na me mga sariling pang-unawa naman ang bawat Pilipino at naiintindihan naman namin kung binobola na kami ng mga press releases or not. Naintindihan ng “most Filipinos” na pag me ginawang hindi tama ang isang tao, lalo na ang isang pinuno ng bansa, ito ay hindi dapat palampasahin at bigyan dapat ng kaukulang parusa. And hindi mo na kelangang maging squatter pa upang maintindihan mo yan.
Was changing her mind about running a second term a criminal offense? I’m sure you changed your mind about something too on several occasions. It is our prerogative. It is a free country.
Where are the people who were accusing her of shenanigans regarding the ZTE deal and money in paper bags? Why isn’t she being charged for those alleged crimes? Ahh..because there is no evidence or if there ever was, it was weak and the witnesses are unwilling to cooperate because this could implicate them and other people too.
Why did PNoy vote against playing the “hello garci” tape that could have revealed the truth behind the allegations? Please ask PNoy about it.
Who voted for her sons as Congressmen? It was the people. GMA did not put them there.
She wasn’t violating the law when she appointed Corona. It is only PNoy who keeps insisting that they were midnight appointees.
Sure she needs to answer in court but only when there is a case against her. If none, it’s all hearsay. Wag ka masyadong maniwala sa tsismis.
This article is not about the poor. It’s about people with squatter mentality, which includes the rich.
Obvious ka.
Nabasa mo ba yung other articles mo? wala kang ginawa kundi batikusin si noynoy.
Lulusot pa eh.
E ano naman kung binatikos niya si Noynoy?
Lulusot ka pa e utak squatter ka naman. 😛
@Byron Villegas,
suggest you read the article first…not the pictures.
What’s wrong with it, anyway?
You’re an avid fan of the local news that you refuse to take an opinion out of the ordinary.
What do you mean by “Most Filipinos”? Did you actually count them? do you have a concrete proof? It’s better if you have one you know, like a link to a survey or something. It’ll make this article worth reading, or else it’s just a load of someone else’s bullshit. GMA is not an ordinary citizen, so someone on that level needs to be dealt with in an extraordinary way. I just hate it when someone generalizes Filipinos and claim that he/she knows better. We do not need “analyses” rather we need “solutions”. Though unfortunately you are free to bash as much as you want and I can’t stop you because it’s your right but I just felt like contradicting you which you should’ve expected from replies. ayt….
oh sure…most filipinos do have squatter’s mentality…there’s no need to back it up with statistics…if it is not true, they wouldn’t be electing someone noynoy aquino.
Well if there were only a “few” Filipinos with squatter mentality, the country wouldn’t be in this sorry situation.
I can’t believe you failed to see the solutions written all over the article itself. *facepalm*
You want figures? Here: 15,208,678. Source: something better than a survey because it’s from the entire data set rather than just a sampling.
Granted, that’s not really the majority of Filipinos (it’s not more than 50%), but majority isn’t really what the rules require to have the expected result.
Who needs statistics when you can just get out of your house and look around? Unless you’re in an exclusive subdivision and the only familiar routes for you are the one leading to a party hub and the one going back to your extravagant living space.
@another *Facepalm*:
for someone who demands ‘proof’, you’ve been gullible enough to have fallen for all the things they accuse the arroyos – all in the absence of ‘proof.’
what kind of dumb hypocrisy is that?
oh, wait. don’t answer that. it’s obviously the kind of dumb hypocrisy MOST FILIPINOS employ in pretending to be on a high horse.
(oh please PLEASE tell me you hated it when i said MOST FILIPINOS please oh please!)
if you don’t like analyses but you like solutions, you should go back to elementary school and look up “scientific method.” it’s what got our ancestors out of primitive living conditions. they say you can solve problems usually when you actually KNOW your problems, otherwise your “solution” might not be even worth the toilet paper it’s wiped on.
okay, pumpkin?
We already knew the problems….What we are doing is just keep on ranting on the problems and not even bothering to solve that….”absence of proof” you say? Didn’t she personally say sorry for manipulating the elections? Oh I see. A supporter. So the smell of propaganda is real.
her saying “sorry” was “proof”? proof of what? it certainly proves she said what she said when she said what she said, but other than that, you’re left with glaring assumptions. there’s a world of difference, in case you didn’t know.
if this PROVES everything you say it does, how come nobody (not even a stupendous polymath like yourself who’s got P-R-O-O-F) could do anything about it right from that time? oh, wait. it doesn’t. (and it doesn’t take a pro-gloria person to see that coming, but i overestimated your ability to figure left from your other left.) (i’m not pro-gloria, btw. i’m just anti-idiot. man there’s too many! don’t forget to renew your membership card, captain facepalm.)
tsk tsk tsk. better check the definition of “proof”, “evidence”, and might as well check what “wholesale assumption” means, einstein.
next time you decide to use big words like “propaganda”, try not to make it obvious that you don’t even know the meaning of the word. that word is just too big for you.
The irony here is how people who accuse us of being a propaganda machine tend to be the sorts who call us “pro-GMA” or anti this or anti that and fail to realise that slapping labels on people and messages is a fundamental approach of propaganda. 😛
“GMA is not an ordinary citizen, so someone on that level needs to be dealt with in an extraordinary way.”
By “extraordinary” do you mean “extrajudicial?”
“We do not need “analyses†rather we need “solutionsâ€.”
Then what are YOUR solutions?
“but I just felt like contradicting you which you should’ve expected from replies”
Seriously? You “just felt like” it?
So that’s the reason why your reasoning is faulty. Solution comes first before the analysis or solution without analysis.
There no such thing as solution without the analysis.
captain facepalm likes to put the cart before the horse, the “fire!” before the “aim!”, the mouthing off before the thought.
it’s stupid, but this genius gets off on being blissfully dumb.
Well, for people reacting negatively to this article, as what they say, the truth hurts. Let’s just work to better ourselves and raise our children to be better citizens of this country. 🙂
Problem is the system especially in schools where they teach us that Aquino’s are saints, Marcos’ is the anti-Aquino/Christ and watching Willing Willie will teach you how to live good in the Philippines.
Sure education/morals/life starts in the family but when we start sending kids to schools that claim they’re right and the parents are wrong, then it’ll be for naught.
great article ms. ilda. do you have more articles that i can read? thanks!
Hi earthbender
I have like over a hundred articles for you to read. I’ll just give you the link to a few if you care to read it:
President Noynoy Aquino and the instability he created is really bad for the economy
The Noynoy Aquino government is turning the Philippines into a vindictive society
PNoy and his staff: Is ignoring the law their prerogative?
Why is it so hard for Filipinos to just obey the law?
Filipinos need to work on their ego
Filipinos cannot progress if they cannot follow even simple guidelines
Manila: a ‘dump’ according to travel blogger
Philippines: Stuck in reverse since Independence Day
Thanks! 🙂
Before you accuse the author of generalizing with the use of “Filipinos,” “most Filipinos,” etc… doesn’t everyone use this? So why pick on the author? Diversion by unnecessary nitpicking.
[rant]IMHO, the fact that people insist on nitpicking certain parts of the article instead of trying to refute it as a whole says a lot about how much they really understand it.
No, scratch that – it begs the question of whether or not they even bothered to understand it.[/rant]
it’s not a matter of understanding, it’s a matter of it being believable or not….one look at it ( I read and comprehend fast )and it’s just “unfounded accusations” without a concrete evidence to back it up. Well, if she insists on it then what can I do? We are perfectly free to express our opinions but don’t forget that other people are free to have opinions pro or against your opinion.
capt. facepalm, if you live in a world where understanding and believing are mutually exclusive, you might actually be called sane.
you might THINK you comprehend fast, but your reading comprehension drops just as quickly.
when you said “it’s just ‘unfounded accusations’ without a concrete evidence to back it up” that was just the most amazingly hypocritical thing to hear from someone who sides with the ones doing the accusing and defying even the supreme court. a bevy of accusations yet only one official charge made. what, can’t substantiate the rest of the yellow propaganda fabrications? i didn’t think so.
you’re quite a piece of work, facepalm. and it’s the kind of work that entails a lot of heaving and pushing. buy a laxative before you comment, okay pumpkin?
They focus on the wrong things.
Everyone? really?
“And by the way, you’ll only get diverted if you’re too shallow minded which I hope you’re not.”
o rly?
your “Everyone? really?” comment is practically the shallowest comment here. up the dosage so i can help you burp okay, sweetie?
Why pick on the author? So, you do believe, that everyone should just shower her with praises and agreements? Wouldn’t just be stupid? If the author is picking on “most Filipinos” can’t I pick her too?
And by the way, you’ll only get diverted if you’re too shallow minded which I hope you’re not.
@ another *Facepalm*
So what should we shower her then?
If you want to pick her, on what grounds?
You disagree that it is not “MOST FILIPINOS”.. If it is not, then why is our country in it’s current state?
Please give some info or at least a convincing rebuttal that it is not “Most Filipinos”. Why is it NOT “Most Filipinos”?
here’s the difference, pay attention, facepalm.
she didn’t “pick on” your beloved “most filipinos”.
you did, however, admit that you were picking on the author.
that doesn’t ENTITLE your royal badness to pick on her. capisce?
you’re not required to shower her with praise or agreement. you can disagree with what she says, you can even even put your hand in a running blender. it is a democracy after all. but picking on the author reveals how much you have in common with peabrain pnoy: you’re so yellow you only know how to kick people who aren’t kicking you back.
at least pnoy gets paid to do his masters’ bidding. but what does that make you?
You are very right in the usage of “Squatters Mentality”. As long as this type of mentality is not stopped, our country will never change, will remain stagnant and will never catch up to the progress of our country’s immediate neighbours. And until the Philippines Media particularly the broadcast media stop perpetuating the “Squatters Mentality” including other educators and start educating the people on right and wrong of all aspects of correct living and understanding then there is a chance for our country to progress at greater heights under a unified people.
Now that is a proper solution!
I disagree.
This is an incomplete solution.
For one, we cannot stop the media. We don’t own the media nor their sponsors.
Another, let’s not put all the burden to our educators. That’s pointing fingers again – squatter mentality.
We should begin with ourselves – to have enough self-discipline to pay correct dues to the government, to obey and not circumvent the law, to act as godly people (doing what is right even when there is no one looking) and INFORMING FRIENDS AND FAMILY ON WHAT IS WRONG IN THIS COUNTRY so they would know what is right.
That’s getting real on the problems we’re facing.
Why do most Filipinos expect showbiz stars and sportsmen to become maharlikas (i.e. congressmen, senators, cabinet officials, generals, etc.)?
Because the celebs themselves are taught to be role models, under pain of having their reputation destroyed by controversies unknown to them and/or made up for no factual reason at all.
Imagine Bea Binene, Japoy Lizardo, and Czarina Gatbonton being more qualified to run for Member of Parliament?
I don’t get why politicians are treated like gods. That is part of the reason why even some of the people I know are appalled that I criticise the government. How else can they shape up?!?
If you are a politician (speaking from a politician’s view but I am not a politician, only an “imaginative” person), you’d like to exercise control. When someone controls, they are said to be treated as gods. It’s all a matter of control.
To me, politicians should be nothing more than mere people who only diverts people’s tax into something that can be useful.
If there is a need to distinguish who are the ‘gods’ around, I’d argue that it would be the citizens.
I thought politicians should be “public servants”.
Where did this gods and control come from anyway?
If you are a politician (speaking from a politician’s view but I am not a politician, only an “imaginative†person), you’d like to exercise control. When someone controls, they are said to be treated as gods. It’s all a matter of control.
wrong, wrong, wrong again capt. facepalm. (mabilis daw makaintindi, yun pala mabilis lang magbasa pero di naman naiintindihan.)
politicians “treated as gods” means they couldn’t be criticized or challenged despite the horrible way they behave, their pandering and posing as public servants.
the question was why people treat them like gods you can’t speak against, and your answer was because politicians like to exercise control. ang layo, p’re. nakainom ka ba?
does the phrase “5,000 MILES” mean anything to you?
bulutongboy was right when he raised “Where did this gods and control come from anyway?”
next time intindihin mo yung pinag-uusapan bago sumali at humirit ha. singit ng singit palpak naman.
Expects? really? everyone in showbiz and sports?
Let me reiterate something from one of our colleagues here… even if GMA is convicted or dead, the country will remain the same. Where is the justice in that?
Justice is in the matter of making GMA pay for whatever she has done. Try to think what will not remain the same if she is convicted. Let’s say the complacency of corrupting officials? Depending on your definition of justice, you might say there is no justice at everything at all.
you need to get yourself a clue, isapang*mukhangpalad*. it’s shopping
season. surely you can buy some in divisoria.
you don’t fix things by breaking something else that isn’t supposed to be broken (like, say, the freaking LAW). you don’t defend the constitution by being its most blatant violator. you don’t end corruption by picking some people to axe while letting your own corrupt people go scott free without so much as a bar of soap jammed in the mouth.
justice has to be reached with due process. without due process, however the judgment was reached is subject to doubt and skepticism.
“due process” is something you should look up, really. come back when you have. otherwise, you’re just conveniently ignoring the key arguments that stare you in the face (which, by the way, makes you look just as stupid as lacierda and carandang look when they’re put in their place by rep. mitos magsaysay).
You should have realized that what might be wrong after all is the law itself, and that some people are risking their positions to follow the ethical law rather than the law that doesn’t even protect justice? I was making a situational comment, if you have realized based on the comment I was commenting on. What if…he is asking ” what is the justice in that?” so I answered “then it could be..”. If you want to continue commenting in a fanatic kind of way then do so. Just know that it isn’t the smartest thing to do because you’ll just display how stupid you are.
too late. i’m already showing everyone how stupid you are.
but that’s too easy.
what matters is, you’re in no position to say the law is wrong, or any other law you can name could be presumed to be in effect. what’s clear is that pnoy is using his power to influence what he really shouldn’t, like the judiciary for instance. whether what he’s doing is ethical is not for you and millions of idiots to agree on.
so, let’s not get too caught up with how i flatten your feeble comebacks. you know who’s your daddy, right? right.
Unfortunately, you only feel that you “flatten” my comebacks, when the truth here is I’m laughing my ass off at your comebacks. I always like thinking out of the box. I just said it “might” be wrong. I’m in a position to say it since I just said it. If you are in the side of abiding the law to the book then so be it. Stupidity is a matter of perspective. You’re stupid to me, I’m stupid to you, fair enough.
you laugh at how you get owned? you should get professional help.
thinking out of the box means actually understanding the workings INSIDE the box and bypassing it all to get something to work. setting aside all nuances of the metaphor, you obviously, most certainly, have no mastery of the workings inside the proverbial box.
i rest my case, and i need my sleep. send my regards to your buddies at arkham.
“You should have realized that what might be wrong after all is the law itself,”
Then you amend the law.
What good is law if all you’re going to ultimately do is break it?
“You should have realized that what might be wrong after all is the law itself”
So you say if someone thinks the law is wrong, he should disregard it and break it, like the President and his staff did. Someone or anyone would always say that the law is wrong. That doesn’t give them the license to break the law or we would end up in a lawless society.
No offense, but you have the squatter mentality. They always think that the law is wrong so they could just break it to get the results they want.
You have to understand the implications of what you’re saying or the actions you’re defending, my friend.
This Fpalm is a troll.
Who wants to argue with a guy who can make a solution without analysis?
According to him –
“Justice is in the matter of making GMA pay for whatever she has done. Try to think what will not remain the same if she is convicted.”
From that one, it is evident how this person’s analytic ability works.
“Stupidity is not the worst thing in then world, it’s the stupid trying to pass itself off as smart.”
The solution usually presents itself once you’ve identified the problem.
I’m not good in english so, mas maraming tagalog nalang ang comment ko.
The article is great. Tama yung mga ibang nagcomment, mas matinong basahin ang ganitong article kesa sa mga paulit-ulit na di mo maintindihan at di maexplain ng maayos yung gustong ipabatid sa readers.
Pinakagusto ko yung 2nd reason:
“Most Filipinos need to blame someone for the lack of progress in their own personal lives. […]”
Ewan ko ba sa mga galit kay GMA, parang puro kamalian nalang yata nakikita nila. Parang isang sheet of white bond paper, pag nilagyan mo ng isang black dot, yung agad ang una mong mapapansin, baliwala na yung kaputian nya.
I’m not a pro-GMA, pero ito lang masasabi ko:
Hindi lang si GMA ang naging corrupt at dapat sisihin kung bakit di pa rin umuunlad ang bansang Pilipinas.
– Sa mga umuunlad na mamamayan, ipagpatuloy ang naumpisahang pag-unlad.
Sa mga naghihirap pa rin, umpisahan at pag-aralan nyong umunlad.
– Hindi kasalanan ng isang mamayan ang ipinangak s’yang mahirap,
pero kasalanang nyang mamamatay s’yang mahirap.
We can’t do everything at once. If the country is focused on GMA, they say that “Bakit laging si GMA lang ang nakikita”….echos….
ilda the best ka! i love you pakasal na tayo!
Someone posted 15m….15m what??! plz complete it. I was expecting like some kind of 80% believe this 20 % believe that…How did you possibly know? Have you asked every Filipino about their opinion? Statistics could HELP GREATLY in trying to validate your argument and I’m always looking for articles that inform or persuade through use of reliable data and not just “feeling”. I’m not against what you are saying, I am just making you to convince me of what you are saying because right now I’m not. It’s like most Filipinos believe this and that blah blah blah…and to take note that the title should be “Ten PROBABLE reasons”…so more or less you’re making it up and unfortunately stirred some of the readers here who thinks they’re one with your idea. Well fine if you can’t suggest any solutions. At least you’ve managed to write something out of thin air. Please learn to mark the line between a fact and a propaganda. And if you get the facts straight, make sure to present it straight….ayt
you want data and stats to chew on, go to SWS and get them there.
oh, wait. that’s part of the yellow propaganda machine that dupe people on a regular basis about pnoy’s approval rating.
heck, i know you’ll love it there. i’m sure everything there won’t seem like propaganda to you because they’re pro-noynoy and they have “surveys” huh?
certainly everything that isn’t anti-gloria is propaganda, right? excellent.
If you have little brains left in you, you’ll realize that I am pertaining to the matter in which the message was delivered to be propaganda like for it could be misleading without the facts to back it up. I don’t care a tidbit if it’s anti-Gloria or not. The If the blogger was able to post the facts then better and much more convincing. I fear that you are too narrow minded for arguments. Can’t even argue properly. Come on. Just go interpreting my comments wrongly. I haven’t said nor implied that. It’s just you. Not me.
oh give me a break. for the tiny brain i seem to have left it seems to be working far better than yours, your proof-seeking-yet-proof-assumingness, er i mean your HIGHness.
up the dosage please. it’s so much fun.
How is it that your tiny brain works better than me? You just said that. Didn’t prove it. Therefore, useless. Let’s see. How do you judge? Do you immediately act on what you just heard or believe? No. You act by analyzing the facts. You pick out what is wrong. You use rational thinking. If you can’t get my drift then it’s pointless. I’ll just give you the chance to say you’re better than me without proving it. That’s another negative to point out, failure to prove anything.
getting slow huh? try to keep up.
not that it matters whether you’re convinced of ANYTHING, because it really doesn’t.
but if you must understand WHY and HOW exactly, i suggest you read everything else on this page again. if you still haven’t figured out by then, i wouldn’t be surprised. haha
Just as you said, in the end, it doesn’t matter to me what you think or to you what I think. I always read this issue in the school paper so I’m sick of it. It’s just the blogger wrote it in a worse way. If I can’t convince you then so be it. Nothing’s lost. Just curious where this “getting slow huh? try to keep up” thing comes from when it does not seem that way. Trying to convince yourself that you’re winning. Laughable.
what’s this “winning” thing? is this a game to you?
this isn’t a game. i’m not charlie sheen.
i just hang around, with hook, line, and sinker.
(missing you already, honeybunch.)
Oh wow. I mock your puny knowledge that is insufficient resulting in your inability to read between the lines. Here’s a solution: why don’t you let Google, Wikipedia and the rest of the Internet fill out some gaps?
Madame Ilda
Elibs pa rin talaga ako sa ‘yo madame. Long time no saw.
Pwedeng magdagdag.
11. Filipinos (like the Abnoyans) due to their “emo” traits you’ve mentioned cannot qualify that they are living in a government of laws. It’s the operational framework of our society or any society. Without a skeletal guidelines on how we engage ourselves in doing something our lives will be more chaotic.
I’m no Gloria fan… and neither am I an Abnoyan. Pero at this point this admin is hinting that they will nail the midget at whatever cost. Kahit walang batas.
If we’ve failed to bring an umbrella during the rainy season… if we cannot blame anybody else, we blame it on the rain. Hehehehe…
Hi Jet
Long time no read, indeed. Parang election season na naman. 😉
It is difficult for most Filipinos to understand that they have to follow the law or guidelines. That’s why I said in my previous article Filipinos cannot progress if they cannot even follow simple guidelines.
madame ilda
yeah long time no post. i’m posting on a different name on disqus comment boxes at the inquirer, time and gmatvnews. napansin ko sa mga threads of discussion, lahat ng articles pag nasimulan ng mga pro-Penoy ang pag comment there will be about 200 to 400 posts cussing the messenger and message. it’s like having a choir of morons and imbeciles singing in unison “GMA is Evil and Penoy is our saviour.” My gulay, they cannot even realize the incompetence of Penoy and Di Lema who’s had one year to file a case at court. Kasi puro shortcuts at pa pogi points. Look at that Justice Sec. she has a perpetual presence at the tri-media. Weekly lumalabas sya. Just last week sa isang dyaryo she has a picture where she’s on a target shooting practice (http://professionalheckler.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/1leila-de-lima.jpg). kundi ba naman bobo at kalahati yang doj secretary na yan.
neways your article is a good read.
It seems like they see more of each other outside Malacanang too. Which explains why PNoy appears to be turning a blind eye to the gaffes.
Human nature and distinct Pinoy traits…which is which?
Puro maka gloria dito, mahirap kumomento, masyadong sarado pag-iisip sa totoo. pati yung author halatang naghahanap ng kakampi. magaling ang pagkaintindi ni Dru, sya lang ata naka-intindi sa nangyayari dito. Ininilipat ang mali sa taong bayan.. REMEMBER ang article ay nagngangalan “Ten reasons why Filipinos blame Gloria Arroyo for everything” pero ang nabasa ko ay, pagbabaliktad lamang sa mga rason na ito. isa lang ang kelangan mo malaman AUTHOR.. ANG PINOY GALIT SA KRIMINAL. ngayon bakit galit sila kay GMA?… well, di na need i spoon feed sayo.nag-aral ka naman. intindihin mo na
ang MAY UTAK na pinoy naman, galit sa tanga. kaso ang daming tanga. kaya nga kayo minumulat eh.
Reserved judgement is better than believing that she is “innocent until proven guilty”. People who are saying “tanga” to others is 10x more “tanga” than the others he is saying “tanga” to because he doesn’t know anything to say but “tanga”….di ba “tanga”?
ditto, smartypants. except you’ve just told us you’re 100x as much as the other guy.
up the dosage, genius.
“innocent until proven guilty” is how it should work, regardless of what your reserved judgment is.
Well then more points for the one who said it first I say ^_^…Well then if you are more inclined to the innocence of GMA then be it. I’m more, let’s see, refusing her innocence and guilt. That’s my opinion. Feel free to bash. And btw I’m not a genius. I just use my brain.
I see you carefully omitted the “T” word to avoid being 1000x as much as the other guy. Well, good thinking. I’ll give it to you.
use it for all it’s worth. it’s probably a bargain. (man, you’re easy to bait.)
Baited it is. Believe that you won if you must.
Na convict na ba si GMA?
@pinoy: pero si jun lozada hindi galit sa sarili kahit magnanakaw.
lol…the guy just felt compelled to tell the truth after he got stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Evidence number 1!
Just like in every controversial blog you come across, usually the first comment you see is a one that goes against the blog. Jeebus. Can’t Filipinos get enough of crab mentality?
It’s just like someone to go all “hugas-kamay” in not knowing what Ilda pertains to. Obviously yes, we’ve come across the kind of people that she calls in her blog as “squatter” as a generalization, but it’s not really meant to offend each and every squatter in the Philippines.
WTH. If I didn’t know better I’d have gone out and called “papansin” on that comment.
No wait. I just did.
You’ll know if a blog is one-sided or in median…uhmm, isn’t it normal to contradict if you do not believe in the same thing? Why the hell would you call that “crab mentality”? You write as though you don’t really know what you are saying. Might have just left the *trollface* comment alone.
agreed. well, we’re just stating our opinions, and just asking some questions, or just looking for clarifications. take it easy, brother Milk.
4. Most Filipinos need a diversion.
I agree, and here’s a related perspective:
I have heard a way of thinking where people would distinguish their anxieties as an enemy, for the sake of generating a driving motivation to do something.
This ‘enemy’ can be a formless/symbolic thought which is something they need to defeat.
Who knows – maybe GMA serves as the chop-wood for people’s burning, misdirected motivation.
Oops…minumulat??? What may be happening is brainwashing…
Brainwashing? Are you referring to Malacañang’s daily activity?
“what MAY be”…carefull choice of words could be the difference is conveying a message. Covering the truth is staple of every government trying to preserve order. People don’t get my point so I might as well back off. Let them be as they were.
I get your message another *Facepalm*.
You want to say that Ilda’s article is merely unsubstantiated opinion. That because there are no factual figures she should have used words like “maybe the reasons” or “probable reasons”.
You are the one who’s really not getting it. Ilda uses inference to draw out these conclusions. Inference meaning if you think of all the reasons, noble and ignoble, you will end up that the reasons from Filipinos are ignoble.
We cannot infer that it is noble since Filipinos have performed public insinuations of previous officials yet nothing good came out of it – like better voted officials or more law-abiding citizens or better family planning. Just worse and worse.
Ilda is correct in the conclusion that the reasons Filipino (majority of us) have are definitely not for the greater good rather an scapegoating act. Same way that the Law of Gravity became a law through inference since everything you throw up goes down.
The guy is focussing on the wrong thing. He is what you call a time waster.
I’ve seen so many people makes comments like him – always wanting statistical facts just to discredit anyone so they would look smart (a common Filipino trait). Forgetting that there are also observable facts, logic and deduction.
He’s trying to say that the reason that Filipinos want GMA punished could be our people’s “sense of justice”.
Funny how that sounds.
Here’s the guiding principle when dealing with bozos like that:
That the radius of a ballbearing varies by nanometers over its surface at micro scales does not invalidate any claim of its spherical nature at macro scales.
Bozos who fixate on quibbling about how the surface of the proverbial ballbearing at the microscopic level is bumpy and coarse owing to microscopic imperfections and its granular molecular structure fail to appreciate its smooth spherical appearance when they step further back and regard it from a wider macro perspective.
Aquino is providing the ammunitions being used against him. Don’t blame this blog if it happens to be firing at Pnoy and his incompetent ilk most of the time.
Hi Ma’am Ilda,
Can you please site us a report regarding this:
“she cheated during the 2004 election”
It seems that you consider “an average Filipino” knows nothing about these.
As far as I know, the police on duty during the elections admitted to this OR questioned about this?
And how come can the late FPJ get a ZERO vote in a certain barangay/district in Mindanao? I guess that’s just plain stupidity?
What happened with the case against Arroyo regarding the 2004 election?
If they had a strong evidence to support their claim, why couldn’t they convict her?
It’s all about the money Ma’am. I know your wise enough to know what I mean. Happens in movies, happens in real life. Thanks for your reply though, I really appreciated it.
I don’t like questions that are too vague. I consider them time wasters. Please be more specific next time.
“I am sorry.” -GMA
Bakit nga ba nag-sorry si GMA? hmmm… :)))
Doesn’t it make you feel sick in the stomach just witnessing and hearing all the drama that’s going on? Given our history, there never was any recompense for all the crimes our dear politicians have committed. From Marcos, Erap, CGMA and th…e numerous pending cases vs. lesser politicians, what does a nation have to show after TWO peaceful revolutions?
Did the sequestration, freezing of assets and demonizing made our national debt any lesser? Did it make our electorate any wiser? Did it make the ordinary Juan empowered?
I say no to all the questions, so for all the spectacle the media is now presenting, it is best to introspect, with the help of this article, on the moral of the story and hopefully FINALLY learn from it.
It is hard to reverse the minds-sets of Filipinos. We’re mostly Wowoowee people; gullible; and mostly ignorant of our rights and responsibilities , as citizens…Politics is played on the worse level. Blame the past President, to cover your incompetence..
The Aquinos and the Cojuangcos are Pointing out the Corruption and Greed of their Political Opponents. However, they do not look at their own Greed. Swindling the Filipinos. The way, they acquired their Hacienda Luisita, by Dubious means. They own 80% of the agricultural lands in Tarlac. Depriving the people there of their lands. And making them, their Serfs/Tenants. If you pay your farm worker: U.S. 25 cents a day. and murder them; wnen they complain. Using the Philippine Army, as your murdering tool, because you are in power…what is this? Is this not the worse: Abuse of Power, Hypocrisy and the Ultimate Greed? Just look at Noynoy Aquino’s Pork Barrel Fund proposal for 2012…it’s multi-Billion pesos…Lumabas na ang natural, ang Mongoloid Idiot…We must strengthen the Power of the Judiciary…and see to it, that they are not above the law…no one is above the law…
De Lima embodies the very pinoy mentality that made corruption so widespread in the Philippines—Just because she perceived or presumed a leader to be corrupt, she felt she had every justification to violate human rights (ironically) and defy the basic laws of the land.
People like this justify their abuses by blaming others especially their leaders. Rather than acknowledge their own shortcomings, they resort to convenient excuses to refuse to work more resourcefully and innovatively within the bounds of the law for the improvement of their own circumstances.
You will notice that people easily drawn into this herd mentality are the very same kind of people unable to think critically by themselves—Their thinking is easily swayed by media and whichever crowd they happen to find themselves immersed–or whatever is simply fashionable to think or believe at the time.
GMA haters remind us of those radical groups in terrorist countries where rational thinking and level-headedness are substituted for ever-deepening hatred whose thirst for revenge is never quenched. This hate obsession over GMA has already reached a point where reasoning is impaired. The Supreme Court under this vindictive administration becomes the last bastion of truth and protector of sanity (whatever is left of it)—the voice of reason that would cut through the confusion and save us from the deterioration of society that chose to walk the “straight path” (“daang matuwid“) towards self-destruction—Thank you Supreme Court for rising to the occasion and slapping some sense into this pharisaically self-righteous administration.
ms. ilda do not erase my comment! i love you! pakasal na tayo!!! 🙂
Thank you for the good article. It is nice to see that many Filipinos are analytic and objective about the current GMA-legal drama. I am getting tired of seeing feeds on my FB wall featuring pictures of GMA’s mugshot with matching captions like “justice is served” —-for some reason no one seem to realize the IRONY of that caption. There is no justice if the law and the person’s bill of rights is defied. With your article, I am enlightened as to why so many Filipinos think/act the way they do (quite sad really).
Yes Maya, ‘not sure why they gloat too much over such a hollow and imagined prize whilst these few greedy and ambitious politicians and businessmen continue to exploit the country.
Those noytards act like dogs raving over some bone thrown to them to divert their attention while the real thieves plunder their master’s house with ease.
Wow what a load of garbage, but why should such blindness surprise us, after all, it is a fact that ted bundy still got tons of fan mail and marriage proposals from women, up to January 1989 when he was executed, as do many other serial killers cult followers are like that
Dont blame the government why u are poor but instead blame yourself….
So, what now is your personal take on the electoral sabotage case that is being filed against the former president? What is your personal take on the many controversial issues regarding the allegedly illegal spending of government funds wherein either the former president or her husband is directly or presumably directly involved?
Let those who have enough evidence file the necessary charges and let the courts decide the fate of the case.
Don’t believe in accusations that are baseless. If they have not been formally charged with the alleged crime, then it is just plain “tsismis”.
so is it ok to be led by a leader who cheated in the elections?
i dont think that everyone is blaming GMA for the economic downfall of the country, it was already like that since Cory Aquino became president. the quest now is to find a president that could give hope and make Filipinos move in their feet. i am an OFW, and as i can see we Filipinos were being acknowledged due to our diligence and love of what we do. all Filipinos were instinctively hardworking. we put passion in what we do.
we dont really need someone who can give us rice subsidy, someone who can make us feel we are being fed by the government. we all know that if you give a man a fish, he will live for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, then he will survive for a lifetime.
what we need now is someone who can unite us, and make us care for each other, make us work our dreams. and it could only be done by a good leader. a leader that shows a good example to his/her subordinates. not someone who cheats to help. why dont we just put our efforts in supporting the current government?
Did I say that it is ok? If there was any evidence at all that GMA cheated, then it has gone cold already because it has taken far too long for PNoy or anyone who knew something about it to do something. It was even PNoy who voted against playing the “hello garci” tape that could have revealed the truth behind the allegations of cheating in 2004. Even the witnesses are unwilling to testify against her now because they do not want to be dragged into the drama again.
Now it seems like PNoy is going to allow one of the Ampatuans to be a state witness against GMA for the alleged cheating in 2007. Would you be happy that one of the main suspects of the Maguindanao massacre be set free just to testify for a trial that is not even guaranteed to result in conviction of GMA or knowing the truth? Please weigh what is more important, bringing justice to the Maguidanao massacre victims or prosecuting GMA for the allegations of cheating during the senatorial election, which she was not even going to directly profit from.
You said: “all Filipinos were instinctively hardworking. we put passion in what we do”
ALL?!? Please think very, very hard about your statement because from what I can see, it is not ALL.
I agree we need to find one soon because PNoy’s defiance of the Supreme Court and his continued vilification of GMA and the members of the SC is causing disunity and instability.
Not everybody blames Arroyo for their status in society. I don’t think I’m the only one in the country who doesn’t like to be misled or be thought of foolishly enough to believe the hospital arrest drama, and now the “operation put little girl to sleep”. To be honest, while I was never a fan of Arroyo’s, when all the insults and blames were first hurled at her, I felt sympathy – for her and her family. But in the end, what really matters, in any given situation, is what you do … Do you make yourself better? In this case, the arroyos can’t blame anybody else except for themselves and their lawyers and spokesperson who could very well reconsider their career paths; they seem more fit to be scriptwriters for Regal films. Just like you said, whatever adequacies you have/feel in your life is the product of your own doing — this is the product of the former president’s own doing. Yes it’s true some jokes about her are below the belt. How does it make you a better person by retaliating and telling the world that Jim Paredes or Noynoy have nothing to show for other than popularity? In essence, this article just proves that you are the so called majority — you too are blaming other people by telling them theyre inadequate, ignorant, and gullible. If you feel it your right to post a blog entry about this sensitive issue, every other Juan in this country also has the right to air out their opinion. True, some of them aren’t as successful as others but to use “squatter mentality” so generally makes you another “Jim Paredes”. Practice what you preach, as they say.
So you are saying that the behaviour of those who attack the Arroyos are all part of the Arroyos’ plan or is in their “script”?
Are you happy with the likes of Jim Paredes and PNoy to continue vilifying GMA?
Base on my own definition of “squatter mentality” no, I don’t have a squatter mentality.
Your comment is a bit convoluted. Please try to figure out what you want to say first before posting it. Thank you.
@Kat, This is Jim Paredes
Der Fuhrer is the greatest squatter mentality leader of the nutzie party! Everyone loves to emulate him as he sets the best hate-think example! He spreads the nutzie culture of fixated, obsessive hatred and cruelty against the pinned star of David frau Arroyo and her family. Truly the greatest squatter mentality nutzie leader! This is even better than the Crystal Night of the old third reich!
Now it is nutzie fashionable to cruelly hate, revile and despise the pinned yellow star of David Arroyo family. Every loyal nutzie and nutcase hates them with criminal intensity! Truly magnificent is der Fuhrer when he is mad! Mad at the delayed closure with no real conviction yet in sight! The Arroyo’s are perceived guilty by der Fuhrer before conviction!
Der Fuhrer controls the reich trial court as it obeys his Gestapo Chief to render government hospital arrest! We are again living in dangerous times! Think about it mein herren volk! If this sedition and human rights violations can be done on a family it can done on all of you! For der Fuhrer is supreme! He is the law of the land! Der true son of the master yellow race! Sieg heil the nutzie people who follow der Fuhrer even into perdition! Fuhrer uber alles!
Hitler is a Mad Man so is The One. It’s a pity that with the aid of the Biased Media, lots of average minded Filipinos swallowed hook, line and sinker the Propaganda of the Yellow Mob.
we have a new and modern caligula in our government
Eww!! Caligula!
thumbs up kat
Der Fuhrer is above the law! He is der Supreme Law! Even as he sets the good nutzie example of extreme hatred, revulsion and persecution of the pinned yellow star of David Arroyo family! The selective and focused attack of the reich state machinery against this family reminds us of the old reich Crystal Night!
The international pro-democracy community now knows of this! Der Fuhrer is damaging the culture of the reich! Even the pro-democracy members of the reich are aghast at his uber cruelty!
Nein! We will not be a state ruled by squatter mentality! We will be ruled by only one supreme nutzie state of mind! Hatred, cruelty and destruction for der Fuhrer’s perceived enemies of the nutzie state!
I fear for all of der herrenvolk when the Fuhrer is mad! For he is the Supreme Law of the land and all state justice emanates from him! Heil the true brilliant son of the nutzie master yellow race!
LOL, are you using weed?
Pray for our country and our people. Our nation’s culture and psyche is damaged by a man who would be king.
The darkness of dictatorship is again creeping over the land. This message goes out to you. The true sons and daughters of democracy comprising the silent majority. Open your eyes, ears and hearts to what is happening.
When the call comes again to peaceably assemble for freedom, answer the call!
Kristallnacht 2011 is Der Fuhrer’s great anti-filipino anti-democracy spectacle! It is the greatest nutzie progrom of the reich designed by der Fuhrer’s brilliant nutzie mind implemented by the reichministry of propaganda for the reich socialist party!
It started with the breaking of the crystal clear oaths of office of der Fuhrer and his nutzie followers. It is one of the most shameful events committed as it is designed to weaken democracy, the filipino culture and psyche! The progrom is designed to change the gentle, kind, courteous and god fearing behavior of the filipino people. It is an insidous progrom designed to exalt fixated, obssessive hatred, viciousness, pre-judgement, cruelty and ridicule against the pinned star of David arroyo family! It is actually an attack against the free filipino culture and psyche!
First of all, I agree that GMA should not be blamed solely for everything bad that happened to the Philippines in the last decade or so. If there’s anything at all to blame, it should be the system of oligarchy deep-rooted in Philippine politics. However, this is not the point here.
Next, the author is biased and there is no avoiding it. This is a blog, people. Of course, her own opinions about anything under the sun will come out. It was evidently shown in a lot of her statements and the most striking one is this:
“PNoy, who most rational people know, was the least qualified of all the presidential candidates.”
Least qualified? Under what qualifications is she basing the supposed “incompetence” of PNoy to run as President? IS there even a criteria one has to fit in to run for President? Can someone please slit PNoy’s throat already? Because I can feel the angst and hatred oozing out of this author’s own words. While I don’t have anything against her sentiments (we are a democratic country after all), it’s a bad precursor to the proposed “10 reasons” that are sound arguments.
Then, the idea of “squatter mentality” is ill-defined. I quote:
“By my own definition, people who have a squatter mentality have this strong sense of entitlement. They believe that the government owes them benefits or privileges.”
This definition is troubling. Apparently, someone who has “squatter mentality” feels entitled to the government’s ability to provide the benefits or privileges for him. The question is: “Shouldn’t we be entitled to those aforementioned privileges?” Is it wrong to expect that the government make use of our taxes to improve our lives? Is it an ill-conceived idea to ask land reforms for farmers, universal education for children, and better maternal health for pregnant mothers? Do I have “squatter mentality” for wanting a national health care system that should be created and provided by our own government?
Then, she adds this to her definition:
“People with squatter mentalities do not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society.”
Excuse me, but this addition is not justified or supported at all. Applying this to her original definition, we have: people that expect the government for compensation and reciprocity do not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society. Is there a correlation between expecting and believing in hard work, etc? Does it necessarily mean that, if I ask for my barangay captain to improve our the conditions of the barangay health centers, then I do not believe in hard work?
Lastly, and this is where it really gets confusing, she mixes people with “squatter mentality” with the term “squatters” yet, she never makes a clear juxtaposition of the two. She says this about squatters:
“They think that they can rely on the government to be responsible for their own happiness. It is quite a fitting description considering squatters by their very nature have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others. ”
How does this relate to “people who have a squatter mentality have this strong sense of entitlement?” The author needs to realize that these people who are “squatters” do not have within their reach to pull themselves out of the mire they got into. Some of them are uneducated and are not empowered. Can you really blame them for having sunk so low?
While I do not agree that there are a lot of “squatters” in the Philippines, I do believe that there are a lot of people with “squatter mentality” because we’ve been asking our government for so long to implement changes. (Take note of her definitions for both terms.)
Thus, almost everyone in the Philippines has “squatter mentality.”
“Least qualified? Under what qualifications is she basing the supposed “incompetence†of PNoy to run as President? IS there even a criteria one has to fit in to run for President? Can someone please slit PNoy’s throat already? Because I can feel the angst and hatred oozing out of this author’s own words. While I don’t have anything against her sentiments (we are a democratic country after all), it’s a bad precursor to the proposed “10 reasons†that are sound arguments.”
Of course PNoy met the barest minimum to be able to run as president; that was why he was able to run. No one here is questioning THAT; not even Iida.
The problem comes in, however, when his accomplishments as a politician are compared to those of his opponents. Someone once came up with a side-by-side comparison of the credentials of each candidate and PNoy hardly filled up his cells; this was further exacerbated by the long list of accomplishments and credentials of his opponents that his cells appeared as long blanks.
“This definition is troubling. Apparently, someone who has “squatter mentality†feels entitled to the government’s ability to provide the benefits or privileges for him. The question is: “Shouldn’t we be entitled to those aforementioned privileges?†Is it wrong to expect that the government make use of our taxes to improve our lives? Is it an ill-conceived idea to ask land reforms for farmers, universal education for children, and better maternal health for pregnant mothers?”
There’s nothing wrong with expecting the government to do its job; that’s why we elected people whom we felt could best contribute to our society (in theory, that is). However the effort should be mutual; people should also be able to carry their own weight. Remember, give-a-man-a-fish-teach-a-man-to-fish? The problem with most Filipinos is that they’re content with asking for the damn fish.
“The author needs to realize that these people who are “squatters†do not have within their reach to pull themselves out of the mire they got into. Some of them are uneducated and are not empowered. Can you really blame them for having sunk so low?”
How sure are you that they do not have the means? Stories have been told time and again of how uneducated people living in the slums worked their darndest and eventually ended up affording more than decent lives for their children.
The point is that poverty shouldn’t be an excuse to not work hard. Ms. Mike Portes shared a good story above; I suggest you read it.
“Thus, almost everyone in the Philippines has “squatter mentality.—
Funny enough, your supposedly dissenting opinion arrived at the same conclusion Iida wanted to make.
“Of course PNoy met the barest minimum to be able to run as president; that was why he was able to run. No one here is questioning THAT; not even Iida.”
The point I was trying to make was that the author made it seem that PNoy was the “irrational” choice for a president. I quote:
“…PNoy, who most rational people know, was the least qualified of all the presidential candidates.”
By adding in the phrase “rational people,” she made it seem like voting for Noynoy was the same as voting for a rock as president of a country. The point I was trying to get across was that the way the author tried to criticize PNoy in a very crass way.
“The problem comes in, however, when his accomplishments as a politician are compared to those of his opponents…..”
Problem? This is an example of poisoning the well. Even before PNoy gets to become president of the country, people already look at what he has done in the past and try to become fortune tellers on his future. Yes, I do know that the candidates he ran against had a longer list of accomplishments, but is the lack of a longer list make you the “irrational” choice?
“There’s nothing wrong with expecting the government to do its job;… is that they’re content with asking for the damn fish.”
If there is nothing wrong with expecting from the government, why such a label as derogatory as “squatter,” a term used for illegal inhabitants? Also, the people I am referring to here are at the lowest of the social strata. In this bottom of the triangle, you have people that barely get to feed themselves. If only working hard was a solution to poverty, then carpenters, who build our houses, hospitals, and other infrastructures, should have been way richer than any of us now because God knows how hard and long they work. The problem is not that they’re content to ask only for the fish but rather they cannot do anything else BUT ask for the fish. Again, I am referring to the people who are at the bottom of the triangle.
“How sure are you that they do not have the means? Stories have been told…decent lives for their children.”
No, I am not discounting the possibility of a family to actually lift itself up from the vicious cycle of poverty. However, the stories of people suffering ,just from the lack of basic necessities, greatly outnumber those stories of success. This is the reason why I said “Some of them.”
Apparently, you failed to see the irony in my last statement. I suggest you read it again.
You said,
“By adding in the phrase “rational people,†she made it seem like voting for Noynoy was the same as voting for a rock as president of a country…”
– Well isn’t he like one? Look, PNoy had been in politics for how many years and had he done anything exemptional in Tarlac (in the very least bc it’s his “territory”) as a congressman then senator, he wouldn’t be questioned as to how he will be, or is currently, running the country. It’s like credentials; you do good or better and in an honest way; you’ll get good credentials. You’ll be more qualified in the position you want to be at. The author’s just trying to get real, okay?
“Problem? This is an example of poisoning the well. Even before PNoy gets to become president of the country, people already look at what he has done in the past and try to become fortune tellers on his future. Yes, I do know that the candidates he ran against had a longer list of accomplishments, but is the lack of a longer list make you the “irrational†choice?”
– It’s not even only about the list, how long or short it is; but the lack of accomplishments at all. One year of playing-blame-game down, five years to go!
“… The problem is not that they’re content to ask only for the fish but rather they cannot do anything else BUT ask for the fish. Again, I am referring to the people who are at the bottom of the triangle.”
Can’t do anything but ask? What have they become? Beggars? Even beggars can choose which part of the street they can sleep on.
During election, some politicians keep on making promises; these people from the bottom of the triangle you’re saying are always the “BIDA” in their speeches. The politicans act as their superhero and these people believe them. Then when they’re already elected, those people will already be forgotten. Now to say that those voters; majority of them from the bottom of the triangle, can’t do anything but ask for the fish only encourages the typical puro-hinge character of da pinoy. Of course they can do something rather than just ask. The can choose not to vote for those trapos (15+ years in service and the province still remains poor). They can choose to get involved. They can choose not to sell their votes and then play the victim card when the election’s over.
I don’t know how you managed to confuse things.
Which part of the “least qualified of ALL the presidential candidates” don’t you understand?
It means he just met the most basic criteria to be qualified to run but there were others who were more qualified than him. I hope that’s clear enough.
Where did I say that it is wrong? I actually said quite a number of times that Filipinos need to be more vigilant in making sure that their public servants manage the taxes properly. Here’s part of item number 3:
“They don’t realize that it is the people’s lack of attention to how public servants do their jobs that is the reason why public funds gets mismanaged. In other words, people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.”
We already have land reform. We already have public education and public hospitals. Now accommodating everyone in the public system is another story. Where do you get the funding to serve everyone and with good service? You should realise that the percentage of taxable individuals is smaller than those who want to benefit from their tax. Maybe if the Philippine population is only 20M you can dream of serving everyone. But that is only if everyone is actually in agreement of a socialised system of government because for your information, not everyone in this world believes that their taxes should pay for other people’s education, hospitalisation and maternal health care. Ever heard of Ayn Rand? She is very popular with a lot of people. Look her up. Not that I subscribe to her ideology. I am just saying that there are people who are against more taxes.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: not all poor people have squatter mentality. There are poor people who struggle to make ends meet but they do not stop working.
You really got lost on this one. Being proactive about asking the government to “implement changes” is different from relying on the government for handouts. Don’t confuse the two.
In your long rant you seem to say that Penoy is “the One” or the most abled and competent candidate for the top post. Do note that Penoy won because of the dead cadaver of her mother. Penoy at that time has no ambition, has no accomplishment as a legislator and has not been significantly at the forefront of any advocacy that will improve the lives of the common Filipino idiots… ooops… indios.
He’s had about one year to at least prove that the facts mentioned do not in any way affected in performing his function as da Plesident op da Piripins. Lest, HE’S DONE NOTHING and at this point in writing in one of the most recent article he is justifying the SLOW ECONOMIC GROWTH. The media is now flooded with all the news about GMA. I’m no avid fan of the midget and the posts in my blog prove it. Here are my points:
1. Penoy and company should charge GMA AT THE PROPER COURT OF JUSTICE… The battery of lawyers he’s got should DO THEIR HOMEWORK starting from De Lima who’s perpetual presence in the dyaryo, TIBI at radio has alredi condemned the midget in hell. One year has passed, ano tawag dyan di ba INCOMPETENCE?
2. IT’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH… AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE. The diversion is the midget case… what about the things that you’re saying “land reforms for farmers, universal education for children, and better maternal health for pregnant mothers?” Meron na ba si Abnoy ginawa dito sa mga economic development issues na ‘to? PURO PAPOGI POINTS SA DYARYO. Di yan makakain ng tao. PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE!!!
3. Having a SLOW ECONOMIC GROWTH cannot be excused nor be justified. Ibig sabihin nyan nung umupo sya WALANG NANGYAYARI…
hehehe TAMA!!!
abangan na lng natin ang susunod na kabanata…..ang buhay sa pinas naka deppende sa director, yan ay ang media….at ang kanilang mga artista c penoy ang bida, si gloria ang kontrabida,sa huli ang masa ang lugi dahil tataas ang bill sa koryente, at laging mapupuyat sa kapapanood kaya sa huli masaya man sa umpisa luhaan parin sa wakas,,,,bakit dahil sa kakaabang sa susunod na kabanata laging late sa trabaho kaya nasisante kaya sa bandang huli kawawang kontrabida kasalanan nyan lahat…
A ‘cadaver’ is a human carcass set aside for atopsy or biological studies. It’s redundant to say, ‘a dead cadaver’. All in all, well said.
please also note: a troll always argue on the form.
Granted that PNoy won through her mother’s cadaver – which by putting it this way truly insults the Filipino voters who everwhelmingly voted for him- don’t forget who was the people’s next choice. NONE OTHER THAN JOSEPH ESTRADA and not Gloria’s bet. Doesn’t it send any message why today, Filipinos blame Gloria Arroyo for everything? The answer is simple – betrayal of trust. And why not account those those who voted for PNoy and Erap then we will get a clearer and yet simpler picture – many Filipinos were unhappy with GMA. @Ilda, nicely written but too biased.
Nope. It’s not biased. The voters were just too gullible to believe all the talk of “evil” Gloria/Villar/Whoever. They were/are also anti-intellectual, which was paired with vote buying and (alleged) vote rigging resulting in PNoy winning.
Just to give you a bit of history, here’s an article I wrote a few weeks before the election:
Noynoy Aquino’s supporters: are they anti-intellectual?
I’d like to point out that the voters weren’t limited to choosing between Noynoy, Erap and GMA.
And just a request… let’s not talk about “winnability.” If people voted for someone they truly believed in instead of someone they thought would be the lesser evil our country would probably be a much better place.
Come on, give me a break! If you want to quote a credible resource, don’t refer to your own writings! Look here is one of the feed backs on this article:
“how could you persuade when you can not even write a single sentence without name-calling?
people seem to forget that they owe their freedom to write inanities today because of the sacrifices of others yesterday. i bet you are not even fit to walk behind the shadow of the one you are calling abnoy.
i admire your courage to write these things, especially anonymously.”
A sound journalism pulls out facts from four different directions N-E-W-S. Now you call it unbiased? Anyways, this is not journalism, its blogging.And blogging is nothign but personal views.
Are you saying that GMA was the only one there at Edsa during Edsa 2?
If you don’t want to believe me, here’s something I dug up from mb.com.ph:
Why don’t you do some research yourself and find out who else was there. The pictures don’t lie. Don’t tell me you can’t see Cory in the photo.
I never called PNoy abnoy. And I’m not writing anonymously. Everyone calls me Ilda. You just don’t know me personally.
Oops! Are you at all reading my reply carefully? I did not say you called PNoy names but I just quoted a feedback from the link you gave. And now you gave another link and here’s what it says:
The “highway voteâ€
…. And if Noynoy had not “listened to advisers†and stayed at the Senate, SWS and Pulse Asia survey showed Erap was a shoo-in for the presidential term June 30, 2010, to June 30, 2016.
This is exactly my point…GMA was already unpopular even before she left the seat. Now you are expecting her to be popular to common Pinoys nowadays? I certainly see Cory in the Edsa 2 picture. Well, in fact, when Erap paid her a visit when she was still bed-ridden she told him that Edsa2 was a failure. And please, I don’t need to know you personally to favor your writings. You wrote a public article , I am just reacting. If you will check my IP address, I am outside the Philippines which means my info just comes from the web,so please, don’t tell me to do my research. As I have said already… “nicely written”.
Huwag magpalusot because I will just lump you with the rest of the time wasters. Here’s what you said:
And you changing the direction of the discussion is not going to change the fact that you can’t refute the claims in the article.
Cory admitting her mistake in her involvment in Edsa 2 doesn’t change the fact that she was one of those who led the revolt against Erap. Her flip flopping should have been enough proof of the Aquinos’ unstable leadership skills.
That GMA was already unpopular then does not explain the current unhealthy damn-the-law by-hook-or-by-crook fixation/obsession on her.
“Now you are expecting her to be popular to common Pinoys nowadays?”
Who said that?
All the article is saying is that Filipinos should learn to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. GMA is most certainly not the be-all and end-all of the country’s problems, so the government and the majority of the population should stop acting as if she was.
What, nagpapalusot? What a cheap remark.
I exactly quoted the reaction on the thread you gave: Why don’t you go back and see for yourself how adverse is the reaction to what yo write. Common, when something is still “bigas”, yo uexpect somebody to take it as “kanin” – they are both rice though. Go back to the link:
Here’s the snapshot:
jccastro says:
May 3, 2010 at 2:00 pm
how could you persuade when you can not even write a single sentence without name-calling?
people seem to forget that they owe their freedom to write inanities today because of the sacrifices of others yesterday. i bet you are not even fit to walk behind the shadow of the one you are calling abnoy.
i admire your courage to write these things, especially anonymously.
ilda says:
May 9, 2010 at 10:18 am
The Aquinos do not own the Edsa revolution! We don’t owe the Aquinos anything!
I don’t have time for trivial pursuits. Go waste somebody else’s time.
@ HaraKiri
Are you a sad little girl?
I’ve been reading your threads and you couldn’t come up with something of sense. Quit babbling pointless arguments please. Let’s stick with the significant ones, shall we?
You said:
“And why not account those those who voted for PNoy and Erap then we will get a clearer and yet simpler picture – many Filipinos were unhappy with GMA.”
So if the Filipinos are unhappy with GMA, the result of this sentiment is Noynoy and Erap and it is noble to choose either of these two? That is pure stupidity! Filipinos should be insulted. Why not pick Gordon or Gibo? Surely they have lot better past performances compared to the Aquino boy and that movie star. But NO, in the abundance of the brain the votes speak – they elected Noynoy, a man who has done NOTHING during his Congressman and Senatorial days, justifying why we can arrive at the conclusion that the Filipino majority has an abundance of stupidity in their brains.
Now, is that right or is that wrong? Don’t avoid the issue and answer straightforward.
@harakiri: it’s hard being perpetually hormonal isn’t it? i feel for you. 😛
when you’re done being emo, come right out and eat your dindin, mmmkay?
I agree with you. If we base the qualifications to the academic qualifications and experiences they have if politics, better the with a new one as long as true to him(her)self and to transparent to the people. I can’t imagine the figures that the previous President and her family are involved with. Grabe! Are the qualifications the writer the ones belong this kind of president? Better not to have a president. Even the new President, if he will do the same bad things to the government and people, I will be against him also. but if cleaning the government and the past is what is he doing, go for it. I salute to you…
For my corrections (Sorry, can’t perfect)
I agree with you. If we base the qualifications to the academic qualifications and experiences they have if politics, better with a new one as long as true to him(her)self and transparent to the people. I can’t imagine the figures that the previous President and her family are involved with. Grabe! Are the qualifications the writer trying to say the ones belong this kind of former president? Better not to have a president. Even the new President, if he will do the same bad things to the government and people, I will be against him also. but if cleaning the government and the past is what is he doing, go for it. I salute to you…
@mhel, Pnoy’s unauditable pork barrel/intelligence fund/shady CCT/unpaid NBN employees/incompetence would like to have a word with you.
?unpaid nbn employees.
is this the cowardly way for them to close the station.
the non payment as i understand it is an outrage but no media coverage.
Nona, I got the news in Aksyon Radyo, the FM news station. It was like an intermission from the coverage on Arroyo’s impending transfer to the Veterans’ Memorial Hospital.
The news anchors called up the DBM secretary, if I’m not mistaken, to explain this non-payment issue. They pointed out that government employees were promised a Christmas bonus. The Secretary essentially pointed out that as a GOCC, NBN/PTV4 isn’t included in the bonus thing and should use its own funds for these.
When pressed further, the Secretary admitted that NBN is not actually financially sound and hinted that the past administration is to blame for this. When asked what the current administration is doing about it then, the Secretary said they are subsidizing the company, which drew amazement from the anchors on that the government is throwing away money since NBN isn’t really improving its financial standing even with such subsidy.
The official can only mumble about them still looking for the best solution as well as referring to counterpart officials in NBN, effectively pleading to divert some of the heat off to them.
just checked
my info is that it is not just xmas bonus but employees not been paid for 3 months and have been told govt has no money!! all spent on apple laptops. nbn comes under comms group.
now that abs-cbn acting as pr outlet clearly it will be shut down and the network asset sold to the chinese ?zte again.
no wonder no FoI bill the govt cant even be honest with employees. a disgrace to treat employees in such a way. no management ability whatsoever and the media who meekly shut up should defend ‘colleagues’
People today conveniently forget that whatever the government can give for free, it can take away for free.
We shouldn’t really believe we are entitled to anything at all. It has gotten to the point that even government won’t entitle us to regular peace and order because imagined “rights” would be trampled on.
So no thanks, I’d rather work for it rather than have it given to me, so I can have a stronger case of saying that I can rightly fight for it.
The more entitlements people want, the more taxes the government will get from taxable individuals.
As long as the taxes are righfully returned in terms of services, nothing is wrong with that. That is how the system in Singapore works.
@hormonal harakiri: well newsflash for you, genius – your taxes (you do have a job to be able to PAY taxes, don’t you?) aren’t being returned in terms of services. your taxes are being spent as accountability-free pork barrel, conditional cash transfer, and the spoiled brats in the (mis)comm group.
another newsflash o’ omniscient one: this isn’t singapore nor is it anything close to being like singapore.
(go ahead. tell me that’s not what you said. like it matters. c’mon, hormonal harakiri, don’t let us down and wimp out. bring out your inner bobo even more for our entertainment.)
that is something people don’t see as people are just only concerned on what is seen…. But more than GMA, more than Pnoy, the system of our government is flawed from the beginning… if ever we really want something changed, people should be responsible themselves and create a government aligned with the purest concepts of Liberty and Free Trade, i bet many of our current problems would be gone…. nice article btw!
I’m glad you share our views. Thanks for keeping an open mind.
You are right, I am real “dump” typist, I forgot to address you in my post above 😉
You are quoting me, not the article. I said that as reaction to the article , I did not say that’s from the article.
@Marion, I agree with u 100%. And as far the author, you look hot but I think your brain is down there ***********. GMA is a cheater and that’s the bottom line.
So you know she cheated because you witnessed it, right?
No, I didn’t see her but common it’s so obvious. http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/07/21/11/chiz-shows-video-how-gma-cheated
A video reenactment…lol.
Is that even admissible in court? Hay naku. Some people are so gullible. If it’s so accurate, how come they couldn’t even charge her for the 2004? Did you know that PNoy was one of the congressmen who voted against playing the “hello garci” tape in 2005? I wonder why? 😉
If it’s so obvious then how come the delay for filing the case?
Reenactment? Nyahaha. Wag nang magulat. Even “annonymous texters” are credidble for noytards (De Lima).
Yeah. Malacanang based their decision on an anonymous text message. Creepy.
So, using the same logic, you knew PNoy was the least qualified presidentiable since you watched him his whole life as well as all the other presidentiables, right?
You mean you didn’t look at PNoy’s track record as a congressman and senator before voting for him?!? How shocking!
And you can’t use the same logic because cheating during election is a crime and incompetence is not (although it should be).
@roj, senate records/2010 campaign interviews (admitted he was forced to run) and debates (always reading, scampered away from gordon and villanueva like the chicken he is) and “incomprehensible” interview sessions (post-election).
Why yes, Roj, it’s well within our capabilities.
No president of the Philippines had been this world popular for corruption and cheating other than Marcos & Gloria. Take note of the word “world”. Do you think she’s only unpopular there in the Philippines? Sorry, but the locals here ( wherever I am now)can’t truly believe that a lady so tiny, can cheat that much…. what a horror and a disgrace to OFWs.
“world popular”???
is that filipinese for something you’re trying to say but too stupid to figure out how? “take note of the word ‘world’ ” ba ka’mo? why? what are you trying to say???
you need to pull your head out of pnoy’s hindquarters before you say something, and maybe you might conjure up some sort of POINT.
i’ll get a towel.
@ Harakiri
I just read your comment and I loved the word you used. POPULAR.
It shouldn’t be a popularity contest to begin with, it should be a choice as to who would be better for the position in office.
And also, the fact that you want to justify based on popularity is flawed especially if you got propaganda machines screaming at the top of their lungs of your goodness while mitigating any negativity/evil you have caused.
If you want to do something right, do it properly and legally. The ends should justify the means, and the a quick sample is resulting in illegal courses of actions defeats the purpose of chasing for a supposed legal good is unjustifiable. (De Lima violating the TRO of WLO.)
Remember, it isn’t a beauty pageant. It shouldn’t be a popularity contest.
How classy of you.
Now this, Dru, is what you call an argumentum ad hominem.
@misha lorenzo
Heil Der Fuhrer! Now you see the destructive reich culture and psyche that der Fuhrer taught to you fraulein misha! You are also crude, with no good manners and right conduct! Der Fuhrer’s nutzie hate think is adopted by you ja? What no more word, alleged and presumption of innocence? “GMA is a cheater.” Der Fuhrer will be very proud of you! Truly you are a great member of the nutzie race! Heil Der Fuhrer! He destroys democracy as well as culture and psyche!
wow! u were there when she cheated? bongga!!!!
You’re one of the tsismosos. You can’t even defend your bottomline.
Why can’t we allow Arroyo serve as Congressman at the hospital? Trillanes served as Senator while jailed and even incurred transport expenses.
She’s sick! Or at least she’s saying she’s sick… hehehe…
She may break her neck then it will be PNoy’s fault LOL. Tsk..tsk.. pathetic cheat! Erap said “naawa ako sa kanya kasi walang naaawa sa kanya eh”. NOT TRUE. Most people here are.
It seems you have evidence of her cheating. Care to do the country a favor and testify in court?
Look up the meaning of the word “empathy”. Most smart people know and live by it 😉
Com’on. Just imagine a river and there are two parties in each bank. That’s you and me. Do you really think that what you are not also the kind person you are accusing the other side of? It’s a fair game. Losers are the ones getting the sores 🙂
Com’on. Just imagine a river and there are two parties in each bank. That’s you and me. Do you really think that you are not also the kind of person you are accusing the other side of? It’s a fair game. Losers are the ones getting the sores 🙂
Sorry, I am a dump typist 😉
The real losers are the majority of unemployed Filipinos.
LOL..”dumb” 🙂
@harakiri: no you typed it alright – you are a DUMP typist.
care for another number two? that’s all we’re getting out of you anyway. 😀
This blog may have its merits but the merits for all their worth have been rendered void by the author’s arrogance and obvious derision towards the poor, specifically the squatters. Perhaps you can define the meaning of a squatter? What makes you so sure about what goes on inside the squatters’ minds and do you even care why they are living in squalor? And since you so obviously think the Arroyos are blameless, why don’t you just tell US all the good things they have done? Perhaps, the squatter-brained Filipinos would stop blaming them….
I’m interested to know what you consider “merits” in the article. Please be specific. 😉
I’ve said it over and over but I’ll say it again just for you: not all poor people have squatter mentality and not all rich people have excellent breeding. If you read the article again, you should see that my example of people having squatter mentality includes people who actually have money.
In my own definition, someone with squatter mentality is someone who believes that the government owes him benefits or privileges; or someone who does not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society. Gee, why am I repeating all this again?! If you had only read the article properly, you wouldn’t miss that part.
I don’t have to list Arroyo’s achievements to know that she didn’t just (allegedly) squander public funds the whole time she was in office. If that were the case, the Philippines would be bankrupt by now just like Greece. And just in case you hadn’t notice it, PNoy is still using the economic gains that Arroyo worked hard on. PNoy has not even introduced new economic policy since he came into office.
I agree with u ILda
“PNoy has not even introduced new economic policy since he came into office.”
I will have to disagree. PNoy’s economic policy is that of misguided underspending on things like infrastructure, which has resulted in sluggish growth, in favor of dole out programs like the CCT, which is ironically a brainchild of his professor. Hahaha.
That’s equivalent to doing nothing, really.
The policy that you.are refering to is the midterm development plan. it may recieve a high mark in its substance and its form
The problem is translating it into something palatable… literally and figuratively. the MTDP is like the Cory’s 1987 constitution where the SPIRIT of all the laws of the land and the context of of the citizen’s engagement in society are embodied. What we pinoys do is CIRCUMVENT THE LETTER OF THE LAW ALONG.WITH IT’S SPIRIT… and that’s what we’re good at. We interpret the law in a manner that it would only benefit our selfish motives. A concrete example is the selective implementation of the Comprehensive Argarian Reform Program by Penoy’s mader. Now penoy is doing the same thing.as far as GMA is concerned. circumvention thru selective implementation.
Effective application of the law results to justice that requires rational, logical, equitable and just interpretation… OTOH an article of the constitution is just like an economic policy. Even.if the form and substance of an economic.policy ay malaglag panty, pag abnoy ang interpretasyon abnoy din ang implementation.
No one said she sucked the money totally… only a portion of it. :-). What is the basic lesson of stealing? Stealing whether it is small or big is still stealing. Does is make any difference to the thief? NO! But to the one being robbed, YES.
Whether or not she stole big or small doesn’t change the fact that it is – still – nothing more than an allegation.
Innocent until proven guilty. Due process.
don’t worry. She’s on the way there…promise 😉
@ Hara Kiri
And u can ensure that? Please be specific on how. If she’s really corrupt, I’d like to see justice be served. If you’re rooting for the current administration, then u should already have realized that they’re doing a banged-up job – couldn’t file solid cases, couldn’t abide by the constitution.
Then we’re back to square one, how does all this make for a better governance to improve the lives of the Filipino people? ‘Cause the current President sure couldn’t cut it – no vision, no plan, nothing.
By the way, “kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap”. THAT’S FALSE!
I agree with you ” “kung walang corrupt, walang mahirapâ€. THAT’S FALSE!”. Because the right thing to say is : “Kung walang corrupt, walang taong malalagay sa kahihiyan”. I am not saying that Ramos’ government was corruption-free. But look at the reality: has he been put to shame like this because of misdeeds or at least just an allegation that resulted to prison? If ever there was, it did not taint his name. History books would still say that once upon a time there was a legitimate Philippine president named Fidel V. Ramos. Oops, let’s stop there. Let’s got to GMA.. once upon a time … yeah, you heard it right, “illegitimate” Philippine president. Can you change this potential course of history?.. then let her lawyer prove it in court. What are you going to tell to the next generation about her? Can you erase the history engraved about the Marcoses? In much the same way, you cannot erase what has already been painted about her even at this point that everything is just allegations. One more for you to satisfy your taste buds: If Susan Roces and her daughter will win a possible case against the election result, FPJ will be declared the President then ………dyan ja raran…. she becomes legitimately illegitimate. 🙂
On the way where, exactly?
HaraKiri, you’re so convinced that GMA is corrupt. Care to provide concrete evidence? And while you’re at it – as I said earlier – you should testify in court.
You’re gravely mistaken if you think GRP is pro-GMA. We’re merely giving her the benefit of the doubt.
“then let her lawyer prove it in court.”
The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused.
“You’re gravely mistaken if you think GRP is pro-GMA. We’re merely giving her the benefit of the doubt.”
Well, I am somehow misled by the overwhelming name-callings on Pnoy but not on GMA. I may stand corrected, but rantings speak something else.
That’s a common mistake, specially in highly-politicised Pinoy society. You get labeled as either pro- or anti-[place whatever bozo politician’s name here] depending on who happens be pereceived to fit the characteristics you criticise. So count yourself as just another typical Pinoy (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
Whatever we write about Noynoy is nothing personal. He just happens to embody everything — the core deep-rooted dysfunction at the heart of Pinoy culture — that GRP has been critical of since inception waaaay back in 2000 (refer to our illustrious history here). Noynoy was not even in our radar as recently as 2008 (because he was of very little consequence then — not really a mover nor a shaker) but we were already highlighting the very traits we criticise him of today. Noynoy is unique in that he just so comfortably slipped into the very mold — the very archetype — of Pinoy dysfunction that we’ve held up over the last 11 years for the world to see.
I may disagree with the baseless name-calling, but HaraKiri, why should people criticize GMA? She is not the one in power.
People rant because they don’t see nation-changing performance from the current President. Read the articles carefully. Base you thoughts on that.
Fair enough. I want to read about GMA when she was still within the reach of your radar. Can I have the link please?
My 2005 article So much for our philosopher-king is the closest GMA got to my “radar”. But, see, even as she became the focus of an “indignation” campaign at the time, the approaches used by those who tried to bring her down then wasn’t too different from the way Noynoy’s Yellow mob is doing it today — all based on hearsay reporting, appeal to emotion, demagoguery, and inciting of extra-constitutional stunts and circuses. To this day we feel the legacy of that dimwitted approach to try to bring Arroyo down. Despite a long list of alleged crimes going viral, we so far have only one charge against her — and it is among the weaker of the cases she supposedly should be taken to account for.
Heil Der Fuhrer! A squatter is defined as an under qualified, less brilliant or intellectually(as in intellectual) challenged person who temporarily stays in der reich palace! Der yellow star of David tagged arroyos are the favorite play toys of der Fuhrer! He plays with their lives as he magnificently condemns them as guilty in his fixated, obsessive hatred, cruelty and revulsion!
Der Fuhrer’s famous quotes: “I want her convicted, If I have to do it myself.” Acel you are truly a good nutzie and a member of the master yellow race!
SEIG HEIL!!! HEIL MY FUHRER !!! We are Aryan Master Race…SuperHuman…destined to rule over SubHumans..
Heil der brilliant nutzie mind of der Fuhrer! Temporarily lifting his extreme focus on the pinned yellow star of David Arroyos, he made his famous quotes on why the economy is going downhill!
Der Fuhrer blamed the following factors for the slow down of the economy:
1. The Tsunami in Japan!
2. The instability in the Middle East!
3. The European Debt Crisis!
4. The High underemployment rate in the United States!
He is truly a great nutzie genius who is a better economic analyst than his lackluster economic team! Sieg Heil!
SEIG HEIL !!! HEIL MY FUHRER !!! We are YellowTards Aryan Master Race…Destined to rule as our slaves, the Hacienda Luisita-SubHuman servant serfs, and the ignorant Filipino Wowoowee subHuman slaves…
UberMeister Fuhrer Noynoy Aquino is like his counterepart in NAZI Germany. UberMeister Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler was sufferring from: Delusions, all kinds of Psychosis, Depression, Paranoia, and other kinds of Mental Illness…The YellowTard Mobs are like the NAZI BrownShirts, that became the BlackShirts-SS…
Why do I get the feeling that bashing Jim Paredes and PNoy (+ govt) are also good examples of the Squatter’s Mentality that the author so effortfully tried to label the Filipino People with?
that’s just captain facepalm’s hand on your thigh, roj. relax.
Squatter’s Mentality is different from informed and ordered argument against a person. The fact that the author takes pains to explain her view point-by-point makes it different from common “squatter mentality” of arguing based on emotional or kinship association.
“People with squatter mentalities do not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society. They think that they can rely on the government to be responsible for their own happiness. And people with squatter mentalities have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others. They also think that the laws do not apply to them and that they are entitled to disregard them. Some squatters can be arrogant, defiant and selfish.”
So no, I don’t have a squatter mentality.
Which part of the article do you consider bashing Jim and PNoy? 😉
super love your article and i totally agree with everything that you said here…
Majority of Filipinos vote candidates because of sympathy or popularity which is not the characteristics of what a leader should be…
sad but true…a lot of people especially people living in squatters are or people living below average are the one’s who have a lot children which in return always get alms, not alms but who BEGS our government for money or help.
@Summer Sun
There are people in government who feel that they are entitled to use public funds for their own personal use. They also have squatter mentalities. Likewise, there are people who think that they can ask money from people in government as a favor because they voted for them during the election. They also have squatter mentalities.
Yeah….right ” There are people in government who feel that they are entitled to use public funds for their own personal use. ” OWWA fund, that’s money out of our (OFW) payments misused during Arroyo’s regime. Whether it is used for good or for bad,it is not used for its intention. Much more, not even a single centavo of it belongs to the government. … now they a crying foul when PNoy’s gov’t runs after them because of this? I am an OFW sending my dollar to at least help the country’s dollar economy in a very tiny way I can. I used to like her and believed in her. But she betrayed our trust.
“now they a crying foul when PNoy’s gov’t runs after them because of this?”
There’s nothing wrong with going after GMA. It’s just that
1. The government should follow the rule of law
2. Going after GMA isn’t the only job of the government
Only because PNoy and his minions keep saying so. How come they could only file one case against her if they are so sure of the other “crimes”?
Doesn’t really matter if it’s biased or not but the title alone is a fallacy. As far as i know, Filipino’s don’t blame Gloria for everything. Not even half of it. There is always someone who would blame their boss, the oligarchs, the other politicians. So there’s no point in arguing when the idea that the author was trying to support is flawed.
don’t take it literally. man, there are just too many people with markedly deficient comprehension levels going around. is there a shortage of iodized salt or something?
Doesn’t really matter if you have a point or not (you actually don’t). But the real issue is that you seemed to have stopped comprehending anything else after the title.
Trolling decades ago are done by one liner morons who’ll cuss and say the post is flawed and he doesn’t agree with it. Now it takes two or more sentences to say their bottom line. Trolls are like mutants… they evolve.
Thank goodness I’ve found this website. I heart you, Ilda.
i heart u too ilda…when i was reading ur blog i had the inkling that you somehow have read ayn rand’s great writings. love love love
ilda, have you heard of michelle malkin? fil-am conservative blogger…i like both of you…
I did not know about Michelle Malkin. I had to Google her. I have to read up. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the compliment, mayg. I’m just a realist. 😉
I was reading the Essay of Jose Rizal: “Philippines, A Century Hence”…I found out that what plagued the Filipinos, during his time…are still here. We have’nt moved a bit…
Maybe, the Colonialist Spaniards were right, when they called us: “Indolent”. However, Jose Rizal defended us, from our being “Indolent”…
We are: Gullible, Apathethic, too much dependent people. We look to attach ourselves, to people who can give us: jobs, incomes, freebees, etc…Corruption is our way of life…Our Political Leaders are the most corrupt leaders in the world. To become a millionaire: you enter Politics…Political Offices are Milking Cows, not Public Trusts…
We are a basket case…I believe we are also a hopeless case…ang matuwid na daan, ay papunta na sa Psychophatic or Mental Hospital…
what?! this writer must be on drugs when this was written. squatter mentality? being a squatter is the fault of the squatter himself? come on! such a simplistic view of the causes of poverty is a disgrace and even indecent. people are poor and live in squatter areas not because they’re lazy but because the opportunity for a gainful living is just not there. some are lazy, yes but there are lazy people everywhere, in every strata of our society. it’s not limited to “squatters”. the difference is that the rich can afford to be lazy, while the poor cannot otherwise they’d die of sheer hunger or illness. it’s the govt’s job to provide sufficient food, shelter, health services, employment etc. to the people, esp. the poor. our constitution precisely gave the people that “sense of entitlement.” the squatters are helpless. they live a hand-to-mouth existence. most of them eat only once a day, if ever they get to eat. yes, they can be irritating most of the time bec. they tend to disregard every rule in the book. but when you exist merely to survive, when your only goal in life is to have something to eat to pass the day, you can’t expect them to be responsible and make our society better. i suggest that the writer and GMA, who appears to be her idol live with squatters for just one month before she defines what “squatter mentality” is. let’s see how responsible she will be and how she intends to make society better when she lives in a shanty with no bathroom, not assured of any food, no electricity, no sofa bed, no bedsheets, among cockroaches and rats, and where her fart smells far better than the surrounding environment. i bet she’d instantly hate the govt. too!
@squat team
i think you completely missed the whole point here…what a shame.
@squat team
It’s the government’s job to do all that for 100M people? Where is the government going to get the funds to do it?
First, this article was not referring to poor people per se. This article was referring to people with “squatter mentality”, which includes people with money. Second, since you mentioned the poor, why do some of them keep having babies they can’t afford to feed? GMA cannot be held accountable for their misery.
I suggest you read the article again.
squat must be listening to the radio reporter who accused Arroyo of killing babies due to her corrupt acts.
the arroyo breed lie, cheat and steal. it is in their dna.
such people have no dignity or integrity as their ridiculous attempts to evade justice show.
mike and his scams and mistresses
mikey – always in LA on medical missions!
iggy staying in london until next year – on medical grounds!
the poison dwarf coming up with every illness in the book
all of them the highest non attendees in congress. they continue to shame politics.
dictators are always shown to be cowards when found out. lack of breeding
@ squat team
Nein herr squat! The writer is not on drugs like abilify and seroquel! But Der great Fuhrer is! His drugs are adoring pychophants and raving megalomaniacs who extoll his greatness to glory! I assure you Herr team that Der Fuhrer loves you! For you are a certified member of the nutzie party and the master yellow race! Read more and learn about squatter mentality! Your attitude and tenor of writing only confirms it as true. Thank you for making that point in favor of the author! Heil Der Fuhrer! The true great leader of the nutzie race!
all politicians, and I mean ALL have the same dna. what makes you think you only need to focus on the arroyo clan for example?
they continue to shame politics? who doesn’t anyway?
It’s in their DNA? Are you part of the CSI team?
Please show us some proof that they are crooks, please.
the evidence is there
the cowards need to turn up and answer the questions rather than playing ill.
hoisted by their own petard
you heard the lady, nona.
now put your money where your mouth is and show your proof. otherwise you’re just repeating what the other lemmings are yapping.
Do you have any evidence to your claim?
Sorry Troll HARDER
now that the fbi are involved with the amlc the financial deck of cards will tumble.
as i said before the arroyos are too afraid to answer even basic questions and use the great unwashed to spout rubbish without independent thought.
talking 3rd world politics to 3rd world people is pearls before swine clearly
Heil Frau Nona! Is that really you, or the fifth column in you? What, no alleged and no presumption of innocence? Der Fuhrer in the reich palace loves you very much! He loves der loyal fawning parasite in you! Thank you for making that point in favor of the author! Your reich palace squatter mentality is exemplary! You are truly a faithful daughter of the nutzie race! Sieg Heil!
der fuhrer would be proud of her.
the devils own spawn
but her legacy will sit alongside his as one to be revilled
” i am a politician, i lie, cheat and steal, and when i am not kissing babies then i steal their lollipops”
character jack ryan – red october.
you are right but the difference is the extent a society accepts and condones it, or the media turns a blind eye, or partisan voters cannot differentiate between truth and fiction and follow blindly without question or independent thought.
it is one of the aspects which separate 3rd world criminals in politics and the western world, where less manage to abuse the system to such a gratuitous extent, and people need to prove their worth not just buy a seat through popularity of the adoring masses, or failing that simply cheat.
no decent schools ala eton or universities ala cambridge and hence no class.
i suspect most here have not even met the politicians let alone deal with them regularly.
trust me, i am a doctor.
Did I sound like I’m blaming GMA SOLELY for everything? Well, I am not. And I am also not referring to my local public school. There are too many reasons why our public school system is at where is it right now. I just mentioned that because it’s the most noticeable need the state has to address immediately.
re: Did you see GMA pocket the funds?
I did not. Do I have to? It’s not rocket science, as they say. Do you believe in your heart, and with every neuron left in your brain, that GMA and company did not do the crimes pinned against them?
re: Did you write a letter to your local representative about the problem? What else did you do to get the attention of the local authorities?
Ganon na ba talaga katanga mga politicians natin ngayon not to notice that? Like that representative from Bohol na sa kagustuhang sumipsip gagawin daw Cory Ave and EDSA? Yes, I am not fond of PNoy and the gang myself. But the issue here is Gloria and company and their crimes.
re: Why are you only complaining about it now?
I am not complaining. I just gave you an example of what you can do to appreciate the issues better. And I did not mean pumasok as mag-aral. I was referring to getting inside the campus.
Speaking of complaining, what I am complaining is that you are using legitimate issues like the fact that many Filipinos complain about their lives and blame it to the government kahit wala namang ginagawa to IMPLY that GMA is INNOCENT.
@PNoy seems to think that he can simply continue to ride upon GMA’s economic gains while blaming her during his term.
GMA administration was not the reason for the economic growth in her term. The global economy was bullish at that time. When we were named as the tiger of Southeast Asia during the Ramos term, it was not because of Ramos (especially with issues on the anomalous one-sided deals with electric producing companies). It was because the Southeast Asian economies were growing. If we are to recover from this recession that we are having right now, PNoy should not claim it also. Pero alam naman natin, magmamayabang na naman si PNoy at papalakpakan na naman siya ng mga sipsip sa SONA nya.
I agree about the truth on how narrow-minded some Pinoys are, at least those interviewed on TV, but the majority is silent and that they are happy that kahit sobrang bagal, umuusad naman ang kaso ni GMA(at mga kasamang kumain ng isang milyong pisong halagang tanghalian sa New York). Sino-sino nga pala yon? Sana may check attendance sila sa loob ng kulungan. Hehehe.
Again, GET REAL! Hehehe. 😀
You are not looking at the big picture. The continued ranting against GMA and some of the members of the Supreme Court continues to divide the nation, which in turn results in disunity and instability in the country. Let the courts deal with her already. You are also turning a blind eye to PNoy who does not have qualms about violating the law to get what he wants. Like what I said in the article: “It is much easier and quicker to get instant results when you throw the rulebook out of the window. But there are grave consequences when using shortcuts like defying the law as an option at getting something done. Most people have not realized it yet but removing an elected leader unconstitutionally the first time already set a dangerous precedent. It gave people excuse or reason to justify doing it again and again. Marcos, Erap and now the Supreme Court.”
You asked me:
I’ll believe it when it has been proven in court. I don’t readily believe accusations against people especially since GMA had a lot of enemies.
You said:
This is the part where most Filipinos don’t get. It is every citizen’s role especially the tax payers to closely monitor where their taxes are going. If you see potholes on the road that hasn’t been fixed for almost a week, you need to write your local official and call his attention to it. Being vigilant is hard work. Unfortunately, most Filipinos think that their public servants will do their job. In fact, most Filipinos treat their public servants like celebrities. It’s because some of them were voted into office because of their celebrity status that’s why people are completely beholden to them.
And you also said:
Some of them are not complaining to the right people and even local issues are blamed on GMA. As I said, they should address their local representative.
On the economy, Helloo! You can’t say she wasn’t partly responsible for the growth. Your logic is flawed because as reported in a news article:
“In the second quarter of 2007, the economy posted at 7.5 percent the fastest annual growth in 20 years, the highest since the 7.7 percent in the third quarter of 1986, the year the dictator Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown. The economy finished 2007 with a 7.3-percent growth.” And that is because of the stimulus spending of Arroyo. The growth last year was due to a lot of factors:
1. Higher remittances from the millions of Filipinos working abroad.
2. Spending fuelled by the billions of dollars overseas Filipino workers sent home.
3. Was achieved on the back of the world recovery from the global financial crisis.
4. The extra money that was pumped into the economy by politicians who campaigned in the national and local elections held in the middle of last year.
i am over 50 physically fit to work but cannot find a job kasalanan ng gobyerno…i have a bachelors degree but work in a call center…kasalanan pa rin ng gobyerno…wala ako sarili bahay hindi kaya sweldo ko downpayment at monthly installment…di ko kaya mag pagamot mahal masyado at wala mapapala sa government hospital…kasalanan pa rin ng gobyerno…wala ako kasalanan sa mga nangyayari sa buhay ko…lahat kasalanan ng gobyerno kahit na hindi ako nagbabayad ng tax at hindi ako bumoto… pero dapat sagot ng gobyerno lahat ng eto..kasalanan ni Pnoy at sa mga susunod at nakaraang mga presidente…wait, kasalanan pala ng mga magulang ko bakit hinayaan pa akong mabuhay….
Ilda, preach.
Preach this to the whole world and make them see.
Oh compromised values and irrational judgements.
Philippines, what has happened to the beauty in thee?
@Jo M.
The Aquinos took over and seemed to have converted most Filipinos into irrational and emotional beings.
Yep. Even the yellow idiots have already invaded sites like gmanews.tv. I encountered this troll named askals2011 and he is just as stupid as vincenso is. He even resorts to namecalling and accuses a lot of commenters for being pro gma when they comment against pnoy.
“The Aquinos took over and seemed to have converted most Filipinos into irrational and emotional beings.”
LOL! another stupid generalization. Do you really believe that the people ass-kissing and rallying behind PNoy now are the representatives of a certain percentage of the population? It’s just that no more “less evil” can be seen in GMA and PNoy is the only choice. And why not, he is the legitimately elected president. People cannot choose Erap because he is not elected. We have to go through another election to find a better replacement but it will take another 4+ years.
@ HaraKiri
It’s not a question of legitimacy. If the country miraculously became developed during GMA’s time, no one would even ask that question. The effect of a “basurero” on increasing the average per capita income of Pinoys is higher than the legitimacy of GMA.
You don’t really get the point. The question here is why do the Aquino presidencies use smokescreens like blaming GMA or anyone else, but on the other hand, have no concrete performance to show for?
The Filipino people, if they would be even a little wiser, should not focus on trivial matters (like siding to which President) but rather on THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CURRENT PRESIDENT IN IMPROVING THE LIVES OF THE COMMON FILIPINO.
Don’t you ever wonder why the performance question is never ask in the news? Or why the common Pinoy is so stupid not to ask that question? There’s brainwashing here in a nationwide scale.
Saying “most Filipinos” is not a generalisation. I didn’t say “all Filipinos”. Please pay attention.
Isn’t that what PNoy and his minions keep emphasising on their popularity surveys?
Check the list of the presidential candidates again and you’d be surprised to find others who could have done a better job at uniting Filipinos and working on the economy.
Not according to some people who still think that there was vote rigging involved in the last election.
Did I say “all Filipinos”?
I said “are the representatives of a certain percentage of the population?” I’ll repeat PERCENTAGE.
“And why not, he is the legitimately elected president” .. I am certainly talking about PNoy here hence “he” then you replied :
“Not according to some people who still think that there was vote rigging involved in the last election.” – Come on, it’s English 101. You are better than that. 😉
I know you were talking about PNoy but some people are still questioning the results of the most “honest” election in the history of the Philippines for one reason or another like machines malfunctioning on election day or something.
Stop quibbling on details. If you don’t behave, you will get spammed.
“Stop quibbling on details. If you don’t behave, you will get spammed.”
Eat your own words. Sore Loser. You can’t even digest the real truth.
This is the reason why I found the site “sounding” pro-GMA. When you don’t know what to say , you spam out the rebuttals. I have
seen your true colors. Nothing to lose. One -sided after all.
What’s the truth? That you are supporting an incompetent leader who only knows one thing: to distract the people from his inability to do something about the economy.
We are not one sided. We just want people who can give us sound arguments. You are just a classic time waster.
If you really want a healthy discussion, please get rid threat of being spammed for “bad” behavior?
What is bad behavior to you? did I call anyone names? Its a healthy discussion for me until you shot me me with your warning of getting spammed. Be a good sports , please.
Sorry. Each author here has full authority to moderate comments within their respective articles. You take that up with Ilda. Either way, I personally don’t negotiate with people I have already decided I will place in my spam queue. Just try to stay out of that list. 😉
You’ve been using crass words in addressing me ever since you started commenting here and you just keep diverting the issues after it has been addressed. Your tactic is so typical of someone who has no other logical rebuttal.
You mistake me for being pro-GMA just because I try to defend the country’s institutions. That says a lot about the way you analyse things. Sablay.
And your jokes are not even funny.
Get off your high horse before pandering such hate. Have you ever been to a squatters area? if you have then pls pls tell me if they chose that life. So that if I pass by them I wouldn’t feel any guilt, pity or remorse in not doing more. Pls mein Fuhrer teach!
Also bravo for calling Jim Paredes out for using an off-hand joke while making yourself look intelligent knocking on poor people.
First off they squat because of poverty not by real choice, its like calling all Jews greedy or all Germans Nazis.
And while some of the things you said might be true, the thing is it sounds like crab mentality.
I voted for Teodoro last election and have been critical of Penoy, never did like some of Penoy’s policies or some of his actions. but in your article you seem to justify Gloria’s action with your hatred of Penoy.
Where were you when the rice crisis hit, where were you when the ZTE deal almost came to reality, where were you when the Hello Garci Tape hit the fan, and where were you when the 12-0 in Maguindanao happened. why doesn’t Gloria get to share in your scathing remarks, which i think is only reserved for Jim Paredes, Pinoy or Poor People.
Next time choose your words wisely.. Ever had a friend who has no place to call home or has no way to undo his lot in life. Pls tell me if they chose to live like that. Get Real!
The problem with some people is that they overreact. Once they become emotional, they can’t seem to comprehend the point of the article anymore. One other problem is that some people do not even bother to read the previous comments and the responses to it.
I’ve already clarified this so many times: the article was referring to people with squatter mentality; those who think that the laws do not apply to them; those who think that they are entitled to disregard them; and those who are arrogant, defiant and selfish. I didn’t say that only poor people have squatter mentality. If you read the article again, you should realize that even some “rich” people have squatter mentality. You make it sound like ALL poor people can become good once they become rich. Again, not all poor people have squatter mentality. Paki basa lang po ang mga previous comments. Thank you.
Which part of the article “justifies†GMA’s actions?
What makes you think I “hate†PNoy? 😉
ilda, have you noticed? many think that it it somebody’s fault why someone is poor? i have two words for them: personal responsibility.
Hi mayg
It seems that it is our public servants who are the ones giving the people the idea that the government is solely responsible for their welfare. They do this during election campaign. Every candidate gives freebies to the poor. You also see some of them line up infront of their public servant’s front door. They even ask for donations during weddings. What they don’t realise is that the money given to them comes out of the tax payers pockets.
HEY ILDA! greetings !
I want to ask something, have you experienced politics first hand? If not, i can’t blame you for your behavior. 🙂 I may agree that Madam GMA can’t be blamed for everything. But never insult people like that, for you might be one of them. Just the simple thought of being selfish and arrogant classifies you to what you refer in your article as “squatter minded”. Street dwellers should not be discriminated like that. This web page may be a blog, but please be careful. If you wonder why some people talk so big about her, it only means that they may have idea of what politics really is or so as they believe they have.
Nothing in your comment indicates that you understood the point of the article. It would help you if you read it again including the almost 300 comments below it.
Which part of the article “insults” people especially street dwellers? Please be specific. 😉
I understand politics, alright. I understand that the people who accuse GMA of her crimes did not want to speak out before probably because they also wanted favors from her. But now that someone else is in power, they may be trying to earn brownie points with the one in power or in PNoy’s case, the people. Ask PNoy why he voted against playing the “hello garci” tape, which could have revealed the truth about the allegations of cheating in 2004. Ask PNoy as well why he is trying so hard to appear being pro-active against corruption now. He could have done this when he was a congressman or even when he was a senator. His actions are quite suspect. Hacienda Luisita comes to mind.
The moment you mentioned them already concludes that you insulted them. If you do not understand what i meant, then this means you need to have a recap of what life is. Here is your problem, you understand politics on your own perception, figuring things out on your own, too one sided, never listen to other opinion, never experienced being a street dweller and never experienced politics. I tried to pin point the part which you insulted people and noticed that it was half of the article and got lazy of copying it to this nonsense. I deem reacting to this article of yours was a mistake. I was just shocked seeing this article posted in public. If you want to understand politics, experience it first hand just like i did. If you do not understand how you insulted the street dwellers, experience being one then try capturing their hearts, understand what they feel and live among them as if you are one of them just like i did. I bet you can’t do that, because people like you do not know anything about the real world. I have been to the highest to the lowest in this society, and seeing how you react makes me think that you belong to those average people who wants to be at the top. Who wants some attention. I’m sorry, but if you do not change your attitude, nothing differs you from what you just wrote above.
Where did you learn such non-sense? If you can’t be specific about which part of the article you consider “insulting” then you do not know what you are talking about.
Oh please. Don’t presume to know me. You read one article from me and you think you already know me. That’s just laughable. Others here have been reading Get Real articles for years and know where I am coming from. Look who is being narrow minded. You can’t even get the point of this one article. You just saw the “squatter” word and went all emo already. Gees.
btw. the point of this article does not matter, it’s the way you wrote it. oh and “I understand that the people who accuse GMA of her crimes did not want to speak out before probably because they also wanted favors from her. But now that someone else is in power, they may be trying to earn brownie points with the one in power or in PNoy’s case, the people.” this part? lmao that ain’t true. She has the power, why fight her? and now that she’s powerless, what can she do? get it? haha
Then all that talk about “freedom” that Cory and PNoy have been bragging about since 1986 means nothing. There is no one to blame but the Filipino people for doing nothing when the alleged crimes were said to have been committed. It’s what you call apathy and indifference. Look up the words and you might, just might understand what I am talking about.
Where did you learn such non-sense? If you can’t be specific about which part of the article you consider “insulting†then you do not know what you are talking about.
You read one article from me and you think you already know me. That’s just laughable. Others here have been reading Get Real articles for years and know where I am coming from. Look who is being narrow minded. You can’t even get the point of this one article. You just saw the “squatter†word and went all emo already. Gees.
Lmao. YOU MY FRIEND, DO NOT UNDERSTAND A THING ABOUT WHAT I SAID, THIS IS HILARIOUS, YOU’RE ONE HELL OF AN ********! hahahaha. nvm about it. your level of thinking? is way
down here 😀
I can detect frustration and desperation in your comment. 😉
@ilda: hormonal harakiri, jughead jcc and psycho xia couldn’t hide their desperation. it’s really bad acting.
you’re too patient with these losers.
You always make me laugh, Parallax. Maybe I can afford to be patient because I know you are just there waiting to pounce on them. I try to fatten them up for you…lol.
do not reply please, i just can’t stand the fact that YOU are so naive :D! it makes me laugh! xD i just wish that you experience politics, DO NOT consider me as one of your kind. lmao. i give up. 😀
giving up btw does not that you win, it’s just i have no time for your nonsense. 😀
It means that you cannot express yourself very well.
Quite unimpressive “argumentation” you have here, Xia.
When asked for a specific quote, you answer with a still vague “The moment you mentioned them already concludes that you insulted them” and bring out your supposedly superior “understanding” of all aspects of society that Ilda would have no capacity of having, which really doesn’t mean sh!t because this so-called “understanding” is merely self-prescribed and lacking in details.
When pressed further on the original request of a quote, and now with the additional refutation of your abovementioned statements as emo, you further prove Ilda’s point by saying “the point of this article does not matter, it’s the way you wrote it.” By saying that the article’s point doesn’t matter, you are merely dismissing instead of understanding others’ opinions, and gives you no right to wail about how others do not seem to understand you.
But I believe you when you say you know the politics here better, because you do perfectly sound like a typical Pinoy politician.
@ peste
I think Xia is a woman and this might be going into a cat fight versus Ilda, hahaha.. Xia’s getting hysterical.
Anyway, another display of the Filipino culture: a society that can’t accept criticism on itself and would bite off anyone that does.
Proud to be Pinoy! I wish I had something to be proud of.
okay, now i see how this works,
telling me what i feel as i wrote my reply does not change the fact that you are avoiding my accusations, and it does not defend you either, it’s more of accepting it yet keeping your cool. i admire you for that. pissing off your enemy, good tactic :). still, it doesn’t change the fact that you are naive.
you are right. i was wrong. my words were too straight forward, and i thank you for correcting me, such experience is priceless . 🙂
but please lemme clear up little things. i said ilda lacks understanding, what i meant was more like she lacks logical thinking. she does not have the capacity to assimilate my words and turn them to figures of reality prior to procuring facts about the real world. i believe this is much better.
and about me dismissing the topic, yes again i was wrong. then again i thank you for showing me how this works. yes yes, i do not care about the article itself, it’s just an opinion of someone why filipinos hate gma, true, this is something not worth of arguing since there is nothing to argue anyway. what i was pertaining was the way ilda wrote the article, which was on my opinion “destructive”. it is like telling your dumb maid how dumb she is where in she wasn’t even doing anything.
i’d like to as for an apology btw of me having such behavior. from now on i’ll answer things professionally.
What accusations? You can’t even be specific. Anyway, you don’t know anything about me so any ad hominem you throw at me will not stick.
Here’s a tip to make your online participation much more interesting for you: focus on the MESSAGE and not the messenger.
Let me simplify my point since my first post, rather comment. “napaka matapobre ninyo, yun lang. thank you.” get it?
What makes you say that we are “napaka matapobre”? Please be specific.
i can’t, it’ll be like killing the dead. why? it’s because i’m talking to you guys. this will be my last post. i understand now why in this article it’s me against all of you, it’s because all of you are the same, i’ve wondered so many times why you guys can’t understand me. it’s all because i shouldn’t have talked here in the first place for you guys are all
down here.
Sure thing, Xia. Maybe you can find some other place where you can preach your holier-than-thou views.
i don’t know you but you don’t know me either, i said “The moment you mentioned them already concludes that you insulted them.” can’t you analyze what i said? let me pin point things for you.
I can’t help but think that Filipinos who blame former Philippine President and Congresswoman, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) for everything bad that has happened in the country have a squatter mentality – who gave you the right to classify people like that? you removed their dignity. it is as if you are classifying them as naive regardless of their opinions. is this not considered to be an insult? you bad mouthed them you bird brain.
They believe that the government owes them benefits or privileges. – what they believe is people lack respect on them just because they are uneducated. and you’re a living proof. the government helps people in poverty, then they somehow rely on the government “subconsciously”. BUT never did they believe that the government owes them benefits or privileges. because if they do, then they would tear down government offices asking for their benefits. here’s a piece of advice, conduct a survey first before posting false accusations, you’re a fraud. =/ a worthless journalist. =/
This is why you will often hear people say, “It is GMA’s fault why there are more poor people in the Philippinesâ€. – i often here people say, “it’s because of you undisciplined people why our country never innovate!” not that crap you said, again you did not even reached for people’s opinion, you just sat there and wrote a piece of crap. fraud.
People with squatter mentalities do not believe in hard work or in contributing to the betterment of society. – again another insult, who ever said that they do not believe in hard work? tell that to my workers, all i see is hard work, which in turn giving them incentives. oh yea, you can’t understand such statements, let me clear it for you. you do not have the right to judge them and utter words that they do not believe in hard work nor in contributing for the betterment of the society, you don’t even know their role. all these people wish is money in exchange for work. for them to have money to buy food to eat, as their hungry children wait patiently for just a plastic of rice and dash of salt. they do not contribute you say? have you ever wondered who disposes your garbage? is it our mayor? ofc not. would it be the president of a firm that collects garbage outside? ofc not. give them some dignity you piece of sh!t.
They think that they can rely on the government to be responsible for their own happiness.- you think they think like that? then why are they working their ass off? why are they selling sampaguita necklaces, walking around picking up plastic bottles for them to sell, i bet when a child who’s hungry and haven’t eaten anything yet would come to you and ask for alms, you’re gonna be like “EEEEEW GET OFF ME! GET AWAY! I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY! SCRAM!” go to hell. =/
do i really need to continue this crap? lmao. i’m too lazy since i’ll be posting your whole article.
now tell me, you did not, even a single bit, mocked them? i am focusing on the message btw. the message i see and that good tho. i just wish i could see you in person, i’l let you see the side you’ve been insulting. what they feel, what they do, what they believe, specially what they have that you do not, and it’s called respect.
Obviously you still do not get the point because you still believe that I am referring exclusively to the “poor” when I said “squatter mentality”. FYI, even some “rich” people have squatter mentality.
Had you bothered to read the rest of the comments on the thread, you’d see that this has been clarified over and over. Paki back read na lang.
You have won cyber monkey of the week.
It is awarded in honour of the shakespeare monkey theory – enough bashing away at a keyboard and eventually something meaningful will be created.
Normally vincenzo wins every week – a hall of fame nominee – but good to see he has some competition.
Have a banana.
you don’t get it up until now ilda, using the word makes you a *********. you should have said imbecile. do not blame the reader for your lack of vocabulary. this may be a work of art for you but for people with high intellect such as us (who utterly defy your post) this is a piece of crap, a fraud, false accusations. lies. so quit it. quit writing nonsense. you’re a fraud. accept it
Who are these people with “high” intellect you are talking about?!? I’m afraid you have not been able to bring your point across successfully even after so many tries. And it’s not just me who noticed it. But you are very good at ad hominem and using crass words though.
Tough luck, dude. Just because you don’t like what I said doesn’t mean I should quit.
BTW, which part of the article is a lie? 😉
damn!!! you really have a squatter mentality. did your workers tell you that?
do you even know what operational definition means? Magpakatotoo ka sister. Yang mga taga squatter na yan mga sira ulo, magnanakaw at mandarambong ang karamihan dyan. Baket? Kasi di sila nabigyan ng tamang edukasyon dahil kulang ang pera nila o sa ibang dahilan. ‘Tangnang to akala mo kung sinong maka-pobre. Ulul!
Itong ‘tangnang gobyernong to pina pamper ang mga yan. Pag may rally hinahakot ng mayor at barangay captain. Lalo na pag eleksyon pera lang ang katapat ng mga yan. Kaya yang mga pulitikong nakalukluk ngayon pinagbibigyan yan ng PERA. Yung mga tabloid mong binabasa ngayon ang patayan, rape at pagnanakaw… TAGA saan ang otsenta porsyento? TAGA DUN SA SQUATTER… pinaganda pa ng mga buwakanang inang politiko ang tawag… URBAN POOR… urban poor my ass.
Alam mo kung baket? MANGMANG na nga yang mga yan… GINAGAWA PA LALONG MANGMANG ng mga pulitikong ganid sa kapangyarihan. Pumunta ka sa wikimapia at tingnan mo kung ilang porsyento ng metro-manila ang squatter.
PRIVILEGE POOR = SQUATTER. yan ang meron tayo sa pilipinas. imbis na bigyan ng edukasyon… binibigyan ng pera. di ba’t yang tangnang secretarya ng DSWD ay may programang bigyan ng pera ang mga SKWAKING na yan? UMUBRA BA? hindee. Yang mga sinasabi mong trabahador mo sigurado akong di mo pinagtitiwalaan ang mahigit na kalahati dyan. Papaputol ko ang ari ni ChinoF kung sasabihin mong nagtitiwala ka. Patunayan mo nga… bigay mo ang pangalan ng kumpanya mo at mga pangalan ng tao mo… para ma verify yang pinagdadadaldal mo.
Pwede ba… pagkahabahaba ng Ingles mo… alang kwenta sinasabi mo… paikot ikot lang… sayang bandwith. MAGTAGALOG KA NA LANG.
Claiming higher moral ground while spewing insults isn’t the way to convince us that Iida’s points are wrong. If anything, it makes you sound very desperate.
“BUT never did they (squatter mentality) believe that the government owes them benefits or privileges.” – Xia
I previously worked in a private microfinancing org. lending money to the poor, mostly, in the squatters area. When an unfounded “tsismis” (gossip) ran through the borrowers that the funds of microfinance came from the government, they no longer want to pay their dues, saying “it’s from the government, why should we pay it back?”.
Xia, my dear, ur obviously hooked up on something but not reality. The quicker you remove being emotional and start being analytical and observant, the faster you’ll understand what really ails this country.
Try lending P300 to 100 people in the squatters area and tell them it’s from the government. Let’s see if they pay you back.
@bulutong w.e.
try doing that on random people and see if they pay you back
this is a free country, free blog, why would i restrain myself from exercising what i want? same as ilda, why would she stop from posting such if that’s what she wants? do not interfere if you do not understand anything,
you can’t understand. do not try to. you can’t. it’s as simple as that. thank you.
Once in a while I wonder why I even bother with some people. I blame it on my ability to give people the benefit of the doubt. But you, my dear, is a classic time waster.
“try doing that on random people and see if they pay you back”
Isn’t that the point of this article? That “squatter mentality” isn’t exclusive to the slums?
Yes you can do what you want, but don’t go complaining to us when you destroy your own credibility.
both of you. i still could not see the point of why you guys keep on uttering words that are not connected to what i’m talking about. try accepting words. try accepting opinions. the very reason why i just talk like sh!t lately is i answered the question ilda asked. and she came back with another question. she keeps avoiding my point. so quit whining. quit blabbering nonsense. accept the fact that i was right. use it as a lesson. specially ilda, you think this is a waste of time for you? is that bird brain of yours out of juice? i am explaining and pin pointing to you the mistake you’ve done and ask me another question of “where is this where is that”. sheez. you guys keep whining and whining. it’s like talking to teenagers. have you seen what i said above? the moment i saw my mistake which peste showed me, bah. nvm. i’ll just keep those for myself. okay you guys win, happy? i really think that i can’t win against you guys. it’s like waking up a person who’s awake.
Sabi mo:
Please follow your own advice. Thanks. 😉
“i still could not see the point of why you guys keep on uttering words that are not connected to what i’m talking about. try accepting words. try accepting opinions… so quit whining. quit blabbering nonsense.”
Right back at ‘ya.
“accept the fact that i was right.”
Ang kapal ng mukha mo – ayan, sinabi ko na. Pipilitin mong nasa tama ka sabay mura sa amin? Paano kami maniniwala sa iyo?
Calm down, Xia. Don’t get hysterical. We’re hearing u, at least I am. You refuse to believe Ilda’s analysis because u opined that it is insulting to attribute such bad traits to the poor (as u are thinking placing “squatter” in “squatter mentality”) and u won’t believe it unless there are statistical facts. Am i right? Well, hold it right there. U should know: there are other facts such as observable facts and logic not exclusive only to statistical data.
Look, my dear, majority of the Philippines are poor, MAJORITY. Now this majority, whether, anyone likes it or not, sways the country to where it is going based on what these people DO or DO NOT DO. Now, if granting that the intent and traits of the poor majority are good, noble and wise, do you think our country will be continuing as it is today – in a steady rotting state? Obviously NOT. Definitely NOT. There’s no other deduction you can make except THIS: THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE (GREAT PART OF IT ARE THE POOR).
Considering you’re argument against Ilda, yours is less factual. Actually, it’s sugar-coated and superficial: like those teledramas displaying the poor are so good-natured and pure-hearted. THIS IS NOT ABOUT WINNING OR LOSING AN ARGUMENT. IT’S ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT. There’s nothing enlightening about you’re argument because it’s obvious that it’s not logical. Sorry.
I’m classified with one of the poor, by the way (though I’m not a squatter). I have dealt with people from the squatters area also.
well put @ bulutongboy.
@jet: xia is to desperate chestbeating as pnoy is to shinyness.
@xia: that’s twenty pesos for the ritalin, please.
I am suddenly reminded by a saying our speech professor shared with us when he was discussing argumentation.
If you have the facts on your side, pound on the facts.
If you have the law on your side, pound on the law.
If you have neither on your side, pound the table.
As awesome as this saying was, it forgot to mention the fact that repeatedly pounding the table will eventually hurt you. 😉
Masyado kang naniniwala sa media Ilda. Sana nung sinulat mo yung #7, nagtanong ka muna sa isang lawyer. at sana binasa mo yung sagot ng DOJ dun sa decision ng SC. Basahin mo rin yung article ni conrad de quiros ng inquirer regarding the SC justices. baka lang maliwanagan ka.
What makes you think I haven’t read it? Both PNoy and Conrado de Quiros have lost the plot. They are inciting anger and anarchy. It is simple: basic human right, which includes the right to travel.
Why would you consider GMA a threat? She’s been going in and out of the country several times after PNoy took over. PNoy is turning into a dictator.
Because i think you are one-sided. If traveling abroad is a basic human right then why do gov’t employees req’d to get a travel authority? At hindi lahat naapprove. Are gov’t employees threat to national security? Also, if it is a right, then DOJ circular 41 is unconstitutional. So why did GMA approve all ex-DOJ Gonzales watchlist orders? Tanong nating si exDOJ Gonzales kung unconstitutional yun (or si GMA nalang kaya).
You said it yourself. They just need to get a travel authority but I don’t think any of them has been banned from travelling. They just need to get a clearance being a gov’t employee. The freedom to leave the country is a fundamental human right as stipulated in the constitution:
Section 6 in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights says: “Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.â€
The right is also emphasized by United Nations conventions that we have ratified. The UN Convention on Human Rights of 1948 states: “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own.†The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 says: “Everyone shall be free to leave the country, including his own.â€
Now as to the circular 41, that applies to individuals who have been charged with a crime. They need to be in the country to answer to the charges against them. GMA had no case against her at that time. The haste with which the arrest warrant was issued already tells us that the case is not a very solid one.
pro gma – anti p-noy
pro p-pnoy anti gma
where are the independent thinkers
2dimensional thought is as relevant as being a member of the flat earth society and in itself simply maintains the status quo but with different characters.
this vicarious need to belong to a colour or cult distorts reality and impairs objectivity and rationality.
think 3d. be independent and innovative.
criticise all equally.
gma is a narcissistic criminal with no empathy for people.
p-noy is an indolent puppet with no intellect.
you pay your money and you take your choice, or you become more creative and do something different than repeat the same mistakes.
You pretty much summed up pinoy mentality. I have zero support for any politician in power in the RP. We are nothing but suckers to the oligarchs. If P-Noy wants to actually change the country for the good, he should push to change the constitution. GMA may have been a criminal, but she is not to blame for the poverty that has stricken the country. The poverty is due to the uncontrollable population growth that is the result of poor social policies endorsed by the Catholic Church.
You have our “national hero” Manny Pacquiao who brags about the children he can afford to spawn, to advise the poor masses not to be responsible and breed children they cannot afford. What we have is a “social cancer”. Back then we had Jose Rizal write about our ills. Today we lack such a profound voice because we are a nation of P-Noys…simpletons who are preoccupied with game shows and boxing.
Most Filipinos won’t even recognise the solution even if it is already staring them in the face. They won’t consider anything that involves hard work as a solution. It is easier to blame the politicians they keep electing.
“I have zero support for any politician in power in the RP.”
If you’re working abroad you are capable of unsupporting (if there is such a word) the politicians here in RP.
As for us living here, we cannot do that. We pay taxes for everything. VAT charged on almost everything, if not percentage taxes, withholding taxes on salaries, corporate taxes that will, ofcourse, ultimately be charged back on us consumers.
And with all this taxes removed from our everyday livelihood, what do we get in return?
I’m not discouraging paying taxes. We should. It is our duty to our country and to God to pay it faithfully. It’s just frustrating that nothing of it comes back to help us in our everyday needs and more so to the less privileged people of this country (whose numbers are growing every generation).
This is what most Filipinos do not understand. Whenever we see something amiss on governance, WE SHOULD CRITICIZE IT. Because we are forced to support it with our lifeblood.
No one here has the right to say to anyone (unless their evading taxes) that if I/we criticize, you don’t support. Everyone should ask questions and criticize because we are forced to support. I hope Vincenzo gets this.
I find it heartening to see that there are still objective-minded people in this country— people who still believe in legal principles and processes followed by rational humans. I will only believe allegations against anybody once the so called evidence is admissible in courts and the case has undergone due process. More power to the writer! 🙂
Hi Icalian
I find it heartening to see people who get my point. Thank you for keeping an open mind! 🙂
No problem. It is really a relief to see works like this. In fact, I shared them with a few friends, ones who still thought objectively. I didn’t post it in FB though because self-righteous people would try to engage me in a debate and I am sick and tired of them already. There is no winning a debate against people who are self-righteous and convinced that the truth is what they think it is. Mabuhay ang mga taong objective pa rin mag isip! 🙂
I share articles here in Facebook to people who are capable of understanding it. As Jesus said, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
Funny when you share own analysis in Facebook, this happens. Just proves how many among the country are dogs and pigs. The typical Pinoy can’t take criticism.
I so very agree with you particularly on the Filipinos Blaming GMA for there shortcomings instead of working hard, and just relying on the Govt for there happiness. and PNoy minions vilifying(new word i got there from you) GMA and his Minions. But your article especially the 3rd paragraph, makes you no better than those who you criticize(Jim Paredes et al.)
I have taken it upon myself to point out what people do and how it affects other people. I don’t consider it the same as what Jim and PNoy are doing. I don’t make fun of sick people and I don’t judge people based on hearsay the way most Filipinos are judging GMA and Corona.
Read between the lines. Don’t take it literally. May mga utak naman kayo.
Go, Ilda! You have the gift of the pen. Keep using it to rouse pinoys from their apathy and to rattle pinoys like Xia.
Thanks, Jaime!
part of the ten reasons is the biased news of abs-cbn & GMA-7 on PGMA, it poison the mind of the people espicially in the province.
Thanks Ilda for the right information..
You are right, Charles. The big networks do not give airtime to all points of view.
Thanks for keeping an open mind.
How much did GMA pay you to write this article?
Hahaha…classic ad hominem. What kind of non-sense is that? I don’t have to get paid to write this.
She’s already under arrest and you still think she has the time to negotiate with bloggers? Gees…you need to enrol yourself in logic 101.
@lance: how much did you sell your slightly used brain for? sarrrrap ng twenty!
Sa lahat ng sinisisi, pinag dedebatehan nyo. Me naisip ba kayong maayos na solusyon para sa lahat ng problema. Kung wala manahimik na kayong lahat dahil wala naman kayong na i contibute. Nag sipag ingay lang kayo. PESTE!!!
You must be referring to Xia 😉
“Me naisip ba kayong maayos na solusyon para sa lahat ng problema.” – jenissa
Yep. Actually, it’s already right in front of you. The solution is: discussing intelligent ideas. When we do that our wrong views are corrected. Then, if we discuss it with our fellow Filipinos, they’re views are corrected also. In such ways, we will be able to encourage intelligent thinking among those who can and willing to.
So, right back at you, if you think this is useless, what do you propose?
mag concentrate tayo sa usapang kapaki pakinabang hindi yung pagpuna sa mali ng iba na alam naman nating pinag uumpisahan ng hindi pagkakaintindihan. Ang isang salita, sa iba ay maraming kahulugan, paka ingatan natin
na ang pagpapaliwanag sa hindi gaanong nakakaintindi ay hindi makainsulto.
I don’t like sugar coating the truth. I prefer to say it the way I see it. The problems in the country need urgent attention. There are many Filipinos who are suffering because of the dysfunction in our society. Sorry, but I don’t have time for flowery words.
Ano nga ba muna ang problema? Bago tayo makapagmumunkahi ng solusyon dapat muna natin suriin at intindihin ang problema.
Wala akong natapos pero alam ko pag ang tao sa sobrang kayabangan nalilihis na ang utak sa mas importanteng bagay dahil yung kagalingan lang nya ang lagi nyang gustong ilabas. Ego tripper ba yun. Kesa magdebate kayo sa walang katapusang kayabangan nyo eh magtulung tulong yang mga utak nyo na makabuo ng mahahalagang suggestions para sa solusyon sa mga problemang pang bayan, de mas me pakinabang pa yang nga utak nyo di ba?
You must be referring to our public servants especially PNoy. 😉
Ako’y naniniwalang naruon ang intensyon ng bawat namumuno na makatulong, sa abot ng makakaya. Pero sa pagtuligsa natin sa kanila, maging maingat sana sa gagamiting pananalita upang hindi maging dahilan ng pagsama ng kanilang kalooban at maging daan upang mawalan sila ng ganang maglingkod ng tapat. Huwag nating iputong sa kanila ang kalanang nakalipas o isisi ang kasalukuyang problema, lahat tayo’y may kani kaniyang kamalian at pagkukulang. May sariling paniningil ang tadhana at nakita natin sa mga nakalipas na rehimen. Ganunpaman walang nabago sa palakad dahil andun pa rin ang kawalan ng pagkakaisa. Hindi natin maisusulong ang tunay na pagbabago kung sa ating sarili mismo ay wala ito.
You cannot say that we need to stop criticising our public servants because it might hurt their feelings. We should not worry that they will get offended. We need to tell them when they are wrong because they are always saying they are doing the right thing or “God is on my side”.
If they lose their “gana” to do their job like you said, then they should resign and give the job to someone who has “gana”. It’s as simple as that.
@ jenissa
“pag ang tao sa sobrang kayabangan nalilihis na ang utak”
1. paki-identify kung sino-sino yung mayabang dito?
2. sa anong criteria na-classify mo na mayabang?
“Kesa magdebate kayo sa walang katapusang kayabangan nyo eh magtulung tulong yang mga utak nyo na makabuo ng mahahalagang suggestions para sa solusyon sa mga problemang pang bayan”
3. magbasa ka po mabuti, marami na po na-isuggest na solution
4. are you sure you don’t suffer from insecurity issues? It’s a common Pinoy trait.
Hindi bat ang kayabangan ay insecurity issues? kinakausap mo sarili mo?
Please answer questions 1 and 2.
Ang hirap isipin ang daming matatalinong tao pero kakaunti lang talaga ang nakakaunawa. MAhirap bang limiin ang salitang PAGKAKAISA. Yan ang pinaka number one nating problema, wala tayo nyan kaya kahit ilan pang presidente humawak sa banyan, walang solusyon sa mga problema.
Blame it on the incumbent President, Noynoy Aquino. He is causing division and disunity. He does not have the ability to unite majority of the Filipinos. He is always engaging in blame game instead of working towards healing and progress.
Mahirap mag zero-in sa iisang tao, para nating inamin na tayo mismo walang kakayahan. Binubuo tayo ng isang organisasyon hindi ng iisang tao. Ano na ngayon ang pinagkaiba natin sa sinasabi mong utak squatter kung inaamin mo na wala ka naman din palang kakayahan. Aminin natin sa sarili magaling lang tayong manisi, pag tayo na ang nahaharap sa napakaraming problema di ba kelangan din nating humingi ng tulong sa iba. Nasa atin ang solusyon kung pakikinggan mo lang ang kalaliman ng utak mo at di paimbabaw na ego.
I belong to an underground group searching for sensible and sensitive intelligence to work for peace advocacy. I’m still in my initiation stage and you’re one of my case study.
You have just been rated as one with superficial intelligence better luck next time. Thanks for your time anyway, peace be with you. Bye.
Ask me if I care. 😉
You assume that I didn’t see through your comments.
Another day, another wacko. 😀
@ benign0
Yep. Hirap kc ng buhay.
“PAGKAKAISA” daw. A vague word since the average Pinoy do not understand on what context should there be “PAGKAKAISA”.
Unity in what? Stupidity? People’s idealism today is difficult to understand.
Ang hirap ano? As much as we want to try giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, it turns out some people are not being honest with their motives. “Secret group” daw. Gooooosebumps!!!
Unity in Stupidity. You’ve got it. United Stupids under Abnoy.
Seriously, Filipinos seem to fail when together and succeed when apart. Perhaps there is a very real case for the eventual break up of the Philippines and allow its original regional units to govern themselves autonomously.
What makes you so sure that lack of unity is the problem of the Philippines? Care to provide evidence to back your claims?
She seems to prefer a world where everyone agrees with PNoy.
I agree with you poh Ilda, GMA forever. what’s with these wackos non intellectuals. Please unite with us aurigoa!
I’m not a GMA supporter. I do advocate for respecting our institutions and following the rule of law.
ay.. wala na .. more please! 😀
was googling this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vox_populi .. just thought to share 😀
click on the OLDER COMMENTS link immediately below for more.
(btw, i troll trolls.) 😛
I find it even more disturbing that in the last election Erap came in 2nd.
How the hell does a guy we ousted get to be in 2nd place?
Pakiexplain daw sa akin. Pag lahat kayo umayaw ni Erap eh bakit naging close match siya sa election? I just don’t get it!
You ousted him then you want him to run again! WTF!
Only PROGloria people wil believe this ****.
and you’re the tooth fairy on medication.
for hemorrhoids. (so we know you’re full of yourself.)
in case you’re too bobo to understand, it means
yourself = what comes out of you that is yellow
okay, nutjob?
“Only PROGloria people wil believe this”
Not really. How about those people that found out that the GDP and GNI went sharply down from 3rd quarter of 2010 to 3rd quarter 2011 (President Noynoy’s amazing administration)?
Our economy is getting nowhere. What else do you want to believe? Even if u jail all the corrupt politicians that will not spell improvement on our standard of living.
So what fantasy do you want believe, Vincenzo?
Nah, only ignorant yellow zombie morons like you won’t believe the truth about your tito noy.
A lot of previous associates like Dinky Soliman hate GMA not because she grants people favors, but because she doesn’t, especially if you are like Dinky Soliman or perhaps Jun Lozada who feel they deserve to be granted special privileges or awarded certain favors.
So true. If they were given “gifts”, they would be returning the favor. It is proof that GMA didn’t try to get everyone on her side.
Ilda you string words together that are sweepingly generalized and with that sleight-of hand-technique like the typical intelligentsia scum that you are.Its pundits like you who has had a lot of “enemaducation”,classroom learning and sheltered lives that are talking this country to the ground with your armchair analyses.Your writing is shallow,biased (while PRETENDING not to be) and well PRETENTIOUS. I see through you and your ilk,and I hope others increasingly does too.
Which part of the article do you consider biased and shallow (while PRETENDING not to be)? Please be specific. 😉
One thing I’ve noticed about those who strongly disagree with my views is that they have a hard time pointing to out why they disagree. They just get frustrated and call me all kinds of names. So Unless you can give me a sound argument without using foul language, I will be inclined to dismiss you.
BTW, it’s not possible for you to see through me because you don’t know me.
“One thing I’ve noticed about those who strongly disagree with my views is that they have a hard time pointing to out why they disagree.”
So true. If people knew half what they were talking about they’d stop spewing fluff and get straight to the point.
Xia, anyone? 😉
It’s hard to argue with people whose role model is Pnoy. The campaign season taught me the hard way. 🙁
It’s hard to argue with them but it’s easy to make them look like idiots 😉
Indeed. They want to learn the hard way.
I somewhere overheard a vague comment i think from a politician overseas who said of our country that we should gather all the 5 year olds and place them in ships while the rest of us should drown ourselves. Dunno who said it, but i believe this is the only way to stop passing our vicious outdated culture onto the future generations. When we keep passing down this ‘begging’ culture, we’ll never rise out of the heap of this garbage that is this nation.
I would say these answers as well the question: Why is the Philippines poor?
I suppose the next administration after Pnoy would probably blame him and start the same plethora of accusations and tableau once again. The problem is this is just a continuing cycle. Even if someone does gets indicted, they won’t stay in prison anyway, look at Marcos, look at Erap, did anyone of them actually got incarcerated even when proven guilty? Where are they now? Their clan is still in power, the money intact. The filipino masses always needs to be entertained, so this tableau will just be rehased over and over again. Unfortunately the hero now will be the villain next term. Doesn’t that make for a good telenovela?
Di ako nag-comment masyado sa post mo tungkol sa Philippine cinema. Pero di na ako makapagpigil sa article na ito. Sino nagbigay sa iyo ng karapatan na laitin ang mga “squatter” at ang mahihirap? ******** mo! Wag kang mag-alala, pinag-isipan ko ang comment na ito. At uulitin ko uli, ******* mo. — Jerry Gracio
I have seen this argument at least 5 or more times throughout the hundreds of comments. And the author has answered this each and every time. Do try reading all the comments to see the answer.
Let’s just stop the blaming and start moving forward to a better future. Let’s shape the future Filipino’s to be good, responsible and deeply rooted citizens. We’ve been blaming all the past administrations since the Republic began. We blamed Aguinaldo for killing Bonifacio, we blamed Quezon for selling the Country to the americans, we blamed Laurel for being a Japanese dog, We blame Osmena for being passive and corrupt, We blamed Roxas for the bankruptcy of the Philippines before he died, We blamed Quirino for his corruption, we blamed Magsaysay for encouraging squatting and inconsistencies with his economic reform, we blamed Garcia for defending Marcos, we blamed Macapagal for blocking and scaring foreign investors, we blamed Marcos for graft and corruption, we blamed Corry for being incompetent and underdog of the rich, we blamed Ramos for being corrupt and passive in his reign, We blamed Erap for spending too much money on firearms, corruption, gambling and economic depression, we blamed Arroy for corruption, electoral sobotage, graft and many more, now we are blaming Aquino for incompetence and blaming past administrations…. When will we stop blaming other and start looking into our selves and start the change and then pass it on to the next generation. Among the people here who gave comments most likely don’t follow simple traffic rules, do not throw their trash properly, do not use the pedestrian lanes properly, and the likes. Before we blame the government, lets take a look at our culture and what’s wrong with it. We need the start from within our selves, passing it onto our families, then affecting the society we live in, and it will affect the whole country. That’s the only way to fix this broken country.
It is funny how most of the arguments here are triggered by perceived misuse and (this for certain) misinterpretation of simple words.
What should be a person’s IQ in order to be able to understand that the word squatter as used in this post refers to the most basic traits of a squatter without which the squatter cannot be called one, and excludes the circumstances that caused him to become one?
Lest I be accused of not having the ability to express my point as well (although I’ve learned long ago that nobody in this world can please everyone naman kaya I won’t really mind opinions of me or my views given by people who are not in any way involved in my life)… the way I see it, Miss Ilda is not being insulting of squatters as individuals with their own experiences, principles and mindsets. It never occurred to me the entire time I was reading that she was being matapobre because I understood that she was referring to the concept of the squatter, na wala ngang pakundangang magtayo ng bahay sa lote ng may lote at pag pinaalis ay manlalaban na parang sila pa ang may karapatang tinapakan at mag-eexpect pa ng libreng relocation.
And that’s the basic definition. That’s the basic thinking of the squatter. Na sila ay nagsipag naman at some point or minalas lang talaga ng tadhana or kung saan saang papag sila natutulog are not the elements that define being a squatter, and it was easy for me to see that these are not included in Miss Ilda’s comparisons, as well. Therefore it’s not fair to call her matapobre as if she’s looking down on the positive facets of the squatter the individual. She was merely talking about squatter the concept in its most elemental form.
Then again others would probably say it’s stupid to separate the concept from the person. Which would only go to show that some people just can’t get it.
i agree.
it seems akosime has veered away from the point of discussion. perhaps if you forgo with the semantics we can gain insight on what ilda is saying. just sayin’.
I suggest you browse the earlier comments to see the reason for akosime’s comment. You can also scroll down to my conversation with Faith a few comments below.
Thanks for the comment. You get my drift. Some people’s reaction to the article makes me want to scratch my head though.
Dagdag pa kung maaari:
Ang programa kaugnay sa repormang agraryo ay matatapos na sa taong 2014. Kaya naman ginagawa ng kasikeng pamilyang Cojuangco ay mga delaying tactics, tulad ng pagsasampa ng motion for reconsideration,habang tinatanggal nila si Corona at iba pang justices na hindi kakampi ni Penoy.
Sa ngayon, ayon sa mga Korean foreign investors na nais pumasok sa Hacienda Luisita, ang Hacienda ay nagkakahalaga ng P600 bilyon, samantalang sa desisyon ng Korte Suprema ay P189 milyon lamang ang dapat bayaran ng mga magsasaka sa mga Cojuangco. Ang Hacienda Luisita ang pinakamalawak na lupain na malapit sa Clark International Airport, na magiging premier international gateway ng Pilipinas, at sa SCTEX.
Sa tingin ba ninyo ay bibitawan ng mga Cojuangco ang lupaing ito nang ganun-ganun lang? Ipaglalaban nila ito, at ipagpapatayan nila ito. Tulad ng nangyari sa Hacienda Luisita masaker.
Isa pa, noong nagkakagirian sa piket line sa hacienda bago naganap ang masaker, nagpunta sa malakanyang ang mga abogado ng magsasaka upang humingi ng alalay dahil alam nilang magkakagulo. Ang kinausap nilang opisyal ay nangtangkang tumawag sa mga pulis at militar sa Tarlac, at pati na kay PNoy na noon ay congressman at security consultant ng hacienda, na kung pupuwede ay pakalmahin ang sitwasyon. Pero ano sabi ni Congressman Aquino na ngayon ay pangulo ng bansa? “Sorry, too late na. Naiutos ko na!” Pagkaraan ng ilang sandali, nag-ring ang telepono ng mga abogado at bigla silang tumayo at umalis. “Nagkaputukan na!,” sabi nila.
Pito ang namatay at madami ang sugatan. Bakit ko alam? Nasa gilid-gilid din ako noon sa pagkakataong iyon.
Paki-hatid ang impormasyong ito kay Jim Paredes, kay Noel Cabangon, kay Conrad de Quiroz. Sorry mga pare, pero ito ang totoo.
Thank you very much for the information. It is consistent with the other accounts that I’ve read elsewhere. It is really mind boggling how the relationship between GMA and Cory went pear shaped. They really got along before. And PNoy even chose not to play the “hello garci” tape. The Filipino people is so clueless about the real motives of the Aquinos.
This is something that should be spread by the mainstream media for a wider audience.
Nice analysis ilda. Very well written.
Some info. Ang puso at pusod ng usapin kaugnay kay Gloria at lalo na kay Corona ay ang Hacienda Luisita. Nag-away sina Gloria at Cory dahil tinanggihan ni Gloria ang pakiusap ni Cory kaugnay sa Hacienda — nais mangutang ng mga Conjuangco at hinihingi ang suporta ni Gloria. Nang di pumayag si Gloria, nananawagan si Cory na dapat mag-resign siya.
Kay Corona naman, malinaw na ang dahilan ng kanyang impeachment ay ang decision ng Korte Suprema kaugnay sa Hacienda, na dapat na ito ipamigay sa mga magsasaka. Matigas ang posisyon ni Corona kaugnay dito — ang Stock Distribution Option (SDO) ay unconstitutional, nangangahulugan na nilabag ni Cory ang saligang batas kaugnay sa SDO para sa Hacienda Luisita at iba pang malalaking lupain. Consistent si Corona kaugnay sa usapin ng repormang agraryo. Siya ang nag-reverse sa decision kaugnay sa Sumilao. Binaglitad niya ang decision ng noon ay Executive Secretary Ruben Torres kaugnay sa Sumilao. Kaya nanalo ang mga magsasaka ng Sumilao. Ang kakatwa, si Baggao, na isa sa mga prosecutors laban kay Corona, ang abogado noon ng Sumilao.
Kaugnay naman sa isyu ng League of Cities na nagsirko-sirko umano ang Korte Suprema sa mga bagong syudad, consistent din ang posisyon ni Corona sa simula pa lamang. Hindi siya nagbago. Pero ngayon ay inaakusahan siyang siya daw ang dahilan ng pagbabago ng desisyon ng Korte Suprema.
Bakit ko alam ang mga ito. Nandoon ako sa paligid-ligid nang nagyayari ito. May isa pa akong alam — malaki ang kinita ni Cong. Miro Quimbo, dating presidente ng Pag-ibig sa panahon ni Gloria, kay Delfin Lee at Asiatique. Bakit ko din alam? Kilala ko si Quimbo at si Lee, at kilala do din ang nag-ugnay sa kanila!
Corruption in the Philippines is a tradition. Everyone of us, however we to try to defend ourselves, is a candidate of a corrupt politician. For example, Miss Ilda brought up the squatter mentality and clearly elaborated its effect to GMA’s image. This is a little one sided because she only pointed out the negative characteristic of that certain group and completely disregarded or failed to mention which level or group she belongs in the society with its corresponding negative characteristics. The failure to consider yourself in the picture would be an example of thinking yourself before others or seeing the mistake of others before examining yours, and it is a good manifestaion of corruption in your own little way.
ampao dhay orange mani..
Please read the article because you obviously missed the point. The examples I gave of people with “squatter mentality” are even those considered part of the country’s so-called “elite”.
Understand the concept carefully before making a comment. It is also advisable to ask questions first if you do not get the point.
“It is quite a fitting description considering squatters by their very nature have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others. They also think that the laws do not apply to them and that they are entitled to disregard them. Some squatters can be arrogant, defiant and selfish.”
Be it insensitive, stubborn, self-centered etc. etc..
Your Key concept is well understood.
For me, you’ve hit the bullseye in putting into words or using the “squatters mentality” to describe those people(in all walks of life) mention in your article.
No discussion needed on that.
But it is incomplete for me. There is no point of reference.
Its like you represent the good and they represent the bad. It sounds so idealistic, though im not saying you are. I just thought it wouldnt be one sided if you have also included the mentality that best describe you or your preferred mentality.
And for every bad scenario worth mentioning, give your suggestion. Because Usually its so easy to see the bad things around us but so difficult to find solutions to correct on them.
I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t consider writing the truth being “insensitive, stubborn or self-centered” at all.
My personal circumstances is irrelevant because what’s important is the concept. Just look at me as a narrator if that will make more sense to you.
And if you are still asking for suggestions, you need to read the article again because there are plenty of suggestions there.
I agree with everything you said. Sana naman ay magbago na ang mga kababayan nating utak talangkang Pinoy!
Very well-thought, Ms. Ilda. I salute you for very critical, yet informative and eye-opening articles. I have always been a fan.
Nonetheless, these people who think ‘squatter’ is hurtful are probably the same people who commit the same violation: squat. People who squat settle in an area without proper legal bases or intrude into the property of those people who rightfully own land. I am never anti-poor, but those people who do more malevolence over anything beneficial to their community or the society such as contributing to urban pollution, defiance of the law, and insinuating public disorder (rallies) have no right to be praised for whatsoever reason.
That kind of behaviour is not exclusive to the poor. You can include PNoy and his minions in your description.
Thanks for the compliment!
Siguro ang dahilan kung bakit hindi mo nakita as ‘insulting’ o matapobre ang pagkagamit ng salitang squatter ay dahil pareho kayo ng pinaggagalingan ng nagsulat. marahil pareho kayo ng social status, educational background at kinalakihang panahon. nung bata ako, uso ang word na ‘squatter’ o ‘swaking’, ginagamit itong pang describe ng mga taong may kulay (medyo brown) ang buhok, maitim ang balat, mukhang marungis, nakaapak. pero nag extend na rin ito maski sa ibang porma/hitsura- naka bell bottom na maong, ‘astek’ ang buhok, may scarf o bimpo sa balikat at naka alpombrang tsinelas.
mga kapitbahay ko sa village namin karamihan taga la salle, don bonco, lourdes, etc (taga mandaluyong ako) ganun ang tawag namin sa mga taga ‘baba’. madaming squatter sa mandaluyong, malingat ka lang ng kaunti, may bagong ‘pamayanan’ na sa lote nyo. takot kaming magawi sa area nila kasi pakiramdam mo mahahablutan ka ng ‘cap’, masasaksak ng ice pick o balisong, o di kaya ma pana ng ng pakong maraming sima. nung nag college na ako, namulat yung isip ko sa ibang mga bagay. natutunan ko yung ibig sabihin ng pagiging politically correct. pagiging maingat sa paggamit ng mga salitang nakasanayan na, pero sa pakiramdam ng iba ay offensive. palagay ko dumating yung time sa america na sumobra na rin ang pagiging conscious ng mga tao sa paggamit ng salita, pati salitang ‘manhole’ daw dapat palitan ng pangalan para walang gender bias.
pero yung mga salitang nigger, chinks, faggot, etc mga derogatory
terms na kung susuriin mo maari ngang nakakasakit.
tingin ko medyo nasa criteria na to yung paggamit ng salitang squatter. sa pag connect nito sa mentality na automatic na masama at di kanais-nais. kasi halimbawa kung nagsquat yung nanay mo sa ilalim ng tulay kasi wala ng matirahan, bata ka pa at sa lugar na yun ka lumalaki, unfair namam siguro na ituring kang walang pakundangan, etc. kasi wala ka pangkapasidad na baguhin yung sitwasyon mo.
siguro kung mataas pa nga ang iq ng isang taong babasa nito, mas lalo niyang makikita yung problema sa pagkakagamit ng salita/concept.
panghuli, hindi naman kailangang ituring personal attack yung pagpuna dun sa writer. hindi naman sya perpekto at okay lang naman siguro kung may mag point out ng insensitivity nya, hindi naman yung quality o sincerity nung sinulat nya ang hinuhusgahan e. lahat naman tayo pwede pang may matutunan.
I hope you can read the article again because your understanding of the point is wrong.
I am netral with regards to PNoy versus GMA war, but I agree with Ilda’s main points in this article.
What little I disagree with has something to do with how we look at ourselves, the Pinoys of the world. It is not only Pinoys who would take advantage of a seemingly abandoned lot and squat in it. Even here in Washington State where I work, I am sure most people would squat in every empty lot IF THE RULE OF LAW IS LAX and the government does not protect property rights. The problem is not with the squatters per se, the problem is that our constitution’s concept of stewardship in lieu of clear and defensible property rights has made the government unable to enforce the rule of law to protect property rights.
finally some senses. sadly only few can read and understand. Wheres the like button so i can pressed a million times!!!
Thanks for spreading it!
I agree with a lot of points in your article… Couldn’t have said it better… I’m a 21 yr old medicine student..I know a lot of my classmates who share the same views.. Maybe after we go through the hellhole that is Noy’s term, the enlightened disillusioned youth can take over the voting polls and turn things around for our country…
You really wanna know the REAL reason/s why Filipinos keep on blaming Gloria for everything?
Lack of education/miseducation. Enough said.
I used to think that way until PNoy won. A lot of his supporters have law, doctorate degrees and went to prestigious schools.
true…which is why i have become so pessimistic and have practically lost all hope that we will be capable, at least in our lifetime, of making our country a better place for our children.
It was the biggest shock of my life too, Ilda. Talk about taking a step backwards. The deterioration was just glaring especially because I had returned to Manila after more than 10 years of living abroad. I left the country with a clear divide between the have’s and have not’s, the educated and intellectuals (who aren’t necessarily part of the have’s) and the ignorant masses. To my shock and awe I returned to a single mass of telenovela fanatics, where even Atenistas will defend local commercial movies, and alas…vote for a senator who has not one law under his belt and trust him to lead us out of corruption and poverty: just because he said so.
I noticed that those who fall for the Aquinos tend to be people who have no substance.
These are the kind of ideas that breed apathy and forgetfulness among Filipinos. I will admit that GMA must not be blamed for “everything.” But as the people of this nation, we have every right to hold her accountable for the crimes that she committed. We have every right to be enraged because when she stepped into position she promised to serve the country with honesty and integrity, two things that she failed to show.
These ideas you have, I beg you to keep it to yourself. At present, we cannot afford to be apathetic anymore. It is simply pathetic.
Arroyo must be held accountable in courts, not on court-wannabes like ABS-CBN
“These are the kind of ideas that breed apathy and forgetfulness among Filipinos.”
Where does it say in the article that we should ignore GMA’s alleged crimes?
i agree…and while we’re at it, we should be demanding accountability from those in the present (bs) administration. i am sure, faith, that you will agree with me when i say that there are those in bs’ circle who have some explaining to do themselves.
let us be fair. the constitution guarantees an individual’s right to be innocent until proven guilty. i, for one, would want this for myself ESPECIALLY when propaganda is being used against me.
And squatter mentality, you say? Way to go for your elitist ideas of poor=bobo.
*sigh* herewegoagain…
I suggest you read akosime’s comment above yours.
“most basic traits of a squatter”
“the concept of the squatter”?
This is what squatter means “a person who settles on land or occupies property without title, right, or payment of rent,” according to Dictionary.com
This is my concept of squatter. But if what you mean with squatters are mindless idiots who don’t work hard and blame their unfortunate lives to the the government, I don’t think were on the same page. It’s one thing to air opinions. It’s another thing to breed elitist ideas like this.
I quote Ilda’s article:
“It is quite a fitting description considering squatters by their very nature have no concern or respect for the rights or property of others. They also think that the laws do not apply to them and that they are entitled to disregard them.”
And I quote akosime:
“I understood that she was referring to the concept of the squatter, na wala ngang pakundangang magtayo ng bahay sa lote ng may lote at pag pinaalis ay manlalaban na parang sila pa ang may karapatang tinapakan at mag-eexpect pa ng libreng relocation.”
From the two I cannot infer a definition of the word “squatter” other than the one you provided. In fact I even defined the word in one of the earlier comments as such (taken from my laptop’s dictionary):
– a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused land.
– (historical) a settler with no legal title to the land occupied, typically one on land not yet allocated by a government.
Is that a different definition? I don’t think so. We ARE on the same page.
If, perhaps, you find the word “squatter” to be politically incorrect then let us settle on a different name for “squatter mentality.” Let us instead use “a strong sense of entitlement.”
Well written, although you may have been totally lost on the Jim Paredes tweet. It was not a direct attack on GMA’s stature or lack of it, but just a form of sarcasm on Atty. Topacio’s wanna-be-medical proclamations and arguments (whatever they may be). Last time I check, sarcasm, as a form of retort, is not yet outmoded.
I agree.
Sorry, but I find people making fun of someone’s physical appearance a sign of their ill-breeding.
GMA’s economic gains?
What, creating more BPO-oriented jobs? I’d like to see how this plays out now that the USA’s economy has gone south and with the moves to block outsourcing in their legislature on the rise. Oh, and don’t forget, they’re bringing back those BPO jobs to the Midwest and other poor parts of the USA.
I guess she didn’t think long-term, huh?
And how about President Noy? Can you enlighten me with the jobs he brought for us to have a better economy? Even if it the BPO-oriented jobs were “short-term” plan, it did play a big part in our economy and helped a lot of people to have food in their table.
Another awesome article. Way to go ILDA!!
Thanks, Jenna!
Nice article…just want to add…my own perception….”the Problem is always the same….Lack of Leadership”
Too right. Thanks!
the Media is one of the reasons why squatter mentalities are very prominent. Pinoys tend to watch a lot of TV and are greatly influenced by it. I think change starts with Education…
Educate people to think things more thoroughly. Most of the people I know voted for Noy because they were afraid Erap would win, and most of them are from private schools… but seeing that the media reported other candidates that we so called “Endorsed by Gloria” were almost catching up to Noy, they decided to vote on Noy because he was anti-GMA. I’m glad it wasn’t Erap that won but come to think of it he and Noy ALMOST [and by that I mean not entirely similar] have the same capacities to rule.
In the end we are still in this mess because of lack of education, not in necessarily in school and stuff, but the ability to think outside the box and view a thing/issue as a whole. Morality is diminishing due to lack of information.
BTW, its a very good article. its nice to meet people who aren’t completely blind to everything happening in our country.
Thanks for the input!
You can find a lot of Filipinos hating GMA with no straight answers, yes, you are right because they blame her for their financial status….but…not all! Do you now about the cover-ups she and her minions are creating whenever they are almost getting busted coz of their crimes? You could say there are no evidence…if you are not connected with good sources, during Jose Pidal issue, they let one Indonesian terrorist escape the prison in camp crame…the news shifted, during Garci issue…you did know what happened in Glorietta, news shifted, 1 year anniversary of Maguindanao massacre…Nov…they let Hubert Webb free…news shifted. There are lots of cover-ups to fill this comment…but the issue here…why Filipinos hate her? she focused on getting rich with dirty hands…now choose the lesser evil!
A leader who steals and kills…or a weak looking, they say “doing nothing” leader?
You seem to know a lot. I hope you can volunteer as a witness or file the necessary charges against her. Until then, keep it to yourself because what you are saying hasn’t been proven in court.
“Those who are crazier enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who DO.” – Steve Jobs
All of your accusations are all hearsay as of now. Prove it in court. The keywords are…
“Blame Gloria and Corona for everything while doing NOTHING.” That is Noynoy Aquino. Just because he’s lesser evil doesn’t he’s good at all. It seems you want to say Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew are “evil”, right?
thats what there doing now..putting gloria on trial..making her accountable for all those allegations..it seem to me that you just want us to let go of those allegations..find no one accountable for all those corruptions?
“Nov…they let Hubert Webb free…news shifted.”
Whoa, whoa, whoa! That happened under PNoy’s term, not GMA’s!
Auriga, you’re right, but it was the supreme court who decided on that and everybody knows who is the presiding judge till now.
It seems you are not happy with the decision regarding Hubert Webb. That doesn’t mean Corona is corrupt. And Hubert’s case had nothing to do with GMA.
red herring much?
And just like patrick you’re basing things on ALLEGATIONS.
Well I thought this is going to be a place for free, healthy comments, it appears that you somehow attack people who have comments against your article, if you can’t accept others’ comments, might as well keep your article to yourself or to all those who agree with you. Squatters mentality has not even reached discussions in court.
Ilda merely pointed out that your argument was grounded on ALLEGATION. According to the dictionary, an allegation is
“a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof”
If you have proof then do our country a favor and testify in court. This isn’t an attack on you; we’re merely reminding you of your patriotic duty as a citizen of this country.
But if you don’t have proof… well, then your argument is flawed.
Which part of what I said do you consider an “attack”?
Like I said, you’re a TROLL.
Here’s another problem about us Filipinos: we see ALLEGATIONS as ‘TRUTH’. It makes sense because maybe you’re favorite pastime is TSISMIS. So most of those charges against Arroyo are mostly based on HEARSAY until now. ‘Guilty beyond reasonable doubt’, iho. 🙂
Or maybe you’re born dumb. I hope not.
Funny, I was just thinking of Jim Paredes today when I read quote “To be international one must be local” and then I thought “Woah! I agree with Jim! Was it something I ate?”.
My favorite reasons: #5, they love drama, and #10 angels and demons.
When I read some of his articles, I get the impression that the guy understands what’s wrong with the Filipino culture. But lately he just says what everyone wants to hear. I really don’t understand why he had to endorse PNoy. It is such a turn-off.
I could be wrong but I think he wants to keep his fans happy lest they turn against him.
called him out on why he now acts like the people he despised before. His reply?
Unfortunately, the masa look up to people like him.
galing… i like this article.
Thanks! 🙂
good article…worth reading….
Thank you!
Because I would never want to let go on how the concept of “squatters” was used on this article.
You still think the article is referring to poor people. Please read it again.
I already showed that the article’s definition of “squatter” did not differ from yours. What else do you want us to do?
Kung gagamit ka ng matalinhagang pananalita, kailan man ay hindi mo mahahanap ang kahulugan nito sa diksyunaryo. Naintindihan mo na ba? Siguro naman maiintindihan to ng sinumang Pilipino, nag-aral man o hindi. Kaya naman sa tingin ko hindi masama ang paggamit sa salitang iskwater sa isang gawang pampanitikan tulad nito. At bilang isang artistiko, malaya tayong gamitin ang anumang pananalita na mas makapagpapahayag nang ating mga saloobin ukol sa ating sariling paninindigan. Naintindihan?
Faith, your article about squatters is at best a shallow analysis of the problem. Ang problema ay walang trabaho sa Pinas. Kung walang trabaho, walang income. Kung walang income, walang pambayad ng renta or walang pambili ng condo. Kaya mag-iskwat na lang. (Definition ng “trabaho”: yung above minimum wage, so hindi “trabaho” yung katulong sa bahay or tigapulot ng makakain sa basura.)
Kung ating pababayaan na mag-iskwat ang mga tao, siyempre dadami ang iskwater. Sa Pinas lamang maraming iskwater. Sa Indonesya, Malaysia, Singapore, etc walang mga iskwater. Mali ang 1987 Constitution tungkol dito: kinukunsinti ang ganitong behavior, kaya siyempre dadami ang iskwater. Ito ang isa sa mga dahilan na kailangang i-reform ang ating consitution. http://correctphilippines.org
Part of our big problem is that our 1987 Constitution has no respect for property rights.
Indeed. And it’s not just a lack of jobs; poor urban planning pretty much means whatever jobs and opportunities are available are concentrated at certain locations. People flock to these locations to take their chances; what if they fail?
Informal settlers are but symptoms of even larger problems. Tackle the root causes and you get to eliminate the symptoms.
worth the read.
articles like this should wake Filipinos from their ignorance.
kung sino pa kasi yung walang trabaho sila pa ang may anak na pwede na pang basketball team at cheering squad.
I don’t know much about deeply analyzing things. But I very much agree with Ilda’s points. Most Filipinos think and act that way. I guess they are just being fanatic and do not look at things rationally. The media is the greatest contributing factor to this. Most of the times the media disseminate bias and fabricated news. Many uneducated people base their views on what they see on television and the government uses it to further manipulate things.
I think the issue about PGMA is just an escape goat to the Aquino government’s short comings and incapability of properly heading the country. PNoy is being too personal, he only looks after PGMA while neglecting the more important needs of the country. Look at poverty, look at the economy, does it have any difference with the previous government? It might be even worse. After two almost two years, should they still blame PGMA for these?
PNoy is incompetent, he is just being a figure president. It’s his incompetent cabinet that works. They were placed in position just because they are friends of the Aquinos.
PNoy is making use of his position to get back on people who may have caused losses to their properties and businesses. Like that of CJ Corona. He also uses his power to put his relatives’ businesses on top.What is Danding doing right now? Buying all the shares he could buy from GOCCs to further gain wealth. He takes advantage while his nephew holds one of the most powerful positions in the country. Many people don’t know it. They’re making different issues about the previous government to cover their own corrupt acts. He doesn’t follow the “Matuwid na daan” himself, besides he makes the country’s path even worse. That is what “squatters” don’t know.
I may not be that intelligent but that is how I see things in my simple perspective.
Well said. I hope more and more people will see the situation for what it is. The Filipino people have suffered long enough in the hands of the oligarchy. It seems like PNoy and his minions will stop at nothing just to convict their political enemies.
Thank you. It’s a well written article. I can’t help but comment. Keep it up! Continue writing quality articles.
i can’t believe i read the whole thing. not very well written. some things valid, some things not.
Care to elaborate?
I can’t believe you bothered to write a pointless comment.
I actually agree with most, if not all, of what has written in this article. It points out a lot of relevant issues, especially reasons why this country is not moving forward when it does have such a great potential, without all these nonsense ‘mentality’. I would like to see more articles like this. Thanks Ilda.
Thanks, Henry!
That’s what happens when the ignorant become equipped with computers and internet connection. The game he was playing in the fan-cooled internet cafe was probably still loading and he wanted to get “kilig” from posting something in English.
Looks like it…lol 😉
then who’s to blame about the fertilizer fund misuse?the zte deal?the election fraud?phil health fund misuse?sss,gsis fund misuse?pcso fund?pnp over spending?thos 2nd hand helicopters?the hello garci tape?etc,etc..what about those?
All of those are allegations made by the yellow minority when GMA was still in power.
They were not yet proven in court.
dats whats their doing now..putting gma on trial..the funds are gone..dats a fact..and i cant swallow a reason that the head of the state dat time doesnt know about it..com’on..the coa report is there..wat about it???
Sorry, that still doesn’t prove anything TROLL. Your response didn’t answer my statement:
“They were not yet proven in court.”
You are a poor fool, brainwashed by the yellow media.
That is because COA right now is held by the neck of the current administration. The reason why Noy2 changed almost every Commission heads with family friends is because he want to manipulate things so that he will be able to haunt his political enemies.
FYI, here are the definitions of the word ALLEGATION
an assertion made WITH LITTLE or NO PROOF.
an assertion made by a party in a legal proceeding, which the party then undertakes to prove.
a statement offered as a plea, excuse, or justification.
In other words:
Look boy, those kind of scams do have counterparts in the present administration. However, the current opposition is educated enough to keep silent and wait for the right moment and right place to discuss those things and not to publicize it through the media. The reason why there were controversies during PGMA’s reign was that the opposition then were so thirsty of power. And now that they are in position, they’re doing every means to go after their political enemies and keep issues burning to cover up their own corrupt acts. Look at some cabinets that have suddenly become richer. Relatives of those in position are abruptly gaining wealth since PNoy sat on position. PNoy administration is even worse when it comes to deceiving people. Throwing up blames on the previous administration is their escape from their incompetence and corrupt doings.
You missed the point. Ilda never said that GMA was innocent nor that she should not be tried for the allegations thrown at her.
All this article is saying is that some people obsess so much over GMA to the point that it’s becoming unhealthy.
i agree..wat i wanted to say is,we cant blame the people to hate gloria so much..we have to find someone accountable for all those allegations..its gloria labandera!!..lets start from there..
“we cant blame the people to hate gloria so much..”
So… Why do they hate GMA?
“we have to find someone accountable for all those allegations..its gloria labandera!!..”
And you know because?
so where are the funds now????tell me..i pay my taxes..the fertilizer funds are gone..
pang fertilizer funds lang ba ang buwis ng bawat Pilipino?
i heard her say “I AM SORRY” about the calling during the election period…
Selective memory ka talaga, di mo ba matandaan na ang panot mong presidente ay bumoto na wag gamitin sa senado ang hello garci as evidence?
Kaya lang naman bumaliktad ang mga Aquino kay Arroyo ay dahil lang sa HACIENDA LUISITA.
im not pro pnoy nor anti gma..im am for the truth..but the fact na tumawag ang presidente kay garci ay mali na un..presidente ng plipinas hindi pinapairal ang independence ng comelec..ung fertilizer fund sasabihin lang di nya alam..anu un?kaw nlang maging tanga!!! wag mo na akong isama..
So… what happened to those cases?
yan ang problema sa sistema dito..lahat tecknical nlang..basta di kampanilya ang abogado lusot na..pag guilty napapakamatay nlang..like sec.reyes..glorias scape goat..
Ano kamo?
Tsk tsk tsk, wala kalang kasing masabing matino kaya nang pepersonal ka na.
u started foul words..u get it back..
Please explain why PNoy chose not to play the “hello garci” tape during a congressional hearing in 2005? Playing the tape could have helped unravel the truth about allegations of cheating during the 2004 Presidential election. It seems PNoy conspired to keep the truth from the public when he was still in good terms with GMA. He needs to be accountable for his actions.
ask Pnoy y..im not reprensenting him..ask also gloria y she called the office of garci during an election period,wen it is improper for her to call anyone from that office during those time..
this is not an issue kung Pnoy or Gma ka..ang buwis na binayad nawala na hindi alam ng presidente noon…sino ang sisihin?s gloria may hawak ng lahat ng agency sa panahon na un..
“sino ang sisihin?s gloria may hawak ng lahat ng agency sa panahon na un..”
Ergo sya na automatically may kasalanan?
she is accountable to people na bumuto sa kanya at nagbabayad ng buwis..sa kanya tau magsimula..
bakit sa kanya tayo magsisimula? hindi ba dapat sa mga nauna pang administrasyon na corrupt? o kelangan sa kanya na talaga, kasi sya yung pinaka-recent na corrupt? o di kaya kasi wala tayong napala sa unang paghuhusga sa mga nakaraang administrasyon bago pa kay GMA? at tulad mo, hindi ako pabor kay PNOY at GMA. eto ay pawang mga opinyon ko at sa mga nakikita ko sa paligid.
Ginawa na natin kay Erap yan. Ano ang naging kinahihinatnan noon? Nawala ba ang kurapsyon? Problema kasi sa atin masyado tayong nakapako sa mga personalidad.
magsisimula tau sa kanya sapagkat at one time she was the most powerful person in our nation..and yet she did nothing about it..one issue after another..public service is a public trust..nawawala ang tiwala ng bayan sa pamumuno na puno ng katiwalian..
ginawa na natin yan kay erap,totoo may corruption pa rin..pero hindi ibig sabihin na ito na tumigil na tau at hayaan nlang ang mga magnanakaw na yan..til the end until justice is serve and the purpose is clear..
Obvious troll is obvious.
Is Gloria the most powerful person in the country? Currently it’s Noynoy who’s leading the country right now.
Oh yeah, Noynoy always blame the past administration while he’s doing NOTHING. Kung talagang may kasalanan siya then prove it in court. But these are just trivial matters so we should focus on what’s more important instead.
ah.. so sa tingin mo.. ano kayang ginamit sa mga national calamities nung time ni GMA.. and ano din ginamit sa mga pag papagawa nia ng mga classrooms ng mga public students, sa pagtataas ng sahod sa ibang empleyado? Given the point, na nawawala yung fertilizer funds, yun lang ba ang priority na isang Presidente? Ngayon, hindi nga corrupt and administrasyon, eh bakit lumaki ang funds para sa pork barrel? at bakit maraming namatay sa CDO? at bakit hanggang ngaun, marami pa din ang nahihirapan sa mga nasalanta ng bagyo nung typhoon Pedring? Nasaan na ang calamity funds na dapat napapakinabangan ng mga kaawaawa nating kapwa?
lahat ng bagay dapat may importansxa sa presidente..maliit man o malaki..kung sa tingin mo maliit na pera ang nawala sa fertilizer fund sa akin hindi.its not because ur left hand did a good thing u have the right to do bad things on ur right..agen dis is not about Pnoy..lumalaki ang funds sa pork barrel ngaun dahl sa masikasig na coleksyon ng buwis ng BIR..at least linalagay sa pork barrel hindi sa jose vidal account..
eh sir, sino bang nakikinabang sa pork barrel fund? ang mamamayan ba? hindi ba dapat ang buwis eh nilalaan para sa mamamayan?
dapat lamang ang mamamayang ang makinabang sa buwis..ang para sa mga magsasaka dapat napunta sa mga magsasaka hindi napunta sa kampnaya para manalo sxa sa elecsyon..ang pondo ng phil health dapat sa mga mahihirap na nangangailangan ng tulong medical..hindi sa pangangailangan ni gloria o ninuman..
At ano ang patunay mo na ibinulsa nga ni GMA ang pera?
Sorry Alex, but you have to TROLL HARDER on that.
It seems you know a lot. Why don’t you want to testify? Better to keep it yourself because yours is basing on ALLEGATIONS.
Obviously, this troll also doesn’t know the meaning of the word ALLEGATIONS much like the kapalmukha channel.
Sorry Troll, your logic is flawed.
hindi mo sinagot ang tanong ko kung sino ang nakikinabang sa pork barrel.. sabi mo nga kaya lumalaki ang funds sa pork barrel dahil sa masigasig na koleksyon ng buwis..
So, MAMAMAYAN ba ang nakikinabang sa pork barrel..
Ok lang sana kung malaki ang pork barrel nila.. pero sana may nakikita din kaming improvement sa bansa.. 2 taon na ata sya sa pwesto niya, ano ang nagawa niya para sa bansa?
hahahahahahaha tumpak- so this is a teachable moment for everyone: everybody get a life, work hard because no government can help you….no matter who leads the country, they have each own agenda for their own benefits and it will get worst when they exercised their powers to impeach a person that will hinder the fulfillment of their agenda.
Obviously, from the way this alex de los santos writes, he lacks education. Can’t even write proper words. His comments aren’t even making sense.
We all have thirst for truth and accountability. We want to know what happened to those funds and get to the bottom of it. The problem is we haven’t been to the bottom of it and we already presume a person’s guilt. Kung nawala yung pera sa fund, it could be Gloria who stole it, it could be stolen by other officials or it could have been an innocent accounting error. Imagine this, pinagkatiwala ka sa isang bagay. Ni-lock mo sa cabinet. Pinasukan ka ng magnanakaw at ninakaw yung bagay. Ngayon inakusahan ka na magnanakaw. Kung hindi natin titingnan ng mabuti, muka ngang ninakaw mo ang bagay. Kung titingnan mo, pwede ngang ninakaw mo ang bagay pwede rin hindi. Tapos sabihin ng kapitbahay mong respetado na siya palang magnanakaw, “Ayan, masungit yan, malamang siya ang nag nakaw.” Tapos nagkalat ang tsismis na ikaw ang magnanakaw sa baranggay. Tapos since lahat nagsasabi na ikaw ang nagnakaw, ikinulong ka. The issue should go through proper investigation and judicial process because this is where we try our best to be objective and fair. It’s not perfect but it is far better than using the media and influence to sway opinion regarding one’s guilt.
mga kapatid , tama lahat ang inyong mga puna, lagi natin tatandaan sa maselang posisyon na kagaya ng presidente, ay lahat sila ang kanilang layunin ay kung paano mapabuti ang ating bansa hindi ba? ni isa sa kanla ay wala akong masisi sapagkat, hindi na lingid sa ating kaalaman na ang mga naging presidente ay meron na silang kayamanan, pero pagdating ng korapsiyon , sila yong pinagbubuntunan natin ng sisi,ang hindi natin nakikita yong mga gumagawa ng kanilang kasalanan, si gma sa aking pananaw hindi niya sinasadya ang pagnanakaw ,kundi yong mga nasa palibot niya ,ganoon din noon kay marcos, kopya kopya lang ang nangyayari , ganoon pa man kung ito ang pamamaraan ni presidente noy2 na pigilan na niya ang mga ganitong pangyayari sa ating bansa bigyan natin siya ng respeto kung maari tulungan natin na isuplong sa kanyang kinuukulan yong alam natin na nagnakaw sa ating kaban ng bansa,para hindi na pamarisan pa, gusto ko ang ginagawa niya na puksain na niya ang mga linta sa ating lipunan na silang naging dahilan ng ating kahirapan ,ang mga eskwater hindi mapipigil ito hangat walang tamang leader na magbigay ng tamang disiplina at magpatupad ng wastong programa para sa kanila, magagawa lang ito kung ang namumuno sa ating bansa ay makadiyos at makatao ang layunin sa kapwa at higit sa lahat ay may takot sa DIOS god bless
Tama ang iyong suhewstiyon, pero sana, habang pinupuksa nang ating Presidente ang mga nagnanakaw sa kaban ng bayan, sana marunong siyang mag multi-task. para kasing nka focus lang sya sa mga corrupt eh. Ilang kababayan na natin ang nasa ibang bansa na hindi
*makauwi dahil sa mga nangyayari sa ibang bansa? may bagong trabaho ba sya na ipinakilala sa atin? maraming bansa na ang nagbabalak na tumigil muna sa pagtanggap ng mga Pilipino at mag focus sa mga sarili nilang mamamyan. Paano na ang mga OFW natin na maaapektuhan nang ganitong pangyayari?
@dominador miranda
Ok lang na habulin ang mga kurakot pero dapat gamitin ang batas hinde ang pangba-braso ng mga kapartido. Hinde mo ba alam na ang pork barrel fund ay source ng corruption? Yan ang dapat mong suriin. Hinde pa din nag-babago ang paggamit ng fund na yan. Baka napupunta pa din sa bulsa ng mga congresso.
Squatter mentality si PNoy sa pang-aabuso nya sa pwuesto nya. Puro lang sya paninira sa mga kaaway nya. Wala syang nagagawa sa economy at sa ikaaangat ng Pilipinas.
i agree w/ u..dapat lang habulin ang mga kurakot w/ due process..ang problema,mga batas na yan ay hindi napapiral dahil merely of techncalities,.pag magaling ang abogado,lusot na on the basis of techical grounds not on the search for truth..
Ibig sabihin lang niyan mahina yun kaso.
Simple lang: kung walang evidence, walang kaso.
@ma’am, NARINIG KO = Hearsay = valid evidence sa Pinas.
The only evidence vs Arroyo, straight from TV. A few days ago. Nyahahahaha.
if im basing on allegations,then whats ur basis? my point only here is..ang buwis ng bayan ay dapat mapunta sa mga mamamayan..ung mga nawalang funds sa time ni gloria,it is only right to find her accountable to those..
sinagot kita dun sa tanung mo..
dapat lamang ang mamamayang ang makinabang sa buwis..ang para sa mga magsasaka dapat napunta sa mga magsasaka hindi napunta sa kampnaya para manalo sxa sa elecsyon..ang pondo ng phil health dapat sa mga mahihirap na nangangailangan ng tulong medical..hindi sa pangangailangan ni gloria o ninuman..
@daido katsumi
try to read what i said..at one point Gloria was the most powerful person in our nation..
i beg to differ.. ang tanong ko is sinong nakikinabang sa pork barrel funds? ang sabi mo, sinagot mo yang tanong ko.. sigurado ka? ang lagi mo lang sagot ay ang mamamayan ang dapat makinabang sa buwis.
sir, ang tinatanong ko ang pork barrel funds, hindi ang buwis, dahil alam ko na dapat tayong mamamayan ang nakikinabang dun.
hindi ko alam kung iniiwasan mo yung tanong tungkol sa “pork barrel funds”. yang ang hirap sa ating mga kababayan. oo o hindi lang ang tanong eh pinapahaba pa.
san ba galing ang funds na nilalagay sa pork barrel???..sa mga buwis ng mamamayan..bakit di ka ba nakikinabang dyan? ung kalsada na nilalakaran mo?ung ilaw sa kalsada..maraming pakinabang din yan kung gagamitin ng maayos,hindi ibubulsa at ilalagay sa jose vidal o jose pidal account..hindi gagamitin sa travel at dinner sa mga million dollar restaurant..
Wow, paano ka nakasisiguro eh ala naman accountability kung saan talaga napupunta ang mga pork barrel na yan? Kung alang itinatago mga iyan, dapat full transparency and accountability. Sa US, mga ginagastos nila duon accounted for dapat to the last cent, puwera nalang kung sa defense for security reasons.
Sa pinas, yun security ay yun mga private armies ng mga governor or mayor…hayayay. Isama mo na dyan budget para ipamigay sa mga kaaway ng gobyerno.
Paulit-ulit ka pang million-dollar resto. Magaling lang kayo sa tsismis.
i think wer on d same page for tranparency on government officials..kaya nga sinasabi ko na maganda sana ang purpose ng pork barel kung gagamitin ng maayos..ang problema pag kagaya ni gloria,ginagamit lang sa travel abroad kasama ang mga tuta nya,at kakain sa mga mamahalin resto..ok sa akin ung point mo, dapat in black and white kung saan napupunta ang buwis ng mga tao..what it seems to me that u r more in the protection of gma..
“ang problema pag kagaya ni gloria,ginagamit lang sa travel abroad kasama ang mga tuta nya,at kakain sa mga mamahalin resto..”
At ano ang pruweba mo?
“what it seems to me that u r more in the protection of gma..”
Due process! Hindi mo ba maintindihan ang ibig sabihin noon?
@alex de los santos
Simpleng-simple lang. Our main difference is that much of your preoccupation is on personalities—especially GMA, while mine is on principles–‘ala akong paki-alam sinong tamaan, unlike personality-centered people—puro double-standard—i.e. “selective justice” that targets only personalities they’re against. If you’re quite certain GMA is guilty, maybe you should help the prosecution by surrendering the evidence you believe you have. As for the Aquino-Cojuangcos, the way they been treating their farmers and the way they fail to honor agreements not only with said farmers but the Filipino people as well, by exploiting gov’t favors and people’s money, are far more glaring instances of corruption which is no secret to anyone. And yet attention and resources are being diverted away from them which smacks of double-standard lopsidedness however way you try to look at it.
The purpose of chasing suspected crooks is to improve on people’s lives, but the AbNoy gov’t appears to make this an end unto itself. Even the economy, cost and standard of living become relatively less of a concern for him. AbNoy can twist the arm of members of congress by dangling the pork-barrel carrot on them or through some other insiduous rewards—another instance of corruption (absolute power indeed corrupts absolutely). How convenient it is for hypocrites to look the other way!
It’s not easy to be neutral in all this, but let me try. I am also neither for PNoy nor for GMA. I do not believe for one minute that PNoy would knowingly decide against the people in favor of himself or his family. I also do not believe that GMA did nothing but amass wealth for her family at the expense of the people. The fact is that both PNoy and GMA want all the best for Pinas, like we all do. Both of them are no different from us. They have their flaws, yes, and they have made bad decisions also; but they both have made good decisions also.
The same goes for CJ Corona.
The same people who judge leaders too quickly and regard one as an angel and the other with horns on the head, are the same people who believe that Pinas can only be saved by the one savior, one personality who can fix things for us. I don’t think any one leader would fix our problems at the moment.
I also don’t believe that we Pinoys are not worthy of progress because we don’t have the virtues. Too many of us decry our qualities as a people. We belittle ourselves. We sell ourselves short. If we are so unworthy, why do we do very well when we are outside of our country? Look at how other countries value Filipino labor: how come OFWs are almost universally exemplary in performance?
I believe our problems lie in the system we have built ourselves in the past. We have instituted a flawed constitution in 1987, and everything has been going downhill for us since then. Let us stop bickering about personalities, and think deeply about the source of our problems. Let’s spend our energies where it would count the most, and right now I think we should spend it on reforming our constitution.
Hi Carlos
Most GRP members have always advocated for respecting our institutions and the rule of law. Once Filipinos learn the importance of both concepts and live by it, it wouldn’t really matter much who is the President. The country’s leader can even change as frequently as they do in Japan and it shouldn’t affect us as long as most of us including the public servants abide by the guidelines set forth by our institutions.
Each individual should look at their efforts at following the law not as a small thing but as a big thing because if we as a people collectively follow the law, our country will become one among the best in the world. Law and order will improve and so will economic activities.
Yes, our constitution is flawed but correcting it is not the only solution to our problems. In fact, while we are waiting for the amendment of our constitution (which might not even happen), we should not stop advocating for the majority to change their mindset about how they treat their public servants. And a good leader who can inspire people to change can definitely help speed it up.
Hi Ilda, I enjoy reading what you write. When I read this particular one, I latched on to your use of squatter mentality to describe those who seek entitlements.
For most elites in any society, behavior is a matter of inner will and not environmental pressure. You are an elite. I am too, and so are your readers. Our mistake is in assuming that everybody can be guided at all times from the inside. It varies, but for ninety percent of the people, behavior is really a matter of environment. That’s why I don’t like to ascribe bad habits to people; I rather that the environment is to blame. The environment includes not only the physical milieu around us, it also includes most importantly the laws and rules that constrain our behavior.
The paradox of human behavior is that freedom begets good, while repression begets bad behavior. At one extreme, observe how people in North Korea behave. The rulers of North Korea, one of the most repressive countries in the world, must be proud of their achievement: a nation that reveres their leader, where behavior seems tame. But that is only on the outside. The fact that North Korea’s economy is in shambles and everybody is miserable is testament to a people unable to move forward. And that is a misbehavior that we can not even fathom, for it is a misbehavior more sinister than people in a melee: doing nothing. In North Korea we have a whole nation transfixed, mostly doing nothing. Some people try to escape the situation, and most of them get killed.
On another extreme, let’s look at America, the land of the free. Here I can do much as I please, as long as I don’t harm anybody else in what I do. The government is very limited in what it can do, but in that little area it is allowed to act, it does very well. For example, the police here is very responsive: if I complain about a neighbor, I can expect a policeman to come talk to me and then that neighbor. If the police hands me a speeding ticket, I expect to be fined according to how fast I was going, but I have the option to plead my case to a judge. Freedom does not mean the absence of rules because as much as I want to be free, I also have to respect the freedom of others. In this kind of society, Pinoys behave very well.
So more freedom can actually make people behave better. People are not rude to each other, and the streets are well maintained and clean. That’s why I don’t blame squatters per se. It is the system that allows them to behave that way, a system that does not respect property rights. This disrespect for property rights is written right into our 1987 constitution.
When I say that it’s not a leader that we need at the moment, I do not mean to say that we don’t leaderS, many leaders. That one leader at the top is important, but he can only do so much harm or good. The Roman Empire lasted for so long not because it was lucky that it had a string of good leaders, one after another. It lasted as it did because it established a rational constitution, a system that worked, a system that until now we emulate in the world in various republics and democracies.
The one leader at the top is important, but more so the leaders at the lower rungs of society, and that is us. You are exhibiting great leadership by writing, and we all are by discussing and talking instead of shooting at each other.
We can argue and raise good points to defend one leader and denigrate the other, but for me it is more effective to attack the problem where it counts. We can ram our bodies through an impenetrable door and thereby hurt ourselves, or we can simply find the key and open it effortlessly. It seems difficult to find that key, and indeed it is; but it is still much better than hurting ourselves. It seems difficult to change our constitution, and indeed it is; but it is still much better than having to die for freedom as Rizal did. All we have to do is convince intellectuals like us. http://correctphilippines.org
I wish I read this earlier. You are a genius and so spot on. Unfortunately, I can’t open the website.
Ten reasons why Filipinos blame Gloria
1. Corrupt
2. Corrupt
3. Corrupt
4. Corrupt
5. Corrupt
6. Corrupt
7. Corrupt
8. Corrupt
9. Corrupt
10. Corrupt
In case those ten reasons aren’t clear enough, let me explain further… Competence will just fade when a person is corrupt. You think GMA did a great job of running the country? Short term, yes but never long term. Why? Because she didn’t actually target the root cause of all the problems. And that is CORRUPTION! People judge a leader’s competence by statistics, projects they make, infrastructures etc. because it’s tangible. Something that gratifies vision and makes you think, oh the Philippines is definitely better now. But what do you think will happen to all these projects when it is governed by corrupt officials? Good as nothing, pitiful and forgotten. You say: people spew the usual “she stole taxpayer’s money” drivel. I know this gets really boring. But that’s all the argument I need. CORRUPTION may only be one argument but this means everything! Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy etc can’t be solved if you can’t at least lessen corruption. Don’t act like you see the BIG PICTURE. Because in reality the BIG PICTURE that you see is only part of a BIGGER PICTURE.
…And yet all that corruption is still unproven in court. Not to mention that you completely missed the point of the article. Perhaps your emotions are in the way, Mr/Ms MindVSHeart?
“Don’t act like you see the BIG PICTURE. Because in reality the BIG PICTURE that you see is only part of a BIGGER PICTURE.”
I can throw that argument back at you. Corruption isn’t a problem unique to the Philippines; you have countries that prosper despite corruption.
Face it: corruption may be a serious problem but it is not the root cause of our problems; it is but a symptom of even larger problems that run much deeper. Want proof? I’ll give you a simple and very logical one, Mr/Ms MindVSHeart: the 5-Why analysis. The fact that you can still get multiple answers to the question “why does corruption persist in the Philippines” is already more than enough to show that it isn’t the root cause.
I missed the point of the article? I thought this was about why people hate GMA. AND I HATE GMA BECAUSE SHE’S CORRUPT. I think I’m quite spot on on that. Nobody said corruption is a unique problem in the Philippines but aren’t you surprised we are in the top ten of the most corrupt government? I didn’t say we must eliminate corruption because that would be impossible. All countries have corruption in some form. I intentionally used the word “lessen” because there are just people born to be dishonest and evil which the Filipinos happen to elect(or cheat on elections). Couple of questions: if you can answer then, I will shut up.
If corruption is not the root cause of all problems, then what is? How can you prosper a country despite this state of corruption we are in?
“AND I HATE GMA BECAUSE SHE’S CORRUPT. I think I’m quite spot on on that. ”
Your proof being? That’s why I said “and yet all that corruption is still unproven in court.” As far as we are all concerned here all of those are merely ALLEGATIONS that have yet to be substantiated by concrete evidence and not mere hearsay.
“aren’t you surprised we are in the top ten of the most corrupt government?”
Not really.
“there are just people born to be dishonest and evil…”
Sorry, but I don’t believe people are born dishonest and evil. I find such thinking to be fatalistic.
“…which the Filipinos happen to elect”
“happen to,” as in it was merely coincidental?
“If corruption is not the root cause of all problems, then what is?”
Poor values formation and failure to think critically. “Dysfunctional culture” as Daido Katsumi below mentioned.
“How can you prosper a country despite this state of corruption we are in?”
(I must say that you speak as if it is such an impossible feat.) Simple really: work hard, persevere, save your money, obey the law.
In any form of government, there will ALWAYS be corruption. The difference is the progress made and how it is ran to meet the day to day and yearly goals. I think you should see the BIGGER picture, troll. Because our dysfunctional culture is the root of all problems, not just corruption.
Lazyness, too much partying, and stupidity. That’s much worse than corruption. Or it is corruption itself…. 😛
Asus…eh corruption rin pala ang ayaw ninyo eh, bakit di yun pinaka-gahaman sa corruption ang habulin ninyo—sila Aquino-Cojuangco? Puro lang ba kayo mga plastik, igno, o parehong plastik at igno?!? Barya lang yan sila Gloria. Yang lahi nila AbNoy ang talagang gahaman.
Pa Big-Big Picture ka pa…lol!
You probably think you are clever. But one item does not equal 10. Please go back to math school.
Competence can lead to economic growth, decline in jobless rate and increase in the number of middle class – the thinking class.
No. I didn’t say that in the article at all. But compared to PNoy, GMA did a better job.
You actually think that the public servants under the PNoy administration are not corrupt? You’re dreaming. Just look up the background of Congressman Neil Tupas. The Aquino-Cojuangco family can’t even let go of Hacienda Luisita and yet you think they are angels. Snap out of the Cory-Ninoy spell, please.
You seem to think that jailing GMA and her so-called cohorts is the only solution to fighting corruption. Please read this part again:
“…the people’s lack of attention to how public servants do their jobs that is the reason why public funds gets mismanaged. In other words, people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.”
Follow your own advice and look at the big picture.
“You probably think you are clever. But one item does not equal 10. Please go back to math school.”
I was making a point. But you didn’t seem to get it. I apologize for overestimating your comprehension.
“But compared to PNoy, GMA did a better job.”
Don’t you think it’s possible PNoy would do a better job than GMA? After all, he still has four years left in office. You spoke too soon. But of course, that’s what an anti-PNoy always does. No surprise there.
“You actually think that the public servants under the PNoy administration are not corrupt? You’re dreaming.”
Nope, I don’t think that but I think PNoy isn’t(as of this moment). If he does turn out to be corrupt, I will hate him just as I hate GMA. Let’s be clear on that. The president is the highest official and for him/her to be corrupt would be unacceptable.
“Snap out of the Cory-Ninoy spell, please.”
So Cory and Ninoy are magicians now. Haha. Don’t worry. I’ve never been in a spell. I bet that’s just something you say to people whose opinions differ from yours.
“You seem to think that jailing GMA and her so-called cohorts is the only solution to fighting corruption.”
Not the only solution but definitely a good one. What’s the use of a blood sucking parasite?
“people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.—
I don’t think so. People aren’t apathetic and indifferent, Ilda. If that’s the case we wouldn’t be having this argument, there wouldn’t be an impeachment trial and what not. Corrupt officials is the real cause of corruption -duh.
“Follow your own advice and look at the big picture.”
I never look at the big picture. I always look at the bigger picture.
Any point you have gets lost in your excessive display of devotion to PNoy. Your idol is already exhibiting some form of corruption with his most recent one when he allegedly strong-armed his allies into signing the impeachment form against Corona. Going after corrupt individuals is ok but using short-cuts is wrong. The end does not justify the means. He has no qualms about vilifying his political opponents and badmouthing them in public, never mind that they have not been proven guilty in court yet. He just wants to look good by making people look bad.
He has 68 billion unprogrammed and audit free presidential pork barrel fund, which is reportedly equivalent to 15% of the national budget. It’s been said that he uses that to bribe congress into doing what he wants them to do.
How do you propose the people monitor that? He is not even approving the Freedom of information bill, which can help people monitor how the public servants manage their funds. In short, PNoy is not really for transparency.
PNoy’s late mother, Cory already devoted her term to running after corrupt individuals but it did not stop corruption. In fact, it was during her term when corruption was also rampant. Allegations of nepotism and cronyism was rife during her time. It’s no different to what is happening with PNoy now with his KKK.
This is a better slogan: kung walang mahirap, mababawasan ang corruption.
Of course most Filipinos are apathetic and indifferent. Try sharing this article on your Facebook wall and tell me how many people noticed it 😉
“Nope, I don’t think that but I think PNoy isn’t(as of this moment). If he does turn out to be corrupt, I will hate him just as I hate GMA. Let’s be clear on that. The president is the highest official and for him/her to be corrupt would be unacceptable.”
it’s time for you to take the red pill…
The Incomplete List of Things Pnoy Doesn’t Give a Shit About or Will Not Apologize For
Just my two cents..
“Because she didn’t actually target the root cause of all the problems. ”
yes. corruption is the root cause of all the problems. but corruption starts within ourselves. and corruption is a vague word, kasama na diyan ang bribery at abuse of power. Namulat kasi tayo sa tinatawag na “utang na loob” at dun nagsisimula ang corruption. Usong uso ito sa mga nagtatrabaho sa gobyerno. Kunwari, may kamag-anak ka na gustong mag apply ng loan pero hindi ma-approve, at dahil sa kamag-anak mo sya at sabihin na natin na may utang loob ka pa sa kanya, hindi ba tutulungan mo sya? Hindi ba abuse of Power na yun?
and that is considered corruption. Kaya kung sinasabi mo na she needs to target the root cause of all the problems. She cannot do that, kasi nga hindi lang isa, dalawa o sampu ang nagiging corrupt. Bata pa lang tayo, we are exposed to corruption na in the form of BRIBERY. Para matigil umiyak, bibigyan ng candy o chocolate. Corruption in the form of abuse of power, Pag hindi mo sinunod ang magulang mo, wala kang allowance. tama ba ako?
Kung sasabihin mo na si GMA ay corrupt, sino bang hindi? Check the meaning of corruption and you will see na halos lahat ng tao eh nagiging corrupt at one point of their life.
I understand what you’re trying to say. That’s exactly the reason why you can’t blame dysfunctional culture, poor values formation crap. But the corruption that I’m talking about is different from what you want to impart.
calling it crap doesn’t disprove it, einstein. try again.
“As far as we are all concerned here all of those are merely ALLEGATIONS that have yet to be substantiated by concrete evidence and not mere hearsay.”
Maybe I can’t really present a concrete evidence on her stealing taxpayer’s money but she’s proven to be fraudulent in the elections. She has presented herself as someone who lacks integrity. Stooping so low as to cheat. Makes me wonder why she badly wants to become president. Is it really because she wants to serve the country? Definitely, no. At the beginning, she already betrayed public trust. How can you not question her honesty during her term???!! Just wake up and smell the rotten fish.
““aren’t you surprised we are in the top ten of the most corrupt government?â€
Not really.”
That was a rhetorical question.
“Sorry, but I don’t believe people are born dishonest and evil. I find such thinking to be fatalistic.”
Fatalistic or not. There are dishonest and evil people out there. Admit it.
““happen to,†as in it was merely coincidental?”
Who planned on electing corrupt officials? Only the corrupt, probably.
“Poor values formation and failure to think critically”
You must remember, not all Filipinos have poor values formation. I would even say we have better values formation than the Americans!! Most of them chose the same path: Psycho path. But are we richer than the most powerful country in the world? NO. We can’t avoid these people. Maybe all of us were born good(or bad). Either way, we can never be perfect. So blaming it on the values of the people will only prove futile. There will always be people with poor values and turn out to be corrupt BUT there will also be people with good values. There’s no cure for a dysfunctional culture. Maybe there is but the implementation would be impossible. I wish you good luck on that. However, fixing corruption isn’t as impossible as fixing poor values formation/dsyfunctional culture. Referring to my first comment, GMA wasn’t able to target the root cause of the problem: CORRUPTION because she herself is corrupt. If she wasn’t corrupt, she would have made an incorruptible system against corrupt officials. A system that would make it harder for them to cheat and steal money. Just like a virus software. That is how you lessen corruption. Once you have lessened corruption, everything else will follow.
“(I must say that you speak as if it is such an impossible feat.) Simple really: work hard, persevere, save your money, obey the law.”
Funny how you make it sound so simple. Let me quote this blog -Get Real. If it really is simple, why can’t we prosper? Therefore, are you saying Filipinos aren’t working hard, they aren’t persevering and obeying the law? I just can’t imagine how the OFWs, farmers, drivers, worker etc. would react to your statement. It would be an outrage.
Due process; how hard is that a concept to understand? I too am not sure of GMA’s integrity but I consider her innocent until proven guilty.
“Fatalistic or not. There are dishonest and evil people out there. Admit it.”
Like, DUH, of course there are dishonest and evil people out there. But they are not born that way. Congratulations for taking my statement out of context.
“Who planned on electing corrupt officials? Only the corrupt, probably.”
And who exactly are these people who elect corrupt officials?
“You must remember, not all Filipinos have poor values formation.”
Of course not. The question now is who outnumbers who: people with good values or those with poor ones?
“There’s no cure for a dysfunctional culture. Maybe there is but the implementation would be impossible.”
That’s why is called root cause. Addressing it would be difficult but when you do the effects would be drastic and lasting. On the other hand eliminating a symptom is easier but don’t be surprised if it pops up again. We already overthrew Marcos and Erap; where are we now?
“If she wasn’t corrupt, she would have made an incorruptible system against corrupt officials. A system that would make it harder for them to cheat and steal money.”
Let me just throw a red herring… The current system was put into place by PNoy’s mother, Cory Aquino. So I guess that makes her corrupt, too? Anyways, back to the program…
Didn’t GMA want to change the constitution?
I actually agree with what you want to happen, but even if you do have a good system you will still need disciplined people to follow it. I’ll give you an example. The business philosophies and practices of Toyota are considered among the best in the world and yet its implementation in Toyota Motor Philippines is hampered by attitudes such as “pwede na ‘yan,” “bahala na,” and “bakit ako? hindi ko problema ‘yan.” I used to work there so I know just how frustrating it is to propose a project especially to those in the frontline.
“Therefore, are you saying Filipinos aren’t working hard, they aren’t persevering and obeying the law?”
Most of us aren’t. Of course, I will concede that a corrupt system may make it difficult to prosper but it isn’t impossible. This was posted in one of the earlier comments by Mike Portes.
Re: obeying the law, all you have to do is go to a thoroughfare like EDSA; many of us can’t even obey simple traffic laws.
urk… don’t tell me my end tag lacked a slash. hahaha
“I too am not sure of GMA’s integrity but I consider her innocent until proven guilty. ”
Not proven guilty but not proven innocent either. Due process isn’t hard to understand. What’s hard to understand is how you REMAIN UNSURE of her integrity after she has been PROVEN GUILTY of cheating during the elections and she wasn’t even president yet at that time.
“But they are not born that way. Congratulations for taking my statement out of context.”
And what’s the point of your statement, exactly? Your beliefs about fatalism is irrelevant.
“And who exactly are these people who elect corrupt officials?”
You’re missing the point. People don’t intentionally vote for corrupt officials.
“The question now is who outnumbers who: people with good values or those with poor ones?”
Good question. Honestly, I don’t know the answer. But let me ask you a question. What are you going to do if there are more people with poor values? Change every one of them? Good luck.
“That’s why is called root cause. Addressing it would be difficult but when you do the effects would be drastic and lasting. On the other hand eliminating a symptom is easier but don’t be surprised if it pops up again. We already overthrew Marcos and Erap; where are we now?”
To address the root cause that you’re referring to is IMPOSSIBLE. I don’t want to burst your idealistic bubble but I will anyways. It seems like you’re describing Utopia.
Plus, like I mentioned, overthrowing the corrupt is not the only solution but it’s a start. The root cause of what I’m talking about is something that you can change. Do you think America, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Germany etc. don’t have a dysfunctional culture? What the hell is a dysfunctional culture, anyway?
“..but even if you do have a good system you will still need disciplined people to follow it.”
“Most of us aren’t.”
Yes, of course, discipline is important. So where does corruption come in? You’re saying undisciplined people are corrupt? And your proposal of a solution is for the Filipinos to work harder and persevere? Don’t be too harsh. Obviously, you haven’t seen the Filipino workers outside your office building. Maybe most of the people around you don’t work hard but the people around me work their ass off but still gets 275 pesos a day which would have been okay if they can receive free health care, education for their children, inexpensive food and water etc. But then again the budget for these services are in the pockets of who else? THE CORRUPT. And that’s why Filipinos are poor.
“Of course, I will concede that a corrupt system may make it difficult to prosper but it isn’t impossible. “”
Compare the countries you see in the list of top ten most and least corrupt government. All the countries that you see in the list of most corrupt are poor. Now, look at the countries you see on the least corrupt. All of them are rich. All G8 countries are in the least corrupt. Now, you say it’s difficult to prosper a country in a corrupt government. How then do you suggest Somalia to prosper or the Philippines for that matter. Don’t answer me with “hard work”. It’s just not holding much water. Filipinos even work harder than the Americans!
“Any point you have gets lost in your excessive display of devotion to PNoy.”
For you and all other anti-PNOy who thinks they know everything, maybe. But try focusing more to help you stop from getting lost and be objective for once. Also, please define excessive. At least I’m not obsessed about hating PNOy. I didn’t make a blog about it. Oh yeah… of course. Adsense by Google. And the merchandise tab. How smart.
“Your idol …”
Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean PNoy is my idol. At least try to understand that.
“..he allegedly strong-armed his allies into signing the impeachment form against Corona.”
You see it as corruption. Your choice of words make it sound so hideous and unacceptable. Haven’t you considered that that is how people do their job efficiently? Of course not, because you’re one biased chick. And let’s not forget the word allegedly..
“He just wants to look good by making people look bad.”
Like you haven’t been vilifying people… Know the difference between badmouthing and telling the truth. Truth hurts, they say.
“It’s been said that he uses that to bribe congress into doing what he wants them to do.”
Let me guess who said that… An Anti-PNoy?
“How do you propose the people monitor that? He is not even approving the Freedom of information bill, which can help people monitor how the public servants manage their funds. In short, PNoy is not really for transparency.”
He is not approving the Freedom of information bill….YET. Again, you spoke too soon. He still has four years in office. There might be an even better bill for people to monitor funds. What are you really, a pessisimist or a person who wants change?
“Cory already devoted her term to running after corrupt individuals but it did not stop corruption. In fact, it was during her term when corruption was also rampant. Allegations of nepotism and cronyism was rife during her time. It’s no different to what is happening with PNoy now with his KKK.”
What Cory did during her term is irrelevant. Why do you always mention her? Well, I’m sorry that she failed. Can we move on now?
“This is a better slogan: kung walang mahirap, mababawasan ang corruption.”
Why do you think people are poor in the first place?
“Of course most Filipinos are apathetic and indifferent.”
Don’t include me in that bracket. The indifferent people are those who let the suspicious get away. People like you… the anti-Pnoy group who doesn’t want the Corona impeachment trial. And I’m curious as to why. He is, after all, going under due process. What are you so mad and angry about?
What makes you think I am anti-PNoy? 😉
I am anti-mediocrity. PNoy just happens to embody the word mediocrity. Yes, I write about various issues. Do you have a problem with that? Obviously you like writing your opinions too and between the two of us, you are the one trying to shove it down other people’s throat. This is evident in your rude behavior as a VISITOR of this site.
Which part of what I said do you consider “vilifying†people? I am merely writing my observations of other people’s behavior.
There is a lot to be said about someone who doesn’t see anything wrong with PNoy’s “alleged” strong-arming of his allies and yet see everything wrong with GMA’s “alleged” allies. Double standard comes to mind.
PNoy still has four years to decide on the FOI bill, you say? Hahaha!
Your statement reminds me of people who kept saying, “He’s only been in the job six months or one year or 18 months, give him a break…” lol. Don’t hold your breath.
It is important to keep reminding people about Cory’s performance during her term because majority voted for PNoy because of the “Cory magic”. They forgot the fact that Cory wasn’t a good leader in the first place. PNoy’s leadership style is similar to or some would even say, worse that his mother’s.
You asked, “Why do you think people are poor in the first place?”
There are so many reasons why and corruption is only a symptom not the cause of the country being poor. To help lessen corruption, you need to add more people in the middle class. When there are more people in the middle class, there will be more “thinking people”. This would lessen the likelihood of incompetent public servants being voted into office like PNoy.
So therefore, it is important to put our priority on the economy and in addressing our growing population. Unfortunately, you’d rather waste your time on something that actually causes division among us Filipinos.
Clap clap clap well said Ilda. Just tell them write their own blog. Bahaha
Thanks 🙂
And I am anti-corruption.
Whoever aims on fixing corruption in our government, be it PNoy, Gibo, Gordon, I support. I don’t believe in Ninoy spell, Cory magic and all those crap. Cory was not a good leader, I know. She was forced by the people to take the responsibility. But what’s striking is that, for her, being the president is not an ambition. Not something you would dream to become, knowing full well that it would be a burden to solve the problem of the Philippines. Too much ambition is what makes a person corrupt. You know that, don’t you?
I don’t have a problem with you making a blog about your opinions. But how unfair can you be? It’s okay for you to write a blog about something and not okay for me to make a point? Calling it “excessive”. I bet until now you haven’t got the point. An item may not be equal to ten but the item’s value can equal to ten. So, don’t tell me to go back to math school. And you call me rude. C’mon now.
I see all the wrong of GMA’s alleged allies. Do you know why? Because her integrity has been compromised after she has been PROVEN GUILTY cheating during the elections. She even tried to make a run for it. Going to Singapore to recuperate? Not all Filipinos are dumb, you know. Prove to me PNoy lacks integrity and then, maybe I will change my mind.
I like how you dodged on what I said about a better bill than the FOI and about the Corona impeachment trial. Do you know that other countries reported the Philippines as the most corrupt nation in Asia because our judicial branch is believed to be sloppy in punishing those corrupt officials? No, you don’t. For this reason, the people who are elected in office would think that it’s okay to be corrupt. They don’t get punished anyway. So let’s steal and be merry.
And you still haven’t figured out why the Philippines is poor….It’s so amazing for you to say there’s so many reasons why the Philippines is poor that you can’t even mention one.
I’ll tell you how to lessen corruption. First, oust the corrupt. So they may understand that when they steal money, they go to jail. This will discipline them. Second, make a system that will make it more difficult for them to steal.
You think Japanese, Americans, Canadians, Australians don’t call their leaders incompetent? You think Americans think highly of Obama? You think Japanese are happy of Naoto Kan’s performance when he was still a PM? You can call PNoy incompetent and mediocre all you want. That’s just an opinion of someone reeking of subjectivity anyway.
Therefore, it is important to put our priority in fighting corruption because there’s no economy to manage if your treasure chest is empty.
I’m causing division among us Filipinos? Get Real, Ilda, and read your own blog.
@MindVSHeart re what you said here:
I don’t think so. That is the symplistic tagline that’s been repeated ad infinitum across more campaign rhetoric than can be counted. People pitch the notion of rooting out corruption by “ousting the corrupt” because it is an easy concept for lazy minds to grasp. Unfortunately this sort of sloganeering makes a fatal assumption: that corruption necessarily originates only from the top. Wrong.
The big-time corruption amongst high-ranking government officials we see and read about on newspapers like the Inquirer and “news” programs like Bandila are mere symptoms — more appropriately reflections — of the society upon which these officials rule. But look around you, you can see a vastly greater number of instances of petty criminality, corruption, and thievery among ordinary Pinoys — in the banal way they nonchalantly jump queues, abuse handouts, put one over their neighbours, pollute, litter, and spoil their surroundings, ignore basic rules, etc. How then can you expect to “oust the corrupt” when the bedrock of corruption lies in the very grassroots of the society itself.
Tsk tsk.
You’re one of the sorts of people in which lie the very reason that corruption will never be uprooted in the Philippines — because people like you externalise the issue rather than internalise it. You see the problem as being caused by someone else rather than one that is evident in your immediate surroundings — even within your own family.
Tough luck nga naman talaga to Pinoys. So long as Pinoys do not recognise the fundamental dysfunction that is deeply ingrained in the underbelly of their psyche, they will forever be subject to those “corrupt officials” that they self-righteously call to “oust” for the next 100 years.
Really? GMA has been proven that she has in fact cheated in the elections? I haven’t heard that “news”. Care to enlighten when this was in fact proven in “your world”?
I don’t think it is actually the judicary’s fault also as to why the cases are at snail’s pace. Keep in mind, prosecution should setup their cases to be as iron clad as they can before proceeding to court so that a verdict can easily be achieved. But it is a lot of things you fail to consider.
Case in point, the missing evidence in Mr. Webb’s case. Do you blame the judiciary for that when it was the law enforcement that handled it?
How about non-appearance of witness? A lackluster witness protection program?
Among the three branches, the judiciary is the least corrupt, that is of course not removing any and all concepts of corruption, but at least says something about them.
Also, if you want to oust the corrupt, well, you have to start with a clean slate. Redo everything. A great idea but not really that easy to implement. You need to remove everyone in power as everyone is indebted to someone in one way or another. Heck, even the Brgy Captain has his own set of “sins”.
So you get real =)
Anyway, I doubt any discussion with you will lead anywhere, but I hope it does someday.
Try putting a bit more structure to your comment next time coz you are all over the place. It’s a bit hard to understand where you are coming from because you keep denying you are a PNoy fan but you also seem to think that he is infallible. Give up the pretense, please. The double standard is too hard to ignore.
I’ve already said what I need to say in the article and in my previous responses to you. Benign0 and Sphynx were kind enough to expound on it too so I think that should be enough for you to absorb for the rest of your week or life. I hate repeating myself you see and it looks like you are not going to accept any other point of view anyway. Don’t hold your breath waiting for me to agree that PNoy is doing a great job because he is not.
Just a reminder: GMA has not been found guilty of her crimes yet. It was even PNoy who voted against playing the “hello garci” tape that could have helped unravel the truth about the 2004 election. He is more accountable to the people than Corona in my opinion.
And please, YOU need to read the article again to help you understand why the country is still poor.
My goodness! What a SHALLOW view on how to curb Corruption, ha ha ha!
Better Educate yourself deeper, so that you will have a Deeper and Meaningful Insights about what you’re talking or suggesting. Or better yet, Stay where you are, under hidden Rocks, and don’t you come out from your hole ’till Kingdom come!
My apologies for taking my time on responding to this creature, just can’t help it.
but anyway, you made me lol!(Scratching my Head though)
“Not proven guilty but not proven innocent either.”
What the? Ok, I’m not even going to bother anymore.
It’s like reading a half a empty and a half full hehe
Yeah, that statement almost forced a popped vein.
It’s either guilty or innocent. You don’t have to prove your innocence in the defense. It is the job of the prosecution to prove you are guilty. Innocent until proven guilty. That has always been the case.
These type of people with that type of reasoning just want to keep on insisting their irrational thought process.
It is not a neither-nor/either-or situation, it’s one or the other, you can’t have both in your favor (the “not guilty yet not innocent” idea)
I expected you to react on that. So predictable. This proves that you’ve been looking for loopholes in my argument just like a lawyer would do. Lawyers do not necessarily defend the innocent you know. Not really knowing what’s right. Good try. Smart.
Whatever floats your boat.
Because you need proof of innocence, it means you have passed judgement of someone else’s guilt prematurely before guilt was even established, which is therefore wrong.
It is not that what we did is predictable, but your mindset was wrong. I dare not use the word flawed because it may imply there was something right in that logic to begin with.
What is right is presumption of innocence, not guilt. If the evidence does prove his guilt, then so be it. But, going about it the wrong way is also wrong. Remember, the end doesn’t justify the means. (kind of like saying you are acting for what is holy yet kill people, like the crusades – for example only)
I understand. Thank you.
whatever blows your skirt up, mister.
not innocent = eh di GUILTY. dalawa lang yan eh. Mahirap bang intindihin yung INNOCENT-UNTIL-PROVEN-GUILTY?
apparently oo. hehe! =) Gusto niya may third choice. =)
The only thing here that scares the hell out of me, is when smart folks vote dumb people. That’s when people turn a blind eye to the real situation. Some are okay with mediocrity thinking it’s better or would lessen corruption.
Well hell no corruption is here to stay.why?
Because it’s human nature to be greedy and selfish and we contribute to it and accept it by putting people who aren’t cut for the job to lead.
That is the ugly truth
In our history they just needed one catalyst to shout “crucify him!” And all the people were chanting the same phrase even if they don’t understand the hell of it.
right on!
People tell me what is the outcome if Filipinos are divided? Can we see a good result? Filipinos should focus on something that is more productive to benefit the masses.
What you do at home with your family is none of PNoy’s business. I am talking about the government and not about what, where and who you are. If you are corrupt at home, stealing 20 pesos from your mom’s purse then that’s your mom’s problem to discipline-or punish- you. That is no longer the president’s job. If you are found vandalizing your school walls, it is your teacher’s job to suspend you. If you are found polluting the streets of your hometown, it is your conscience that bugs you. NOT THE PRESIDENT. NOT ANYONE ELSE. What the president can do to help you stick with your conscience and “internalise” the issue is make rules and jail those who disobey. How is everything the president’s fault?
I understand what most of you are trying to say. Believe me, I do. But I’m talking about the governmental level here. What’s the point of internalising the issue if you don’t do anything with what’s around you(to externalise)? So let’s say I “internalised” the issue, changed for the better, followed traffic rules, obeyed the law, picked up trash, worked hard, ate healthy food etc. Now what? Can those things change the people around me? Do you actually think people will follow your example? I know Jesus is having a hard time getting followers. Man, you are talking about Utopia. Where everything is perfect, where everyone has “internalized” the issue. I’m just being realistic. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?
Let’s have a scenario when we internalise the issue: Juan is honest and hardworking at work because he read the blog in getrealphilippines.com but Pedro isn’t(he read the blog too but decided he wants to be a rich man than become a saint). The manager tells Juan and Pedro that the company is losing sales. Juan keeps on being honest and hardworking but Pedro still keeps on cheating and stealing money until finally the company got bankrupt. And that is the end of the story.
Now, let’s have another scenario where we “externalise”: Juan and Pedro are both cheaters. They steal money from the company. The accountant realised that there is a discrepancy in their report. She “externalised the issue” knowing that it’s absolutely someone else’s fault why their budget is short. She then forwards her report to the manager. So, the manager asked the accountant to investigate. So, the accountant investigated and traced the money. Finally, the accountant found out that Juan and Pedro stole money from the company. The manager then fired them. He “ousted the corrupt”. They hired a new employee. The new employee knowing he will lose his job if he steals money decided to be honest at work.
The end.
Gkapoy nako ninyo.
Nope. I’m not saying it’s the president’s fault. I’m saying this impeachment thing is but a small cork being tossed around in an ocean of profound Pinoy dysfunction. It’s in fact ironic that you now say that Noynoy is acting in the interests of laying and enforcing the rule of law when the way the campaign against Corona is being mounted follows anything but that approach.
In effect, the position you take in the context of Noynoy’s actions that you cite lacks consistency weigh the principles you apply.
Are you talking about the expedited process in which the prosecution filed a complaint? I don’t know if you know this but everyone in my family knows that in our constitution, no impeachment proceedings will be initiated against the same official more than once within one year. The prosecution was concerned that the defendant will have the time to react and file a bogus complaint to dodge the real impeachment complaint. Just like what GMA did every year during her term. She always filed an impeachment complaint to herself to get ahead of any real impeachment complaints. Every year. That’s why the prosecution fast tracked the filing of an impeachment complaint against Corona. It’s not difficult to file an impeachment complaint mind you. A citizen can even file an impeachment complaint to the president. No rule of law was broken by the prosecution. Filipinos feel like they have broken the rule because we are just so used to long proceedings that we no longer understand the meaning of efficiency anymore.
Yeah, they fastracked it even if the claims were baseless. They did a “shoot first, ask questions later” move.
The prosecutors do not have anyone to blame if and when Corona gets acquitted.
So let me get this straight, Ms MindvsHeart, are you therefore making excuses for this rather amusing instance of presidential arm-twisting?
Not making an excuse. Just telling the truth. And if it’s so hard for you to accept, I’m not forcing you. People like GMA and Corona are so damn smart that they can twist the law into their advantage. So it’s always best to be a step ahead. But you wouldn’t know that. Your world revolves around searching for an imaginary perfect society. Fools have gone that road, you know. And I don’t want to see you do the same. I got a suggestion. You didn’t ask for it but I’m going to suggest anyway. Change the name of your blog to GET IDEAL. That way all your articles will make sense.
Here’s a better suggestion: look up the meaning of double standard and you might be able to understand what you are doing. You just can’t go around the Net with that kind of attitude.
Instead of lauding PNoy for going after “alleged” corrupt individuals, more and more people are getting disappointed that he is turning out to be worse than his predecessor because of his blatant abuse of power.
There’s a lot to be said about people who support his dirty tactics.
@MvsH: excuses and more excuses (and just insisting they’re not excuses). nice job, genius.
wow, that suggestion of yours couldn’t have been any less earth-shattering if it came from a commenter named MindVSHormones since your comments are all bells and whistles but they don’t get the job done.
“expedite”? that’s just euphemistic bs for “steamroll”. try harder, kid.
due process (referring to your other comment elsewhere)? who are you kidding? sorry but if you’re looking for people who’re as gullible as you are, you’ll have to look for vincenzo’s cave and maybe you’ll finally have a home.
get ideal? seriously? pnoy’s daang matuwid is an overpromise to attain an ideal society by way of underdelivery masked by the pretentious pursuit of justice. if you think all this discussion is the unrealistic pursuit of perfection and the ideal, it only reveals your ridiculously low standards.
try to look up “common decency” and maybe you’ll understand how your (phony) righteousness is misplaced.
come back when you’re ready to be further embarrassed by your own ignorance, mmkay pumpkin?
Indeed, I know of many fools who have gone down the road of searching for a perfect society where the “people’s will” is always necessarily right and where their Roman Catholic God looks down upon them with starry-eyed favour above all other Asian people just because we are the only ones in the region who predominantly bow to the wishes of a pope cloistered in Rome. I also know of people who’d like to think that their “president” enjoys not only that nebulous “mandate” from “the people” but also one coming from that God in the sky who every now and then supposedly manifests himself in quaint little statues that throngs try to scramble all over during one or the other fiesta. 😀
Throwing this back at you: How is everything GMA’s fault?
You should apply some of the things you just said to GMA. That way you will understand she couldn’t possible control everyone’s behaviour during her term especially since she had to dodge baseless accusations from her political opponents left and right.
We have nothing against removing corrupt public servants as long as it is done within the bounds of the law. PNoy is no different from the people he is accusing of criminal activities when he “allegedly” used dirty tactics to prosecute GMA and Corona. Also, removing a corrupt official is not a guarantee that corruption will stop. Remember Marcos and Erap?
The Filipino people’s vigilance in watching how their public servants do their jobs will be more effective in minimising corruption. Transparency in government can help the people be more vigilant.
You need to read more articles to understand why the Filipino people are also accountable for the state of the country:
Filipinos cannot progress if they cannot follow even simple guidelines
Filipinos and happiness: why we need to be serious about it
Malacañang to GMA: PNoy’s popularity is better than your economic growth rate
The RH Bill: Economic growth alone will not solve overpopulation
Philippines: Stuck in reverse since Independence Day
I can’t believe that after everything I just said to you, nothing went through. Do you want me to provide a flow chart to help you connect the dots? I don’t want to explain myself again. I feel like I don’t make sense and that your just trying to find loopholes out of every statement I make. Thank you for providing links but if I want to search for real information, I’d rather not read it from a blog.
You need to search of REAL information and not from the biased media or Yellow Propaganda. And not on SESATIONALIZED information.
You can start with a flow chart that would connect all this to Hacienda Luisita. 😉
And that statement is enough proof that you only want to read stuff with a one sided viewpoint.
Hey Ilda,
You are a one-sided ***. Analyze the valid points raised by MindVSHeart.
Excuse me, but you seem to be trying so hard to shove down your views on other people’s throats. That’s not how it works.
Where are the valid points? 😉
Obvious troll is obvious.
Sorry “IldaBiasedOne”, that is way way too pathetic. There was no VALID point in your ramblings.
@ildaBiasedOne, a single person being not guilty AND not innocent AT THE SAME TIME is NOT a valid point (from MindVsHeart).
hahahaha~ samok bitaw! di kasabot.
Hahahaha. This is so hilarious and frustrating at the same time. No need to fight please. This is what happens in a political debate every time. People get so emotional and nobody ever gives in. Except me. Yes, I give up. You win. My point never gets across, anyway. All of you are just so blinded by this cloud of hate. At the point of even protecting Corona. He is under due process. If the prosecution’s complaints are so “baseless”, he’ll get through it.
Don’t want to wast more time now. Bye.
due process huh?
check out tupas almost begging to not be subjected to the same treatment they’re giving cj corona:
talk about monumental double standards. pffft.
so before you preach about being “blinded by this cloud of hate” look at yourself in the mirror.
then get a refund from your alma mater, okay pumpkin?
come back sometime to “waste” more of your mindless time mmmkay?
Who the hell says “mmmmkay”? So gay.
mmmmmmwah. chorva.
as clear as mineral water!lol!
I believe you have some points, but they are contestable. Take for instance, the 1 impeachment complaint per year. The reason for the limitation is so that it will not be abused and prevent the impeachable officer from doing his job. Also, the complaint should be reviewed/verified first whether it has merit before it proceeds to trial so as not to waste time and supposedly, not just a wishing expedition (which is a time waster anyway).
Second, the externalization scenario you put in place. Granted, the “externalizing” through investigation and once with valid proof/evidence removed the “corrupt” individual. However, the merits of having proof/evidence existed first prior to actually having a reason to remove (or in our relevant case – impeaching) him/her. Also, the “ousting of a corrupt” predecessor does not in any way limit or prevent the new blood from having the means to be corrupt. I am not saying the new one is corrupt, but rather, his means of corrupting himself are not really reduced/made to 0(zero value) just because his predecessor was found/accused of being corrupt. Case in point, Estrada was accused of corruption (it was not proven, but people marched to the streets). His successor, GMA, is now being accused as well of corruption.
By the logic you had of externalization, after Marcos (who other than dictator was accused of amassing wealth), any and all successors should have not been corrupt as Marcos was ousted, and that logic extends to any/all successors thereafter.
Anyway, just keep in mind MindVSHeart, as long as it is not proven in the court of law, no one is guilty yet until it is proven. A person’s innocence shall remain even under extensive media biases.
Do I believe GMA is not corrupt? Well, I think, it still remains that is up to law enforcement and prosecution to gather evidence to prove that she was. Until then, my perception stands, “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” (the way it was intended for everyone)
I like you because you are very sensible and you seem objective. Not a waste of time to say that.
I’m so tempted to give a comment about that right now but if I do, Ilda, benign0 and the rest of the gang would just fire back in all different directions and I have to explain again and again. It never ends.
Thank you, though. 🙂
mahirap ba intindihin ung “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY”…no ifs, buts, either, neither, other choices, etc…wag naman sana mangyari sa mga hindi nakakaintindi, ikulong kau dahil lang sa allegations and reports that you are such and such…maybe by then maiintindihan nyo…INNOCENT UNLESS PROVEN GUILTY hindi GUILTY BECAUSE THE MEDIA SAID SO
I am tempted to wish that MindVSHeart become a victim of baseless accusations that he is corrupt and stole money from someone. Maybe then he will understand and appreciate the concept behind “innocent until proven guilty”.
you’re too late, ilda. i’ve already wished that on this point-misser many comments ago.
I am tempted to wish sana magkatotoo.
sana’y magdilang anghel ka, ilda.
Oh, I remember that. That also happened to Doy Laurel but still, he stood firm.
Pasabat ulit. Hindi lang ako makatiis. May your readers forgive me for using Filipino. I was hoping you, and probably the “squatters” would understand me. (Honestly, I wanted to protest your condescending regard on the “squatters.” But I understand the context. However, not all squatters are lumpen.)
Ang pinanggagalingan ng kasikatan ni PNoy ay ang mito at alamat kaugnay sa kanyang nanay at tatay. Si Cory daw ang kampeon ng demokrasya, at siya ang dahilan ng pagpanumbalik ng demokrasya sa bansa, matapos bumagsak ang diktadurang Marcos. At ang kanyang tatay ay pambanang bayani at martir na nagsakripisyo para sa mga Pilipino.
Paumanhin po. Pero hindi si Cory ang nagpabagsak kay Marcos. Si Cory ay benepisyaryo lamang ng maraming taong pakikibaka, sakripisyo at pagbubuwis ng buhay ng mga ordinaryong mamamayang lumaban sa diktadura. HINDI SIYA ANG DAHILAN NG PAGPAPANUMBALIK NG DEMOKRASYA SA BANSA. Siya ang nakinabang, tulad ng iba pang ilustrado sa ating kasaysayan na siyang umani sa ganansya mula sa sakripisyo ng taongbayan.
Si Ninoy ay bayani? Malayo sa katotohanan.
Bago pa man niya nakaharap si Marcos, naging administrador siya ng Hacienda Luisita. Panahon noon ng mga tinatawag na Beatles at Monkees. (Pasensya na kung di naiintidihan ng mga bata ang “Beatles” at “Monkees” noon. Kung maaari ay saliksikin na lang.)
Si Ninoy noon ay maraming kaalyado sa mga rebelde, mga HMB, bago pa man itatag ang NPA. Marami sa mga HMB noon ang lantarang nagpapagamit sa mga pulitiko bilang private army at mga “enforcers.” Ang mga ito ang ginamit niya upang “masawata at mapatahimik” ang mga magsasaka sa hacienda. Marami silang ginawang “pataba” sa lupa. (May balita na sa hacienda itinago ni Victor Corpuz ang mga armas na nasamsam niya sa armory ng Philippine Military Academy.)
Hindi kumunista si Ninoy, gaya ng bintang ni Marcos. Pero marunong siyang makisama — ibig sabihin, isa siyang oportunistang pulitiko na marunong makibagay sa paligid. Si Kumander Pusa, si Kumander Dante, Juantio Rivera at iba pa ay malalapit sa kanya.
Kaya naman nang binalak ni Joma Sison na bombahin ang rally ng Liberal Party sa Plaza Miranda upang “pabilisin ang sitwasyong rebolusyonaryo,” sinabihan ni Pusa si Ninoy na huwag muna pumunta sa naturang miting de avance. Habang nagrarali ang kanyang mga kasama, nagpahuli si Ninoy kahit na siya ang secretary general noon ng Liberal. Nandoon siya sa bahay ni Doy Laurel, at paulit-ulit na pinakakanta si Cocoy Laurel, na noon ay isang sumisikat na manganganta.
Hanggang sa sumabog and dalawang granada sa Plaza Miranda, na kaagad na ibinintang kay Marcos. Karamihan sa mga kasama ni Ninoy ay malubhang nasugatan, kasama si Jovy Salonga. At wala doon si Ninoy. Nakikinig sa “mini concert” ni Cocoy.
Ang tanong: kung alam at sinabihan si Ninoy kaugnay sa mangyayari sa Plaza Miranda ni Kumander Pusa, bakit hindi niya pinigilan? Bakit hindi niya sinabihan ang kanyang mga kasama at kaibigan?
Kasi nga naman, siya ang makikinabang. Sa bugso ng galit ng mamamayan sa “kagagawan” ni Marcos, tiyak na ang Liberal ang mananalo sa halalan, at baka maging presidente pa siya.
Ang problema, mas tuso si Marcos. Nagdeklara siya ng batas militar, at pinaaresto si Ninoy, kasama ang marami pang iba.
Kakaunti na lamang ang maaaring magpatunay nito. Halos patay na lahat ng mga aktor, tulad ni Danny Cordero, ang pinuno ng grupo ng NPA na nagsagawa ng pambobomba. Siya ay pinatay ng kanyang mga kasama sa Isabela. Hindi magsasalita si Dante, dahil nakinabang siya kay Cory. Tiyak na hindi rin aamin si Joma.
Samantala, mabuhay ang mga Aquino! Sana ay magtagal sila sa kanilang duguang trono!
Baka naman magsalita si De Qurioz dahil inamin niya na siya ay itinanim ng mga kumunista bilang ahente nila sa rehimen ni Marcos? Baka nga. Ngunit kung di niya alam ito, peke siyang ahente. Baka mas totoo na ahente siya ni Marcos.
Sinabi mong malapit nang mawala sa alaala ang mga nagawang kababalaghan ng mga Aquino-Cojuangco dahil tumanda at mamamatay na ang mga may-alam nito. Higit pa sa mga testimonya nila, may iba pa kayang ebidensya na maaaring makuha, mga dokumento o forensic evidence na di mabubura ng kamatayan? Ito ang mga kailangan bantayan.
Your accounting helps to unravel the mystery behind their motives. I’m sure a lot of Filipinos appreciate it.
Regarding the term “squatter mentality”: Indeed, not all poor people have squatter mentality. Even some wealthy people have squatter mentality as evident in the case of Hacienda Luisita.
It seems like his son has inherited that trait.
Much appreciated, Mr. Zorba. No, you are not a squatter, since you actually took the time to look into things rather than rant, rave, and moan.
Marunong makisama sa mga komunista si Ninoy not only na makikinabang siya kundi nagbago ang kanyang pananaw sa komunismo when he was a war correspondent during the Korean War. That was well documented in Nick Joaquin’s “The Aquinos of Tarlac”.
You should also read Bobit Avila’s editorial on the ruckus that JoMa Sison will have a cabinet post under Noynoy. All hell breaks loose if that is to happen.
Daido, your mention of the Korean War puts you way close to what have been told to me and something I would like to be proven. Would you have an online copy of Nick Joaquin’s work? Does it mention something about treason that led to the death of soldiers in Korea?
This gets interesting everyday
Oh guys,
I just want to ask, since this is a GMA Article, and as can be ascertained, allegations of corruption against her and her family are present. Among this is the ZTE Scandal (ZTE-NBN Deal).
Anyway, she may be tried for this as long as there are facts/evidence that are not made up. If she is guilty, then she is. However, I would like to ask, what happened to filing a case against JDV and JDV Jr pertaining to the same?
They are also technically participants to the alleged deal that never came to fruition, not under the same “team” as GMA but as a competitor for the same project. However they lost.
Now, I would like to step back from this because, aren’t government officials and their immediate family barred/prevented (by law) from participating in these types of deals since they will surely have a vested interest? Yet JDV Jr. did not see it fit to step away from it, nor did JDV tell him to. What I am wondering, why is there no case when they have, esp. JDV Jr, admitted for their participation as a bidder for a national project, when they should be immediately be barred from doing so?
The only obvious reason I can think of is because he is one of those who were speaking against GMA. And anyone who blew the whistle on GMA becomes exempted from prosecution or the rule of law.
Yup. I am (at present) under that impression. They should clearly define what it takes to become a state witness. And even if the other person/entity, can corroborate as part of his testimony, the validity of the accusation, this should only reduce his penalty/sentence, but never remove it from him as he is also guilty in the whole of the word (perhaps of the same/an entirely different matter altogether)
Nice article Ilda! I read all of the comments under this topic, and all i can say is, I wish that all Filipinos would just wake up one morning and say “pagod na ko sa nakita at nakikita ko, panahon na para gumawa ako” and DO.
In our office, i see a lot of people who always points a finger on who’s to blame when someone does something wrong, and not stating clear basis and when they have basis, they shove it on that person’s face (even he/she had already admitted their mistake), as if they’re TOO perfect not to commit one. That simple scenario in a small setup symptom is already an example on how the Philippines is becoming, and i bet, one time in our lives witnessed something like that, or worse, be one of the casts on that scene.
“ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” -JFK
Thank you. It’s always good to know when someone understands my point.
Some Filipinos are becoming used to judging others based on “haka-haka”. Good on you for not being one of them.
Interesting article! Visitor here. Sometimes the weather we experience preconditions our attitudes. In Japan, where winters get chilly — if they don’t work, they die! Here in the Philippines, where the weather is mostly fair — we’re more relaxed and tend to get lazy. We are blessed with a lot of resources. Thinking about it, nomads come to mind. Nomads use up the resources then move elsewhere. The learning curve with regard to their living conditions never mature. They never learn. Nomadic thinking is — this is not my responsibility. I eat, sleep then move out. Nature will provide me with everything. I have not a care what happens around me. This thinking led to their demise as well, their numbers started dwindling, attacked by wild animals because they do not have shelter, sick, dying. They could not reproduce as well because of their lifestyle. Imagine lugging a pregnant woman around. Because after exhausting everything, they have nowhere to go and nature as we know needs time to replenish its resources as well. Because they were a dying race, some decided to stay on an area and worked the soil. Then they stopped being nomads and only then did they become useful citizens.
Many of our countrymen are still attached to this “nomadic”, “welfare-ish” thinking. The government will provide everything. Why work? There is welfare.
It’s easier to blame someone or something — excusing ourselves to hide our ineptitude and our weaknesses. Most are not ready to face responsibilities, why work when I can beg. It’s easier. “Baka manalo sa lotto”. As long as the majority of our countrymen think like nomads, easy life, easy money — whatever promises this president makes ( no matter how popular he is), it is not going to happen in his term.
I read some of the news regarding the earthquake in Visayas region — ang kakapal ng mukha ng iba nating kababayan — nag-looting pa? Ano ba yan?!!!!!! So discouraging — mga nomads talaga!
and that kind of thinking is exactly why “Its more fun in the Philippines” will never work. Unless Pinoys realize that they are stakeholders of their land, and not just beneficiaries, tourist spots will remain poorly maintained – a sort of tragedy of the commons.
GMA stole billions of pesos!!! It’s not squatter to demand justice, she stole from me. I want it back!!! The government is responsible for improving the lives of their constituents. Everybody pays taxes now because of VAT. You yourself make fun of people because they are less educated than you. Calling people “squatter minded” is the same as making fun of their appearance. i have a ton more to say but I don’t really like people who think they’re better than others because they can make good sentences.
hey emo eddie! if you know this for sure and have proof, then by all means testify in court and send her to prison. if it is lawfully proven then we filipinos will respect it, and she gets what she deserves. if she is proven not guilty, we (that’s me and you) have to respect it as well.
rule of law, kid. i pay my taxes, too.
Do you have proof? Meantime, PNoy is using public funds – your money – as pork barrels to give to his political allies in Congress. No one knows exactly how they are going to spend it because it’s audit free.
If you believe in what you said, then make sure you be more vigilant in watching how the current government is doing its job. The previous government cannot do much now. You should have watched them closely when they were still in power.
I suggest you read the article again because you did not understand it properly.
You have nothing to say because you can’t accept the fact that this article does makes sense.
The problem of the likes of you is that you claim that GMA stole YOUR money w/o realizing the fact that it was the government’s money to begin with.
I just purely agree with article. Keep up the good work Ilda. It’s such a relief to know that there are others who see things in the same light as myself.
Thanks for the article!
Thanks, Andrew!
‘DEMOCRACY might be harmful to those who do not know what to do with it.’
I was laughing a lot all through the article. Not because of the “squatter mentality” but because this is the exact society we live in, regardless of social status. It was simply coined as that as it something observed in a particular group. It may seem offensive should you be part of this social class but you have to admit that this is promiment with them not just here but also abroad. Many middle class as fall victim to this attitude, amd to fight fire with fire, since they are the majority, many took advantage of their numbers and joined in the bandwagon that this has become a norm.
FYI, walang presidenteng hindi nangurakot. Pusta tyo barangay and SK level pa lang meron na. So kung may nag nakaw ng pera natin, it is our fault, we’re in the position to choose. We have the option to pay our dues without our firms deducting it from our pays.
Accountability, something na kulang sa cultura natin. Kung meron man may sala tyo rin un. For starters let us stop pointing fingers on others, stopping dreaming for better tommorow. Instead let us be responsible and wake up to make those dreams come true. Get your ass moving.
a million thanks for this article Ilda..
Maraming salamat sa iyong pagliliwanag. Sana magkaroon pa ng higit na obhetibong dokumentasyon sa naging papel ni GMA. Sa palagay ko, dahil sa kawalan ng kagustuhan si GMA na sagutin ang mga pananalakay sa kanya noong siya ay kasalukuyang nakaluklok, iyon ay nagbunga ng dalawang bagay, una) lumaks ang loob ng kanyang mga kaaway (at dumami pa), at pangalawa) tumindi an gpaniniwala ng marami sa mga paratang sa kanya dahil paulit-ulit nila itong narinig ng walang sagot o pasubali. Ako ay isa sa naniniwala na iniwanan tayo ni GMA sa mas mabuting kalagayan kaysa noong siya ay unang nanunkulan. Subalit dahil sa kawalan niya ng tugon sa mga pamumula sa kanya, siya ay tuluyang napalayo sa masang Pilipino. Makaalpas sana siya sa mga pagsubok sa kanyang buhay ngayon at maabswelto sana siya sa mga kasong pabrikasyon at pawang walang batayan na isinampa laban sa kanya upang muli niyang isabalikat ang kanyang katungkulan sa kongreso ng Pilipinas. Sa panghuli Ilda, datnan ka nawa ng isang mapayapang araw.
hey, nice article! well said!
I remember a tweet saying that it sounds more interesting if the story was fictional and seems to be boring if you were discussing the truth. Relevant to impeachment proceedings against the CJ. The worst truth is most Filipinos, keep on feeding on fictional news or articles that banners headlines that seems to be truth and keep on there track of being misguided.
Most Filipinos trust the media too much. They don’t want to analyse things on their own or seek alternative views.
Well said. We need more of this stuff in media.The problem is, karamihan ng media sa pilipinas ay bayaran. Kung saan ang pera, doon sila. Alam ko na alam niyo na tutoo tong sinasabi kongn ito.
Mabuhay ka Ilda!
Mr Aquino, anong say mo?
Thank you, Kat! Help us spread the good news.
You hit the bull’s eye there kat. the yellow media literally lick pnoy’s shoes so that tbey turn a blind eye on his incapability to run the nation. and to ilda, the squatter’s mentality was a new thing to me. it made me think that you indeed were in the right in publishing the 10 reasons. ive been thinking for the longest time why people still blame gma. to make things stupid, they even blame the coming of typhoons to gma!
you nailed it girl…………..i hope we have more people like you in the media…………….
Thank you for reading. 🙂
I worked for the government for 5 years. If you will not perform your duties, a few will be your enemies. If you will diligently do your duties, you will have many enemies. This is probably the answer the author is looking for. It is mindboggling why GMA is hated by the people, but history will either exonerate or judge her.
That is very disappointing to know. I do hope they will allow her to get medical attention for her worsening health. I think they don’t care if she is physically suffering.
It’s hard not to blame GMA, or any president for the matter, for the failings of a country. Our government is /supposedly/ there to safeguard us, protect our economy– do whatever is best for the country and its people.
So when officials do things that are the extreme opposite of that, of course people want someone to take the fall. People want retribution. And who better to take the blame than the president?
The president is pretty much akin to the head of a household. They /should/ know what’s happening in their home, they /should/ take action when problems crop up. Isn’t that why we put people in power in the first place…?
Voting someone into a government status is the very essence of placing one’s trust in that person.
I /do/ get where you’re coming from, really! It’s true that people should be more vigilant and less apathetic, but I can’t help but see the common person’s outlook to be very much justified as well; I voted this person into power. To be a public servant. Why are they blatantly lying in my face instead of doing their job?
It’s hilarious how government officials are almost immune to prosecution. If an official in another country, say America or Japan, were scandalized they would deem themselves unfit of a public position, apologize and then resign. But our officials? Nope. They claim innocence ’til the very end.
And I guess that’s where our apathy comes into play. If people cared more, officials wouldn’t be able to get away with crap. Ah, vicious cycles.
Hahaha, in retrospect, the abundant use of the word “should” pretty much outlines your very point of the Filipino mentality of entitlement, huh? xD
I guess I’m pretty naive to the reality of it all, but I just wish government officials would see how much trust people place in them and just… do their jobs properly :c
magaling ka Ilda kaya lng bibihira ang katulad mo, para sa akin si GMA ang pinakamasipag na naging presidente ng Pilipinas, kung iba ang nakaupo during world crisis maaring grabe ang hirap ng Pinas ngaun at tama ka na nakiki ride on lng si Pnoy sa ekonomiya na tintamasa ng Pinas ngaun ang dahilan ay ang matapang at lakas ng loob na mga disisyon ni Gma sa nationwide infrastracture na naging projects nya na nag generate ng maraming trabaho nong term ni GMA, ako ay hindi naniniwala sa hearsay o tsismis ang batayan ko ay to see is to believe,ang probinsya ko ay Bicol nong time lng ni GMA umunlad ang lugar namin, nagkaroon ng konretong kalsada, kuryente sa amin, nong time ni Erap 3 lang ang Elementary school building,nong kay GMA naging 8 plus nagkaroon ng high school with 6 high school buildings kaya walang maaring sumisi sa akin ngaun kung bakit believe ako kay GMA. in the name of the Lord i swear what all i say are true…
Thanks for the info, Dante. It’s good to see people with first hand experience sharing their views. You really need to counter all the negative things flying around.
I JUST WANT TO COMMENT ON YOUR POST.PEACE AND PLEASE DON’T GET ME WRONG…. TAGA BICOL DIN AKO…. hehe… hindi yata maganda na i-compare si erap kay gloria in terms of what theY did in their terms of service….. kung ganun lang din, kapuna puna naman na sa 9years of service ni GMA 8-ELEMENTARY ANG 6-HIGH SCHOOL LANG… ANG naipatayo nia…. i think that number is not enough to fullfil it’s need in education… 3years lang ang panunungkulan ni erap so in that period.. it is impossible to produce schools like what gloria did in her term…. infact hindi lang bicol region ang nangangailanagan ng school…. hindi lang bicol region ang kailangang i priority…. in this issue… i believe in GMA… i’m proud of her but hindi lang ako agree sa pagkukumpara mo kay erap and GMA…. atleast maraming nagawa si erap during his three years.. thats is why pungalawa parin si erap in the last presidential election… so it means people still believe in him. at nakitaan talaga ng work si erap…. i leave you peace thanks..
These are exactly the same opinions i would like to put into words myself,you gave it justice.And i think everything that were written here are all true.Pasensya na sa iba na hiddi ganito ang pananaw.Change should also begin from us,not from others who we keep on blaming but not even lifting one finger to help make a change.Squatter mentality? Exactly!
Nice Article Ms. Ilda! Napapansin ko din, karamihan sa mga tao ngayon puro negative ang napapansin, lahat ng mali ng government napapansin nila and they making a big fuss out of it. I mean sa existence ni Former Pres. Gloria madami na siyang nagawa for the sake of our economy compared sa Aquino Administration, though my main point is not all about comparing both parties but to lighten up their minds na hindi lang puro kalokohan yung ginawa ni Arroyo, honestly speaking I admire her for her consistency during her last quarter of her ruling. kahit andaming issues, she’s still working and fulfilling her duty. masyado lang tayong nabubulag sa mga mali niyang nagagawa. kung sana lahat ng tao, open minded at hindi basta magjudge sa tao maybe we can work for betterment. And one thing, government is just a mere body of people acting as our representative, para mavoice out yung problema, with that sana magkaroon ng realization lahat ng tao na tayo ring mga mamamayan ang may pagkukulang, kung gumagawa tayo ng paraan na umunlad kesa sa magrally at magpakagutom na wala din nangyayari. Honestly speaking, bilib ako sa pagvoice out mo, the squatter mentality and all. kudos for you Ms. Ilda!
Maraming salamat, Troy! It is really heartwarming to read more comments agreeing with the points I made.
Totally agree with this article.. poeple should grow up end the drama and be aware of what is going on.. ang problema natin marami ang nag MAMARUNONG hindi naman nakakatulong.. we have to face the fact that a lot of people are ignorant or have the lack of will to educate them selves of what is really happening.. i admit its fun to blame others especially when you can get away with it and the current administration seems to that way to. i couldn’t blame them with an unqualified boss his downfall will be your downfall as well so they play the blaming game. pinoys love masking there problems with other problems that’s why we are getting no where. akala nang marami sa atin na may avengers or superman na sasalo kung nandun natayo sa shit hole which where we are right now. pero wala! people who are acting that they are making a difference should drop the act and be the difference. Practice what you preach ika nga.
Mainstream media is doing this to us. Filipinos tend to be passive on what is going on around them because they are bombarded with drama all day long by the likes of abs-cbn, GMA-7, etc. These dramas always have the same theme…, kung inaapi ka, paapi ka na lang, wala ka nang magawa, wala kang maasahang tulong mula sa iba!
This is why we are no longer watching TV because I don’t want my children to grow ignorant!
This one is a classic. You can actually substitute Gloria Arroyo in the title with “anyone else but himself/herself” here and it would still make sense.
I’ve wanted to say this before, but there’s an 11th reason: “Because Noynoy the ‘infallible’ said so.”
It’s officially been two years into PNoy’s term, he should have no excuse anymore for non-performance.
Really good points, ma’am!
I won’t blame GMA alone but I will blame the politics of the Philippines since it was and always been a money interest of all politicians. I think the most corrupt is FVR not GMA for selling the The Fort to foreign investors 🙂
correct…. i believe that philippine poverty is a product of FVR’s interest of philippine resources (MONEY) BLAME THAT HUNGER MAN…. FIDEL V. RAMOS
I was never a fan of the two, but I believe in everything that you said as to why majority of the Filipinos’ tend to blame the previous admin. for their misfortunes.great article! I really enjoy reading your blogs and benigno’s as well.
Thanks Ilda for this very interesting and truthful article. Sana dumami pa ang mga katulad mo na hindi nabubulagan sa katotohanan!
I could not have put this any better than you did. A lot of people just don’t get it. These ‘squatters’ are easily swayed by what they see and hear from the media. People forget to think very critically and question things broadcast on TV, radio, broadsheets, etc. and just accept it as fact and not opinion. Hey if it’s on TV Patrol or 24 Oras then heck… it must be true. People need to not jump to conclusions right away and investigate on their own the facts of the issue. Forming an opinion is fine heck I even encourage it. But to say… nay insists that one’s opinion is fact, then there’s something wrong there. Maybe in that person’s perspective he/she thinks their right but not everyone lives in his/her world, do they? When I see these idiotic comments by these ‘squatters’ on internet articles lashing out and really hating on the person/s mentioned like they are the righteous ones. Like they have the right to judge and blame everyone but themselves for the state of our nation. I’m just like “Really?”. I’d like tell these people what a winner and a loser is and where they fit in that equation but every time I have to hold my tongue (fingers in this case) and not stoop down to the level of clearly misinformed hypocrites and bigots. #OnlyinthePhilippines #It’sMoreFuninthePhilippines #
this is a really wonderful article. this, hopefully, would open the eyes of the public to what really is happening in the country and stop the ignorance and negligence of most people.
sana maisalin din po ito sa Filipino para mabasa at maintindihan din ng mga hindi gaanong bihasa sa wikang Ingles, dahil sa tingin ko po sila talaga dapat ang makabasa nito.
God bless and more power to you ma’am!
pag ang data pabor sa kanila puros papuri kasi marami cla ginagawa daw, pag ndi namn pabor, may binabanatan o may sinisisi worse iniiba nila ang usapan para di na matandaan o humaba pa ang diskusyon..hindi sila marunong magsorry o magpakumbaba..bt nga ba cla magpapakumbaba kng hawak nila ang kangyarihan, kayamanan at ang batas…masakit na sa tenga ang mga banat at sisi ginawa nila, wla aq naririnig na progress..paparating nanamn ang eleksyon anung bola nanamn ba nila sa taong bayan para maka-akit ng mga botante..kng ganito na lng hanggng sa huling termino ni PNOY..sa huli din ang pagsisisi…
i agree, mabuhay ka
I salute you my friend! You, madame, spoke the minds of those who are actually thinking. It’s really nice to know that there are still some who are being rational and objective in this country of ours.
Excellent points raised! Keep doing what you’re doing. More power to you! 😀
You should have also added about how most Filipinos depending on the Church. The Church doesn’t segregate itself from the government that they thought they have the position to influence Filipino Catholics through the bible, which is very irrelevant since the church [or religion] should separate itself from politics. Most Filipino Catholics tend to be easily manipulated by the Church. And since the Church can influence, squatters have the mentality that being poor is alright since they will seek God’s richness when they pass away. The church also tries to refer, from the bible, that being poor is alright because God favors the poor; To procreate is being essential, that’s why squatters’ household continue increasing.
Great to hear someone with sense. People need to stop feeling the need to blame everyone around them for their own lives, especially without evidence. I long for the day Pnoy’s term ends.
This is a very informative article, though i believe the 10 reasons you talked about may be correct only for the 90% of filipinos under the poverty line. The more educated filipinos may disagree with you, based on looking at past presidents Marcos would top my list as the number 1 president in terms of economic gain and for the projects he proposed (it was only imelda who was his downfall). Your article seems to exonerate Gloria, though i believe she is the most corrupt of them all next to Marcos. It would be stupid to say that none of our politicians are corrupt, all politicians use their power in someway to benefit them, Gloria had her fair share of projects but she is just in this position as she was too greedy and took more than most would. In fact your article should be titled “Ten reasons why uneducated filipinos blame gloria arroyo for everything”. I dont blame her for everything, but i do agree that she should answer for her crimes, not only her but majority of our politicians should.
How did she take more than most would?
Please tell us the crimes she committed. Has it been proven in court?
Please see reply below.
With due respect, you believe she was the most corrupt? In what way? Do you have facts or figures?
And let me guess, PNOY and Cory are the least corrupt Presidents in your eyes! I guess the article is really meant for you.
@Ilda just as your article stated your own opinion and did not provide any facts or studies to back up your claim, I am also entitled to my own opinion.This opinion based on observations and how business is done here in the PH.
Proven in court in the PH are you serious?that line?Well if you use that type of argument then everyone is innocent till proven guilty.If this is your notion of thinking then heck id say no ones corrupt in the philippines theres no such thing as “lagay”. The known CPI or Corruption perception index is worth nothing as it is not proven.Then also all your articles should only be Black and White and no Grey area – which already proves erroneous your thinking in writing this piece, as this article is opinionated and is not proven or backed up by statistics or any studies all.
Besides i was looking at your previous articles majority of them are Anti – Pnoy. So this is a useless argument on my end, as you will probably side on anyone who Pnoy goes against.I believe Gloria was a good president in terms of output PROJECTS, she had more projects than our incumbent. Though i also believe that corruption in general should be punished its just too bad that she was the one put in the limelight.
What makes you think they are anti-PNoy? Please be specific.
I don’t force my opinions on anybody. I don’t visit other sites and tell others that their writing or views are “erroneous” just like what you are doing. Take it or live it.
Yes, the problem with some or most Filipinos is that they believe their public servants are corrupt but they still keep voting them in. Figure that one out.
1.Just my personal opinion, and possibly the same idea people would get if they saw the Title/Subjects of your previous articles.
2. You put your article on the web. Then everyone has the right to read them.
3.In journalism be ready for criticism
4. Agreed with your last point.:)
People who do not read beyond the title tend to miss the point of the whole article.
And your point is?
Criticism is ok as long as you can back it up with logic. Avoid making too many assumptions because they are hard to prove.
@ilda “Criticism is ok as long as you can back it up with logic. Avoid making too many assumptions because they are hard to prove.”
okay just a question for you as you mentioned logic.Do you think GMA was corrupt?or any of our public officials elected or not. This taking into consideration that you mentioned the phrase “Proven in a court of law”.
Did I say that she was not? As mentioned in my article:
“3. Most Filipinos are actually angry with themselves, not with GMA. Underneath that arrogance is a people who are clueless as to why the country continues to be plagued by corruption and lack of progress. They don’t realize that it is the people’s lack of attention to how public servants do their jobs that is the reason why public funds gets mismanaged. In other words, people’s apathy and indifference to how the country is being run is the real cause of corruption and not GMA.”
Btw Cory was the worst president in my opinion.
Had Cory not died at the time, there was absolutely no way PNoy would have been president. I’m saddened by the ridiculous amount of ignoramuses that are easily swayed by sympathy or “drama” as the article writer puts it.
The fact that our president spends more time dillydallying and throwing out unsolicited opinions is disgusting. Sure, GMA may have had a few (exceptionally) bad eggs that would cause anyone to lose their trust in her. But you can’t deny that she worked her ass off and occasionally went on business trips and whatnot to secure deals for the betterment of the economy — and she didn’t have to spout worthless comments in the process.
Yes, she may be villainous for disregarding public trust and directly defying the democratic system. But what other choice did we have at the time? FPJ? That unqualified person would’ve won thanks to the majority of the “squatters” that can’t even make a good decision FOR THEMSELVES. If she really is guilty of manipulating the polls to win, I thank her gladly. Had FPJ won, I would have wondered how many public officials under him would’ve taken advantage of his complacency, unassumingness and simple lack of skills required to run and LEAD a country — there’d be more corrupt people under him even if he himself wasn’t corrupt in the first place. Sometimes, you just have to be the villain.
Tumpak. What we call the GMA derangement syndrome. Even Sendong was her fault. Come to think of it, even the present US government has fallen into similar GDS, only theirs is George Derangement Syndrome.
This entitlement mentality is so true. This space won’t fit all the examples of this thinking.
I hope you would also take into consideration that most of these “squatters” did not have the privilege of getting a good education like you did. While you were attending school, learning ethics and manners, these people had to struggle everyday to survive. I think this is also the problem of the society– we are too quick to point out the wrong things of others and giving judgments. We fail to look at things from their perspective and instead of helping them, educating them of the right thing, we choose to criticize and demean.
As for GMA, she did cheat and steal. I don’t know how much more evidence people need for them to open their eyes. Although I do agree that she did her fair share of work, but still, once a trust is broken it can never be restored. I do not blame the poverty the country is experiencing today entirely on her but for sure she did add on to the poverty level to some extent.
Hey Pink! Agreed on the points you have brought up. Im glad that some people have your point of view.:)
Point missed. Sorry, but people blamed GMA because the media highlighted her faults and made her supposedly anti-masa. While the media who are allies with the Aquinos won’t look critically at their mistakes, especially about the current president’s ineptitude. See the bias?
You said that she did cheat and steal. It seems your ok on PNoy having the biggest pork barrel and you tolerate his immaturity as long he slams his predecessor. On the former, it’s what we call ‘stealing in front of your face’ thingy. That’s pure idiocy at a grand scale.
It’s easy to say that GMA is corrupt while it’s hard to admit that we, as citizens, are corrupt. It’s the dysfunctional culture that is the root of the problem. Even you will jail GMA, it would mean nothing since it the SYSTEM and not the people on it.
I don’t think I mentioned PNoy in my previous comment, so please don’t make any assumptions. Although I do support him, only because he is our current president, instead of pointing out all his mistakes why not focus on helping him lead this nation. This is exactly the problem. We focus too much on criticizing, it’s not helping at all. Besides, we don’t know how it’s like to be a president, so we don’t have much right to magnify every mistake a president does. When GMA was president, she had my support because she was our president as the saying goes united we stand, divided we fall. Cliche but true.
And I don’t completely agree with you when you said that nothing will come off imprisoning GMA because justice must be served. It is only fair that once you did wrong you have to face the consequence of your actions.
Ultimately, I believe the “dysfunctional culture” you are talking about still stems from illiteracy and poverty which are the result of corruption from the government. You can’t exactly say that these marginalized people are stricken with poverty because of their culture, because most of them are not even given a chance in life. The budget intended to build better public school facilities are being used for personal enjoyment, so definitely it is the people and their greed that is the problem.
So don’t point on GMA as the source of all the problems of our country. On corruption, it’s the SYSTEM is the problem and not the people around it. Yes, you can jail her if she is guilty but nothing will ever change if we can’t get rid of the SYSTEM. It can be branded as ‘GMA was jailed because of the crimes against the corrupt democratic republic of the Philippines’. If you want justice to be served, you have to do it RIGHT NOW and don’t let the media do the drama for you.
Supporting PNoy is like you want to tolerate STUPIDITY, ARROGANCE, CHILDISHNESS, IMMATURITY, and INCOMPETENCE. His blame games against the past admin, makes people cringe because of this truthful statement: “Real leaders never play the blame game.” Honestly, GMA is better compared to PNoy since she is focused on her job despite of the allegations against her.
It seems you did not get the point of the article. I was not referring to the poor people per se. I was actually very clear in explaining that even some people from the so-called elite can have “squatter mentality†. Please read the article again.
If you know something and have witnessed GMA committing the crime first hand, you should file a complaint to the ombudsman.
My point was using the term “squatter mentality” degrades the marginalized people more than they already are. Using that term made it seem like you are setting a discrimination towards them.
I’m sorry but you still think that only poor people have “squatter mentality”. As I’ve pointed out over and over, even some people from the so-called elite members of society have “squatter mentality”. It seems you are the one who insists that only the “marginalized” people have “squatter mentality”. I suggest that you think outside the square. Not all poor people have “squatter mentality”.
Thank you.
I agree with you that the “squatters” acts, behaves and thinks the way they are now basically because they lack the education as they are not privileged enough to go to school. In most cases, their way of thinking is focused on survival, to feed the hungry mouth of their children. Who could think properly with an empty stomach. And who would care among them to think who is better in terms of qualification to run for a government post. Their mind is focused on who can help them alleviate their situation and they are easily persuaded by excellent PR strategies of the politicians.
I totally agree with what you said and I quote, “You can’t exactly say that these marginalized people are stricken with poverty because of their culture, because most of them are not even given a chance in life.” I have met several of them that can support this claim.
If only they were afforded the opportunity they wont have these squatter’s mentality. They would have been far better than depending the government to provide for their needs, more better in their critical thinking skills and thus have more better decisions.
We can only blame them partly for voting these unfit politicians. what we can probably do is to teach them how to fish.
though I think using the term squatter mentality is politically incorrect (we shouldn’t generalize anyone no matter what his/her social background is), I do agree on two points of this article:
1. That people should stop pinning the blame on particular people for everything, including Gloria. – Questionable things have happened in all administrations, not just hers. People need to make more informed decisions before forming opinions. Relying on what’s shown in mass media is not enough. For every bad story shown in the news, tons of others are also happening and are equally questionable.
2. That for us to stand up for our seats and actually do something is always better than playing the card of viewer/bystander/observer only. Change doesn’t have to happen through something as radical as people power (which happens once in a blue moon). It is something that people have to be mindful of everyday. Real change can only happen if people also choose to apply the change in themselves. Remember that whoever the president is, he/she is only one person that belongs to a huge system, including ordinary people who you see on the street everyday. Decisions come from the president, but he/she’s not the one getting bribes at customs, it was the choice on a simple employee to do that. It’s also a policeman’s choice to accept “kotong”, and our choice to give it or not. So really, it starts with every individual and how they choose behave in society that changes society and the system by which we belong to. 🙂
I agree with you deedee….. your right!…. that’s all i can say…
Very well said!! Maraming matatauhan nyan!! (^_^)
This article is 98% correct (at least 2% is for those with squatter mentality). GMA will be acquitted for sure… her suckers knew her as well, but they just opted to lean to people with narrow minds…
Philippine media turns news into fairytales and soap operas. How irresponsible, ‘di ba? Just because the odds weren’t in their favor doesn’t give them credit to destroy other people. Magic? No, let’s put it this way. It’s in human nature to to hear what’s more wanted, than the truth. While other people may be blamed for destroying a hardworking president’s reputation, the media should also be blamed for spreading the fire. Let’s face it. Not everyone (in the Philippines) is accessible to correct information, and it’s the media’s responsibility to deliver it. But sadly, not everything the media says on-air is true. News is still produced and delivered by humans, money-making ones.
I do hope CGMA is acquitted. Otherwise, the wrong will be appended with more lies and misunderstandings.
GMA is a thief of votes. That also makes her a squatter with squatter mentality, haha
Only an idiot will say that. In fact, all elections are rigged before GMA came. So does the 2010 elections.
Your argument is invalid.
you’re the TROLL and IDIOT. So all elections are rigged before GMA? I see you’re one of those who switched ballot boxes in those elections (pre GMA)
Okey lang un, tagahimud ka pala ng puwet ni GMA, hehe
Still, the joke is on you because you’ve been fed and being manipulated by what the media tells you. No wonder why you have squatter mentality. I mean, where’s your proof? Anti-intellectual indeed. So the term ‘troll’ and ‘idiot’ applies on you because I have a better view on how politics works. You jelly? 😛
You heard me right. All elections are rigged before GMA but accusing me on switching ballots during elections is just below the belt. Magaling ka lang sa character assassination, BOBO ka naman.
You talk about Gloria’s alleged ‘cheating’ during the 2004 elections? Hey idiot, here’s for you:
FYI, the last elections had issues as well. Just because it was electronic and the Philippine news coverage was biased to make it out like it went well doesn’t mean squat. There was a group of volunteers during that time who also oversaw the election everywhere in the country, in different barangays and bigger towns and they too reported military men coming in, closing voting booths down and looking for specific people. Arroyo’s stink was the most known in media, but you have got to be just as dumb not to buy into the stink of the previous election and certain ‘mobs’ who were active with it.
I like what you said about this “squatter mentality” not only possessed by those subhumans called euphemistically “informal settlers” but even the elite, the rich and some celebrities as well. I guess a large percentage of politicians have 100% squatter mentality
yung mga aktibista, mga taga-suporta ng rh bill at lahat ng humihingi ng pinansiyal na sustento sa gubyerno ay merong “squatter mentality”
Except those who support the RH Bill. In fact, they are in favor for progress since the bill is more on the political side on controlling the population. Ayaw mo nun? 😛
hitting the nail right on the head! I live and work abroad and once in a while local tv channels feature news
from the Ph. During GMA’s watch, I almost always would hear good news about her policies. One stament I heard from one American financial analyst cited ” Ph has recovered tremendously under President Arroyo. She’s able to improve Ph fiscal health in so short a time…” I wonder why Filipinos can’t see that point or perhaps they don’t want to see that glaring point for one simple reason: “Di na uso si GMA, ang nakuso ay si Pnoy!”
This boy along the pasig river even have the gall to claim the results or the fruits of PGMA’s accomplishments to make this country economically stable.This boy is just starting scramble the gains of PGMA’s efforts.Where are the promised billions of dollars from foreign investments and business opportunities. How did we got good ratings from international financial institutions.Is it not our freedom from debts from IMF?And who made this possible.This country is in great disarray.We are expecting the brunt of his pronouncements about China issue on contested territory.Penoy’s mouth is full of shit..
my brother was not so much into politics but he is smart and had the chance to work with former PGMA. sometimes,i hear him complain for not having a good sleep because of too much load of work.but then he realize,the president is up the whole night working and just get a little bit of sleep.the message is PGMA never stop working when she’s the President while today with the current President,its all about standing by…too bad eh?
@Juan Likas Makabayan
Please be informed that GMA was granted bail today due to weak evidence against her electoral sabotage case. I suggest you give up trying to convince other people that she “cheated” or “stole money” because you don’t have any evidence to back it up.
BTW, your next comment will be placed in the spam folder if you continue using all caps or foul language.
Ay oo nga pala ano? gawa gawa lang pala yong CD. Maging tanga na rin lang nga para pareho na tayo. aheheh
@Juan Likas Makabayan
Pssst… ayaw ni PNoy ipatugtog yung “Hello Garci” tapes nun nasa senado pa siya.
Tanga ka na nga sa simula pa lang e. 😛 But please don’t drag us to YOUR level.
Anong level mo Vergil? ahehhe…
Just accept the fact that you’re so EMO over GMA claiming that she stole YOUR money (which is the government’s money to begin with) without realizing the fact about her achievements like keeping the economy afloat during the global financial crisis. So on and so forth.
Like Ilda said, the charges on the former president due to alledged cheating during the 2004 elections since it has insufficient evidence. I’ll laugh at your stupid a$$ because why would I believe from someone who has an angry mob mindset? You’re not “makabayan”. You’re a sycophant.
Naisip mo ba kung anong pinagsasabi niya para lang idepensa ang kilala na nang lahat? Alam mo ba na masyadong mababa ang pagkakaintindi niya sa kalagayan ng Pilipinas at nais niyang hilahin ang mga hindi nagsusuri na hindi niya alam na mas lalo niyang nilalayo sa katutuhanan ang tao? Iniisip ko nga kung magkano bayad sa kanya. ngayon, joeld, ipikit mo ang iyong mata…
@juan likas makabayan..
puede ba ipasantabi mo muna ang drama. ipikit ang mga mata at pag isipan muna ang totoong nagyayari sa bansa natin. lahat ng sinasabi dito sa site na ito ay katotohanan na hindi mo puedeng talikuran at mas mininwala ka pa sa sinasabi sa iyo ng ibang tao.
Naisip mo ba kung anong pinagsasabi niya para lang idepensa ang kilala na nang lahat? Alam mo ba na masyadong mababa ang pagkakaintindi niya sa kalagayan ng Pilipinas at nais niyang hilahin ang mga hindi nagsusuri na hindi niya alam na mas lalo niyang nilalayo sa katutuhanan ang tao? Iniisip ko nga kung magkano bayad sa kanya. ngayon, joeld, ipikit mo ang iyong mata…
Baka IKAW ata ang may mababang ang pagkakaintindi sa kalagayan ng Pilipinas. Proof is your assumption that the author was paid. Sira na credibility mo dahil ang gusto mong ‘katotohan’ ay yung bagay sa interes o sa pakiramdam mo lang. So parang ‘angry mob mindset’ iyan.
Wala ka nang maisagot na matino. Ipikit mo ngayon ang mga mata because you’re totally missing the point. My level of thinking is higher than yours because I’m not someone who blames the past administration for every ill of this country.
how bout Mikey Arroyo being the Sectoral Representative of security guards? makes you think huh?
You hit the nail right on its head. I am really exasperated and disgusted the last ten years or so, each time people blamed and vilified GMA to high hell. No amount of defensive explanation could satisfy them. “Case in point : GMA was granted bail. Some GMA haters called my attention and told me to celebrate because GMA was free! Your Boss is free!” As if it was a manna from Pnoy. It was the triumph for the Rule of Law. In the first place GMA should not have been jailed based on the evidence presented! haters and fiends of GMA –this is for you. Eat your hearts out!
@Jun Y. Viray
Welcome to the club. As someone once said “let your annoyance be your mojo”.
I think most Filipinos are not angry enough to speak out against the incompence of their public servants. They think they can trust someone like PNoy just because he is the son of so-called “heroes”. That’s just BS.
i’m proud of the person who wrote this article… i believe that filipinos should read this article in order to realize their fault for being locked in poverty….. Sabi nga eh “FIRST RULE OF LEADERSHIP EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT” BUT the fact na kailangan din namang iblame ang leader dahil responsibilidad nyang pamahalaan ang pilipinas for good…. i think kasi CORRUPTION and EDUCATION FACILITIES is the main problem… kaya some filipino are blaming the leader of the country…. and I strongly support the change in government…. 6 years of serving more than 90million people is not enough to fulfill it’s duty and responsibility…
Thanks for the compliment. I just have to say that it is wrong for people like PNoy to encourage the public to keep blaming GMA. He should realise by now that the former President did not have control over how everyone in the government behaved. She also needed the help of the people to write their mayors, congressmen and senators to remind them to do their job well. PNoy should actually encourage people to be more pro-active by being vigilant about how their taxes are being spent. Unfortunately, he shows his annoyance at being criticised and his supporters think that his critics are just being unpatriotic.
you hit it again ate ilda! nice write-up… kudos! 😀
Thank you.
If you think Gloria Arroyo didn’t took advantage and enriched herself during her term then you are a total idiot. She also betrayed the Filipino people by dancing the tune of China accepting projects as bribes in order for her to shut up about the Philippine claim of the Spratlys. She also cheated during the elections. Anyone who will say otherwise is again – a total idiot. Filipinos shouldn’t blame her for “everything” but I think she should be hanged together with the author of this stupid article.
I think you better read the article again because you did not get the point. You also make a lot of unfounded allegations that won’t even stand in court. Don’t forget that she is out on bail right now due to insufficient evidence on the charges against her. If you know something, speak up and volunteer as a witness so she can be properly prosecuted. Bad mouthing her alone will not bring justice.
Typical masang “Pinoy” with a squatter “Pinoy” mindset who can’t digest well-written articles well. So sorry about the abundance of these morons, Ilda. You deserve a better audience with your intellectual breadth and regard for open-mindedness.
Awww…as long as people like you put them in their place, the existence of the so-called “morons” is ok by me.
Akala ko ang pinaka madilim na gobyernong naranasan ko ay ng panahon ng mga Marcos, di ko akalin na mas madilim pa pala ang kasalukuyang gobyerno! Balot ng galit at pagkapoot, paghihiganti at pagkamatuwid pangsaruli…Kahit pa sabihin nating may kasalanan nga si GMA, diba pwedeng bigyan muna natin siya ng espasyo para makapagpagamot at makabawi ng kalusugan bago natin siya muling arestuhin? Pano nila nasisikmura ang mangaresto ng tao na ganito ang kalalagayan considering na naging Presidente pa rin natin siya….mukang kay GMA sila bumabawi sa frustration nila kay Marcos…di nila nagalaw si Marcos noon kung kaya’t pinapakita nila sa bayan ngayon na kay GMA di nila ito palalampasin! Wala na yatang katapusan ito sa Pilipinas…hindi na tayo makakabangon kung ganito na lang palagi…
Ang mga botanteng pinoy imbes na ituwid at turuan sa mas intelehenteng pagsuri ng mga iboboto, ang mga pulitiko pa ang kimukunsinti sa mabababaw nitong pag-iisip! Pati sa pangangampanya nila, entertainment pa ang ipapakita nila! Kakanta, sasayaw, magpapalabas ng mga papatok sa masa! Bakit di nila samantalahin ang kampanya upang ma-educate ang mga masa at iangat ang antas ng kanilang pagsuri sa mga kandidato upang umangat na din naman ang bayan natin!
Tama ang article na ito..Ang priority ng administration na ito is to prosecute GMA! Very obvious ito..look at what they’ve spent during the Corona Impeachment, laki ng gastos! Satang lang na mas dapat na ilagay na lang sa Education! Now, cyberlaw! Ang tikas nila manindigan! Ganito rin ba sila katikas sa teritoryo ng pilipinas na inaagaw ng china? Headline na naman si GMA on her arrest! pero sana man lang in two years ng administrasyong ito naranasan na natin bumaba man lang ang halaga ng mga pangunahing bilihin. Pero lahat nagtataasan pa at sabay sabay pa! Anong ikatutuwa mo sa gobyernong ito? ang magbunyi dahil naipakulong si GMA? sila na lang magbunyi habang ang karamihan ng mga pilipino baon pa rin sa kahirapan!
Kung boboto rin lang tayo sana yung mga QUALIFIED talaga at wag na yung mga sila sila na lang!
Wow! You nailed it! Every filipino should read this. Great job!
GMA- she will go down in history as the most corrupt President the Philippines ever had… read the news on how many corruption she and her family were involved in. How many cases were filed againts her and he cohorts. NBN/ZTE deal, fertilizer scam, over priced macapagal boulevard, misuse of the road users tax, PCSO intelligence fund scam. Wake up girl!
And people like you go EMO over PGMA, claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when its the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada. So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them.
What you and people are getting mad about is a small deal. There are things we should leave the past alone about because it won’t haunt the future of the country. The constitution still haunts the country in the past, certainly the present and most definitely the future and so is the system of the government if we don’t change it for the better. Much like how we should change how we think about mythical concepts like crab mentality and colonial mentality, like you do. Because people cannot progress if they keep thinking like that and playing the constant victim when things get messed up.
It’s YOU who should be the one who should wake up, faggot. You’ve been brainwashed by what the media tells you. You’re becoming a full fledged moron by having flawed thinking, becoming an anti-intellectual person. Lemme ask: why would someone like you who would ‘wake us up’ with an ANGRY MOB mindset of yours.
Please troll harder. If you reply back, then what I’m saying is true. 😛
If the intention was to defend Gloria Arroyo, I think, you just condemned her on that paragraph.
Not really condemning but I told you before that the SYSTEM is the problem, not necessarily the people in it. Everyone is doing it.
daidokatsumi, natumbok mo. Ang sistema ang problema. Nagkukunwari kasing may alam ang author nito at ginamit pa ang “Squatter” na terminology sa ignorante niyang kaisipan. Lapastangan ang babaeng ito. ahehehe
I disagree and let me tell you why. Read again what you wrote here
It was very clear that you admit that ‘she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them’? She herself, not the system, has to do the wrong thing just to gain allies. The system doesn’t need an ally. It doesn’t need to ‘throw money’ on anything.
It is simply wrong to blame the system for the lapses of men.
IDIOTA! She already explained herself that she did what she did. You think she can get political allies when she became transitional president without hawking money at them? That is how the system works! Or she gets something like what happened as well in Cory’s regime and have people under her fighting each other. If you want things done, you certainly need people to be on the same page. And that is why the system is flawed. Everyone paid attention at her taking the people’s money (when its the government’s money to begin with) yet nobody was shocked and awe that PNOY took over 60 million pesos in pork barrel money? Oh but of course not since the incompetent individual has not done anything bad and is compensating himself as a proud member of the Aquino family and taking his rightful place in the government.
And always blaming people is unfair. Of course, those who have angry mob mindset would say that.
No such thing. Gloria Arroyo never admitted to anything that would implicate her to corruption. Why are you doing this to her?
You think she can get political allies when she became transitional president without hawking money at them? That is how the system works!
What are you talking ’bout, that she bought people just to become her allies? That’s libel, este, fiction. Didn’t she belong to a political party (Lakas Kampi CMD)? Where are you getting those facts?
What do you mean, that’s how the system works? That’s gross ignorance, my friend. There is no such thing. The system is not corrupt, people are. Don’t point to the system when you already identified who is doing the corruption. That’s sheer puerility.
So, Gloria Arroyo is a lousy and stupid leader because she cannot make anybody be on the same page unless she gives them money. Is that what you are saying? That Gloria Arroyo is a rotten and despicable leader because she’s just a dummy acting as a leader? Truth was, the system actually takes charge and control whoever is the leader. Is that what you are insinuating? I hope somebody from your group saves you from a very, very twisted logic you defend on to explain Gloria Arroyo’s leadership because, frankly, you are not making sense anymore.
You are practically burying Gloria Arroyo in that kind of reasoning.
I’d rather blame people than blame the system. You cannot file a case against a system. Systems don’t have accountability, people do. Systems do not commit corruption, people does.
You don’t accuse the system to free Gloria Arroyo from fault, that’s ridiculous. You free Gloria Arroyo by simply enumerating the reasons why she is innocent of the charges against her. And her innocence doesn’t defend on the kind of system we have in government. No such thing. That’s an invention that nobody on this blog will buy.
You don’t accuse the system and expect that the discussion will end on that note, it won’t. You don’t accuse the system and stop there without showing why another system is better to prove that your logic makes sense.
If you want to defend Gloria Arroyo from any blame, you are doing it wrong. You are doing it very wrong. I am sorry.
What are you talking ’bout, that she bought people just to become her allies? That’s libel, este, fiction. Didn’t she belong to a political party (Lakas Kampi CMD)? Where are you getting those facts?
What do you mean, that’s how the system works? That’s gross ignorance, my friend. There is no such thing. The system is not corrupt, people are. Don’t point to the system when you already identified who is doing the corruption. That’s sheer puerility.
It seems you misunderstood some of my points here. On my first sentence, I’m not talking about the corruption during her term but more on her alleged involvement on election fraud and gaining political allies. And you showed your angry mob mindset once again by saying that people are corrupt, not the system. You are doing it very wrong because that’s an ignorance on your part. It seems you’re dumb because small minds discuss people. If the system is corrupt, the so does the people. Where did you get that, huh? From some soothsayers? Please.
The second sentence is more like an accusation. Like I said, that’s how the political system works here. But I never see her as an incompetent nutjob just like the current president who potentially could have been linked with narco-politics. It’s only you who would say that. Nothing has been so twisted than mob mentality, mind you.
“I’d rather blame people than blame the system. You cannot file a case against a system. Systems don’t have accountability, people do. Systems do not commit corruption, people does.”
Earth to idiots! Oh yeah, we have a system where familial last names and celebrities were voted into office and nothing’s gonna change. So you’re ok about it. Well, that’s not my problem.
So why complain about them when the people who voted these politicos in are just as misunderstood, conniving and ignorant about how the system works? Because the democratic system of the Philippines is what is promoting the corruption. So I say, saying that people are corrupt yet the system is not just flawed thinking.
Anyways, you’re also doing it wrong. I’m very sorry because you can’t admit that you’re missing the point and you’re just here to troll on everyone. Just as I expect from someone who prefers mob rule.
well said, but ayaw ng (mis)communications group yang sinulat mo. sapak na sapak kasi and you hit the right spot.
Top Ten Reasons Why Gloria Arroyo
is the Dumbest President
in the History of the Philippines:
1. She has a PhD in Economics but cannot eradicate poverty in the Philippines.
2. She received some doctorate education in the United States, at Georgetown University, as a classmate of Bill Clinton. She did not use this knowledge to help her country.
3. She is the daughter of Diosdado Macapagal, president of the Philippines from 1965 to 1969, which makes her a princess-turned-queen, and her two sons in Congress — princes. If their dynasty cannot eradicate poverty now, during her prime, what makes us think she and her sons can eradicate poverty in the future?
4. She has been in power since 1987, when she was Undersecretary of Trade and Industry. What investments did she bring to the Philippines? Thirty-three years of power for nothing.
5. Economic growth coming from the government in the Philippines is a fallacy. The truth – remittances from more than 10 million Filipino overseas workers all over the world drive the economy of the nation.
6. Her inability to bring economic change to the Philippines over the past 33 years is one of the main reasons why Filipinos are working overseas away from their families and love ones.
7. All her infrastructure projects were envisioned and designed during the time of President Ferdinand Marcos. We did the research at the Department of Transportation and Communication, and the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines.
8. Her close political ally, Andal Ampatuan, Sr., has a son who killed fifty-seven people, thirty-two of them journalists. This is the largest single massacre of press people in human history, in the absence of a war or insurgency (that’s like President Obama’s close friend killing Fox News analysts, CNN reporters, and MSNBC pundits).
9. She is now a Congresswoman in her province of Pampanga, thereby stopping other political aspirants to take part in political processes. She does not want Filipinos to mature and learn from democracy. This is an abuse of her power as former president.
10. Her administration is responsible for 100 deaths of journalists and activists since 2001. Compared to former President Marcos, there were 34 deaths over a period of 21 years. Marcos did not have a Ph.D. in Economics. Nor did he study in the US, or was the son of a former president.
The only reason why the Philippines is NOT a failed state?
TROLL. 😛 All of what you said is based on hearsays and conspiracy theories. Grasping on straws, eh? Also, the Philippines is ALREADY a failed state at the start of the Cory administration. And her connection to Ampatuan, Sr. is also a fallacy because the Ampatuans have existed before her. She failed to reduce poverty but Noynoy worsened it. Hunger increased from 15 to 16 million and counting. So what’s your point?
If there is someone who the dumbest president in the history of the Philippines, that would be none other than Noynoy Aquino. Actually, him and his mother have something in common: INCOMPETENCE. He was just voted because of his parents, not any kind of social platform.
Just accept the fact that you’re too EMO on GMA claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when its the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada. So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them. Oh, come on. What you’re looking for is just a small deal. Your post is too hypocritical.
She even berated Noynoy but much sense; according to her ‘It’s the ECONOMY, student.’ And she was right:
“Unfortunately, the present Administration has chosen to turn the problem upside down, anchoring their entire development strategy on one simplistic slogan: “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap.†If there is no corruption, there is no poverty—this is a proposition that also tells us that the undeniable persistence of poverty to this day therefore means the continuation of corruption under this Administration.â€
Please stop your nonsense and focus more on the real problems. GMA is not dumb. People like you were because you keep on believing and being fed with what the mass media tells you. Am I right?
It’s nice to know that there are still Filipinos who uphold a 3rd world mentality. Nasa tribo ka na sa 3rd world ipagmamalaki mo pa rin at ipagyayabang na 3rd world ka, kasi it’s your right. Di maiwan ka dyan. Tandaan mo, yung sinulat mo puro adjectives and adverbs. You just emote and express your emotions. Yung sinulat ko, facts, dates, events, time, places….I express facts. Something 3rd world Filipinos cannot comprehend. I’m sorry that your standards are low and you don’t expect excellence. Then again you’re trapped in the 3rd world, trapped in the Arroyo tribe and your standards of tribal excellence.
The irony is that you have presented your ‘facts, dates, events’ in a different manner. So where do you get your ‘facts’ then? Anyways, it can be said that it was not factual. If in fact is about as biased as average Pinoy fact finding for research can be. Or did college not teach you how to pull academic research out of your butt?
Honestly, YOU and the your fellow morons are a fine example of what you call a 3rd world mentality. How can we expect excellence if we can just tolerate mediocrity and it didn’t start on Arroyo, it’s WAY BEFORE. I’m sorry, but your standards are lower than mine and if you perceive excellence in this present administration, then there is something wrong with you.
Then again, you’re trapped in your OWN 3rd world, trapped in the Aquino and the oligarchic tribe and your standards of your OWN tribal excellence.
Does THAT makes sense? BTW, you’re just showing what the author wants to say: the squatter mentality thinggy.
Like I said, count the adjective and adverbs. It’s nice to read your pang-uris and pang-abays. They are the only things you can provide. There are 40,000 words in the English dictionary, and facts are something you don’t have. Arroyo is tribal, you’re tribal, and the whole world knows. You can’t deny stupidity in the face of excellence. Unless of course, we adhere to your tribal standards.. Ungga… Stay in your 3rd world live, liberty and property…. Ungga… praise your chief…. Ungga… You’re in the 3rd world, and we are not. Your grand kids and their grand kids will live in the 3rd world…. You have have no definition for excellence because you’re 3rd world… Praise to your chief Arroyo…
You’re like PLDT. PURO DENIAL. I presented 10 facts in your face, and you’re still in denial… I bet you’re one of those Atenistas, or La Sallistas, or UP students who think you’re cool, when in truth and in fact CAREGIVERS bring more dollars into the country than PhD students from Katipunan, Diliman, and Taft (both sides of McDo)…..There is a global demand for caregivers who DID NOT study in these places, but there is NO DEMAND for students of the blue, green, and maroon on the global labor market. The next time you tell me I DON’T have facts is the time you tell me the achievements of Arroyo…. Sa tribo mo pina-ambunan ka natuwa ka na because you like living in a tribe…. Here in the developed world, where global standards of excellence are normal, you can only praise what your chief Ungga can throw at you—- barya and pa-ulan….
You keep on accusing me on having a 3rd world mentality w/o realizing the fact that it all started after Marcos left. We can never move forward if we keep can’t change our dysfunctional culture. I say good luck to you because nothing’s gonna change if you’re placing your faith in the wrong system and even to the wrong people.
So much for 3rd world mentality. Does PNoy represent THAT more than Arroyo?
I never mentioned any praise or salutations about Noy. Only your 3rd world education and sense of perception gives you an interpretation that I did…. Like most 3rd world minds you just to fallacies of hasty generalizations and oversimplifications…..Your education means nothing in the real world, and your statements even mean less because you think in terms of tribes.
@Rosa: Thank you for admitting that you’re just a TROLL. Never bother on adjective and adverbs because you’re proving your own stupidity by justifying your red herring statements.
Now the insults are here, calling me ‘ungga’. But did that started in 1987? Yes, it was. You’re very misinformed. I’m putting things in better perspective than you who is behaving like the uninofrmed retards in the Salem witch trials. Hello we are in 2012 but since its the Philippines in question, it might as well be 1684!
Praise to your chief Aquino. Also, you are also living in a 3rd world. Wala ka pang alam.
Like I said, 3rd world stalwart, I never said anything praising Aquino or Marcos, but showed how your Chief Ungga Arroyo is your 3rd world standard…. Good luck to you and to your grandchildren and their grandchildren for advocating 3rd world standards…..
@Rosa: Wow, hypocrisy much? If you’re not citing salutations on Noynoy, e bakit palaging nakasulat sa papel mo ay GMA?
The SYSTEM is the problem, not necessarily the people in it. You’re looking for excellence but you have a very wrong perspective. Sorry, but there is no excellence with INCOMPETENCE, mind you. So blaming GMA for everything means that you’re also in a 3rd world mentality.
Your words are NOTHING but adjectives and adverbs…. Typical 3rd world hirit…. wala kang facts lagapak pepak sa blood compak!
No dates, names, places, events, and facts to substantiated your claims…
Classic 3rd world argument coming from a tribal mentality….. You’re trapped there in Pinas and there’s nothing you can do but expect barya and paulan…… Yun lang ang paraan para makapag-aral ang anak at apo mo sa maayos na paaralan, mag abang sa pa-ulan ng mga politikong binabatuhan ka ng barya….. Stay 3rd world, and I’m not even going to use expletives against you because you’re 3rd world… simple and concise.!
@Rosa: Sorry, but if you’re just tolerating INCOMPETENCE, then you’re also advocating 3rd world standards. There is no excellence if there will be no change in our culture and even in our system. And that is after Marcos where all of this mess happened. Not Arroyo.
You’re still grasping on straws.
@Rosa: Now we go with the red herrings and ad hominem attacks. Classy…
Where’s the tribal mentality you’re talking about if I’m not some guy who thinks that corruption is the source of all problems. I can even use the term ‘3rd world’ against you is because you’re trying to tell me that Arroyo is the source of all problems. You’re looking forward for excellence, but you also have an angry mob mindset like most of millions of Filipinos. Here’s an example of a 3rd world mentality: voting for those who are popular and such. I can state facts but not half-truths.
Almost every politician do that, not just her. Like I said, NOYNOY AQUINO IS THE DUMBEST PRESIDENT BECAUSE OF HIS INCOMPETENCE. It’s not on education and such. You need to do more research and this EMO thing that you did.
Adjectives and adverbs against me. That’s all you have. I have facts and you bend it to make it seem like she’s innocent. wawa… you only have adjectives and adverbs….
^ What facts? The hearsays and what the BS media told you? LOL such “facts” indeed you incompetent simpleton. Here drink a nice cup of epic fail. Oh and are you doing that one liner to us because you’re an escapist and ignoramus about what we are saying to you? Is that the best you can do “genius”?
You cannot present me with names, dates, events and accomplishment. ALL YOU HAVE ARE PANG-URIS AND PANG ABAYS!
^ It’s obviously because you’re ignorant about the real problems and being very delusional on your “facts”. You’re doing it wrong you incompetent simpleton.
And stick this to your pint sized brain you troll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXE55Mz1dfI
It’s like you’re saying “blah blah blah blah blah whatever I still own you derp!!” but very irresponsible on your faults because you’re being like Ms. perfect and a “genius”. Oh and lemme sing this song to you for accusing us as 3rd world thinkers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBsWS8OShdc
Mods this troll is going bananas now. Please ban this chimpanzee.
Next moron please!
@Rosa: TROLL.
Maybe your ‘facts’ were based on hearsays and other questionable sources. The ‘guilty until proven innocent’ stance is outstanding, isn’t it.
Incompetent and airhead politicians doesn’t classify as First World so you’re actually sarcastic in every comment you made. You’re calling me an ’emotero’ but you’re much worse because you’re totally emo on the former president. So the joke is on you.
rosa is obviously another jon-asshole. Ang hilig mong manisi pero iresponsable ka dahil ikaw rin naman ang problema (and you don’t need to throw those words back on us you whore because you are already an example of what Ilda said on this article). Ano ba ang pinakain sa iyo ng magulang mo kaya ang isip mo ay squatter? Pagpag? Marami ka pang kakaining bigas because you better do some soul searching first. Napakapipitsugin mo pa para malaman mo kung sino at ano talaga ang problema sa bansang ito. And that 10 reasons about GMA of yours: are you just cherry-picking on the obvious but not very critical issues about her because you’re using your emotions with full force? Or something what the BS media told you? That’s the proof of your incompetence right there utak squatter. Now who is also corrupt?
Oh and now you’re being a “genius” with more of that blame games of yours. Even if they’re not responsible, what if I blame and file a lawsuit directly to your parents for killing my precious dog? How will that make you feel you incompetent simpleton? Ang hirap sa iyo masyado kang drama queen at ang tingin mo sa mga elite ay kontrabida palagi. Are you watching too much telebasura?
Red herring comments, that is what anti-intellectual jerks like you do. It seems you never believe in this statement: “Intelligent people discuss IDEAS. Average minds discuss EVENTS. Small minds discuss PEOPLE.”
So no matter how you state ‘facts, etc.’ you’re still on category 3. Actually, that belongs to the people who makes comments like this. So you’re telling us that Arroyo IS the source of all problems? Only an idiot would think of that. You’re not seeing the bigger picture.
You say that she is the dumbest president just because she did NOTHING even she has a PhD in Economics? Well, She certainly did more than her predecessors and Cory did. Kept the economy afloat during the global financial crisis. Opened up tourism more (which she funded Dick Gordon’s idea of it, as opposed to the crappy idea to promote it NOW), and had more remittances coming in, which also became a small source for the GDP but its impact for locals who do get the additional funds back home is PRICELESS. And also persuaded and jumped on the BPO bandwagon. Oh and borrowed money as well overseas from multi-nationals to fund government projects among other things. Compared to PNOY who wasn’t active with it and thought having to travel overseas to borrow money was a crappy idea, but was forced into it anyway.
Obvious moron is too obvious, you keep saying that crap but in reality you cant even prove anything you say AT ALL. Go back into your hole you mewling quim!
Yan parin ba ang kaya mo lang sabihin? Sirang plaka ka lang. Wala ka lang masabi kaya ganyan lang. I bet you dont even know what 3rd world even means! WHAT A DUMBASS
Your idol B.S Aquino is the WORST PRESIDENT EVER
@Rosa: Right and airhead incompetent politicians are ‘First World’ and excellence. Yep, that makes a difference. Only a fool would try to compare BS Aquino to Lee Kuan Yew, which is ridiculous.
Your thinking is also 3rd world (if we use your flawed thinking) because of your squatter mentality, getting barya from any politician to feed your family and keep on blaming Arroyo for everything. So the author was right after all. The culture of medicancy exists long time before her so your comments didn’t make sense. Every politician does that.
If Arroyo represents 3rd world and tribal mentality, you’re totally wrong. That represents more on the dysfunctional culture and mediocrity that keeps the country from progressing for so long. So the Aquinos, Cojuangcos, Lopez, Ayala, Sy, Tan represents what? 3rd world standards are like this: a flawed constitution with a flawed economic system and a flawed form of government. And it wasn’t Arroyo who helmed it. It was none other than the rich families who are the REAL rulers of the country.
There is no excellence if we’re gonna lash it on one person. Actually, it was the SYSTEM, not necessarily the people in it.
Proof of this is that while we Filipinos here continue to struggle, other Filipinos abroad have done very well. The greatest obstacle to the Filipino’s success is himself, and until we acknowledge this and do something, we will remain in this sorry state.
Kay ako paulit ulit, kasi TRAPPED ka na dyan sa 3rd world, pati apo ng apo mo babatuhan lang ni Arroyo ng barya masaya na. Hindi ako umaasa kay Aquino, hindi ako umaasa kay Marcos, at wala akong sinasandalan na politiko… Filipino ako na marunong kumayod. Di tulad mo na parang aso na nag-aabang ng buto sa tabi ng mesa……
Uulitin ko, trapped ka dyan sa kulungan mo sa 3rd world.
E bakit ang nakasulat sa papel mo ay palaging si GMA? Gago.
Honestly, I want to contradict. May pinag-aralan ako, may alam ako, at may pangarap ako sa buhay. Just because citing your 10 reasons why GMA is dumb doesn’t mean you’re already smart. Hindi ka nga umaasa sa barya ng mga politiko yet you’re citing hate for one person. Is that bias?
Ngayon personal attacks ka naman dahil wala kang maisasagot na matino. Kasi si GMA lang ang pinupunterya mo at hindi ang lahat ng pulitiko. So what’s your point?
@Rosa: Again, lies. I cite her achievements in my other post. Here’s another addition: she was not perfect but she was indeed hardworking. Lesser evil from the other presidentiable candidates her time -Yes. In the metro may not have felt the improved economy she claimed but from a rural POV, sobrang nakatulong sila – and I mean joined effort of the government her time – sa road improvements which made it more convenient to transport goods from the provinces. Ano meron tyo ngayon, inflation rate na lumolobo! The growth rate is low add increased rate in inflation, patay ang taumbayan. Rare will we find an honest politician, but I would rather have someone who invests his/her ill gotten wealth inside the country kasi kahit papaano hindi outflow ung resources natin. There is a lot to criticize about her admin, but we must admit, mas solid and effective ang economic programs nya..Ngayon anong meron? So where’s your underachiever clause here?
Noynoy Aquino is the perfect example of an underachiever. Graduate sa Ateneo, hindi nga siya nakapag-aral sa ibang bansa pero sa tagal niya sa kongreso at senado, WALA siyang naipasang kahit isang batas! Worse, he is just riding on the popularity of his parents as well as the Aquino name. And why he did won in the 2010 elections? It’s because he’s an Aquino. Nothing else. Sabihing wala akong alam but if we compare Arroyo and Noynoy, the former is more competent. Currently, he’s slamming more doors for foreign investors in favor of local cronies. BTW, what she said is true: you can never expect progress in a simple slogan like “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap”.
What the author tries to tell is about why Pinoys blame GMA for everything. Even the current president himself can be representing more of a 3rd world mind because he keeps on blaming his predecessor for what? Of course, to hide his ineptitude.
You need to look more. Because in reality, the real underachievers are those who can’t do NOTHING than their failures.
You call us 3rd world thinkers, I call you indio de trapo.
@Rosa: Lies. Hindi ka nga umaasa sa buto na tinatapon ni Arroyo pero bakit siya lang? Isn’t that unfair?
Masipag ka nga at hindi ka umaasa sa politiko. But citing your 10 reasons doesn’t make sense and instead, you just want to generate the anti-GMA bandwagon. Walang alam ang isang taong BIASED. You can never even present a solution to the country’s problems. Simple as that.
Even you’re stating ‘facts’, it’s still just empty rhetoric. So bakit ang nakasulat palagi sa papel mo ay si GMA? Just curious.
With you “wuf wuf wuf” statement, you’re losing your sense of pride and dignity with your character assassinations. And that’s not good. In reality, the dumbest executive leaders are those who can’t take responsibility, just pointing fingers on others if things will go wrong, those who rely on popularity, etc. The keyword is INCOMPETENCE.
Well, good luck with that. Because you’re always pointing Arroyo in your comments, you’re no different to people you accuse of having ‘3rd world thinking’. Isn’t that sad. Mas wawa ang mga taong ignorante, focusing more on trivial stuff like this.
Your comments are starting to look spam-like. If you do not have anything new to add to the discussion, please refrain from repeating the same message over and over. If it didn’t make sense the first time, it won’t make sense the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time you post it.
So by your logic, anyone who is a pro-GMA is a 3rd world thinker eh. Ang sarap maging dakilang inutil ano you narrow-minded indio de trapo?
Hahaha. I love the flow of comments, arguments and counter arguments above. I just have this gnawing question bothering me as I was going through the thread. Many of the reader’s comments goes something like this – love your article, you hit it right on the head, tama!, correct ka dyan, and the like. I just wonder now. Dun sa mga nagsabi ng ganung comment, where does that put you on the picture frame? I mean, I would supposed majority sa inyo, katulad ko, katulad ni Ida, mga Filipinos tayo, right? When you say na, you hit it right on the head, are you actually acknowledging na ikaw, kasama ka dun sa mga Pinoy (and don’t get offended, Ida kasi kasama ka din dun)with the squatter (entitlement) mentality?
Not all Filipinos have “squatter mentality” but it seems most Filipinos who get offended by this article do.
I suggest that you read the article again because you apparently think that being Filipino makes us all guilty of the sense of entitlement I was referring to. Believe me, the country would have collapsed by now if that were the case. You can thank those who don’t have a squatter mentality for the country’s relatively stable economy. But you can blame those who do have squatter mentality for why the country remains a laggard or a basketcase.
I read the entire article. In fact, I had to re-read it just so I can be sure of what you mean. And trust me, I know what that word meant because in my line of work, I get a lot of that from the very people I try to impart even a bit of knowledge and practical sense. And no, I also never said that I meant all Filipinos. Just following your own statements, whether you were generalizing or specifically pinpointing to a select group of Filipinos only, rest assured, that too is the direction of my line of thinking.
incoherent and incongruous. holding a piece of paper does not make a person stand tall. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” if you still don’t get it ilda, shame on you. -.-
Please tell me which part you consider “incoherent” and “incongruous”.
And Why do I need to be ashamed? 😉
I hope you can be more specific. Thanks!
You. Do my words pertain to your article?
Well, you don’t know me personally so obviously you drew your conclusions from my article. You seem to miss the point of it though.
people can be reflected with their work. tall, write, type, compose, act, it doesn’t matter, you spoke your mind on this article. you spoke your mind with these comments. you still spoke your mind. so why would i give a damn about the :you: irl? isn’t it just the same? the same perception, the same person, the same lady who wrote this article. keep this in mind, you are like them. this is more of crab mentality. that of which you think you’re gaining on us (ones who oppose you). but that would never happen, until you understand what is it to die rather than to live, you’ll stay living in that twisted logic of yours. i’m sorry.
I am sorry, but with that angry mob mindset of yours, you will never REALLY get what Ilda wants to point out. And you’re totally missing the point.
And please, crab mentality is for CRAB PEOPLE. Taste like crab, walk like people. They have a hard shell, but total softies on the inside, resorting into emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking. And hey, what you’re doing now is to attack the messenger, not the message. That’s what we call ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM.
Stop your trolling. You’re totally nuts LOL
Ano ba ang ibig mong sabihin sa “Squatter”? ano ba ang katangian nito? kaninong katauhan mo nilalarawan ang paglalarawan mo sa mentalidad na yan?
alam mo ba ang pinagsasabi mo o nagkukunwari ka lang na may alam?
How about you? What is your definition of “Squatter”? What the author tells is “Squatter mentality” and worse is that kind of mentality is a part of our dysfunctional system which is the problem. Voting inept leaders, blunders, you name it.
Lapastangan ka rin because you never read the article very well; in other words, MISSING THE POINT. Tawanan mo ang sarili mo dahil ikaw ata ang ignorante dito e. So parang ‘utak squatter’ ka na rin. Gets? 😛
@Juan likas makabayan
Paki basa na lang ulit yung article. 🙂
Squatter’s Mentality = 7 deadly sins
Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Ex-president Gloria Arroyo should have a fair trial for all the allegations of corruptions, etc, while she was in office. Blaming the Filipinos for hating her is somewhat inappropriate.
@Tony acenas
Is she getting a fair trial? Why do you think Filipinos hate her?
Is she getting a fair trial? Not if she escaped. Why do you think Filipinos hate her? They have put so much confidence in her and they felt cheated and disappointed.
Disappointed on what? Fact is that they believe on what the media tells you or everyone.
It seems that you’re TOOOOOOO EMO on an ex-president. Oh yeah, that is what we call squatter mentality.
Can I repeat the question to you? was she getting a fair trial? How come Filipinos hate her so much?
Filipinos hate her because the YELLOW media a.k.a Aquino’s bootlickers exaggerated all the allegations against her during her term. She’s not getting a fair trial since this administration is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her not even realizing that all of them are duds.
@tony acenas, what do you think with the situation right now i.e. almost a year since you wrote this? … Is Arroyo getting the fair trial?… Will BS Aquino experience the same situation?
” They have put so much confidence in her and they felt cheated and disappointed.”
Just like they put that much confidence on former presidents but have displayed much of their crony-ism and lack of real performance, but the ‘people’ let it pass? Meanwhile PGMA just happens to be the perfect scapegoat so the current political regime AND the media are asking for a ‘fair’ trial to make things ‘all better’.
I’m a Filipino and I don’t hate her. Its a very strong word and not reserved for people who just have gone with the motions of the government system for long decades.
should we stop going after the corrupt?
put down the administration of noynoy?
and put you there in place?
who is too good and qualified to be the leader of this broken nation?
just please dont hire GMA and corona and all suspected personalities as advisers please.. and all trapo..
get real? do really believe those politicians admin or opposition never steals from the public wealth? and continue to defend them even all the evidences pin them…
how can we then save this nation? without a leader, we fall back into abyss…
There are people like Gibo and Gordon. Man, how are you so blind?
The only way to save this nation is to elect competent and efficient leaders.
Wow, you’re totally blind. At least FPGMA is COMPETENT. You and the rest of your fellow sycophants will just rustle on their own jimmies.
I read your article and I am not surprised about your observations just as any other Filipino would have to think about. About your analogy on the average Filipino’s squatter mentality, the GMA blame, the belief that government owes them benefits or privileges, and strong sense of entitlement. I just would want to see the topic on the proper context.
Since we could not control everything that happens around us, people tend to strive to achieve power to somehow change whatever it is that they perceive to be wrong around them. To somehow control and manage the goings on. Such is the nature of government even in our own families. It is altogether reasonable to accept that there’s no such thing as an absolute one. Filipinos may have to be blamed for the failures that continue to happen. The injustice and the false loyalty.
And it happens over and over again. It just is not fair to think that were the only citizens or race that experience this problem. All in all, in every other country, the same goes. One can’t just blame that most Filipinos are like this, like that.. because one cannot delude oneself to think that all the negative things you pointed out only happens to our country. It happens elsewhere too. Your 10 probable reasons why we hate GMA can or may not be true. These ideas you have thought and deduced about clearly magnifies the extent of your political thinking.
Blame PNoy, blame yourself, blame others, blame the president. Why not? She led us here, the world leaders led us here. Or might as well blame your father. mother and God.
It doesn’t mean that if other countries have similar problem than ours, then its just ok for us to have said problems. The author focuses on the Philippines in the hope that the general populace would be able grow out from what we are now. Your mentality is the root cause of the “ok lang yan” mentality, which this site criticizes a lot. If you fail to see that the Philippines has a lot more potential than just saying,
“in every other country, the same goes. One can’t just blame that most Filipinos are like this, like that..”
then you are just one of those Filipinos who think that being mediocre is just fine.
Joeld. I common fault we all have is not realizing that our country, our people are in the process of evolving. Yes we are evolving slowly. But the gap between the 12 % of the country who are more evolved – people in commerce and industry, and the professional fields – and the rest of the country is pretty wide. Illiteracy, Ignorance, and poverty – most especially – are factors that we have to overcome to become fully evolved culturally, economically and politically. We currently have INEPTOCRACY/KAKITOCRACY – SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE WHERE THE LEAST CAPABLE TO LEAD ARE ELECTED BY THE LEAST CAPABLE OF PRODUCING AND WHERE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY LEAST LIKELY TO SUSTAIN THEMSELVES OR SUCCEED ARE REWARDED WITH GOODS AND SERVICES PAID FOR BY THE CONFISCATED WEALTH OF A DIMINISHING NUMBER OF PRODUCERS. This is due largely to a vast majority of voters who do not understand their role in the progress of this nation.
” Ok lang yan” ; ” mas mabuti na lang yan”; ” Lesser evil ” ; ” Utang na loob” ; ” Ka kilala ko yan; kaibigan ko yan, ka pamilya ko yan”; ” para sa mahirap”, ” matuwid na daan”, ” mabait yan”, ” relihiyoso yan”, ” Roman Catholic”, ” Iglesia ni Kristo”; ” Sikat na Artita” , ” Endorse ni Super Artista”, ” Endorse ni Obispo”; Endorse ni Manalo; ” Kahit sino naka upo dyan wala naman mag babago”; ” Bahala na sila dyan basta ok pa tayo”, ” Bayaran mo nalang para bumilis Huwag ka ng pumila” ; “Mag hire ka ng magaling na accountant para lumiit tax mo”;” Foreigner yan eh”; ” Magkano bilihan ng boto?”; ” Ibulsa ang pera iboto ang gusto” ; at maraming pang iba.. KUNG ISA DITO NAGAWA MO ISA KANG TUNAY NA PILIPINO, NGAYON MAGREREKLAMO KA SA GOBYERNO? NA GINAWA MO? ANG TANONG NGAYON NA ALAM MO NA, ANU GAGAWIN MO? – JBE
Is this diatribe meant to be glib? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
This is why you will often hear people say, “It is GMA’s fault why there are more poor people in the Philippines”. Never mind that GMA had no control over people’s decision to have more babies they can’t afford to feed.
– was she supportive of the RH Law? didnt she say there is no population problem, parroting the CBCP’s line? have you forgotten the nissan sapari bishops and all she does to get their ‘immmoral’ support?
So what if a person is supportive of the RH Law? Is that a crime? So what if a person thinks there is no population problem? Is that a crime? You can’t accuse a person of being corrupt just because they do not agree with your views.
What about the nissan Safari Bishops? Can you tell us more about that? Is there a court case involving GMA about that?
It’s true, we are suffering from squatter mentality. Go beyond what people think of GMA and ask yourself; why our country is stuck in the 80s while our neighboring countries are now in the 21st century.
Pinoys are children, basically, in as much as children haven’t learned how to act in civilized society, but who act out all the naked and embarassing whims and desires of their ids without thought of either propriety or consequence. Entitled dillitantes. Replies such as those attacking the writer without actually expounding on their thoughts, are perfect examples.
When you have INEPTOCRACY/KAKITOCRACY – SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE WHERE THE LEAST CAPABLE TO LEAD ARE ELECTED BY THE LEAST CAPABLE OF PRODUCING AND WHERE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY LEAST LIKELY TO SUSTAIN THEMSELVES OR SUCCEED ARE REWARDED WITH GOODS AND SERVICES PAID FOR BY THE CONFISCATED WEALTH OF A DIMINISHING NUMBER OF PRODUCERS – we end up leadership chosen not for their ability but their popularity or their relationship to a perceived hero/heroine. What’s worse? it’s when the inept reach their level of incompetence, and they forge on without a clue as to the extent of damage they are going to inflict upon the people.
“The Arroyos were allegedly into all kinds of money-making ventures: From telecommunications (NBN-ZTE); railroad (North and South rails); selling second-hand choppers and passing them off as new; intelligence funds of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. and Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office; fertilizer and all kinds of products that government distributed supposedly to help the citizenry; real estate (Alpha Land, a real estate development company, is reportedly Mike’s but under a dummy’s name); taking over closed banks; smuggling.”
You can write a book about why Filipinos hate Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Although she contributed a lot compared to our current president today, the main point is she didn’t played fair. We all know about what happened in the “Hello Garci” scandal wherein in was a clear evidence that she cheated her way into presidency. Which caused the death of the unofficial president Fernando Poe Jr. That’s why most filipinos hated GMA because they loved FPJ so much and in fact he really won the race.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was elected Vice President of the Philippines in 1998. She is the daughter of former president Diosdado Macapagal.
Because of a raging controversy, Arroyo is poised to prematurely be President of the Philippines. It is interesting that while Gloria is somewhat popular among the masses, she does not have the support of the middle class. Qualifications wise, she is eminently qualified to become president of the Philippines. She has a PhD in economics. She has a good record in the Senate. She has done fairly well as DSWD secretary (at least, she has had no major scandals). As the daughter of president Macapagal, and as a career politician, she knows the ins and outs of the bureaucracy.
Yet she is not well liked by the intelligensia. The radical leftists (and even the more moderate ones) do not like her because she espouses globalization and free market economics. The suposed intellectual elite at the University of the Philippines (perhaps the same people) do not like her simply because they dislike everybody .
The rest of us dislike her because she smells like a “trapo”. Her every action seems to be calculated to advance her political fortune. Take for example, the 1998 presidential elections. Gloria was then the only person with a prayer to win against Erap. But instead of rising to the challenge, she shrank from it, choosing instead to run for the safe position of vice president.
Politically, this is a sound strategy. She knew full well that because of her popularity among the masses, she would become the president after Erap, whether he finished his term or not. Yet, she must have known as well that Erap was bad news for the Philippines, that he would ruin the economy. She probably knew that she was the only one who could hope to challenge Estrada to the highest position in the land.
However, rather than take a principled stand, she chose political advancement.
President of the Philippines from 20 January 2001, until then vice-president to Joseph Estrada, who was deposed by the Supreme Court on that date after a bribery scandal. She had repeatedly called for Estrada to resign. She is a doctor of economics and was a classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University in Washington.
She was undersecretary at the Department of Trade and Industry under President Cory Aquino, became a senator in 1992, and in 1995 garnered the biggest number of votes ever received by any candidate for any position in Philippine electoral history, over sixteen million. In her 1998 re-election she won with the largest margin ever recorded, more than seven million over her nearest rival, and became vice-president.
The daughter of former president Diosdado Macapagal, she and her husband José Miguel have three children, Mikey, Luli, and Dato. The fact that she will not be up all nights gambling, drinking, and womanizing is considered an advantage to her presidency.
She faced an apparent coup attempt on 26 July 2003 when soldiers took over a shopping complex in central Manila.
What can you do if you’re the daughter of a former president of the Philippines, and you become the president yourself, not to mention the fact that you were a classmate of one of the most powerful men who have ever lived on this planet?
You underachieve. GMA is the greatest underachieving president in the history of the Philippines, what with Maguindanao Massacre, her inability to eradicate poverty and make the Philippine economy grow.
If in fact the economy did grow during her term, OFW remittances was the cause. She did nothing to expand the economy. The basis of that conclusion comes from a basic understanding of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, JM Keynes, Milton Friedman, and all the Nobel prize winners in economics.
What I can say about on what I’ve read is that, we can’t blame a person like GMA for the failures that our country had during her term but instead, we also need to blame ourselves if we want to blame her. GMA is not the only person in this country she is only leader during that time. Yes, let’s say she made mistakes in leading our country in the past, but no one is perfect and we need to commit mistakes and learn to make it right. Even president Aquino commits those same mistakes but people don’t hate him the way they hate GMA. Every past leaders of our country commits different mistakes whether its big or small. The problem with Filipinos is that they don’t look on the good side of a story, hence, they anticipate the climax of it. It’s not only our country’s problem but it is one of the big problems that we encounter in the world. Eventhough, we can solve how this problem will end, we can still avoid doing that as a hobby. As the old people say when we were still a child that it’s bad to pick on others if you don’t want others to pick on you. For me, the best solution to this problem is to stop broadcasting anything that is not good on your image as a person and stop mocking on people on their imperfections.
WELP. Some of the points mentioned here didn’t age well. Let’s start in the year 2016 post-elections.