A noted blog commentator once made an assertion that the Philippines will never be a great nation unless Filipinos learn to live by the principle of the “rule of law”. Indeed, some people even insist that none of the calls by certain sectors of Philippine society for a system change like a shift from a Presidential to a Parliamentary system or even constitutional amendments will work to uplift the status of the nation because most Filipinos simply cannot follow the “rule of law.”

Earthquake discipline: Japanese orderliness even in time of stress
It is quite certain that the success of any nation depends on the character of the head of state and the character of the people in general. A strong leader will put the interest of the nation first before anything else. A strong leader supported by strong institutions can work towards achieving social and economic stability for the people.
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However, a weak leader in a country like the Philippines, which has weak institutions will tend to succumb to the world-renowned Filipino “padrino” system — a system that trumps any other system in place. Worse, such a leader will mask his weakness or understanding of the law by acting like he is above the law.
A weak leader, whether he is leading a country or a small community tends to let praises or expressions of adoration from the public get to his head. Because he is easily impressed by such accolades, he also tends to become arrogant and will see criticism of him as a mere non-constructive annoyance. Such a leader will not work towards unity and harmony in Philippine society. Unfortunately, weak systems tend to harbor weak leaders.
What is with Filipinos and following the rule of law?
There is very little evidence that Filipinos are capable of living by the “rule of law”. The society is quite extraordinary in the sense that simple rules and regulations whether on the road or in the work place are for the most part ignored. This is because each individual has this baseless sense of being more important than everybody else. It is why you see people cutting you off on highway lanes on the road or pushing their way in lines ahead of the rest in a queue. In other words, Filipinos in general tend to put their own interest first before other people.
As a blogger, I quite often come across commentators who cannot even follow simple commenting guidelines. There are some participants in the blogosphere who constantly violate the guidelines by consistently writing obscenities and foul language on forums just to give the impression that they are above the guidelines. The funny thing is, being moderated does not even stop them from misbehaving. They even cry foul for being moderated instead of conforming to the guidelines.
This brings us to another world-renowned Filipino mentality — the “victim” mentality. Filipinos are good at playing the “victim card” because they are very sensitive and emotional people. They play the victim card in front of the public to get as much attention as possible. Filipinos always try to get around following any rules and regulations or even simple guidelines by appealing to emotion.
Filipino victim mentality was quite evident in the case of a group of nurses in the US who reportedly filed a discrimination complaint when their employer called their attention for speaking too much in their native Tagalog at work. Victim mentality was also quite evident in the way the Philippine government tried to intervene and stop the execution of three drug mules that were sentenced to death in China for violating their anti-drug rule. Likewise, victim mentality is definitely evident in the way the incumbent President, Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) cries foul whenever he is criticized for decisions that were obviously not thought through very well.
It is quite interesting to note that some Filipinos would rather act like idiots than follow the rules. They always want to find an easy way out of a situation. They want to make uncomplicated things complicated. This brings us to another world-renowned Filipino trait: “lack of discipline.”
Filipinos in general are incapable of any form of discipline because they focus more on form rather than substance. In short, they want to stand out. They lack the discipline to engage in discussions in a civilized way and lack the discipline to not turn a public forum into a circus. This is why issues do not get resolved. This is a consistent observation — from every Senate inquiry being broadcast to the Filipino public down to the most benign discussions in the blogosphere, Filipinos love honking their horns.
Worse, Filipinos in general feel a strong sense of entitlement to relax or “chill-out” even when there is still so much to do to move the country forward. Instead of discussing solutions seriously and in detail during their spare time, Filipinos would rather spend it fooling around — never mind that societies from great nations like China, Japan and South Korea have historically shown that being more serious and devoting more of their time to solving problems yields better results in the long term.
From the top guys and gals sitting behind desks at the Presidential office down to the tricycle driver down the road, everyone just wants to have “fun” in the Philippines first before tackling the problems of the land in a more serious manner. You can be forgiven for thinking that one hit wonder Wang Chung probably wrote the song “Everybody have fun tonight” for Filipinos. It can absolutely boggle the mind to wonder why Filipinos cannot limit switching to party mode when they are at an actual party.
As discussed in my previous article, Filipinos are proud of being a happy-go-lucky society and make it a point to show the rest of the world that they are coping with smiling faces despite the dire circumstances they face. This mentality shows that Filipinos are satisfied with mediocrity and find striving for excellence too daunting. A few remaining Filipinos who want to engage in a more serious discussions are even labeled “kill-joy” or “librarians.” Aside from their penchant for bullying when others don’t engage in “pakikisama,” Filipinos indeed, have a tendency to discriminate against more sober ways of tackling solutions.
Unfortunately, a 90 year old study by psychologist Dr Leslie Martin and his colleagues in California suggested that “too much of a sense that everything will be fine can be dangerous because it can lead one to be careless about things that are important to long life.” Likewise, the study also showed that those who are always optimistic take more gambles with their health. They were more likely to drink, smoke and eat badly, which is a typical characteristic of a Filipino. While prudent and persistent individuals are more cautious with their health and overall wellbeing – characteristics that are less likely to be found in Filipinos.
Filipinos have so much to learn from the Japanese. Despite the devastation that the people of Japan experienced due to the magnitude 8.9 earthquake that hit country and the killer tsunami that followed immediately after, people around the world admired the stoicism and orderly reaction of the Japanese. People in most societies would have found themselves wailing in misery and chaos after such destruction.
Maia Szalavitz in an article she wrote for TIME magazine aptly described how it works for the Japanese — they follow the belief that “others are at least on par with the self, if not more important.” Here’s an excerpt:
“In restaurants, you never pour your own sake, you have to notice whose glass is empty and you serve them. It’s these little rituals [that have prepared them for this crisis] so that even if you have one bowl of rice, you share it with a stranger.
The wonderful thing about the Japanese is that they are presenting an example of the pro-social power of the group. The group as a whole is saying explicitly or implicitly, this is what we do: no looting, no horn honking even if you’re in a 12 mile traffic jam, no complaining. [CNN’s] Anderson Cooper said he’d never seen such calm in the face of such adversity.”
Not that Filipinos need copy what the Japanese do to a tee, but the most interesting thing to note about societies like Japan is that nobody has the desire to grandstand. Individuals do not want to show that they are more important than everybody else. This is in stark contrast to people in societies like the Philippines where people in general want to be the “star.” And this is the reason why some Filipinos think that they are above the “law” or above even just simple “guidelines.”
Discipline should be inculcated at an early age. If people are not taught how to follow rules and regulations when they are still young, they will be shocked to realize once they enter the “adult” world that they will have a hard time coping with life if they keep deviating from the rules that put order in society. Which is what is happening to most Filipinos now.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Discipline is to be found within a moral framework. The Japanese culture you cite may be polite, but it is hardly transparent. Japanese share shades of meaning that we outsiders are unlikely to grasp, for we are unrefined by Japanese standards. The Philippines cannot become Japan-like nor should that be an aspiration.
The Philippine moral framework is based on the push and pull of Ego, capitalized because the Ego framework is specific to the Philippines. This Ego is similar to Japan or China, being pride based, but in the Philippines, the opposite, “loss of faceâ€, does not engender humility. It engenders angry reaction to the challenge that results in loss of face. In the Philippines, pats on the back (gaining face) come from warped interpretations of what is important. Cock fights are macho and worth a pat, reading is not. White skin is beautiful and worth a pat, brown is not.
The moral scale is sick so the disciplines to be found under that moral view are also sick. Skirting the law for personal gain is not condemned; people brag about what they get away with. They gain face by cheating and lose face only if caught. The Filipino Ego defines right and wrong not as society’s right and wrong, but as right and wrong in terms of personal power or advantage. The law is society’s definition and it is irrelevant if personal advantage can be gained by ignoring it or circumventing it.
These deficiencies are more than intellectual. They are built within the personalities, within the culture. It is as fruitless to get a Filipino to deflate his Ego as it is to get a Japanese to abandon false politeness and the penchant to hide from hard truths.
We westerners like to lay our patterns of propriety on Filipinos, and you offshore Filipinos who have been indoctrinated in a cleaner, more logical, more pro-active, more courteous environment, tend to do the same.
But the culture here is and always will be based on personal pride. The best we can hope for is greater awareness of the importance of each Filipino trying to be a hero to other Filipinos. In that way, the positive aspects of pride will emerge, and personal gain will not be as important as caring for others.
Frankly, I don’t have any idea how to get to that cultural style quickly or easily. I tend to think the solution lies more in self-awareness than discipline. I fear that your eloquent words are just water off an Ego-bound duck’s back. Until people realize “I am trapped by my valuesâ€, they cannot change them. And Ego prevents such awareness from emerging. Even most of your writing cohorts are trapped within their Filipino Egos, defensive, inerrably quick to condemn and slow to be gracious.
It has to start with the media as well. My wife orders TFC and I don’t know how she can stand to watch that crap. It’s all mostly garbage. You see the ego, the pride, it’s all there and the oh so poor people, because they just can’t see beyond, keep on apraising this kind of things. I just don’t know how the Philippine Media does it, showing the terrible teleserias. I don’t understand tagalog, but I don’t even think you can understand what they are saying period in those shoes. All you here is yelling, crying, gun fire, and more yelling. What the hell!!!I’ve been around the world, and seen all kinds of programming, but the Philippine shows are the worse. Why is there so much emotion and empathy..I”m sick of seeing the filipino dive into this. It’s gotta start with our media. And what’s with filipino society praising gay men…to me it’s not funny.
i sympathize with you. Believe me im already in the USA and my family still watch that crap. You dont learn anything from it. No wonder the Filipino slice of life there is comical at best. Filipinos in general likes drama. Because their liFe there is full.of drama. The more chaos in life.the more they like it. LIFE THERE IS NOTHING BUT A COMEDY OF ERRORS.
I agree with you Sir. Even though I am a Filipino, I can no longer stand teledramas. Yeah, they may say that dramas are patterned after the realities of life, but after that, the realities of life become patterned after dramas. Just like a cycle. I based my observation on the reason why crime rate increase, it is because TV programs air those kind of news. How powerful media is!
Now, back to dramas, if we can break that cycle and introduce shows that show moral values and cultural ideals, and value educational endeavors, then I guess it will be instilled in the minds of the people. Like how water can eventually break a hard rock. I am so sick and tired of slapping here and there, legal wives and mistresses, gay lovers, sobfest with screamfest, amnesia plots, gun plots, exchanged birth plots, horror plots.
…not to mention that teleserye show about a 14-year old girl whose constant outfit makes her breasts want to spill over. DISGUSTING!
I agree with some points of this article. But the observation is totally poor. I lived in the US ten plus yrs now . Are there lazy Americans? yes. I’m sure these traits are present in all walks of life, whether in Japan or China. Been to Thailand and those people are not that disciplined either, but the country came a long way. Maybe Philippines has progressed a lot economically in the last 30 year or so. Can we plot a graph maybe? Success is in the eye of the beholder. We only see the bad and ignore the good. What ticks for Singapore doesn’t mean it will work for Filipinos. My opinion strongly is Filipino progressed everytime they fight for freedom against tyranny and the immediate replacement of corrupted leaders. I do know that Filipinos do have discipline. Like that poor young girl who made Summa Cum Laude despite residing in a humble “nipa” home.
Filipinos are law abiding. Of course, you have crime, because it is everywhere, part of the human condition. But I have been all over the Philippines, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and I am a native of the USA. My preferred country is the Phils.
In all my time in the Phils, I have never experienced a crime. Nor do I live in gated communities or hotels. I stay with family, ride jeepneys and tricycles, as well as the bus and taxicabs. My experience is real
I think “the problem” is, too many pinoys/pinays pointing out “the problem” The Philippines is a fine country, full of friendly, good hearted people. Their system works, and it is a good place to live and raise a family. Why are there so many there who want to change it into Hong Kong or Japan?
Hey Joe!
Thanks for the comment.
You said:
It is indeed, the Filipino culture itself that is keeping the country from progressing. Most Filipinos cannot understand this because any criticism against the culture is not appreciated. They’d rather blame some public servant for all the ills in the land.
Most Filipinos do want progress but they can’t deal with the reality that they have to be more serious and work harder. It is easier for them to shrug the problem off until the next crisis comes.
Hello I am a Filipino myself…and what you have written really hurts me A LOT!!…but this is reality…To be honest I tried to recall the things that happened to me in the past and somehow it made me laugh, and made me cry as well.
I asked myself, why is it that somebody should have written this before I get to my senses. I should have known this years ago. All that you have written Ida is TRUE. We are all emotional (Filipinos).We forget to weigh things out. We are blinded by are ego,pride and fame-seeking attitude that additional power means additional responsibility. We simply want all the glory, all the power, all the right but not all the responsibility. It is so sad that we Filipinos are a victim of our own mentality.
I can’t think of any solution except to be AWARE. Awareness without bias. Just pure critical thinking and not criticism. I should say that to change this great nation should start with ME…with YOU…with EACH and ONE of US…
Thank God I found this blog…hope to visit this again
Hi Simply Sheer
I’m glad to know that you appreciate my article. I hope you can help us enlighten more people with the truth by sharing our articles to as many as possible. 🙂
Here is the link to my new article. This one also explains why progress in the country keeps getting stalled:
Do Filipinos suffer from narcissistic personality disorder?
For those who have asked the question: “Why can’t we Filipinos be like the Japanese?” this link may provide you some clues and ideas worth exploring>>>
1) http://www.visionofhumanity.org/gpi-data/#/2010/conf/
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdtwTeBPYQA
Enjoy your exploration… Let me know what you find 🙂
Thanks for the links. I will look into it.
it has been 10 years now and i’ve adapted a lot of american culture w/c are a lot different from Filipino culture; the worst tv shows on tfc w/c i find annoying, is very much patronized by a lot of Filipino communities here in the U.S. of A. and to think that these kababayans doesn’t care much about what’s going on here but rather have their focus back home is so absurd/ridiculous; so to say, they’re physicaly here but their minds and heart are still back in the P.I. (??????)
Sa tingin ko dapat itranslate mo to sa tagalog para mas matulungan mong makarealize ng mga bagay-bagay yung mga Pilipino.
Seconded on that note. It’d be nice if the masses could read and understand this. My family in itself would benefit from the facts/insights presented.
The problem is even if you translate it into “Filipino” only a few would dare to read it. I don’t mean to be a “crab” but seeing that most of us are so lazy to even read such a wonderful post as this.
Although more and more Filipinos are changing there ways. I hope it keeps up and truly change our way of thinking.
@Louben John
I can only hope that more Filipinos will be enlighten by this. Thanks.
Indeed, I think someone asked the question a while ago: “How do we address this condition?”
For me part of the solution is to embrace the English language, because a lot of information and material that express the concepts and attitudes that we all need to learn and internalise in order to change our ways are written in English.
So I respectfully suggest that if we are all serious about building a will to change among Filipinos, the first step is to embrace the medium of expression where the greater bulk of world-class thinking is articulated. 🙂
A good article to check out with regard to embracing the English language can be found here.
I’ll see what I can do. Thanks for the advice. 🙂
Salamat. I will look into it. 🙂
question: what are your suggestions to address this condition?
We as a people should stop looking for someone or something to blame for why our society is still in this predicament. We should engage more in self-reflection. Filipinos are quick to blame their public servants but what they don’t realise is that they are the ones who voted them into office.
I discussed this in detail in my previous article:
Filipinos and happiness: why we need to be serious about it
And also this article discussed our inability to see our own shortfall:
Being average is not being resilient
When the Japanese was struck by an earthquake and a devastating tsunami recently, they did not blame God or complain about their misery. They quickly switched to the process of picking up the pieces. We can learn so much from them on how they handle challenges.
How to address it are all there also in the blog… Don’t do what is not right or correct it… do the opposite of the wrong listed. How if you ask again? Self discipline, be conscious of what you say thing or do.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habit.
Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
― Lao Tzu
Very well written, I couldn’t agree more.
Thank you P
I agree with you when majority of us Filipinos have the victim mentality. It’s frustrating to see Filipinos complain of the punishments they receive when they don’t read and follow guidelines and rules in the first place.
Frustrating is the right word.
For argument’s sake, I think the reason why the Japanese are able to pick themselves up is because of their culture that has embraced SHINTOISM, a type of religion as it is already made a culture. Part of that is the value of honesty, integrity, and social justice.
How I wish we could have the same type of discipline that I see in foreign countries but until the Pinoy moves forward, it is but wishful thinking. In all honesty, though I sometimes become someone as a hypocrite by not following rules, I despise those who would always find the easy way out. I think it has something to do with the way I was raised by my parents (dad’s a retired soldier, mom’s in the government; discipline and knowing thy limits are two of the many utmost important values they try to inculcate).
I’m not saying I belong to the very few people who live by a certain code of conduct, and try as much as to adhere to it, but i hate it when others cheat to get ahead, look for the easy way out than strive to achieve something done through hard work, and play the victim card. And yes, include those who cannot or don’t want to immerse themselves in a culture of “intellectual intercourse” by focusing on a topic rather than putting themselves on a pedestal.
Oh yes, and let’s keep blaming the public officials; they’re part of the problem anyway, aside from ourselves.
Sorry but i believe saying SHINTOISM is why Japan was able to pick itself up is extremely silly. “honesty, integrity and social justice” is part of many if not all world religions including catholicism, protestantism and even the christian cults. let’s try comparing ourselves to other progressive countries other than Japan: South Korea, Singapore, China, India even Vietnam. We suck ass compared to all of them. different countries, different religions yet they are able to progress. it really is a cultural issue.
You have a very valid point. I just used the Japanese culture as comparison because they are in the news at the moment due to the devastation in their country brought about by the earthquake.
Yes, we really have no excuse not to progress. Most Filipinos just cling on to silly excuses like our colonial history… etc, etc – all lame excuses really.
You are right about how most the Japanese believe in Shintoism and I’d like to quote an excerpt from an article from TIME magazine about their beliefs:
“What’s unique about Japan is really a combination of a deep belief in Buddhism and Shinto religious rituals and what we call a collectivist culture where others are at least on par with the self, if not more important.”
Discipline is part of their life. It’s not something that is introduced to them at a later stage in life. It’s embedded in their psyche. Unfortunately, what is embedded in most Filipinos psyche is that they are more important than everybody else.
Well, it is in our religion too…I am Christian but not catholic. I consider myself to be more a bible based chritian and practice passover and the sabbath, rest on Saturday. I go to the catholic church sometimes because my wife is catholic. Not to be anti-catholic, but the catholic church is not empowering. It does not empower its message. I think alot of Filipino’s see God as, if I go to church and devote 1 hour a week, I will be good and who cares about the sermon. After leaving the sermon and going out into the parking lot, here you go, all the Filipinos honking at each other because everyone wants to rush out first. I don’t know..Scrath on my head.
great insights Ilda! so sad that the mindsets so deeply imbedded in pinoys is really what’s holding us down as a society. i really do wonder if we’ll ever improve. something i observed about pinoys is that it really doesn’t matter to what social class you belong to: rich or poor, “educated” or not, 99% live by padrino, pakikisama, “chill-out”, “victim”, “im more important”. it’s really sad.
Thanks for the compliment John.
Yes, you are right about this “padrino system” and “victim mentality” syndrome. It transcends all social classes in Philippine society. What is really disappointing for me is when I see it on Filipinos who were educated abroad. It is a real crying shame that they wasted their money for nothing.
Pakisama is so sad…Balikbayan box is so sad…Making Manny Paquio a president is so sad…TFC is so sad….Praising and laughing at gay people on TFC and shows is so sad…Filipinos good at dancing and singing, so sad…Ninoy Aquino, so sad…any good and better news? There should be a new gospel going around in the Philippines…preaching this article.
I’ve went through the same process of introspection as you probably did for this article, seeing that it’s well-articulated, but I may have arrived at a different conclusion than what you wrote. Yes, I’m also sick and tired of the fact that our ‘culture’ seems ‘way off’ the ideal given the conglomeration of factors that you have mentioned. What occurred to me though, is the fact that maybe I’m looking at it at a much different perspective. Let me try to illustrate it with an example.
In child psychotherapy, it is nearly not useful to deal with talk therapy as the primary treatment modality because the ‘language’ of a child is quite different from that of an adult. What seems raucous behavior might be just their way of explaining their emotions. This is the reason why we engage in play therapy and other expressive approaches – art, dance, music, are just a few examples – to draw out their inner worlds. In this regard, what I’m trying to say that language varies across cultures, i.e. a child has a different culture than an adult.
Given this, I started second-guessing myself as to why I always ponder the negative aspects of the Filipino culture. Is it really a culture of laziness as we say it is, or are we just ill-equipped to interpret according to the realities of the Filipino culture? My professor always reiterates the idea of ‘class values; into this discussion and I’m also considering the same – are the values of my ‘middle-class’ upbringing preventing me from seeing anything positive about our culture? Am I even ‘seeing’ the Filipino in the correct way given that I’ve only lived in the urban metro and have only lived in conditions way different from the people I’m talking about?
I know this could be a little confusing, seeing as this is written off-the-cuff, but what I’m really pointing out is our predisposition for seeing the negative and consequently generalizing it to the culture as a whole. Is it just because we’re using a language inadequate to describe the realities of our own culture?
I think the real test here is to make a list of ten convincingly “positive” things about the Philippines, and see if this list will stand up to objectively cold scrutiny and evaluation. That’s the challenge, if anybody is up to it. 😉
You said:
My response:
As I said in my article, everything I wrote about is a consistent observation – from every Senate inquiry being broadcast to the Filipino public down to the most benign discussions in the blogosphere, Filipinos love honking their horns.
Unfortunately, the negative aspects of our culture hinders our progress.
Great piece.
Thanks you for sharing your insights. I’ve read the whole post and though it is well written, it is derogatory. It sounds like a report on some animal that you’ve been studying for a year. Nevertheless, we share the same sentiments.
Which part do you consider “derogatory?” Please be specific.
wonderful article 🙂
And I was thinking If am that blogger hahaha . . .
Thank you.
Before anything else, we cannot expect the Filipinos to follow the rules and act in a disciplined manner until they learn to love, respect, and identify with the Philippines. It is not until they get to value what it is to be a Filipino that a disciplined society may come about for why will one act in accordance to the laws of a country that they do not value at all.
Most Filipinos claim to love and boast about being proud to be Filipino yet act the opposite of what they say. Go figure.
I agree with you, Ilda. Great post.
Thanks Jay.
do you have any statistic/s to prove this assumptions?
What assumptions?
Itapon na lang sana lahat ng radiation galing Japan para mamatay na tayo lahat. O kaya ay gawing lider dito si Gaddafi. Para mabawasan ang mga inutil sa mundo.
Negative minded. Although you are right. It’s really negative. You are talking about the people in general. That’s not nice. But nice insights though.
Negative minded? There will always be an exception but that exception has been overshadowed multiple times already that it feels and looks like a disease spreading.
Funny, when Pinoys are in their homeland, they don’t care about the rules. But when they “migrate” to say, the U.S. or any other places, they suddenly behave like any other people.
So true. Thanks Anthony!
maybe that’s the reason why most of us decided to go abroad and actually be accustomed with other nation’s discipline.
That’s just one of the many reason’s George, mostly because of opportunities for the kids. Pinas just doesn’t offer that much of a stability for our kids future. I have a childhood friend who was a CFO of a very popular company in Makati, and yet he chose to migrate for his kids future. Now, what does that tell you and all our kababayans ?
I can assure you that my outlook in life is far from being negative. My foresight has saved me from being stuck in bad situations in the past. Meanwhile, most Filipinos lack the ability to foresee where their actions will lead them to – on the road to nowhere.
The truth is never easy to accept but I personally would rather deal with it than pretend everything is perfect.
You have a very realistic approach to life Ilda and I could only wish the youth of today would have a bit of wisdom like us to disciple themselves from the ironic views of ignorance ! Please keep posting in the hopes of more and more would begin to understand and accept.
Living in the Philippines and California born in Europe with its diverse population, married at one time to an Indonesian lady, now a Philipina I feel I have a good feel for the lifestyle in the Philippines. The Philippines is a country of two opposites. A beautiful side and a rotten side. We know about the widespread corruption (we call it leverage) at all level of so society. The average Phillipino takes advantage of the condition because he/she can. Place this same Philippino in the United States he/she will be a model immigrant/citizen within a view months. Why? Because of the system, it won’t let him be corrupt. Actions in the Philippines to fight corruption have an only short term effect because too many people lose money. Back to standard, ;( ;(
The Truth hurts, but hopefully as human psychi shows, people learn when they have been traumatized….
This is a great post! This is the truth!
Thanks Eve!
I for one am just glad there’s a blog post out there stating simple fact. Now I’m waiting to see if all the misguided “patriots” are going to flood your comments section with “shame on you, you should be proud to be Filipino” and all that petty nonsense Filipinos always resort to when slapped with an uncomfortable truth. Personally I find all this mollycoddling and pandering to our own bullsh*t very irritating.
Bravo on an articulate and insightful post. If only such clarity of thought were more common.
Thanks Jad
I’m glad there are more Filipinos like you who feel the same as I do.
Nice post. However, I’d like to comment on Filipinos being happy-go-lucky. Maybe you’re pertaining to the “bahala na” mentality?
I’ve taken up Sikolohiyang Pilipino and there are some readings available that would explain indigenous concepts such as “bahala na,” “ningas cogon,” and “filipino time” among others. I think Virgilio Enriquez has a published article about this.
It’s really interesting because you’d know why Filipinos act this way. It goes way back in history. Maybe that will help you answer why we behave so differently from other cultures. 🙂
Thanks for the info Ayeen
I really think that it is important for us to acknowledge that concepts such “the padrino sytem†does more harm to our society than good. So to me, the history of why Filipinos engage in such is irrelevant to me.
PS. Yes, the happy-go-lucky society has the “bahala na” mentality. 🙂
But I just believe that history is very important in why people act a certain way. I don’t know, probably this is what my professors at UP taught me. We can’t disregard that the way we Filipinos is a product of what we’ve gone throughout history.
P.S. “Bahala Na” for foreign social scientists is equal to “fatalism” but for Virgilio Enriquez and other Filipino social scientist, it describes the Filipino way of life, in which, he is determined to do his best, hence the term bahala na, which actually came from the phrase bathalan na, meaning ‘I will do all my best, let God take care of the rest’.
And I don’t think history is ever irrelevant when we are talking about culture.
I’m not defending the “wrong ways” of the Filipinos. I just think that we should use relevant sources from our country written by our own social scientists to explain phenomena like these. “Taong bahay” instead of “tao sa bahay,” as what Virgilio Enriquez would say.
Regardless of what we have gone through in the past, what is important is our future. We need to get rid of the bad traits that are stopping us from progressing. It is as simple as that.
You mentioned that “bahala na†actually came from the phrase bathalan na, which means ‘I will do all my best, let God take care of the rest’. The problem is, the meaning of the original word is not applied anymore. Most Filipinos certainly don’t do their best. They just leave everything to God.
So for me, the “bahala na†attitude with its modern meaning today is what we need to get rid of.
It’s funny coz my wife has an online store where “how to purchase” is all over her website, and still there are people asking how to purchase.
I like this post. Very well said. Tweeted & FB shared.
That’s really funny! Thanks Ed.
even on forums and other online resources with deals with what you do with gagdets (celfone, pc and the like), an instruction was given and people will still ask an explanation. Or let me put it this way, pinapatagalog nila.
Not belittling them. But what have we become?
I’m happy to have stumbled upon this article, and I’m happy to know that someone out there have the same sentiments as I do.
I just wish some Filipinos would be more open-minded the way they want other people to be open-minded with them.
As much I wish I could talk about this with my friends, though I doubt any of them would ever understand or atleat try to comprehend what I’m trying to explain. I will just be accused of being unpatriotic and be told to just go to another country if I wasn’t satisfied with how things are in the Philippines. Well, it already happened once but hey… (sigh)
Sorry about my insufficient English. I know more English than Tagalog but I’m really not good at expressing what I meant clearly through written words. But I do hope you understand.
Hi Jinny
I know what you are saying. Filipinos who have misguided patriotism outnumber us. Most of them think that pointing out our cultural flaws is unpatriotic. Never mind if those flaws are getting in the way of our progress.
Thanks for your comment.
It will be easier for the younger generation to understand…it’s the old people, and the old ways to change…like they say, it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
The situations presented in this blog are really evident here in the Philippines. I hope we Filipinos would lower our pride and read and reflect on this thoroughly.
Thanks Alicia.
We can only hope more people will be enlightened.
A very insightful and intelligent article. There’s just one catch: it takes an equally insightful and intelligent mind to appreciate. Most Filipinos would read a few lines and think that they’re being bashed. That’s the problem here: ego.
You see, Filipino pride is sometimes, hypocritical; most of them defend their ego as they see fit, honking their horns to see which honks the loudest (in what a Filipino might say, ‘nagbubumida’) but, when the opportunity comes to really stand up and make their country proud, only a few rise to the occasion – the others simply ranting in histrionics on how everything has conspired against them.
Let’s face it: the article is a bit criticizing. But then again, we are looking at mistakes here; it’s supposed to be criticizing. I myself am a Filipino and know of a number of my countrymen who are offended by critical assessment. It really doesn’t matter if it’s offending or not, it’s how you take that criticism and make something of it.
A very good article discussing an issue really worth looking into.
Thank you for the very good read.
Hi Pots
I am glad you appreciate the concept behind the word criticism. Most misguided Filipino patriots would just dismiss this article as being negative, indeed.
I know of people who don’t “like†me anymore because of what I write. Some of them even went to school abroad and now live in progressive countries. I am very disappointed that they do not even apply what they have learned abroad to help change the situation in the Philippines. It’s like they are very nostalgic and do not want to change anything about the country, which includes the bad traits of our countrymen. They simply shrug it off as “ganyan talaga ang Pinoy.â€
Very nice and important article to share. But I think this can only be read by 10% Filipinos.
Thanks Shrilyn
I’m hoping I can reach the right people to help spread the truth. 🙂
You just met one of the right people…
I appreciate your observation towards the Filipinos, Ilda. Maybe it is positive or a negative, it doesn’t matter but still it strikes me out because I’m a Filipino. I will try my best to share this post to my friends.
PS: We have all their own lapses.
Thanks for helping out spread the message Clifford.
Great article! However, I believe when most Filipinos read this article, they will be angered as most Filipinos don’t take criticisms lightly.
Thank you for your comment!
so filipino nurses may not speak filipino during their breaks? why is this pa-victim?
Because they made a big deal about it.
big deal… by suing? when your rights are abridged, is it not rational to use legal means to set it right?
Of course. But dialogue is also an option. Perhaps there was less of dialogue and more of drama in that instance, don’t you think?
how do you know dialogue wasnt tried?
Well for that matter, how would you know it was tried?
i dont. but apparently, neither do you.
so in the absence of info, you’d rather just go ahead and accuse?
Accuse what?
accuse of what? hmmm… let me remind you of what you wrote:”Of course. But dialogue is also an option. Perhaps there was less of dialogue and more of drama in that instance, don’t you think?”
what did you accuse them of? aba! read what you wrote!
I asked you there to tell us what you think. So what do you think?
i’m trying to understand your position. at this point, it appears you dont have one.
lets recap:
1) i say that speaking filipino during their breaks should be ok, and if prevented they should fight for their right
2) YOU said they were making a big deal. YOU said they was too much “drama” coz they didnt resort to dialogue
3) i said: how do you know they didnt try to use non-legal means to resolve their differences
4) you said: you dont know that
5) i said: so, IF you dont know that, then why call it “making a big deal”? or full of “drama”
what do i think? i think fighting for your rights (whatever that happens to be) using legal means isnt victimhood. in fact, its the opposite.
i think you believe that too. so what gives? why malign the nurses when you dont have evidence to the contrary?
benign0: The nurses were “making a big deal” because there was the option to engage in dialogue first and instead made a big drama of it.
GabbyD: How did benign0 know that they did not have a dialogue first?
benign0: How would GabbyD know that they did?
Ergo: At face value, it was a big drama over something that could’ve been settled with dialogue. Whether said dialogue occurred or not, the result was STILL a big drama.
the curious thing is that, even tho u DONT KNOW that they didnt try to settle with dialogue, you went and assumed it ANYWAY.
why? it could have been solved, if BOTH PARTIES wanted to. it takes 2 to dialogue.
again: they are trying to solve their problems legally. why not celebrate that?
And the other curious thing is that YOU wouldn’t know too that they didn’t have said dialogue and yet you made it the basis of your counter-argument.
of course its the basis of the counter argument!
without knowing if in fact there was a dialogue, you assumed that there wasnt ,and that the first thing they did was file suit.its natural to believe that they did try other means; if only because its cheaper to dialogue directly.
hence, i THOUGHT you had inside information on this.
i THOUGHT ilda had inside info.
alas, no! you just assumed they didnt try to talk, and thus concluded based on it, that this is victim behavior!
And you built your argument on the notion that it was a worthwhile step to file a lawsuit because of the presumption that there actually was a dialogue that preceded it.
Fact remains: big dramas for such a small slight on the fragile ego of Da Pinoy.
its is always worthwhile to fight for rights. that isnt “victimization” nor “drama”
“you built your argument on the notion that it was a worthwhile step to file a lawsuit BECAUSE [my emph] of the presumption that there actually was a dialogue that preceded it.”
no! naku, naku… let me explain VERY SLOWLY.
1) its worth-while to have the right to act freely during non work hours. fighting for rights legally is always good.
2) thus, it is worthwhile to act to retain this freedom a lawsuit is PART OF IT. so is a dialogue.
gets? now, why is it ma-drama? coz you assumed that they didnt dialogue. but you and i both believe its more logical to dialogue first (for many reasons).
Q: if you and I believe that, WHY WOULDNT THEY?
See, now you add a new assumption to the discussion. So now I ask you in light of that:
What makes you think that these nurses think logically as a matter of habit?
And the “debate” thickens… 😀
what new assumption?
is believing that other people would want to achieve their goals in a quick a manner and as costless manner “a new assumption”?
is this all new to you?
what motivates you?
how do you think people behave?
indeed this is what you dont want to talk about: when you dont know the details of something, why assume they’d prefer the costly drawn-out way, to a (possibly) easier way to achieve their goals?
indeed, by calling this “a new assumption”, the mystery of how you view society becomes murkier by the day!
Here is the snippet where you made this assumption I was referring to:
“but you and i both believe its more logical to dialogue first (for many reasons).
Q: if you and I believe that, WHY WOULDNT THEY?”
You seem to be under some sort of assumption that these nurses see dialogue as the logical path to take. How sure are you that this assumption is sound?
mali ulit!
what i said was, if dialogue was available or useful, they would have used it. the fact that they are suing means they tried it and it didnt work, or it wouldnt have worked at all.
“You seem to be under some sort of assumption that these nurses see dialogue as the logical path to take. How sure are you that this assumption is sound?”
now, it is you that raised dialogue that is something they ought to have done! on april 4 you wrote: “But dialogue is also an option. Perhaps there was less of dialogue and more of drama in that instance, don’t you think?” i agree with you that dialogue, when and were available, should be used.
you were the one who assumed they didnt dialogue first. why?
now cmon, this is simple: why did they exhibit victim mentaity? why did you think it was a “big deal” ? what is the “drama”?
these are super simple questions. are they so hard to answer?
“what i said was, if dialogue was available or useful, they would have used it. the fact that they are suing means they tried it and it didnt work, or it wouldnt have worked at all.”
How do you know that they tried dialogue?
i think this is the core of your attitude:
“What makes you think that these nurses think logically as a matter of habit?”
by asking the question, you DOUBT that they thought logically.
but if YOU think logically, WHY WOULDNT THEY?
Well then for that matter, are you able to prove that these nurses think logically?
really good article! i couldn’t agree more. One thing I noticed is that the people who break the rules are the same ones who cry they are the victims. we really can’t progrees with this kind of attitude. and the one thing i hate about it, is that they always get away with this bad attitude. this makes me remember the principle of sowing and reaping. sow bad seeds, eventually they will get back at you and even worse than what you did.
Tell me about it. The squatters and the street vendors cry foul when they get evicted by the authorities. They have this misguided sense of entitlement. Which is why the authorities don’t bother to act until the problem is already out of control.
Thanks for the input!
very well-written article. harsh truths but not expressed offensively. it’s so sad to see how people claim that they are so proud to be Filipino but fail to act like they want the best for their country. nationalism is much more than just telling whoever will listen how much you love your motherland. and it’s definitely not cussing out those who criticize your people.
Filipinos have many positive traits at well. I wholeheartedly hope that they – we – will someday all learn to shelf our blind pride and get to work on fully utilizing our skills and resources. then hopefully we’ll also make a good impression on people from other cultures who have been led to believe that there’s nothing good about us.
cheers to the future and please keep writing.
Thanks for the comment Harper
We Filipinos need to learn to look at both our negative and positive traits. Just like when you go for a job interview, you get to discuss both your strengths and your weaknesses. We should be able to discuss our society’s strengths and weaknesses without feeling like we are being unpatriotic. Unfortunately, what usually happens is that most Filipinos tend to exaggerate our good traits. A classic example of this is when we boast about being “hospitable.” I’ve met a lot of people from Thailand and I can confirm that they are also friendly and hospitable. If not more
A relative of mine lived in Thailand for a long time. He has lived in Malaysia as well. He is in the best position to compare. I vouch for the guy’s objectivity. According to him, these countries still don’t compare to the Filipino hospitality.
It will open happen with the younger generation. With the older generation still at hand, it cannot happen. And only, when, this will happen too is when the Phillippines starts inventing products such as a car or something scientifically that will alter our course. For now, we still have to adhere to uneducated presidents, the popular vote, the crappy tfc, and lawlessness. Sorry guys…if you wanna bash me, go ahead…
so ilda, why are the nurses victims?
seriously. is suing for freedom of speech “victim” behavior?
I didn’t say the nurses are victims. I said they have a “victim mentality.”
And the issue was not about freedom of speech but it was actually about the nurses’ violation of the hospital guidelines.
“The hospital’s policy states that English is the principal language and must be the exclusive language spoken and written by all employees while on duty in the emergency department”.
thats certainly ONE side of the story. hence, the conflict! from your own link:
“However, the nurses, who are being represented by the Migrant Heritage Commission, said that they do not recall speaking in Tagalog in front or while providing patient care in the Emergency Department. They admitted speaking in their native language only during breaks at the Nurses’ Station.
The nurses’ lawyer, Atty. Arnedo Valera had asked the EEOC to investigate the complaint and if the hospital’s English-only rule in the workplace violates the Civil Rights Act.”
again: fighting for one’s rights is victim mentality?
It’s victim mentality because they created a big drama where there could’ve been DIALOGUE first.
ah, maybe its this: its victim mentality IF you disagree with another person? so in this case, you disagree with the claim of due process and civil rights — thus its victim mentality?
thats why its victim mentality?
Nah. It’s victim mentality because these people convince themselves they are victims and because they appeal to Filipinos’ innate inclination to routinely feel like victims.
“It’s victim mentality because they created a big drama where there could’ve been DIALOGUE first.”
again, why assume that they didnt attempt 2 resolve this via dialogue?
we’re back to this thing… 🙂
reading the news story again: can you dialogue with someone who unilaterally fires you?
Indeed, we are back to “this thing”. It’s the way most discussions with you end up. In circles.
“It’s victim mentality because these people convince themselves they are victims”
wow! we are at the end of your rope. now its down to semantics and circular reasoning…
anything that a “victim” says is victim mentality… coz they are victims…
Indeed, we’re down to your specialty, GabbyD. Quibbling about semantics. Congrats! 😀
In the US it is our right to speak whatever language we want to in our downtime! Speaking up for oneself is also a right.
So please, that’s not victim mentality–that’s having a conscience.
Suing for freedom of speech in this instance IS victim behavior. There I said it. The proof is in the dinuguan. If you don’t have freedom of speech, you won’t be allowed to have the opportunity to sue in the first place. Only an open progressive society would allow such countermeasures. Victim mentality enabled them to think they could skirt the rules and then cry foul when they got caught. Do I believe they have the right to speak Tag at work? Sure. English is not written anywhere in federal American law to be the official language. But let’s be honest, this is not about legal matters;this is about social manners..and the lack thereof.
In conclusion, these nurses were testing the system, were being used as pawns by their legal defendants and ultimately making a mockery of the US court system.
thanks hungry! at least thats an honest opinion backed by arguments.
its possible for people to disagree with you (namely the nurses that work there), but at least its forthright.
much better than ” It’s victim mentality because these people convince themselves they are victims ” which is the most circular of circular arguments.
@The hungry traveler
Thanks for the comment Nate. I’m glad GabbyD takes your word. Even though what you are saying is basically the same as what we have been saying. 😉
This is very true. Only very few Filipinos have changed, and those are the Filipinos born outside of the Philippines. Most of the time, the filipinos born here are always complaining and so ashamed of what they see when watching current Filipino shows…Filipinos are survivors..no one listens to Filipinos throughout the world. Yeah, they are smart but don’t use it, especially when it comes to ethics and principal. All you ever here are, Filipinos are the backbone…and thats it. Filipinos only kiss ass to Filipinos that have money, and don’t do enough to join in the green movement. All they want is mediocrity and don’t want to get their feet wet when it comes to voicing in other countries or showing that there is unity amongst filipinos. Filipinos in the Philippines must change and it has to start in the media. Usually, what you see in the tv, will show the kind of mentality the society has.
So what is it you see in Filipino TV. All you see are variety shows where most of the time the announcers dont have scripts and just wing there shows. Seems like all the Filipinos are pure music lovers. All they do is Karaoke and know almost every dang song there is in the planet. And the movies, please…is there a dailogue..most of the time all you here is shouting, gun fire, crying, and more shouting. No story line at all. No acting at all.
Education folks. Filipino’s, wake up and get rid of that stupid pride personal pride you have. Stop copying the rest of the world and show some originality. Filipino’s are smart. How come they cannot manufacture cars, or something scientifically that will benefit the world. All we do is export nurses,religion (no matter what church you go to throughout the world, you will see a filipino) which is good, but it shows too that we are insecure too much and are idolaters (catholics and using the the santo)..i mean come on…that is big time idolatry.
And balikbayans, stop bringing back all those balikbayan boxes with all those goods. Just give your relatives money. Because that’s all they really want to do is take your money and be dependent on you. Contributing to laziness.
Wow, look at this forum..all the filipinos replying here using educational and big words, sounding very educated and in fairness…that’s all it is, is mouth. Good talking…but how about action..But when it comes to you, that’s it, it’s all about you and not others…The Filipino is all about , I , I, and I. I’m totally confused now…well, that’s what the filipino will give you…make you confused.
I read the article, very interesting. I do not agree with everything that was said in that article about the Filipina personality and behaviors and responses. I cannot speak for Pinoy living in Philippines I (I do not have exposure to them) but as an American Nurse who worked on both East and West ends of America and interacted with thousands of Filipina RN’s I see things differently. Also being married to a Filipina RN adds to my perspective. I have known Pinay RN’s as friends, co workers, staff RN’s as well as Supervisors and Administrators.
I see the Filipina Nurse in America as very dependable, prompt, punctual and organized. She is an individual who is a team player and takes constructive criticism well and is very intelligent and dependable. The Fill/AM Nurse is very proud of the work she does and shows a great deal of respect for her patient. The Fil/ Am Nurse is refine, well manered, very clean and immaculate and dresses very nicely. They are also well focused, take things seriously and are not a bunch of Chismosa while art work (although they do have very bright cheerful personalities).
As far as the article talking about Filipina Nurses feeling victimized about being criticized for speaking Tagolog at work. Happens everywhere. In NYC in the ED I worked we had Haitians speaking Creole, Chinese Nurses speaking Cantonese, Mandarin, Puerto Rican Nurses speaking Spanish, and they all feel offended when told not to speak their language around Patients
After having been once treated by a Filipina RN Pt’s always look forward to being treated by them again because they provide a very high standard of care.
AS far as Drama queens I agree with that! But then so are Italians (my ex wife) and most other races.
So all in all perhaps one the Filipina transitions to and assimilates American Culture they change in responses and behaviors and adapt and act differently then they had in Philippines.
It’s good that you met some Filipinos whose behaviour we can definitely be proud of!
Thanks for your comment.
come to the Philippines with those very nurses n see how they behave here . You’ll be SHOCKED ! ! !
thanks mike. filipino RNs are quite good. definitely dont have a victim mentality (whatever that means)
The article did not say “all nurses.” It actually said “a group of nurses.” There is a big difference. Unfortunately, it’s something that you CAN’T get your head around to understanding.
i’d have more sympathy with this if you hadnt rushed to a generalization on “THE FILIPINO”
— EX: “This brings us to another world-renowned Filipino mentality — the “victim†mentality””
… which you supported based on a biased reading of ONE news article about a “group”. a biased reading that mike gladly corrected.
But i’m happy you wont generalize about “the filipino” now. i look forward 2 articles where statements like i quoted above will be a distant memory.
The victim mentality and excuse-making exist around the world in every culture when people can’t, for one reason or another, grasp their own responsibility for outcomes and try to pust responsibility on others. A thief generally uses the excuse “I am poor because the world treated me wrong; they forced me to become a thief”.
Well, no doubt, those kids born into poor Filipino families have a harder time than those born into middle-class American households. Also, those kids whose parents sit them down in front of the TV have a harder time than those kids who sit on their parent’s lap, reading.
The latter invariably has fewer excuses to make, because they learn to carve out their own place in life.
There are more of the former in the Philippines.
“But i’m happy you wont generalize about “the filipino†now. i look forward 2 articles where statements like i quoted above will be a distant memory.” -GabbyD
gabbyd, gabbyd. when was the last time a commenter’s personal approval dictated the validity of a statement? when was the last time this huwag-no-naman-lahatin mode of argument actually prospered? answers: first, it doesn’t; and second, it might have in a now-dead blog we had fond memories of.
kick that tail-chasing habit, keep the eyes on the prize. (unless for some people the prize IS the tail.)
victim mentality perpetuates filipinos’ wasted potential to become what they wanted to be in the first place. it’s always coupled with the innate ability to come up with excuses. it develops the practically automatic tendency to reach for an excuse first before a coming up with a solution. it also drives the irresistible urge to argue in circles.
and for once i agree with joeam. read his comment and weep.
” when was the last time this huwag-no-naman-lahatin mode of argument actually prospered?”
hey, if you believe in broad generalizations, go ahead! make broad generalizations, live your life according to these generalizations. judge people according to these generalizations.
if you think thats a valid argument, fine!
oh, and when does agreement validate an statement? it depends on many factors! one is, it depends what the statement is.
@GabbyD: Dude, if you haven’t noticed yet, that is EXACTLY what I am doing. 😀
hey you wanna lecture somebody on generalizing? try that one on joeam because he made one trying to explain to you a good point, gabbyd.
this sort of discussion blows your skirt up? sheesh, dude. you can’t let all the criticisms on da pinoy hit you like it’s all about you p’re. unless the shoe fits.
It is easier for some people to remain in denial. They’d rather blame something or someone for their misfortune. They’d rather play the “victim card” so they can get sympathy or compensation instead of quietly working on achieving their goal.
right, ilda. even for the president himself (who seems to always be a victim of gloria’s legacy, the words of his critics, the incompetence of his palace messaging group, the hounding of the press on his dubious lovelife about which he could hardly be called discreet, the stress of the job, and the tremendous expectations of the same people he promised the garden of eden to, but never his sorry self), the victim card is the easy way to avoid having to do the real work and paying the true costs of substantiating what he calls his matuwid na daan. every other pinoy does it so why can’t pnoy who is most definitely tops in pinoyness, right?
blaming everything else certainly beats being courageous enough to publicly admit “i’m just too incompetent/lazy/ignorant/clueless for this job, folks.” poor mister kawawang president who actually asked for the job by promising vaporware.
hey who was that guy who was a participant in the whole zte broadband thing but snuck under nuns’ skirts and played victim to be da pipol’s weaselblower? there’s a victim right there. 😉
who are the victims in your neighborhood?
in your neighborhood
in your neighborhood
so who are the victims in your neighborhood?
they’re the people that you meet
when you’re walking down the street
they’re the people that you meet each daaaaaaay!
buhay pinoy talaga.
i know! there was a time when i was curious how you can make broad generalizations with a straight face.
but now, all i ask is for evidence that supports that kind of thinking.
unless you just WANT to make that argument regardless of the evidence.
who’s lecturing? if you wanna hold beliefs based on broad-brush generalizations, go ahead.
be proud of it!
all i ask is for some evidence.
I don’t know what it’ll take for you to realise that our generalizations are spot on. It seems that you need to wait another 5 more years just to accept that PNoy’s win was a huge mistake. PNoy’s ascension to power is a classic example of mediocrity. Mediocre is what best describes most Filipinos.
I don’t believe in facts, myself, for they generally divert one from the essence of the argument, and half of them are lies and concoctions anyway. I believe in ideas and principles, and even fiction if it has meaning.
well, here’s the thing.
first, a functioning brain fills me with gratitude to the lord who blessed me with it, not pride.
second, if you seek evidence of these things from other people then you’ve been living under a rock, which i’m sure you’ve been told as many times as you’ve forgotten it. experience (and congnitive function to appreciate what the hell is happening around you) is non-transferrable, sorry.
third, we’re not talking about beliefs. it’s all happening, dude.
what a condescending comment.
I’ve lived in the Philippines for 4 years now. It always appalls me how so many people here have a total inability to feel any lack of shame. That makes them almost sociopathic in a way.
Plus it’s hard to communicate in English here above the simplest questions. Many people seem to be on a “happy ignorant” pill where they are unaware of anything and don’t care. When you try to get them to explain things, they act like they are retarded or brain damaged. It’s really annoying and aggravating.
It’s not surprising that world IQ statistics show the Philippines as very low, only 77 on average. Only Africa is lower.
I totally agree with you Wen . I’ve been here for 5 years now , n ALL a person can talk about to a filipino is cockfighting , tv shows , or other childish n senseless things .
No wonder most of the foreigners living here hardly made ANY filipino friend in years .
the level of stupidity here is just mind boggling .
After living in the Philippines as a foreigner for a few years, I’ve concluded that other than open friendly sweet girls, there is NOTHING good in the Philippines that is worth staying for. The air and streets are immensely polluted, the food is horrible (every traveler says it is the worst in Asia, hands down). There are no quality standards, skill, refinement or art in cooking.
To live well, you gotta pay overly high prices (compared to other developing countries like Thailand or China). And so many people have no shame, think it’s not wrong to lie, lack common sense, and act retarded. It’s aggravating to deal with.
I wrote up a list of pros and cons of living in the Philippines in this forum thread. Check it out:
And if interested, see if you can answer my questions about middle class Filipinos here:
Hi Win
Thanks for the links. I will check it out! 🙂
Please read this other article: Being average is not resilient.
LOL ! i agree . . .
Other than the girl thing going on here . . . there really is NOTHING else in Philippines worth staying for .
Konti lang ang binasa kong comment, hanggang dun lang sa ng suggest na i-translate mo sa tagalog ang article na to. Tama ka na medyo walang papansin nito kung tagalog mo isusulat pero most Filipinos don’t have access to computers. So mas magandang suggestion ay i-translate mo sa tagalog at i-publish mo sa newspaper. with that way mas marami ang makakabasa nito at makakaintindi. Baka sakaling magbago pa ang mentalidad naming mga Filipino.
Hi Marc
Thanks for the suggestion. Siguro nga sulit i-publish in Tagalog because this article has been published 4 times and a lot of people agree with it.
This is pretty interesting commentary. I’m an expat living in a South American country, and I have to say there are some strong similarities with what you described with society here (at least in the main urban area, I don’t know what it’s like out in the rural states). It makes me wonder if some of it does have to do with the legacy of Spanish colonialism. If you notice the countries that resulted from British colonialism turned for the most part, okay. Rule of law seems to go hand in hand with Puritan values. (However, the British examples also tended to kill off a lot more of the indigenous, hence removing opposition to their societal rules and values – but the system you see today, overall, immigrants comply). On the other hand, the French colonies – Haiti, etc. ugh – makes Phillipines look like Disneyworld. In all cases, however, gaining independence from colonial powers, unfortunately, did not better the lives of the indigenous that survived. Regardless, it does beg the question – why *is* it so hard to follow a rule of law?
Just to mention as another point – a few upper-class Filipinos that I have known pretty much only go to Phillipines to vacation, visit, etc. Where I am now, there is still a visible upper-class(in their gated communities of course, and private country clubs and such so they don’t have to mingle with the unwashed masses), but when things become unstable all the elites have an out (many have dual/triple citizenship in US and various Euro. or Skand. countries) and they flee. It’s sad, actually, no sense of nationality or feeling that it’s “worth it” to stay and fight for their standard of living. No sense of country and demanding to stay in that country. More like, “okay, the riff-raff have taken over, I’m out.”
I don’t have an answer to any of this, and obviously a zero-tolerance attitude of “just do it already” doesn’t register with the masses who don’t necessarily feel the need to follow rules out of virtue or fear of being penalized with fines, etc. The unofficial caste system which generates resentment (I also have seen people close up when they see my more “white” looking spouse try to ask a question), class tensions, corrupt and inefficient legal/law enforcement system are all at play. Remember US is a middle-class majority nation, so middle class values prevail (and injustices still occur, of course). So imagine – I don’t know about Phill. majority, but here, it’s 35% poor, 10 of that considered extremely poor. The majority is shades of grey, but pretty much people living hand to mouth for the most part. So you have a nation that is predominantly have-not, and the behaviors you see are not too concerned with ethics, it’s very much grab-what-you-can-at-the-moment. But obviously as someone pointed out – it’s not that they aren’t capable – those who go to the US seem to have no problem conforming to a rule of law.
@ some similarities
While to a certain degree, it is true that having been under a colonial rule or two could have possibly wrought havoc on the Filipino mind in general, but we Filipinos cannot keep using it as an excuse not to be able to move forward.
The simple fact of the matter is, Filipinos cannot and refuse to follow the rule of law because impunity rules in the land. Those who violate the law particularly those in the public sector do not get prosecuted and keep getting away with their crime. This is the reason why the average Filipino has low moral and can never trust their public servants and worse, each other.
When a society does not have trust in the system or their compatriots, it is very hard to implement any kind of reform or changes, which could help move the country forward.
And it is no surprise that those who can afford it, have their second passports handy just in case the “riff-raff†take over. 🙂
Thanks for your comment.
Ah yes. Accountability (or lack thereof), and a trickle down effect. Great point.
and … what exactly is happening the photo above?
That is a photo of a group of Japanese people taken after the recent earthquake that struck a part of their country. Despite the devastation, they still manage to fall in line and observe courtesy. In the above photo, they are sitting at the edge of the stairs patiently waiting for something but are mindful not to block the way for others. I should really put a comment under the photo. Thanks 🙂
The Tagalog speakers of the Philippines seem very interesting people. If you look up Google Trends for the word ‘Aristotle’ one gets the surprising result that the biggest group searching for this word on the web were Tagalog speakers. English comes second. Repeat the search for ‘Stoicism’ and you will get the same result. This seems to indicate another quite remarkable dimension to the culture.
I’m sorry to say that I cannot associate the terms “stoic” and “philosophic” to Filipinos in general. As discussed in my article above, Filipinos have a penchant for playing the “victim card”.
@ Ilda
do you have scientific data or empirical evidence for such statement?:
“Filipinos have a penchant for playing the “victim card”
…as if it were in their DNA?
Really, you perpetuate the cycle of negativity that festers in that country.
These Filipino characteristics as you have mentioned can be attributed to the Spanish regime w/c lasted for 333 years. Imagine the number of generations of Filipino families that somehow inherited or absorbed such traits during those times. I’m in the premise that our society is still young and somehow still trying to find/look for its identity.
Countries like China, Japan, Korea, France Germany and even US didn’t mature or prosper overnight. Change takes time, the question is are WE Filipinos are up to the challenge that change will be bringing to us? Right now we’re not. But I hope and pray that we will someday. But it has to start of each of every Filipinos around the world.
Instead of writing it again, I will just direct you to my previous articles in response to your comment above:
President Noynoy Aquino’s Second State of the Nation Address (SONA) and this:
South Korea: the country that the Philippines could have been
hi Ilda, i am very confused at the moment, why most filipinos who are living and working overseas, are more conscious of following the law of the land? If they are genuinely good, honest, and hardworking people, then the Philippines should be a better place to live in ?
Hi Ann Marie
I can’t blame you for being confused. However, there is a simple answer to your question. Filipinos follow the rule of law in other countries because they know they cannot get away with not following it.
Most advanced countries have a very organised law enforcement agency (Police/FBI/CIA) that promote adherence to the law by punishing individuals who violate rules governing their society. Filipinos who go to those countries know that they cannot bribe members of the agency to try and get away with their crime.
The law enforcement agency in the Philippines is very different. They are said to be too corrupt, incompetent and ill-equipped to enforce the law. And it doesn’t help that some of the elite members of our society are the ones promoting a culture of impunity by bribing the PNP and other members of the Philippine justice system.
Indeed a nice article. Thank you for this! I hope everyone can read this and keep it in mind.
Thanks Lawrence. I hope you can help spread it around. 🙂
This is the reality, No kidding.
You are awesome 😀
-WARNING- Wrong grammar ahead…. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Anyways Most of us Filipinos, Think they are so great in things they are not. I know most of my faults because thankfully I have a sister who points it out, We try our best to apply the Japanese Discipline.(We adore Japanese Culture as much we adore the beauty of the remnants of our country’s Nature…remnants due to some Foolish actions of others. )
Which gave us a great Advantage when it comes to serious events. Most of the teenagers here in the Philippines would rather play with their friends do vices rather than to study. Most of them would foolishly do something stupid just because they love each other, no scratch that… they are LUSTING for each other.
I’m sorry if others would find this offensive. I’m only stating my point of view.
@Moon Clam
Thanks for reading it. I can understand what you are saying. Most Filipinos are not good at taking criticism. They’d rather pretend that everything is ok. Which is why they always get caught with their pants down when disaster strikes.
” Most of the teenagers here in the Philippines would rather play with their friends do vices rather than to study. Most of them would foolishly do something stupid just because they love each other, no scratch that… they are LUSTING for each other….” — ibig sabihing ipinanganak sila “13 to 19 years ago”… kaninong panahon nagsimula ang pagkawala ng direksyon ng mga kabataan… “20 years… onward” sila na ang mga magiging magulang na gagabay sa mga kabataan, kabataan na tinaguriang pagasa ng bayan.
Thank you for such an article…There were times wherein I felt giving up for a cause because the people around were exactly what you have written about. But as a Filipino, I believe that I need to break out of the mold even though everything around you seems to be very disappointing.
Thank you again for the article, because you remind people to stand strong for the truth and always work for the better.
All things worth pursuing takes time. We must persevere in our fight against mediocrity and monorism.
Thanks for reading it!
“…though everything around you seems to be very disappointing.”—- wala na bang nagawa o ginagawa o gawaing mabuti ang mga pilipino? ang artikulo bang ito ay sumasalamin sa buong sambayanang pilipino? sabi sabi nga sa tambayan sa kanto… “kawawa naman, basag na eh dinudurog pa”
Filipinos have still a lot to learn. I only wonder how and when.
I am a Filipino myself. But I completely agree with this article. Marami pa tayong kailangang matutunan kung gusto nating umunlad ang Pilipinas. Para rin naman sa ating ikabubuti ang mga rules na yan eh.
Excuse me, but where did you receive this information? Is this what you have observed from your own experience? Well, listen up. We Filipinos ARE indeed as happy-go-lucky as you say, but that does not mean we can not take certain things seriously. Take the poverty in the Philippines, we did not WISH for that to happen, and many of us are fighting to end this.
Call Filipinos what you want, but have you ever actually met a Filipino? Many of us are well educated and are VERY hard working, but it is true that we can also be lazy. It almost seems as if the Japanese never want to enjoy life for what it is. And that sense of calm you Japanese always seem to have even in the most atrocious weather/disasters, could you also remember that your ethnicity is not the only one that has this? Thanks for a great article, nice and straight to the point, but this is bordering along the thin line of racism.
And from where did you infer that Ilda is Japanese and not Filipino? And besides, does her nationality even matter?
I don’t even see how this is “racist.” But then again, Filipinos are so averse to criticism that they are quick to label it as “racism.”
And yes, I am a Filipino. 😛
Oh please. There is no way that this article is being racist. Hell if Gordon Ramsay will make a fair criticism complete with his ferocious temper about the bad taste of a Filipino food even if it’s not exotic, will you still gonna call him a racist? If you do that, you’re easily got butthurt simply because you can’t handle the truth. You just don’t know the big difference between racism and criticism which is one of the cancers pinoys must stop once and for all.
Gordon Ramsay is a god. Hell, even you hate him for his way of criticism yet he has a good point.
This is sad yet painful truth: “If someone wants to educated Filipinos,they will take it as an insult to their intelligence.”
Sad. So sad.
Mukang yung reply mo na ang concrete example ng Victim Mentality ng mga Pinoy.
@Pinoy…you’re a classic example of a Pinoy with “victim mentality”. 🙂
A concrete example of why we our country doesn’t prosper. ACCEPT Criticisms and USE it as a way to improve yourself as a whole 🙂
I think the writer also failed to include how Filipinos tend to go overboard with their pinoy pride..just like how this moron yaps about it. Im beginning to love how online Filipinos have started to embrace the Black mentality of crying racism at every given opportunity to cover up for all our deficiencies and sins to society.
Gawd! I wish I had people like these to interact with face to face on a daily basis. When someone starts talking this way in public fliptards will think of that someone as “pasikat” or nuisance. It’s like he is a disease, that he is too self-righteous. I’m not an expert with politics, economics or anything but it is really nice to have individuals talking sense not just the trivialities of life. Yes, we all have our own share of burden to carry, but I think the root cause of it is the lack of will to change the situation. Hayso Pople will run to others to tell their burden but are upset when you give them suggestions because they don’t need fixing, they know how to fix tjeir problem, for once just listen to them lament.
Thanks for the article. It is always good to learn from our mistakes. Yet, perhaps we should strike a balance and likewise, focus on and herald the good things that set our race apart. We often forget that time and again, Filipinos everywhere are heroes in their own right….
Thanks for reading it!
Nice article…Criticism is really hard to accept and sometimes really offensive but we should look at it in a positive way for us to improve. It is sad because we are judge in general but some of us are not like what you stated. I just hope this will be a wake up call for other filipinos to stop being a happy-go-lucky people and start to work on our problems not just for ourselves but for our country.
Thanks, Jas!
It’s not hard to do, right? Most Filipinos are just unwilling to do it.
I sometimes wonder if our kababayans are unwilling or they just wont do it.
Hi Ilda, I agree with some of your points and they are important things that should be addressed if we want to be a better nation. I also understand that you just wanted to make Filipinos a better race, but with all due respect, you talk like as if you are innocent and done nothing wrong to others. What have you done, except from criticizing and blogging, to make your neighbors (your fellow Filipino, if you are really one) be better persons? There is another thing that we Filipinos are good at that you have forgotten to include here, we are very good at criticizing others (criticizing mentality). We are very good at pointing out the faults of others while not honoring the good traits they have.
You really should have stopped there. 😉
Here’s something else you need to read:
Criticizing PNoy is good for us and democracy
Happy reading!
i can’t help but laugh at some comments here… you know what i mean. XD
great article! 🙂 nakapagsulat ka na ba tungkol sa pagkikilala ng mga Pilipino sa kapwa Pilipino na nasa abroad sumikat? pansinin mo ganun madalas mangyari. kung hindi pa kinikilala abroad, dinededma lang nila dito. pero pag kinilala na sa ibang bansa, saka lang bibigyang importansiya dito. isa pa yung pagiging “hero” ni Pacquiao. hindi ko talaga ma-gets paano naging hero yun. hahaha.. wala lang, baka maisulat mo next time 😉 malamang marami kang matatanggap na negatibong kumento ukol dun lol
Thanks for reading it!
I did write something about Manny Pacquiao previously:
Proud to be Pinoy because of Pacquiao
hi Ilda,
are you refering to our current president? if you are, then you are right on target. after all its the leadership that counts.
you dont have to look far really its right there in front of us.
I’m glad you get the point. Thanks!
VLRamos..this is her Blog. Bakit mo pa kwekwestyunin kung anu yung na contribute niya how to make things better. Again, this is a blog. It was quite clear from the title what this blog is all about, and then you are questioning her bakit di niya nakita yung good traits ng mga pinoy. I really find it so awkward. Its like watching a horror movie and then you’re expecting na sana may Drama within the movie. Her blog is actually well written, yung opinyon niya may bak-up na facts.
Ilda, this is probably the best post i’ve seen that discusses Filipino mentality. you nailed it all in just one short article!
indeed, the worst in the list (of unique Filipino “virtues”) are the star mentality and victim mentality, which are actually tolerated in our society, if you really think about it. i mean, just look at the trash they call prime time tv shows these days – they essentially condone the acts of perpetrators and glorify the helplessness of “victims”. in the real – and practical – world, there should be no such things as victims, only fighters. the sad truth is, filipinos who “hide behind their smiles despite hardships” simply do so because they just couldn’t care less, and would rather live their fantasy world of being “kawawa”.
alright, getting off my soapbox now. i’ve just seen too many of those cases to just let them go by. keep the fire burning Ilda!
Thanks for the kind words. It is unfortunate that this article will still be relavant for years to come.
hi Ilda, i liked how you “Painted the Picture” its colors depicts real-time Filipino mentality,this would be a great help to add to some of my lectures about discipline…rules..law and etc.. may I use some of your Phrases in some of my lectures (to quote ..with your name and link to this site)may i?
hey ilda, ur blog is really accurate….although i would love it if you have stated some positive side of the filipino mentality especially filipino pride, but there is none…and im glad you did not encourage it…filipinos are taught at a young age of the of this filipino pride, we should be proud of this and that…brainwashed for a fact that despite everything we can still be happy, which shouldnt be…striving should be our mentality not a happy face in dire circumstances….i gues people forgot of the sufferings from our ancestors, the way we handled freedom is quite dissapointing and corrupted us…the way the media is handling things, its making us even more dumber…its all about entertainment, hiding the truth and harsh reality of the filipinos…we need to change….
and can i ask why did you chose that picture?
Great insight in addition to what was discussed. It’s the “everything happens for a reason” mentality that keeps Pinoys from embracing the reality that they have to face consequences of their actions. Like, if they vote for an incompetent leader, they will suffer for it.
Well I wrote this immediately after the recent nuclear disaster in Japan following the earthquake/tsunami that devastated parts of their country. The world took note of how the Japanese were still so calm and how they managed to observe courtesy even under pressure. The picture shows Japanese people seating on the side of the stairs mindful of not blocking the passage way. They certainly are very disciplined.
You hit the nail right on the head. I myself have observed the same thing and have not been shy in telling my family and friends about it. ^^
I do really believe in your blog. as a Filipino it is not new to me. so many or most of the time those “Padrino System” and “Lagay System” is been observed both in Public Office or in Private. I do hope and wish that more Filipinos can read this. and it might be an eye opener for us all. Let us do our share to influence other Filipinos to shape up our Nation. if only we had the will for a change we can do it. let us change our image. Election season is up coming and if only we can choose the leader it would not be far away to change our image. but it should start right in us as Citizens. thank you for your blog. there are also few who are straight.
Yes, election season is coming up. We’ll be seeing the usual circus that goes with it unless Filipinos start demanding more from their public servants.
Please correct them if you think what they’re doing is wrong. That way, you are educating them. Cooperation will surely help.
Indeed it is a good read. I was about to give up on how things work in this country with the people as they are now, I won’t be able to see any progress and the current state of affairs is the proof to that. I was always the subject of the bullying and being labeled as the “killjoy” of things, which is really disheartening that I feel like I’m out of place wherever I go. This article made me feel better about myself. Thank you.
Voicing my views won’t change the mindset of the majority but it may give some people the courage to voice what they always knew deep down.
Thanks for reading.
I just need to ask, why do we, Filipinos, need to learn from the Japanese. I have a high respect for them, but I do not think they are the most fit to be our “teacher” (if you will). They have flaws as well that we do not know about. Just saying.
Nevertheless, I do agree with you have written in your article. We do have ugly characters and traits, but so as the other countries. I do believe that mas marami paring good traits ang mga pinoy, than bad.
Thank you. Great article, though.
We don’t have to copy everything Japanese but I strongly recommend that we emulate their discipline.
I’d appreciate it if you could list them down for us. Thanks
I do believe we are the most hard working people in the world. That is why foreigners are recruiting Filipinos all over the world to work for them. We strive to live even in the most difficult times of our lives. We are strong, caring, passionate, and loving. We help and support one another during calamities; we send goods, clothings, and sometimes money. We help build houses for the victims. We have impeached our leaders because we know what they were doing is harmful to our country (people’s power). I have seen teachers and young adults offering free classes on the weekends to educate young children. The buy books amd other necessary materials for teaching out from their pockets. I have seen trucks roaming around manila and other provinces offering free basic cooking skills to help moms how to cook and bake so they can have their own business. I have seen farm owners hiring locals to get jobs in their farms. We have Bantay Bata thats helps out children. These are just few examples.
Filipinos are not all negative. Instead of looking at our mishaps, maybe we should focus more on our positive side and encourage it more. Although, I agreed to some of your claims about Filipinos, I still do believe that the negative things you have mentioned in your article are not limited to the Filipinos only. And please, do not over generalize that all Filipinos are all bad.
The article does not say that “all” Filipinos are bad. From the title alone, it should have been clear that the point is to discuss why the country cannot progress. And that is because of our bad traits, which by the way, overshadows what you consider our good traits.
There is no denying that there are Filipinos who help and devote their time to charitable causes. Unfortunately, what they do is NOT unique only to Filipinos. In fact, in our society, those who volunteer to help are very few and some of them are only visible during disasters. Meaning, their charitable activities are not a regular thing. They are simply not enough to cater to the growing number of poor Filipinos.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I am advocating for people to give to charity on a regular basis. I mean, that is fine but I also believe that charity is mainly a bandaid solution. It doesn’t address the root of the problem. The problem is the majority’s total disregard for the rule of law, which is what I discussed in detail in the article.
Anyway, my point is, we need to discuss why the country remains one the world’s basketcase. We can’t keep saying that we are good just to make ourselves feel better. We have to face reality because that is the only way we can begin to change.
This is an excellent article. I share the exact same sentiments. I like this line best: “each individual has this baseless sense of being more important than everybody else”. This is absolutely spot on. Before anyone starts whining and crying… am I am a Filipino, born, raised and educated in the Philippines and I observe examples of what this article describes on a daily basis. I wish there was something more we could do to help improve our culture and fix our flawed mentalities.
We just have to keep pointing out what is wrong in our society. The change we are hoping for won’t happen overnight but all things worth pursuing takes time.
The problem with majority of Filipinos is that they are uncomfortable with discussing unpleasant things. We need to do it so we can address the problem and deal with it.
“uncomfortable with discussing unpleasant things” is an understatement. Speak ill about something that is obviously wrong and we will be condemned for it. Try to educate others and we will be branded as dictators. There is just too much pride. Someone will always play the victim card as you say. For instance, you don’t know how many times I’ve heard this used as a rebuttal to a valid argument:”dahil mahirap lang kami, inaapi niyo na kami!” Explaining things to Filipinos is like talking to a brick wall. I’m not giving up hope to those whom I can touch. But what do we do with those who do not have anyone that can teach them?
Hope you won’t mind, I’m posting this in our Fb Page.
Please do. Thanks!
Loving your article.
Maybe not all of us here are like this.
I follow the basic rules here of what our country wants.
– Taking out your trashes properly
– Properly cross the road
– Avoid spitting everywhere
hmm what else.
Sadly I’m an outcast Filipino.
The “weird” people.
Meh. Did my best to follow the rules to be at least probably helpful for our country but then again the Filipinos will ignore my efforts of such an amazing citizen I am lol. Kidding I’m being so eccentric now. Anyway. Great post 🙂
Count me as one of the “weird” people.
I get more polite behavior in Fujian province, from supposedly “rude” Chinese, than any given time in Metro Manila, including the sassier parts.
And it’s not just about following the rules. Most Filipinos are just plain crooked. I’ve been living in Metro Manila for 7 years now, and only ever got 2 cheerful concessions to propriety that wasn’t part of a business strategy.
Hi Ilda, such a nice article and blog you have. 🙂
For me, it has been hardwired in our custom(ugali) already of being ‘pasaway’, indolent, ‘ma-pride’, etc… These things developed over time and I believe we can overcome these, too, through time. The problem now is that, we do not know how to start changing our crooked ‘ugali’, because its really not that easy. for me, it’s like learning how to quit an addiction/vice! our leaders should do something, as in really DO something, to make that change happen. if they already did start doing something, well, then i can’t feel it. ha ha. or else, if they’ll continue to laze around in their seats, well, our country would become harder to manage/lead if our population will increase in the future and this problem will be passed on to the next generation, to the next, until a powerful country takes over/invade our land, poor us! i’m really hoping that this country will not reach that point.
Please take this as a compliment when I say that it takes balls to write this type of piece. I’m pretty sure many Filipinos were offended when you tell them what they don’t like to hear.
It’s hard to really make a difference in a land where breaking the rules is the norm rather than the exception. People here will always opt for the quick fix instead of the long haul solution even when it’s clear that the latter reaps more benefits, although not all at once.
This reminds me of one of Bart Simpson’s most famous quotes: “I didn’t do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can’t prove anything.”
Thanks Amir. It boils down to the majority’s desire to cater to instant gratification. Most Filipinos are not patient enough to wait for their turn or believe in hard work before getting a reward.
Here we go again in the ” Most Filipinos”.I try to avoid to read this kind of article because i believe the writer is just trying to get an attention rather than. I say this is just plain rubbish
There’s inconsistency in your comment. If you didn’t actually read it, then what makes you say it is “plain rubbish”? 😉
This is so true. Most of us Filipinos are so full of ourselves we ignore the rule of law. Take road eriquet for example, jeepneys purposely block pedestrian lane so to attract passengers. And prevents people from crossig the street, makig it a maze for pedestrians. Drivers cut each other on the road and don’t even understand road signs. Im proud to be Filipino don’t get me wrong. But a lot of ‘our’ supposed to be values seem to wander off as years go by. Its a sad reality, but let’s face it, most Filipinos would rather rationalize to things than accept whats real and what needs to be changed: As a whole. As a country, and change from each and every Filipinos and how we want to be known by the world.
Excellent example!
Hi Ilda,
This article is really an eye opener. I appreciate you using the phrase “in general” and not “all” because it is true that such characteristics you discussed here are what Filipinos are “in general” but not all.
I have been living outside the country for a while now and being far from home did give me the advantage of seeing who we Filipinos really are. I thought that what I am seeing here is just a “figment of my imagination” but what you wrote here confirms every observation that I have with our culture. What you are saying in your article is not only true in the Philippines but also true for Filipinos abroad.
It is sad that this has become a culture in our country. However, I still believe there is hope. To those who have seen and realized these things, we should do our part and start walking the straight path. Change will come one step and one person at a time.
Thanks a lot.
The behaviour is quite bizarre, indeed.
Well-written article. I’m a Filipino and I completely agree (with some pain) with your points. A simple example would be the LRT and MRT ‘lines’ when boarding the train. Giving way means you’ll be pushed and shoved, and very rarely will you see men giving up seats to women. It’s a classic “eh bakit ba” and “sino ba siya” attitude – which reveals, unfortunately, so much of our negative traits.
Using the public transport would be the best way to experience what I am talking about. Thank you.
I agree with most of what you tired to say but I do have a few inquiries:
Isn’t the “sharing ritual” of the Japanese similar to “pakikisama” of the Filipinos that everyone should experience what the others are experiencing. e.g. “ay o, ang bango ng tissue (ipapa-amoy sa kasama)”.
Also, I beg to disagree that Japan and China does not have “padrino” culture. In fact, it is inherent in most Asian countries that we have “utang na loob” to those that provided help in our most dire moments. It is one of our identifying qualities as Asians. So don’t go blaming oriental culture and stop thinking western.
Yes, changing the constitution will not help. Maybe if we did away with WESTERN means of governing and embraced more of oriental nature, things will run a lot smoother. Who knows.
But this, I know, most or your arguments are WESTERN in nature and WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF ASIANS. It has been proven that most if not all of recorded history has been seen and written through the views of a westerner.
Unless you speak for ALL WALKS of FILIPINOS anywhere, don’t try. It is unbecoming of a Filipino.
I’m sorry but your comment is beside the point. Whether we have similar traits with other cultures or not is irrelevant. We still remain one of the world’s basketcase. The evidence can speak for itself.
And where did I say that we should emulate the western culture? I even cited Japan, China and Korea as examples. The point is that we have traits that prevent our country from moving forward. Like what I said, the problem is the majority’s total disregard for the rule of law.
Yes, they were cited but they have exactly the same traits as Filipinos in terms of “sharing” and “padrino” but your arguments are totally western based.
It is relevant if you look at it in the oriental point of view that it has to do with political will. Yes China is improved ECONOMICALLY but not politically not by a hair from what the Philippines can do and has done. Only reason Japan and Korea are so improved is that manufacturers are based from there.
Since we’re comparing in Asia, look at Myanmar, Cambodia, North Korea, Indonesia, Brunei, the former Soviet Union states, all of them have failed in assimilating any western political thought and rule of law.
I beg to disagree that my argument is beside the point because it all stems from it.
You’re looking at the smaller picture. Why do you think people rebel, because the whole system does not work from the poverty line down because they have nothing else to lose.
You can identify traits of Filipinos, ok. But you failed to see the exact same traits happening all over Asia. Ergo, the problem is the influence of western politico-culture and not the Asians.
You don’t really have a point. You seem to think that we are better than China, Japan and Korea. Worse of all, you are using the excuse that western influence has prevented us from moving forward. Gees.
Sorry, but you simply cannot understand the concept of rule of law.
I’ve been studying politics for 5 years and I’m still learning. Both domestic and international. Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what I’m saying.
YES! we are far better than China, have you been there? Have you ever studied their government? Have you ever experienced their government? Were you made aware of the implications of not turning over our own nationals to us if caught in foreign territory?
Simply because you can’t understand my argument you can’t tell me I don’t understand. Maybe it is you that doesn’t understand.
All your arguments are based on feelings and emotions and not credible substantial facts.
In truth, you have no scientific evidence of your claims but just “hear-say” and perceived realizations.
You have no idea of the bigger picture you missed.
All that you have are purely circumstantial.
I’d like to provide evidence as to how Filipinos can be credited:
There was an experiment conducted in different countries where researchers would deliberately leave their cellphone with sim out in the open and check if people would return it. You know how the Philippines ranked? 78% of the phones “lost” were returned. Far greater than 7 of 12 countries tested against.
Have you heard of a shop in Babuyan Islands that doesn’t have anyone manning the store? only 5% steal from the shop but all the others leave money exactly or more than the price.
How about all of those taxi drivers that return the items left inside their cabs.
And I’ll tell you what. I have personally experienced all of these. But I’m not saying Filipinos are the perfect citizens. No. We still have a lot to improve on.
But the thing is, instead of helping YOU decided to complain and bitch about it. What have you done for society recently? I know my deeds and what I’ve done. Have you helped a stranger lately?
Sorry for the delayed reply. I was busy with the impeachment trial. Anyway, I’ll just share my previous article in response to you:
Better and best rather than just good
In writing about Philippine politics and society in general, I often come across Filipinos who get offended by my “no holds barred” criticism of the country and its people. They quickly defend the mediocrity in the country by saying, “Don’t be too harsh on Filipinos. It is worse in India” or whatever third world country they perceive to be in worse condition than the Philippines. I find that kind of statement so lame. It is an excuse for defending the status quo.
In saying that there are countries in worse situations than ours, we congratulate ourselves for being better while doing minimal work. We therefore come across as a people who are content with inferior workmanship or what is called “pwede na yan”. Which is why we remain who we are today, a nation of braggarts and show offs living in third world conditions.
Like what I said in my previous article…
Until Filipinos learn the real meaning behind the adjective word “good” in its comparative and superlative form, “better” and “best”, we cannot consider our society “resilient.”
Unfortunately, most Filipinos actually take comfort in the thought that if the Philippines is bad, in their mind, some countries are worse or the worst off. And I do believe that Filipinos are still waiting for the day when things go from bad to worse before they do something more drastic to uplift their condition.
Ilda, you actually chalked up 2 of the main kind of rule-breaking Filipino. You already wrote about the “victim” (unawain nyo kami!); then there is the “bully” (kilala mo ba ako?). The former would grin sheepishly and scratch his scalp when caught; while the latter would rip off his shirt (literally or figuratively) and swagger around like an agitated ape. Curiously, the shift from one sort to the other in one person is directly proportional to the number of witnesses (including media coverage) to the rule-breaking event, i.e. that Keh guy from Ateneo.
Exactly. Keh is a classic example of someone with a victim mentality.
Very nice! I really hate it when people cut lines then get angry when their attention is called. I mean duh, if you don’t even have the self-discipline to fall in line then you have no right at all to complain about how hard life in this country is.
Nice article. Just something I would like to share. I’ve lived abroad but I’m now based in Metro Manila. Yes, discipline is definitely lacking here especially in public situations. However, I’ve noticed that people in other countries always call out the people who are “misbehaving” while here we (Filipinos) have the tendency to just shut up about it b/c it’s not our “business.” i.e. If someone is trying to cut in line – people in line (usually from the back of the line) will yell at the people trying to cut so that they move to the back. This way the majority somehow “controls” the actions of the few. We are not holding the “few” accountable for their actions.
That is a good observation. I like the fact that in some societies, they can be totally frank in calling out the attention of someone who is trying to pull a fast one and not take it personally. While in the Philippines, most Filipinos would hold it against you if you remind them to do the right thing.
hi ilda,
Great articles, which is very true. Things needs to be notice also which might be you forgot to mention in your observation,like our “crab mentality”,ma-ingitin,mapangsira. and much more I guess.Which I really noticed by most of us filipinos. Sorry to say this, men and women likes gossip especially if you are new in the block.
There wasn’t a reply button so I started a new thread. I agree with the “pwede na yan” concept but the thing is you are basing your arguments on observations. Yes there are faults in comparing to other countries but the thing is you can’t compare the Philippines to first world countries.
Also, for your arguments to be truly compelling you need to compare to countries better off than the Philippines with information that have significant outcomes.
1. You can’t say the Japanese are successful because they are disciplined. It just doesn’t equate like that.
The Japanese are successful because from the beginning of their time they are mandated by “rule of the heavens” to obey their leader that was “chosen by heaven” and they have obeyed since. Also it was beside the fact that they were hardly occupied compared to the Philippines giving way to the idea that their culture wasn’t “tarnished” by others.
I believe that the early Filipinos before the multiple occupations were poised to creating a society way better than what we have now. We had sultanates and barangays that was supposed to assimilate with others that could have created a direction far different from what we have now. We may have even developed our own set of laws and rules and religions and all the fun stuff the first worlds have. I’m not throwing the blame on the occupation. It has its good sides and bad. But the thing is Filipinos have forgotten our true identity as Filipinos and are turning into Americans (in this sense I mean that America doesn’t have a culture of their own but cultures that are “adopted” and “mixed” with others). What we have as a society is Hispanic-Filipino or Chinese-Filipino or American-Filipino but no Philippine-Filipino. Heck, even our country is named after a Spaniard and a tree that isn’t even a well known species here.
2.I saw how much better the Philippines and the Filipinos can be after Ondoy and Milenyo. I never thought I’d see the day when regular Filipino folk would band together to volunteer for people they hardly knew. Even provinces sent out relief goods to Manila.
I’m not saying we need another disaster to realize this but it’s been with the Filipinos all along to be giving, disciplined, organized, equal and caring for their countrymen.
You can go be negative all you want. I guess you are blinded because of hatred or guilt or for something that has happened to you in the past. I’m sorry.
But you are not seeing the bigger picture. You really need to educate yourself a little more before putting things up on the internet.
Heck, you are like the Spaniards that commented on how we are “lazy”.
You know why? because they saw farmers sleeping until afternoon but they didn’t realize that farmers wake up BEFORE sunrise so that it won’t be too hot to tend to their crops.
See, it’s all a matter of seeing the whole picture. You’re using a magnifying glass. you can only see the blots and ink splashes.
You agree with what I said but then you have a “but”…tsk tsk. You give so many excuses for why the Philippines remain one of Asia’s laggard. Do yourself a favor and look around you or better yet, just read the article again because I can’t waste my time repeating what I said. If you can’t accept the truth, then just go ahead and leave things the way they are. Let’s see where the country is in the years to come. Just remember the saying, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
The question is, where is it now? Was it just for photo ops so people can share what they did on Facebook? Obviously. And besides, the “bayanihan” thing you guys keep bragging about is not unique to Filipinos. It’s more of a once in a blue moon activity Filipinos engage in when a preventable disaster happens. If it were really on a regular basis, like if more Filipinos actually spent more of their time volunteering in the community, well the surroundings would be much cleaner.
Anyway, it’s your life. Have a nice one!
Ilda, Ihave the same observation about filipino attitudes speacially when it comes to rule of law..This Drew character is a typical..lol..:)..I also mentioned in my previous comments how South Koreans and Japanese reacts when face with national disaster etc..Just keep it coming, truth hurts sometimes, but still the truth.The past impeachment trial really show case filipino menatallity about rule of law..lol..Sad..
Ilda, I finally hear it….the “bayanihan” thing. For the longest time I have been wondering why Filipinos think that it is a unique trait of theirs?
I recently saw the “More Fun in the Philippines” commercial on TV. It was a native hut on top of two bamboo poles being moved to a “better” location by what I imagined to be neighbors and friends. I had several friends over at that time and the comment that stood out was, well….not very positive but quite telling of what an entitled Filipino is like(I don’t know how that can get toursists to visit). The hut’s new location actually ruined the view of Mayon Volcano for others(but of course the hut owner didn’t care so long as she liked HER view). It was funny though, how the tourists in the commercial tried so hard to get a good photograph of the mountain without the hut in-frame.
We were told that the commercial actually depicted a “bayanihan” thing.
Americans, to this day, when moving house can always call on friends/neighbors for help. A friend who owns a truck is always very handy. Sure there would be a couple of cold beers shared when the job is done, but that’s not the reason why it works. It works because when someone else needs a hand we are there for them too. I guess this happens not just in the US but everywhere else.
I am glad someone else thinks that the “bayanihan” thing is not uniquely Filipino. Being neighborly is not a trait that can be claimed exclusively by a particular race.
I’m really getting a lot of insights….from your blog and I’m enjoying the discussions too. I like the way you handle (or dispose of….) things. I’m your newest fan!
Hi Jack
Yes, neighbours helping each other out is not unique to Filipinos, indeed. Helping out in the community to keep the environment clean and orderly is not something you can expect from most Filipinos on a normal day. If that were the case, we wouldn’t see trash or chaos everywhere. I do not know why a lot of Filipinos think “bayanihan” is exclusive to our society considering you only see or hear of Filipinos helping out when there is a disaster.
Thanks a lot!
Ever been in Japan? Discipline might not have been the major root of their sucess but it certainly contributes. In Japan today, do you still believe that they are still obliged to obey the Empror who is just a ceremonial head of government? The Emperor might be a person that binds them tioday but the people would be foolish to cater to someone who is technically not in power. Japanese people work their ass off and they obey the law becuase they know that being outside of the law would be a liability to them. And the law is more effective there becuase people actually obey their laws.
It’s not about hatred or guilt, it’s poor annoyance that simple things can’t be done becuase of egos and becuase people know how to see loopbholes. No wonder that only the rich know the law becuase they bother knowing it. Also, it’s pure annoyance that people ca’t see things witohut their ’emotionss’ hurt. Being crtiical doesn’t mean we want to see people hurt and down, it’s about seeing a new perspective, whether they like it or not.
the “mandate of heaven” is not applicable anymore. It’s just that they have gotten used to the concept of following orders because there is greater purpose in them. This of course translates into following the law today which leads to the betterment of Japan as a whole. to add, they also have a culture of the Samurai that always put honor first before anything. Without honor, there is only shame and one should commit harakiri to remain honorable. See, Filipinos don’t have that kind of culture. Thus, should be seen differently and apply knowledge of culture and traditions differently. One should not actually compare but improve from within.
@Ms Drew
More excuses. You just need to look at the problem and fix it. That’s all you need to do. There is no need to dig up the past. Filipinos just need to follow the law and we’ll be on our way to fat city.
BTW, any further comments with excessive ad hominem will be deleted.
I get the point but when do you change culrure? Does anyone want this kind of culture to persists? Are you just gonna let culture and lifetsyle be the obstacle for a better one?
Frankly,. I am long annoyed with mediocircy. Sorry if that makes me an ‘intellectual snob’ or ‘not a maka-masa.’ but I always thought that if people want to be better, they should do it. If they don’t want it. then suffer with it. If an individual can change, why can’t society as a whole?
I guess I don’t blame my future sister-in-law to want her child to be a Japanese citizen or settling in Japan. Or other Filipinos who don’t come back. It’s a completely different world out there and they like it despite the discrimination. people have different standards of them and othrrs despite living in a already structured culture. Don’t blame me if I want a better culture than what I am experiencing now. Or if I prefer other coutries’ culture.
How do we imrpove from within if we soemwhat keep denying to ourselves what is out there? Any effective pill don’t work if a ‘patient’ don’t take them.
it is in criticism that we change for the better.. your point is that theres nothing wrong with us and should stay the way we are.. stay with the title and its context.. progress is the main concern..
I’m a foreigner and currently in a situation with my Filipino landlord that is failing to make my house safe to live in because I am exposed to raw sewage from the neighbors running to my house. When I moved out they took my deposit. When I asked for the Certificate of Occupancy required to renewed each year, they don’t have one. It is required to be inspected yearly for safety. When I told them I will take them to court, they said they have friends who stop that. But they also said they are the victim because we moved out. They have 4 houses without a Certificate of Occupancy. also they are building a house without a permit. I told them if I go to court they will investigate the property and found all this out. Again they said they are the victim. They told me that it is okay. I am a foreigner and that for me to lose the money is good because I have plenty and they don’t.
That’s just sad, really. You can’t win with reasoning like theirs. My advice is for you to run as far away and as quickly as possible because they just might resort to physical violence.
(Not good in English)
This is a very nice and it strikes reality to us Filipinos. I’m not yet an adult but even so I do believe this is true. It’s sad that only few Filipinos do follow the rules and some of them are even oppressed. I’m thankful that I read this article that somehow it enlightened my mind of how should I act as a teenager 🙂
You are on the right track, Alien.
Just don’t follow the yellow path.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hi Ilda, just want to tell you that after reading your article, I learn something for me to grow as a better filipino.. I hope this can open the eyes of our fellow pinoys as I am starting today! keep it up!
Hi tatta
That is good to know. Thanks for the feedback.
Hello there. I have stumbled upon this good read just now. I very much agree with everything you said in this blog entry. Your entire entry “voiced out” what has been bothering my mind for almost every single day I wake up and see the situation of this country.
Don’t get me wrong, I love myself as a Filipino, what is getting into my nerves is the people.If only your blog can be a shown to the majority and be a medium for change, then the Philippines would be on its way to progress.
Ilda, you are just one of the few people (including the intelligent people who comments in this entry) who happens to have a keen mind and profound thoughts about what is wrong in this country. And not just that, based on this blog, You are among the people that I have “encountered” who do not point a finger solely on the gov’t but the people of the entire nation instead.
>Thank you so much.<
I am more impressed with people like you who actually get my point. Using one’s critical analysis is not so common in our society. Most Filipinos tend to follow what the majority are doing to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb or be crucified by the mob.
Thank you for reading.
Filipinos will always be Filipinos. The Filipino traits and traditions will always be kept by the Filipinos whether they reside in our country or abroad. I know a lot of Filipino families residing abroad and some of the children were born and reared abroad but the parents still maintain our traits and traditions. I beg to disagree that the cause of our complete progress is our “bad” Filipino traits.
I think what would hinder our progress is our lack of discipline and the supertitious beliefs. Discipline, how could we progress when there is always monstrous traffic jams all over Metro Manila, the center of business. The main cause of the traffic jams are lack of discipline from taxi, jeepney and bus drivers. To complicate matters, there is also lack of discipline from pedestrians and cross across roads and highways and not using the pedestrian lanes and over and underpasses. People spend four to five hours in the street instead of working and being productive. How could we have progress? People throwing non-biodegradable waste practically anywhere including sewers, rivers and lakes. When rain pours, there will be floods and commerce cannot use the roads to transport commodities and labor. These are some of the examples of lack of discipline which hinders our complete progress, as family, as community and in general as a country.
Not bad…composition and grammar were ok! Excellent! The thing is your just blind !!! I pity u! Theres so much traits that can help our nation to progress more.
Completely missing the point. Read the article more and even further, not just the propaganda the media tells you.
I pity you even more.
If you prefer to believe someone from the mainstream media, please read this: How Manila has become a portrait of ugliness
Some Excerpts:
“When in an interview on US television “The Bourne Legacy†director Tony Gilroy said that after seeing Jakarta and Saigon he decided to shoot his movie in Manila because it felt so “Bourneâ€-ish, he was just being factual.
What got the goat of supersensitive fellows was when he explained the city: “It’s just so colorful and ugly and gritty and raw and stinky and crowded.â€
That’s unacceptable to our custom of hospitality. You don’t go to someone’s home, receive its amenities, then tittle-tattle about the tackiness of its furniture or the crappiness of its food. It sounds so ungrateful. We even have a colorful idiom for it: asal hayop, or “beastly,†that is, biting the hand that feeds it.
Yet, if Gilroy’s statement is taken in context, we shouldn’t have been so onion-skinned. Because we’ve brought it upon ourselves. It is we ourselves who’ve made our place ugly and stinky and, well, “Bourneâ€-ish. We deface our landscape, defile our home, and when some visitor comments about it, we get touchy, we are hurt.
“And here we are, so Pinoy, so Third World, who’d prefer to turn cultural heritage into cold cash and erase what little valuable architectural landscape that we have from the face of the earth.
and erase what little valuable architectural landscape that we have from the face of the earth.”
Baka magulat kayo kaya pala progressing ang isang country kasi pinoy ang mga nasa ilalim nito! Kasi likas na madiskarte at matalino ang pinoy!!
“Madiskarte at matalino” kamo sa kalokohan. Aanhin mo mga iyan kung ala rin namang disiplina ang mga pinoy?
Do you still cling on that kind of ‘Pinoy Pride’ that doesn’t even exist? And hey, you never realized this: the Philippines HATE critical smart people.
Magugulat talaga ako dahil sa Pilipinas nga merong 100 million Filipinos pero hinde maging progresso ang bansa.
BTW, can you give us an example of a country that has progressed because of Filipinos? Thanks! 😉
@ Ilda re: question to Perry
THE USA. So many skilled (doctors, nurses, engineers, accountants, etc.) Filipino immigrants in the 60’s went to the US and became successful in different sectors of society over the past decades, as did their offspring. If you ever get the opportunity, take the Filipino-American history course at UC Berkeley and you might restore your faith in your brethren one day.
Not the first, but definitely another well-written of the numerous attempts to bring reality and truth to the forefront. One thing I noticed is how some comments seem to follow the norm – bash the messenger. While it addressed some distinct Filipino traits at lenght, you failed or did not mention the inability of many Filipinos to accept the truth…because the truth often hurt. The tendency to articles such as yours is to react without really understanding what the material is trying to get across. Let the whining begin as I see is surely to happen and it has.
Hi Ilda,
For me, this hit the nail on the head so many times. This has to be my favorite article here and even your response to VLRamos was lovely and made me laugh.
Another trait you forgot to mention is that when someone speaks out or is generally; the first thing Filipinos will do is try to put that person back into place by attempting to discredit them. A great example of this would be the line given: “Bakit, ikaw ba ang may-ari ng daan?”
The sad part is that this is seen everywhere, even in the smallest barkada, club, or what have you and people that display discipline are usually labeled as “killjoy” as you have described.
Then there’s the satisfaction with mediocrity as a norm and the pressure placed on people that display skill, aptitude, and passion for something. They get labeled as “bibo” or “kina-career/kuma-career” and are generally ridiculed or shamed.
I am a Filipino, but I can’t help at look at my fellow countrymen and feel disdain.
I wrote about that in my other article here. Here’s an excerpt:
“It is not an exaggeration therefore to say that Filipinos who are labeled “killjoy†or “walang pakisama†are the same ones who are serious about the state of the nation and use their heads for critical analysis in most situations. Unfortunately, those who apply a critical mind in Philippine society are outnumbered by those who don’t, so the former ends up being bullied to submission or being helpless.”
I feel the same way, unfortunately.
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
I’ll be the devil’s advocate here and start with a quote from JFK. Cited because I don’t want to do a Sotto. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” The flip-side of this discussion and what I mean by quoting the above is that the system can be changed, but if the people do not change, then nothing will happen.
So in a nutshell, I believe that change starts with the individual, however it takes us back to the main problem: people. How many of us are willing to really and honestly make that change within ourselves?
Not a lot of people are willing to change the status quo. Some are sentimental and cannot handle change; some are just plain lazy to effect real change; some know that deep inside they enjoy employing cheap labor and cannot afford to have an educated masa lest the latter ask for more benefits. These are just some of the reasons why it would be hard for most Filipinos to actively seek real reforms.
great read. .true on every word!. . .
Will you marry me?
Kidding aside, it’s a well written, honest to goodness, no holds barred article on why we’re not progressing as fast as we should. I understand the ad hominem of others for the simple reason that the truth hurts. It really boils down to our attitude and lack of discipline–and it starts with the little things. Just go for a drive around Subic and you’ll notice how motorists behave differently. There’s an absence of honking and motorists actually respect traffic lights and signs. Everything is so orderly it’s like you’re no longer in the Philippines. Which makes you wonder–if we are capable of being disciplined in Subic, why can’t we be disciplined outside Subic as well?
Yes, the behaviour of Filipinos inside Subic shows that Filipinos can follow the rules if they want to. I noted this before in my previous article also. It is funny how Filipino visitors at Subic follow its set of traffic rules as if they were in a different country. Within the former base, they have to stop or give way as the sign indicates.
Filipino drivers who entered its gates become obedient of the road rules while inside most likely because Americans ran the place before and to this day Filipinos still found shame in getting caught not following the rules. Blame their obedience on colonial mentality. Likewise, the well paved roads and first class facilities probably helps people be more careful in driving. Goes to show that Filipinos can be driven by “hiya”.
Unfortunately, in most parts of the country, Filipinos do not bother to follow the road rules because they do not see the value in their individual contribution to maintaining order. They don’t see the point since everybody else is disobeying. It doesn’t help that the roads and infrastructure sucks big time.
Good read and an eye-opener. I could feel a hint of elitism, and this really shakes things up, but good read. I agree with a lot of what you’ve written.
I don’t know how the article came across as elitist. I was just stating the obvious.
Thanks for the compliment anyway! 🙂
“elitist” I love that word. It means “I wish I thought of that before you did.”
Sad but true….
Cliche. Title of a song. But as far as this article is concerned…it’s reality.
Oh this reminds me of an old Erap joke and it goes like this:
Erap driving a truck, with Lito Lapid accompanying him. They arrive infront of a tunnel. The sign says MAXIMUM HEIGHT 3 METERS.
Erap measures the truck and says, “3.2 meters.â€
Lito looks furtively around and says, “Walang pulis! Tara na!â€
This joke, although funny in it’s entirety, actually defines on how a typical Filipino driver abide by the rules when there is an MMDA officer or a policeman in sight. But as soon as the coast is clear, all hell breaks loose.
Very funny, indeed. But I don’t think it was a joke. That could very well be how some rationalise their behaviour.
Hello Ilda, this is such a great article. Some people just can’t take it but hey! truth hurts. I am a filipino born and raised in the Phils. (’till i turned 22)and now living outside the country and I don’t feel insulted to what you’ve written because it’s plain true. I am all in for a CHANGE. Keep writing, keep waking up our fellow filipinos.
Filipinos need to read this:
Discipline IS freedom. You may disagree with this statement, and if you do you are certainly not alone. For many people discipline is a dirty word that is equated with the absence of freedom. In fact the opposite is true.
As Stephen R. Covey once wrote, “the undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passionsâ€. And in the longer term, the undisciplined lack the freedom that comes with possessing particular skills and abilities – e.g. to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language.
They could learn from Stephen R. Covey.
source: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/self-discipline/
At Last, Someone Who can say the Truth. Not like the others, I have to say that what you have written here is just WHAT A COMMON OBSERVER WOULD SEE in the daily life of filipinos(Including those tasty feedbacks).
I’m a filipino yet I didn’t get offended because these are Truth.
I’m a foreigner that has now lived here two years. My filipina wife has her 7 year old niece living with us. She was asking about why everything floods. I told her because everyone throw their trash and garbage on the ground. Then the rain washes it into the river along with the sewage from the houses and it clogs up the river so it can’t flow. I asked her what is suppose to be in the river and she didn’t know. When I told her fish, she looked surprised and said “REALLY.” I told her the rivers by my old house are full of fish. she though I was lying. I can’t even drink the city filtered bottles here. I have to buy from SM. Through the eyes of our youth will we see the truth before it is too late for them?
Hi Ida, You are perfectly right in all your statements. I just would like to add that those very few people who still know what is right and wrong are the ones persecuted or “attacked” because they are not able to blend with the majority. For me, those who reacted negatively to this article are simply hypocrites or just have been consumed by the system of stupidity as well, that they themselves do not see the problem anymore, and have already accepted these “wrong practices” as normal occurrences. I hope Filipinos will someday develop a sense of maturity and discipline.
great valid points. i love it! The problem is not all Filipinos are emotional hypocrites but the majority of us are taught to settle in mediocre. I hate to bash the church but even the church teaches its people that mediocrity is a good life to live. The challenge is how to lessen or even better eradicate this god awful trait of ours. It always seem like we are one step further from greatness.
the only reason people disobey any law is because they know (or think) they can get away with it.
but true discipline is not about fear of punishment, but a resolve to act sensibly & responsibly even when no one is watching.
this is article is good – my exact sentiments.
The very important for every filipinos people to have discipline and follow the rule of law.
Thank you llda for posting for better awake in every Filipinos
hello mga kababayan!
this is your fellow kababayan from Canada.
Please support a Pinay daughter from abroad.
we have guts feeling that you will agree.
World Bank: Philippines is the 4th
biggest remittance recipient in 2010.
According to the report:
1.) India amounted to $55 billion
2.) China with $51 billion,
3.) Mexico with $22.6 billion
4.) Philippines with $21.3 billion.
Philippines is the smallest nation
compared to the first 3 mentioned above.
To our Kababayans, this is the
collective accomplishment of Filipinos
abroad that you can be proud of. We are
here to help our nation’s economy, so we deserved
to be recognized as Filipinos no matter what.
The first Filipino who first set his
foot to the foreign land many years ago,
had a big dream and a vision; that by
helping family back home will help the
country’s economy.
Today, there are Millions of Filipinos abroad who have
followed his footsteps.
If only he is alive today, he will be
extremely proud of Filipinos abroad
(whom he referred to as his
grandchildren and great grandchildren)
who are gaining recognition at world-
class stage level.
Jessica Sanchez is just one of the
products of that one great idea, coupled with courage and sacrifices
of our great grandfather.
So please welcome Jessica home with an
open mind, open arms and loving hearts.
when Filipino celebrities are coming abroad, they asked for Filipino supporters here and we just go crazy promoting their events, emailing, phone calling and publishing in all Filipino newspaper; making sure no Pinoy will miss it. It is just a good feeling that we are being serenaded by our kababayan.
Its the system that allows people to break to law and dont give a dam. Place the same Philipinos in the USA and they follow the rules like the rest of the people.
But I agree living in the Philippines is open season to break the law or pay tong
It will not change unless we have a police force that extually does some thing other than collecting money. And stand aimlessly on street corners.
But I live in the PI several months a year. Its habit forming.
Why is it so hard for Filipinos to just obey the law?
Its simple. Most people regardless what country, even Japan, would break the law if you can get away with it. In Japan and Germany they always have been strict. Starting a fire in old Japan could cost you your life. Its the habbit. In the PI its the habbit NOT to follow the law and get away with it.
But, you know, one thing I have to add is that, despite the lack of discipline and lack of order here in here in the Philippines, I think it mainly revolves around the politics found in Manila. The people in the province tend to be much nicer and have a lot more discipline and order. People from there have also said the same thing about people from Manila.
So, in any case, if people thought of just Filipinos’ in general, that isn’t true. Its just people in Manila or at least for the most part. Outside, in places like Bagiau or Mindoro, it has a lot more order, and the people have load of camaraderie. Just to add.
Unfortunately, Manila is the Philippines and people from the provinces tend to emulate what people in Manila are doing.
After a number of years living in the philippines my personal experience and observations is that a large part of the population suffer Narcissistic Personality Disorder…but it’s like its a cultural personality disorder…if I think about how I see in filipino groups and communities behave and listed down the most common traits I see…it matches the DSM description of NPD…but on a whole country scale
Ah…please read this article: Do Filipinos suffer from narcissistic personality disorder?
I agree with you here especially on the ‘Filipino Victim Mentality”. This is what happens usually whenever our teacher would like decide something that we don’t like. I used to be a real doer of this but as time passed by, I realized how stupid I was and how childish I have acted. It is so stupid how people would make an idiot of themselves and like act that they’re the victims when infact they know exactly what they’re doing but just doesn’t accept the fact that they’re wrong.
I am now writing a book which addresses Filipinos’ greatest hindrances to Success. Here are the common Filipino problems which are also the chapters of the book:
1.Que Sera-Sera Approach to Life – The problem of Purposelessness
2. The overly shy and the too proud Attitude – The problem of Poor Self-concept
3. Ubus-Ubus Biyaya Life Style – The problem of Financial Irresponsibility
4.Manyana Habit – The Problem Of Procrastination
5.Pwede-Na-Yan-Work-Standard – The Problem of Mediocrity
6.Ginagawa-Din-Naman-Ng-Iba-Reasoning –
The Problem of Compromised Morality
7.Wala-Din-Namang-Mangyayari-kahit-Gawin-Ko-Yan Attitude – The Problem of Defeated Mentality
8. Pagkatapos-Mag-aral-Education-Perspective – Lack of Continuing Education.
9. (No exact word yet)- The Problem of fanaticism
10. Ningas-Kugon Attitude – The problem of …
Maybe you can give comments and suggestions… it will be highly appreciated.
Many Filipinos don’t succeed not because they don’t know what to do but because they don’t do what they know… God bless you all and God bless the Philippines!
Initial suggestions, italicized entries (I’ll post more as I think of them):
Tigas-Ng-Ulo – The problem of fanaticism
Ningas-Kugon attitude – The problem of lack of follow-through
Wow! Thanks Amir! I’ll be waiting more comments and suggestions from you! Highly appreciated. God bless you!
We need to eradicate every negative aspect of our culture if we are to move forward. Lack of discipline, as mentioned in this article, is one of the most negative aspects but not the only one. There are also false shame, false pride, indolence, insolence, self-righteousness, “mata-pobre,” crab-mentality, institutionalized corruption, cheating, stealing, bribery, … need I go on?
We are a fake people that needs to get our act together before it’s too late.
i wonder what do you get out of this blog that has degraded and put down filipinos in this manner of your blog.
i wonder what you have done to uplift any 1 filipino in your lifetime?
i wonder if you have gone out of your way to BLESS 1 FILIPINO WHEN YOU ARE WALKING OR DRIVING FOR GROCEY OR ANY ERRAND.
You, just like so many Filipinos, only see what they want to see. Just like you, I also wonder and I wonder why that is so. But if I were to answer my own question, the answer would simply be, “they have a difficult time comprehending that they tend to assume so quickly based on only the few words they can understand.” As for your question, “i wonder what do you get out of this blog that has degraded and put down filipinos in this manner of your blog.”… the blogger did not intend to degrade Filipinos in any way. Perhaps, you should read it again, and try to understand. If you feel this to be degrading, then perhaps you might feel some sort of guilt, thinking that you are being attacked. The blogger merely expressed her opinion, and yes, it is true that the Filipinos lack discipline among others. If you were to deny this, then you must either be blinded by your self-pity that you fail to see reality or perhaps, you simply misunderstood. It is true that the Filipinos are flawed in so many ways and these flaws are never corrected. No one is perfect. But do we really have to be perfect just to obey rules? No, we don’t. The blogger expressed herself and she spoke of the truth. Honesty is not the same as degrading anyone. Would you rather she lied?
I wonder why “virgie’s” post doesn’t make any snese?
I wonder why virgie keeps typing in ALL CAPS.
By the way, lumang style na yan, common spiel na yan ng isang yellow zombie pagka wala na silang masabi sa isang anti aquino
couldn’t agree with you more par!
ms virgie, kung kuntento ka at tingin mo “ok” na ang quality ng buhay nating mga pilipino at it’s current state — malamang tama nga na deserve natin itong “basurang” klase ng buhay..
nakapagtrabaho na ako sa Singapore, na-assign na ako sa California at UK, at compared sa mga bansa/state na yan, basura ang Pilipinas.
Kung nasasaktan ka, malamang, totoo.. Matuto ka tumanggap ng mali at baguhin mo yun. Kaya hindi tayo umuunlad, kasi dahil sa mga taong katulad mo.
Virgie your way of thinking is exactly what this article is about. Sadly, he/she made another point. The victim. As far as i could tell and from what i read, he/she is accurate on all accounts, and based on your response you just proved them correct on all basis. He spoke the truth, and the only to kill the truth and change is to realize what the issue or the problem is and kill it and make better strides. We are no victims, its true we are a proud culture and we should be, but we should have something to really be proud of. Not a president sitting in office thinking that he is the reason why the economy is starting to get better. No, he did nothing. And for those people watching and thinking he is the one doing it, then im sad to say that they are more bigger idiots that i thought possible. Dont be ma, realize and asses the situation.
Truth hurts? Even in this writing you are playing victim as mentioned in the article.
This is not degrading in any sense about us Filipinos. It is merely an eye opener, truth about what we badly need to change about ourselves as a whole, as a nation as Filipinos.
Uplift the spirit? Bless 1 filipino while driving? Why? I probably cussed out a gazillion jaywalkers and PUV’s along EDSA alone. Are you in the same country as we are?
The law should apply to everyone. No exceptions. The most basic of these laws are blatantly ignored on the road. No speeding, no u turn, no jaywalking, “bawal umihi dito” (yes ive seen drivers get out of their vehicles during traffic and pee on their tires. its embarrassing) etc are nothing to Filipino drivers because enforcement is a joke. Why do Filipinos follow the rules when they are abroad? Because outside the country, they have no padrinos and THEY WILL GET ARRESTED or fined for multiple offenses. That is one of the main problems. A deep sense of entitlement. And being emotionally insecure and immature. Too sensitive!
“drivers … peeing on their tires.”
I’ve seen them a lot too! On their tires, on trees, against walls, just anywhere.
And that’s not the worst part! Of course, they don’t wash their hands! And they hand you your change with those hands! EEWW!
we have the Philippines as the biggest toilet in the world.
I really do like your article, ma’am. I must commend you on your courage to actually talk about the truth because a lot of people tend to just ‘dust it off’ like it’s nothing. Thank you for this. As a young individual of this nation, I still have high hopes for it. No, I will not proclaim myself as the best human being, but I continue to strive as a great Filipino, as should all of us. I think the edge that some cultures you mentioned have is their collectivism kind of culture. Group over individual. I think if we can finally achieve that sense of being unified, then we can start moving forward together. Regardless of age, sexual preference or religion. Others would blame geography, but I still think that diversity and abundance is wealth and with the right ideas and innovation, we can use that to our advantage. Again, thank you for the article and GOD BLESS THE PHILIPPINES. MABUHAY!
I think enough intellectuals know this, now if it could be translated to local dialects and shoved down the 70% of the population who its meant to address.
The ones who elect morons; the ones who leech off an OFW family member that if their provider dies you see on TV the parents, siblings, children of siblings & other relatives pine in unison ‘paano na kami? (what are we to do?)’; the ones who take no responsibility for the outcomes of their actions, use stupidity as an excuse, blame bad-luck for their lot in life and in 2016 will most likely elect a slippery moray eel as president.
The masses and the politicians have an unwritten, subconscious relationship: you keep us in power and we’ll keep paying you lip-service. Anyone who speaks ill of you we’ll squash…so what if it’s the truth.
Voting age is 18. Pity it’s not based on mental maturity instead.
eherm… kasama ka dito. she meant Filipinos. Lahat ng filipino, bobo man o matalino. pati ikaw. no them, no they, no 70%.
magisip-isip… kung may time.
Ang ibig nya sabihin tagalugin ang blog na to para maintindihan ng 70% ng populasyon natin na nagluloklok sa mga walang kwentang tao sa gobyerno!
Complete and utter BS. You just described citizens of the Gulf countries. Have you seen their living standards recently? Have you see how their new generation have leaped forward? A huge change in what, only 10 years from when I have been able to observe them. And following the rule of law is not their best side either. I understand what you want to say but it is all too tiring … Filipinos this, Filipinos that. I cannot relate. Write something more solution-oriented.
Please cite specific statements from the article that you think is “utter BS”.
Hehe…please be specific about the country you are talking about. It’s going to be hard to convince us without naming which country you are referring to.
Let’s see how the Philippines will be like in ten years time without changing anything particularly the Filipino people’s habit of disregarding the law.
Yes, I understand what you are saying. It’s too hard and tiring for you to comprehend that to achieve peace, order and prosperity in the Philippines, majority of Filipinos need to follow the rule of law. It seems it is such a hard concept for people like you to understand.
Here’s a solution for you: ask your neighbours in the community to follow the rule of law and take note of the huge change in the living conditions and the environment.
If only filipinos like myself will be mature enough to accept any form of constructive criticism – or even those are not & try to learn something from them then we, as a country will get a long way. It does hurt reading this, but the truth usually does yet once accepted & learned will eventually set us free. Our country is left behind by other SEA nations simply because of what’s being blogged here. Following the rule of law, or simple instructions are most of the times too hard to grasp by the majority. Padreno system, utang na loob, pakikisama among others are traits that we harbor from the common tao up to the highest echelons of government and even private offices. So kudos Ma’am for this article, I only hope that you also point out other positive traits you have observe from our culture.
@sir ivan
could’t agree more
I enjoyed reading this article. It reminded me of the recent congressional election in my second home-the province of Marinduque.
It all comes down to loving and respecting each other. And I think we don’t, because the fact that the rich takes advantage of the poor, and the highly educated takes advantage of the ignorant, is in fact lack of respect and love. Having lived in North America for awhile now, I see how filipinoes treat their fellow filipinoes with indifference. We are smart people, but we do not use it the right way. Unless we change this behavior only then we can, and I mean everyone beginning from the top, only then it will improve our lives. We want to prove so much to the world, but we don’t practice good behaviour in our own country. Change starts from within.
You know what it all boils down to my fellow Filipinos? Alam nyo ba kung ano, Filipinos are all to Arrogant. They always want to be acknowledged and would never dare to do anything that they wont get acknowledged from. They always want to be higher than the next guy and when they do, instead of pulling the guy next to them they laugh and point fingers instead and congratulate themselves for being so much better and not sharing the achievements. Sad and very true, i have witnessed it in many occasions, from my friends and others. While people like the japanese culture or China, work to better each other, and not themselves. For the betterment of many and not 1. Really is sad, especially when you have a leader sitting on the very top who think way more of himself than he is really worth…
I wrote an article very similar to this on my blog called “Freedom and the Law” (link up there). I thought we were talking about the same things and in the beginning we were, but you kind of lost me towards the end.
I get the impression you want to change the character of the Filipino for true progress to happen. I mean, yes, Filipinos are by nature happy go lucky and they like to see the fun side of things. It’s like you want to get rid of that. But you know that’s never going to happen.
I think true progress can still be accomplished without sacrificing the good things about us, and that’s our inherent nature to laugh at things when things seem hopeless.
I do agree with the idea that change will come from educating our young. To me that addresses the very root of the problem.
Thanks for the link. Not much has changed since you wrote yours.
The concept of happiness in my article seems like a complicated topic for most because we have all been brainwashed by corporations into thinking that we have to be constantly in pursuit of happiness. That’s because they want our money. Happiness to some could be in the form of acquiring the latest gadgets or partying every chance they get. They don’t care about saving for a rainy day as long as they are happy.
Likewise, the idea of setting aside time for helping the community or learning a new skill or doing something for the environment is alien to most Pinoys because they’d rather be having a good time. Pinoys think that only the government is in charge of everything. This is wrong because we all know that the government doesn’t have enough funds and resources to cater to everyone’s needs including the environment. The country also needs volunteers who will donate their time and money to improve the surroundings and help those who have little resources. That is how it is done in other countries. People from other societies help in nation building. They can’t always rely on the government.
Perhaps you could read my previous articles about Filipino happiness:
Filipinos and happiness: why we need to be serious about it
Here’s an excerpt:
“The country remains Asia’s laggard perhaps partly because most Filipinos don’t have their priorities right. Most of us would rather pursue activities that cater to instant gratification because most of us want to be “masaya†all the time. We get instant gratification when we engage in activities that give us fleeting moments of happiness. Most often these are activities that are not well thought through and may even be impulsive. It could also involve being on a fiesta or celebratory mode more often than necessary even when we don’t deserve it. This also includes not participating in the running of the country and letting our public servants wreak havoc using public funds. Instead of being serious and more assertive about national issues, we dismiss topics pertaining to politics as something that we cannot do anything about or is none of our business.
Because Filipinos love a good time more than anything else, we don’t bother learning a new skill on our spare time. Most Filipinos don’t like the idea of working harder to elevate our status to one of being among the first-class nations in the world; we would rather wait for someone to do it for us. Unfortunately, because our society has become anti-intellectual, the intellectuals are driven to leave the country. The brain drain reduces our chances of competing with other nations whose aim is to be the best at what they do and excel at every endeavor.
It follows that since most Filipinos in general would rather have a good time than work hard, it is no surprise that they also love riding on the success of other Filipinos in the entertainment industry where fame and fortune carry away singers, actors, and even sportsmen — boxers in particular. It’s not that there is anything wrong with being happy for someone who achieves international recognition, it’s just that Filipinos tend to take it to the extreme and only idolize those who appear on TV and films due to their fame rather than those who work hard to excel in science and technology – those who can actually help elevate the status of the nation.”
Here’s another article you might be interested in:
Filipinos are too emotional for their own good
Great article! Captured what I feel (but just can’t explain it myself) about why this country is close to being hopeless. I love this country but hate the 90% of its population
Very well said. You have actually verbalised what I feel.Bravo! Looking forward to a time when Filipinos will switch off the party mode and get to work, seriously. I have had the experience of working abroad and I learned that even in jobs that Filipinos would consider to be “lowly”, people take pride in their work and do it with excellence.
I can’t agree more with what the blogger noted here. Everything are true and are facts. Truths are indeed one of the hardest thing to believe. If someone disagree, then they might as well check if the instances noted here are not evident on our society and prove her wrong, by then s/he should also show some proof that the claim on this said article are pure imagination and are just so called “opinion” because as far as I read the entire articl, the only thing that came to my mind was “I can’t agree more”
Hi. I took time to read the entire article, and YES-it’s TRUE and it’s SAD. I am a Filipino and I can see how the people around me act….like the peeing on their tires during traffic….pushing thru long queues etc etc…..YES, these things are TRUE, BUT there are also those who follow the ” Rule of Law ” myself included…..my family and maybe most of my friends…..and YES, it is an INTEGRAL part for US as a country to make the Philippines a GREAT Nation.
I think for US to improve ourselves….the CHANGE must start with the VERY young Filipinos…..to inculcate in them the importance of the “rule of Law”….to instill correct values and the desire to “think” FIRST not as an individual but a PART of the whole SOCIETY…meaning the perception of the “SELF” should come after the perception the individual as part of the society…..and maybe CHANGE can be seen 20-30 years from now. Sadly, we cannot do anything with the PRESENT system…..everything Bad, unsightly, abhoring, evil is already deeply rooted and very hard to CHANGE. So, our HOPE ( and I am not losing HOPE ) will be in the future….where the children of today must be intellectually guided through the right values in order to have a better Philippines in the Future.
Yet, despite what is happening with our country right now….and compared to the amazing and wonderful countries that i have gone to……I still remain a Proud Filipino and I am NOT losing HOPE that one day we will be a GREAT Nation. Thank You and Best Regards…..
“..pushing their way in lines ahead of the rest in a queue.”
Will be seeing this in Andrew bldg.
You don’t just “change” a culture. It’s not as direct and simple as forcing people or conditioning young kids with practices that propagate rule-mentalities or collective-mentalities. This culture is a product of the harsh and suffocating economic condition of this country. The economic situation in NCR may not be that grave but NCR is located under a bigger socioeconomic umbrella/structure determined by the provinces, which compose the majority of the Ph population and have far worse poverty levels. Go to any other developing nation out there and you’ll see the same patronage, neopatrimonial, transactional, feudal, self-oriented socioeconomic system. Read Marx and Weber in-depth and you’ll see a better or at least an alternative picture.Â
Oops, ignore this:
“..pushing their way in lines ahead of the rest in a queue.â€
Will be seeing this in Andrew bldg.
There is an ongoing tug-of-war within the younger generation of Filipino people. I and students alike are caught up in the process of whether or not to cross the pedestrian lane when the traffic green light is still on while no cars are passing by.
I am on the disciplined end of the generation. There are still students who, for some reason or another, do not follow simple traffic rules like such. Yet, I find excitement learning that more and more people (especially the adult ones) follow and mimic us the younger ones in this student-filled area of the Metro. Hope this begins and (rather) continues in other parts of the country.
I am very optimistic that this younger generation (where I belong to) will propel the Philippines to where it deserves to be – a prosperous and wealthy nation proud for its culture, tradition, and humble beginnings.
“Bawal tumawid dito. Nakamamatay!”
“Bawal tumawid dito. Marami nang namatay dito!”
dapat siguro gawin:
“Bawal tumawid dito. Pag nagpumilit ka, papatayin na kita dyan!”
Didn’t the MMDA post signs a few years back that said something like “HOY, GAGO! BAWAL TUMAWID DITO!”
I assumed that they did work for a while until they were eventually dismantled.
No, they didnt. Obvious naman that they didnt. Not all the stuff you find in the internet are for real. Some are jokes of course!
instead of whining,moaning,and complaining about it, why dontyou act on it
Act on what? Are you suggesting one person can follow the rule of law for every Filipino?
I appreciate this blog, this is very true. But you sited an example of the Japanese attitude for being a disciplined people. Why is it in Japan the most number of suicide committed compared to other countries. I think, it depends with the person not generally Filipinos are not deserving for progress.
Are you saying that just because Japan has a high suicide rate, it means they are not disciplined? On the contrary, in Japanese society, shame is said to be the primary agent of social control. If one feels that he has shamed his family or community by disobeying the law or failing at something, one feels compelled to commit suicide. This is why it is very orderly in their society. Meanwhile, in Philippine society, the percentage of Filipinos with a sense of shame is very low. This is why the country is in a state of disorder.
I disagree. Filipinos can follow the law if people higher up follow it as well. You can see this in Filipinos working in proper companies. The problem is the the media and the current living standards. The media enchants the Filipino with wealth and fame while with the current living standards makes it necessary to put themselves above others to survive. No offense, but this is a shallow article that only tries to get the attention of Filipino readers online. People don’t feel the need to follow rules if people above them like their parents or local policeman doesn’t follow them. It’s not a national trait, because if it were true then we’re not qualified to work overseas or just work in general. This is not the root of the problem. Something else is. Try to discuss this with your peers because I felt like you just filed a complaint without talking to anybody else about it first like that overseas working nurse you used as an example in your article.
Try to do a little math:
Filipinos from the elite who don’t follow the rule of law + Filipinos from lower class who don’t follow the law = The Philippines.
I have discussed the point you were trying to make in my previous article Why is it so hard for Filipinos to just obey the law?
I hope you can organise your thoughts better before you comment on a public forum especially when your main objective is to try and put the writer down. You just come across as someone who didn’t get the point of the article. Maybe you can try reading the article again to help you understand it better.
I agree with you on many aspects especially when you said that Filipinos have the tendency to put themselves first before the community and I also noticed this stark difference when I spent four months in South Korea where I witnessed the Koreans’ high regard and respect for society. I even passionately expressed this to friends and family. However, I also realized just now that maybe most Filipinos have become that way because we come from a third world country where most of the country’s resources are controlled by the very few. In a situation where most people hardly have anything to eat while a few people get most of the profit and corrupt people’s money, it’s hard to still think of your neighbor. Even when people have jobs and have enough to eat, they are often frustrated about how far they can only go in life knowing that they can never be as rich as the 1% elite.I think the first and foremost problem to be solved is the unequal distribution of wealth in our country and the dominance of the few ruling elite. It is hard to compare the Philippines to countries like Japan and South Korea at this point because the living situation and conditions of the people are entirely different. Nevertheless I still agree that we need to think of society more and not just ourselves, but perhaps the only way to achieve that is by improving the condition of most of our countrymen first.
The lack of discipline in the Filipinos was one of the things that irks me. I’ve been living in the Philippines for 4 years, moving from Singapore. I myself am a Filipino, but growing in Singapore since I was 4, I’ve also learnt to value the sense of community and the importance of putting the group or society ahead of the individual. This idea of society first stems from the Confucian ideal that the needs of the many will always outweigh the one or the few, and that is why in countries that have an inherent Confucian ideology (be it in politics or in society), like S. Korea, Japan, and China, the people prime themselves in serving the interests of the collective whole first before their individual needs, because they know that they will benefit from that more. I wish the Philippines can learn from this, because ultimately, if we do want to become great, we have to be selfless and work towards a larger goal, bigger than ourselves.
This article posits very valid impressions about Filipinos, and impressions are impressions. But wonder of wonders, why Filipinos behave quite differently in other countries? There they observe pedestrians, they do not litter, they pay taxes. Could it be that Filipinos just tend to assert themselves if they feel they are being shortchanged?
Here’s my response: Why is it so hard for Filipinos to just obey the law?
it’s hard kasi, yung law e written in english. at most of the discussion ay english. gaya ng mga pinag gagawa nyo dito.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Even without reading the law, applying common sense in their daily activities will help Filipinos progress.
Hindi po sapat na rason ang pagsasabi lang na “eh kasi nasa inggles” ang pagsulat. Tama na po ang pangangatwiran kung bakit hindi po natin kayang sundan ang batas. Tulad ng nasabi, kaunting common sense lang naman ang kailangan para manatiling “disiplinado” sa karamihan ng kaso. Tulad ng pagbibigay-daan sa kalye. Sa pagpipila nang maayos. Sa pagbibigay respeto sa kapwa. At sa totoo lang, pakinggan niyo naman po ang lohika ng sinabi ninyo : “Ok, nasa inggles ang batas, kaya puwede ko nang hindi ito sundin dahil hindi ko maintindihan. Puwede ko nang businahin ‘tong gago sa harap ko dahil ang bagal niya magmaneho, imposible naman malaman na bawal ‘yun.”
At anuman ang sabihin niyo po ukol sa paggamit ng inggles, ito pa rin ay ang ating opisyal na wika, kasama ng Filipino. Hindi ito kaso ng pagiging “konyo” o elitista. Eh nakasabi sa konstitusyon na Inggles ang isa sa pangunahing wika ng bansa, kaya hindi ko makita ang kasalanan ang pagsusulat ng artikulong ito sa Inggles.
Stupid excuse is stupid. Go back to elementary and learn English again. Halatang nangdaya ka sa English lesson mo para lang makapasa ka.
The problem in Philippines is implementation of the rules/laws. The laws /rules are there, but not consistently implemented. In other countries (and even in local like Subic )if they know that they will be punished, they will follow the rules.
What’s the problem with implementation? implementors want to protect voters or sometimes “pakikisama”(another bad characteristic of Pinoys), “utang na loob” or takot sa “ganti” whether physical harm or deprivation of vote sa local officials.
just a theory, pinoys have this other trait ‘pakikisama’ so i think while in other countries, they are in essence, “nakikisama” to their culture.
Keen observation, and I agree with most of what you’ve said. In adition, one reason also why Filipinos do not follow rules is because they see their government leaders disobey the very same rules that they ask the public to follow. Ex., express service in airports skipping through lines, locking-in government projects without the bidding process, bribing judges for a favorable decision, etc……
I strongly agree with you. I married a foreigner and these are the same things she noticed about Filipinos. We are intelligent but these are the factors that keeps us from being a 3rd world country. We know how to solve this and the solution is changing the wrong “traditional ways” of the Filipino. Can we change?
Too true, and the problem is people will not admit it, denouncing those who do admit it. It will take more than a crisis to open their eyes. As if Ondoy wasn’t enough. No, I’m not sure we’re more prepared for floods than we were four years ago.
As a Chinese born and raised in the Philippines, I totally love the Philippines, which is precisely why I am so harsh of and critical with it. People I frequently am with will know that whenever I travel to places like Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong – in particular their airports – I always feel both sad that in this age, we are a far cry from how organized, how efficient, how effective, they are; and angry and desperate to make a change.
One thing I am most annoyed with is the traffic situation. A national highway with four lanes, in one area, has not just one, but TWO or even THREE lanes with cars all vying for the U-turn slot (drum roll… it’s C5-Libis). I don’t think everyone realizes only at the last minute that they need to take a U-turn? And traffic jams are only getting worse each day. Furthermore, when vehicular accidents happen – oh, how often they do! – everyone behind the affected vehicle(s) is affected. Why? People always think they are kings of the road. Um, you’re driving in the most densely populated city in the world, where a significant portion of the middle class drives cars to get wherever because unlike Hong Kong or Paris, subway stations are too few and far in between.
And this rant of mine is mostly directed to city bus and jeepney drivers. There are designated bus lanes and bus stops; there are also designated jeepney stops. For the former, Singapore and Taiwan in particular I have observed strictly follow these – never mind a few passengers become inconvenienced slightly if it will improve overall circulation. And I abhor the “para po” system because it gives drivers the prerogative to stop in the middle of the road, where not just his vehicle but the disembarking passenger have an increased chance of getting into an accident.
The worst part is that no one party is to blame. It is not just the fault of the common commuter or the authorities. We are the result of an already-imperfect system implemented by the Spanish that only became more and more rotten over the centuries, with thanks as well to the Americans, the Japanese, World War II, and dictator-era Marcos. If only it were possible to figuratively blow everything up and start over, but obviously it’s not.
Changes have to be implemented, but unfortunately many members of the government are resistant to this and will “reward” these change-makers for their efforts – cue political murders and the like. It’s a mass exodus that’s needed – one where the entire nation is united for development and progress. Or rather, re-development and re-progress.
Wake up, countrymen. We’ve been asleep for too long. Too much sleep also ruins you.
I agree with most of the contents of this article. This is the other end of the spectrum of Filipino nature. However, I think that the idea “Filipinos only think of themselves” can be expanded. It’s not really just selfishness per se, but something akin to it: Filipinos only put care to what is happening within their own sphere–their family, their friends, their immediate community. It’s ironic how this shows that, in fact, Filipino trait of “pakikisama” has its limits.
Hi author,
For the most part I agree with the article, but I just have to nitpick with one area :
“Victim mentality was also quite evident in the way the Philippine government tried to intervene and stop the execution of three drug mules that were sentenced to death in China for violating their anti-drug rule.”
Of course, I won’t be surprised if our government played up the “China-is-a-bully-part” for this too, as it has so far been working in other areas, for instance the West Philippine/South China Sea Question.
But I agree that the Government should still take steps to succor and try to protect its citizens abroad as much as possible. Diplomatically, it is not so much a question of right or wrong or being victimized than one of protecting 1) national interests and 2) Filipino citizens abroad. That is how governments everywhere operate with respect to their citizens. Notice how every time there’s a rape case here by a US Marine, the US does all in its power to prevent our justice system taking him.
The point is that Governments, ever wary of their sovereignty, never see fit for other countries to judge its citizens. Whether they really did wrongdoing or not is a moot point. Acquiescing is simply not an option lest it be construed a sign of weakness.
I guess during world war II someone shouted “Every Man for himself”, and no one ever stopped.
Many thanks for such a well-written piece on putting us Filipinos in our place, by showing that a lot of us can be a bunch of onion-skinned, narcissistic, entitlement/publicity/popularity-driven yahoos, always blindly following whatever’s hip with the rest of the dumb herd, same with happily being content with the “pwede-na-yans” and the “bahala-na’s”. It’s hard not to ignore observations such as these, but it’s true. All this pathetic Pinoy Pride bullshit and fake “nationalism” is not doing anything but just merely obfuscate us from the heart of the matter that we as an entire country need to have a real radical change from within. Each of us have to take these things with a pinch of salt and just do what we can to reverse this curse we’ve been stricken since time in memoriam. Enough of the old excuses of being poor and unenlightened. It’s up to us to man-up and decide whether or not we want to stay up to keep rolling with the punches, or as the rest of the dumb cattle would prefer, chew the cud and stay down.
Hello! I think every attack of this blog is true except for the President.
I think there’s something you’re missing and it is being manifested on this blog.
I am satisfied with the performance of our President right now. Even if he fails in the eyes of many, can’t we even help him na lang to do his work? Not every fucking needs of our countrymen depends on his shoulders? Foods? Shelters? Entertainment? Good Life? WTF isn’t?
The missing attack on this blog is that everybody wants to hit the one who’s in the chair. Isn’t? We are blinded by the negative things that these people do and we overlook the positive things that they have done.
“99” Correct and “1” Mistake is Philippines is huge.
This is a nice blog anyways. 😀
This article will help answer your question:
Five reasons why Filipinos blame Noynoy Aquino for everything
I agree most of this article, it is the reality that we Filipinos does not mostly Obey the simple guidelines. I am not proud to be a Filipino. I’m not a pure Filipino but I grew up here in the Philippines and i can see all the negative examples all over the place but not all disobey the law.I obey the simple rules in school, and the simple rules in the country Its not that hard to obey but the word “Blending in” is always there in the Filipinos the word”Pakikisama”.We cant take the fact that our country isn’t improving that much even though the Philippines is a small country. I am sad about our country. Many Overseas Filipino Workers are working so hard in another country. All my relatives are in there to work and have a better salary. Why? Cause they think it is for the better of the family. Is it the President’s fault that’s why the country is failing? NO i don’t think so.There’s something wrong with Both sides. The leader Must always work together with the members. I can see the hard work of our recent president. He’s doing well very well..A Great leader can lead its members, but if the members do not obey nor like the leader then they will not.A leader who can lead the way with good example will lead a country in good and a harmonic country. I still believe there’s a chance but an only a few percent of chance that the Philippines will stand up again about 10% of chance(In my opinion). I admire Japan for having a great government. And stay so disciplined all the time. They did have their earthquake, and still after a yr. They had their place nice and organized once again in that short time. I really wish our Country Philippines will stand up on its own. and Build nationalism instead of narcissism.
simple lang yan…kung ayaw nyo sa pilipinas/pilipino e di umalis kayo
the truth hurts ika nga… ang akin lang eh sa lahat ng Pilipinong nagsalita dito, kaya nyo po bang makatulong sa pagbabago ng ugali at pananaw ng kapwa natin? Kaya nyo po bang isa isahin ang mga taong hindi pa nakakaintindi sa o ayaw pang tanggapin ang halaga ng may disiplina o ng may common sense? kaya nyo po bang maging matyagang “mentor” nila na walang halong ang iinsulto? Bottomline, can you be a part of the system in personally advocating/helping our Filipino people?
Nice point. Ethan.
It’s nice that we pinpoint the problem,but I hope we only not see it but we’re doing our part how to address it without making ourselves above the other but just a pure act of kindness.
Stupid excuse is stupid. Para mo na ring sinabi na wala nang pag-asa ang bansang ito indio.
wala nga bang pag-asa, indio? merun… magtulungan na lang sa abot ng makakaya…
if the answer to my question is “NO” or “bahala sila sa buhay nila kasi malaki na sila”, or “hindi ko sila responsibilidad”, then, obviously, wala kayong pagkakaiba sa mga Pilipinong tinutukoy nyo…
pustahan mga nagcocomment dito ay nagtatapon pa rin ng basura kung saan-saan. start with ourselves! magsimula tayo sa hindi pag-lilitter. walang mangyayari kung hindi tayo mismo ang magsisimulang magbago
These “simple guidelines” boil down to two very powerful words: Common Sense.
But based on what is actually happening, there is an apparent lack of it in the Philippines.
It’s so rare, it’s a superpower
it is simple, filipinos have no responsibilities to country but only to themselves and their family. we find our leaders don’t even follow the rules they used to created. what we see is what we act. what we heard is what we spread. filipinos will never change unless the government, religious leaders will follow first and act accordingly to the rule of law. maybe it need to kill all the filipinos from age 3 years old above to create new race of filipinos?
isang halimbawa lang niyan. subukan mo sumakay ng MRT. malinaw na sa mga direksyon ng arrow nasa sahig kung saan dapat pumila at hindi. pero talaga naman tatapatan pa ng iba ang maling direksyon. para bagang napaka hirap intndihin ng pagkaka drawing ng arrow. I cant help but wonder. nahihiya ako para sa kanila. dahil parang hindi nila kaya sumunod sa simleng direksyon.
This is such an enlightening article. Thank you. It’s also upsetting, though, knowing that these problems run so deep that it will take years and years to fix and a good, strong leader to guide us towards the “right path” – someone who is not afraid to follow the rules, someone who is willing to serve their country and not merely get rich for six years.
It’s unfair to blame the government as us normal citizens have to discipline ourselves, too, for us to progress but many Filipinos don’t know any better because they are not educated because they are too poor to afford it, which brings me to the issue of improper allocation of funds, which makes me blame the government and the people who run it behind the scenes.
I know the only way for the Philippines to progress is if all Filipinos do it together – staying in the Philippines, loving the nation and all that jazz – but if a person wants a better life for his/her family, I don’t think staying in the country is the answer. Not if the conditions are like this.
Re: (It’s unfair to blame the government as us normal citizens have to discipline ourselves, too, for us to progress but many Filipinos don’t know any better because they are not educated because they are too poor to afford it, which brings me to the issue of improper allocation of funds, which makes me blame the government and the people who run it behind the scenes.)
Sure, it is unfair to just put the blame on the government. The blame must also be shared by the very same people who, for so many years, have empowered a government consisting of individuals whose tract records reminds one of a “criminal arrest” sheet.
It is not easy for one who is only looking from the outside to pass judgement, or even issue an opinion on the subject, when the answer to the issue of good governance rests at the very end of the noses of those from within.
The Filipinos just haven’t learned from the lessons of their past – they keep on repeating the same mistakes and, knowingly or unknowingly, maintaining the status quo.
I totally disagree with this essay. I have been going back to the Philippines two or three times a year for the last eight years and sure there are folks who don’t follow the rules on the road but for the most part, most drivers on EDSA boulevard and the highways follow the rules. Hell, most folks here in the bay area where I live rarely follow the speed limits on the freeway, so what would make the Philippines any different. It’s just that the roads in Manila are not built wide enough to handle that much traffic so folks have to be more creative. In terms of trying to be a great nation, why do Filipinos need that hanging on their national psyche with the comparisons to Japan, Singapore, and South Korea? Those countries are so comformist; i guess you can call that discipline. Give me the Filipinos “lack of discipline” fiercely independent malaya spirit any day. Yes some folks in the Philippines want to be a “star” but we have that in even in the US, but FIlipinos also abhor people who are “mayabang” or boastful. So let’s balance the perspective a bit. Don’t let a few bad apples on the road or the many bad apples in government be an indictment on common Filipinos just trying their best to live a good life for themselves and their children trying to follow the rules.
Tell me, when you fly over to the Philippines- how long do you stay here, and where?
Just a suggestion: try living at the Pier area in Manila (google search for Moriones, Tondo) for a year, and let’s see if you’ll say the same thing after. 🙂
Tsong di mo yata na intindihan English niya. Ang sabi niya hindi lahat ng Pilipino gago at hindi lahat ng lugar sa Tondo nakakatakot. Ang ibig lang nyang ipahiwatig ay wag lahatin ang Pilipino dahil nangyayari din ito sa ibang bansa…mas malala pa. Sa Amerika lang ay daan daang tao ang nasasagasaan ng kotse araw araw dahil sa hindi pagsunod sa batas trapiko. Nangyayari ba ito sa Pilipinas o sa Manila? Aba syempre pero hindi ganon kadaming biktima kumpara sa Amerika. Kung ang Tondo ay merong maraming masasamang tao ay ganun din sa Amerika, Europa o sa Japan at China at mas masahol pa kaysa sinasabi mong Tondo, pier or Parola ( naglalakad ako dyan kahit gabi pero may dala akong baril LOL ). Kaya Tsong ma Pinoy ka man o ibang lahi , kung masasamang tao o taong hindi sumusunod sa simpleng batas ang pag uusapan, kahit saang lupalop ng mundo meron niyan.
– Tsong di mo yata na intindihan English niya.
Pasensya na po, kayo na po ang magaling sa English.
Not because I chose to disagree with his comment, does it mean that I did not understand what he said. Common sense po, like what was mentioned above.
As well as, not because there is chaos, death, and evil from other countries in the world, does it remove the fact that Filipinos lack discipline and most of the time do not follow even the simplest of rules. The article addresses the negativity of the citizens in general, not as a whole, not as everyone. It did not say, “All Filipinos cannot progress…”
Dragging other countries into the discussion by stating that they are guilty of this is a sign of victimization. Instead of having a mentality of “We’re not the only guilty ones, they do it even worse than us!” why don’t we all just admit that WE as Filipinos are guilty of what the author said, and move forward towards changing to be a better nation.
But of course, acknowledgement/realization is the first step.
I am with you Mike. Mabuhay ang Pilipino!
This article is so true to some, and having been to other countries, I would definitely say that they are not spared of what the author is blaming Filipinos for. U.S. for instance has more deaths along their crosswalks simply because of traffic violations and not to include hundreds of victims from drunk driving everyday. How do you then explain to me that Filipinos can not follow simple rules if based on facts/statistics, the richest and most educated country in the world has more simple traffic violations which resulted to the most gruesome deaths of unsuspecting pedestrians and motorists??? I am only citing this example among others but hopefully before you write an article about Filipinos please set aside your biases, colonial and crab mentality. Not all Filipinos can not follow simple rules and same is true that not all Japanese, Americans and Koreans follow simple rules!
But you’ve gotta look at the overall outcome. It comes down to this: Do I have to step over mountains of trash and homeless people and shit and piss just to catch the next packed jeepney that the conductor swears can fit 5 more?
Is it easier for me to buy pork cooked in pork fat with pork-flavored MSG than to get something even remotely healthy?
But there’s hope. There’s always hope that a more conscious generation, bred from the internet and discontent. The goal is not to be like the west. It’s to cultivate the positive aspects of the Filipino character. War, loss, and the conquest of larger nations put us where we are. But our minds can get us out. We’re so damn smart, it’s numbing.
Also, Jun, give a source when you pull up a statistic instead of using it out of context and to your own weak argument.
@Jun Lopez
The article did not say people from other countries do not violate written laws. You should have realised while writing your own comment that those who do violate laws. cause problems in every society. Majority of the members of advanced societies follow the law, which is why they are successful. Unfortunately, in Philippine society, majority do not follow the laws, which is why the country remains one of the world’s basketcases .
I suggest you analyse things carefully before commenting.
When you say “majority do not follow the laws”, do you have actual data that can back up your statement? I would rest my case if you can provide me with actual verified statistics that majority (more than 50% of Filipinos) do not follow laws. Otherwise, you are making such a hasty and unfounded statement about an entire nation. (Which includes you by the way)
I suggest you analyze things before commenting.
LOL…you want data to prove that majority of Filipinos do not follow the law? Just look around you. Try to observe the people who use the pedestrian crossing and you’ll realize what I’m talking about. The number of squatters alone, those who illegally occupy other people’s property should already tell you that the average Pinoy doesn’t care about the law.
To get the data you want, you need to conduct a survey. Tell me, do you actually believe that people who do not follow the law will truthfully answer survey questions like “do you follow road rules while driving?”
Those who cheat the system won’t admit that they do. So therefore, I cannot conduct a survey to give you data. The fact that the Philippines is still considered as one of the world’s basketcases is already proof that majority cannot follow the law. Even former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said that Filipinos lack discipline.
Just look around us… People crossing the streets on red traffic light, jeepney drivers criss-crossing and overtaking, fastfood eaters leaving trash on the table after eating, litters everywhere, great number of “tambays”, etc. We don’t need statistics. It’s already in front of us and we’re inadvertently joining the crowd that’s why we don’t seem to notice.
@ Migs
Just for the record, she didn’t come up with any hard data to your respectful question. That what makes her diatribe come across as just ‘stream-of-consciousness hot air.’
most of these people are living in denial. that’s another filipino trait. “bulag-bulagan, bingi-bingihan and the worst one is palusot-lusutan” from reading this blog i knew you were gonna get hammered by these moronic comments. statistics? where the hell do you live? i see this everyday. traffic is the best example. don’t tell me you guys don’t drive or ever get on a vehicle to get to work. in metro manila alone it is 80 percent of the population that defies all rules and law of traffic. if you guys can’t see that, then there is what’s wrong. try driving the way you are driving in davao and see what happens. Have you ever ridden the MRT? do you guys see anything wrong with it? that’s why we can’t change this country for the better because everyone is so perfect. see, instead of back lashing the person who wrote this blog, why don’t you do something about the things you don’t like to hear. start from your house.
I think there are plenty of laws, but in every country people are people, and I know the in the US laws are not followed unless there is strond enforcement. The problem in the Philippines is total lack of predictable, fair minded enforcement….the people can change if they new they would get punished.
obedience to law must start from top to bottom. people on the hierarchy should set the example to follow the rule of law. unfortunately, how can a chief executive acquire the moral ascendancy to execute and enforce the law when he himself did not observe the rule of law when he was elected.i would say that there’s a need to inject discipline and moral ascendancy in all levels in our society for us to recognize and observe the “rule of law”.
Note: i am referring to some local chief executives…
honestly, in the Philippines it so hard to correct the unlawfuls even then it became a habit of man because of the absence
of law enforcement visibilty or the law enforcement itself is ignoring the law. just an example on the road why are there still many repetitive violator drivers, snatchers/theft who come and go from the cell, robbery hold ups, and many more elements of crime has never been corrected by law. is this normal? whenever I go in public places or taking public transport I usually keep an extra care infact there was a time a snatcher robbed a woman’s mobile phone,fortunately, a man right in front of her had noticed the commotion and rescued, thus i immediately help to catch the snatcher. where’s the police visibility? if a Filipino can’t attain to follow the rule of law then you’re NOT Filipino! A real Filipino you know how to love your own country, you think you’re own country, you speak, act and live the truth about your country. above all a Filipino have sense of integrity and belongingness of discipline.
I agree with this blog. Ilda was right to the core. I have been to many Asian countries particularly the ones better than ours and I would say the same. Filipinos lack the discipline and patience. They want a better leader but they do only follow him if its a carpet ride.
Have you been to India? Lawmakers law breakers. Law enforcement is the start of ‘discipline’.
Your attempt at comparing Filipino people with Japanese, Chinese and South Koreans is laughable. The Philippines is the most un-Asian Asian country compared to all its Asian neighbors (if you haven’t noticed). This argument is as senseless as comparing apples and oranges. The “padrino” is not a world-renowned Filipino system, goes to show how little you know and how little research you made – it’s from Spain. Which is where we got it and where our cultural behavior is most heavily influenced. It exists in many nations and societies that Spain had colonized and to this day it is practised in Spain, Italy, Mexico, South America, Portugal.. take your pick. If you want to compare and site good examples take it from nations that the Filipinos can familiarize themselves with. It’s all about cultural behavior and just because the Filipinos have a different outlook in life compared to the neighboring countries you mentioned, does not mean it cannot thrive. We are not Japan, we are not China, can’t ask a dog to turn into a cat now can you? You cannot change a nations cultural behavior, its beliefs, nor the way people think. You can only define their strength and work from there. Generalizing the Filipino people and labeling them undisciplined, unable to follow rules (yeah because the Chinese people are known to fall in line and respect cues), I mean, you can do better than this poorly thought out scraps of quotations. How easy this must have been, you just had to look around you, criticize what you don’t like and call it an article.
But everything in the article is true. The author only wanted to correct what is wrong. Are you implying that we shouldn’t change for the better and just stay as unruly as we are today? Someone needed to speak, and the author spoke.
This is not about the “Philippines colonized by Spain”. We have our own image as a nation and we need to check whether it is good or bad. We should take the best of everything, and get rid of the bad.
You obviously didn’t read the article ’til the end.
> “Not that Filipinos need copy what the Japanese do to a tee, but the most interesting thing to note about societies like Japan is that nobody has the desire to grandstand.”
She seemed emotional in her comment. Being too emotional can cloud people’s judgement. 😉
Good grief…another point misser and an angry one too. 😉
Here we go:
Well, I hate to burst your bubble but we actually have a lot in common with the ethnic group Bumiputra or the Malays and indigenous people from Malaysia. Majority of Filipinos have the same approach in life as the Bumiputras. Just like Filipinos, they tend to be less successful than the Chinese and Indians living in Malaysia even with the help of the Malaysian government’s affirmative action that favour the said indigenous group.
Like what I said in my previous article: Filipino tragedies: Is incompetence in our cultural DNA?
We Filipinos are not really that different from the Malay group found in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.
(…)if you stop to think about it, given the right opportunity and a life under the same environment, it seems that the Malay “race” or ethnic group are susceptible to falling into a comfort zone. What I am trying to say is that, it may indeed be part of some ethnic group’s genetic makeup or DNA to be less competitive than others. And being part of the Malay group, native or indigenous Filipinos tend to be less competitive than majority of the Filipino-Chinese residents in the Philippines. There seems to be a pattern in the behavior similar to that of the Malays in Malaysia.
The Malay syndrome
It is therefore evident that ethnic groups in the Philippines and in Malaysia (or possibly Indonesia), tend to have the same nature, which is entirely different from that of other ethnic groups like the Chinese, for example. Whereas the Chinese tend to be entrepreneurial and hard working, the average Malay needs a few more incentives to be able to work harder in order to advance his economic status.
So therefore, I think you were wrong in saying that the “Philippines is the most un-Asian Asian country compared to all its Asian neighbors”.
People from other countries practice the padrino system as well. It’s not just limited to the countries colonized by Spain. The Chinese, Indians, most Asian countries have their own padrino system, indeed. However, some countries have placed checks and balances to avoid the excessive use of the padrino system . Even when the Chinese use their own padrino system for example, those who do not deliver results get prosecuted or suffer the consequences. In the Philippines, hardly anyone from the elite members of society get prosecuted. Ping Lacson is an example of someone who got away without being prosecuted at all. He was accused of murder, hid from the law and then even before he emerged from where he was hiding from, his case got dropped. That’s why I refer to ours as “the world-renowned Filipino padrino system.
We can’t continue using the excuse “we got this and that from the Spaniards” forever. Whatever bad traits you think we got from them is not something that we were born with. It was a learned behavior and we can unlearn it. It is unfortunate that Filipinos it seems, tend to acquire only the bad traits from outside influence. Spain isn’t a third world country like the Philippines. In fact, they were once a superpower. It goes without saying that we didn’t copy their good traits. That says a lot about the Filipino people’s lack of motivation to succeed.
What quotations? Please be specific. Who said it was hard to write it? Why don’t you write your own article then if you think “you can do better”?
You’re not good at taking criticism either. But then again you are Filipino.
This article is a good example of the world-renowned Filipino mentaitly – the “crab”
It’s been said that crab mentality refers “to a person or a group of people who will attempt to pull down anyone who achieves success out of envy, conspiracy or competitive feelings.”
Since Philippine society hasn’t achieved success yet, your claim that this article is an example of “crab mentality” is WRONG.
@Ilda – you’re wrong when you said “Philippines hasn’t achieved success yet”.
Why do you think I’m wrong? please be specific. 😉
Maybe your reply was “CRAP”
It’s not crab mentality when you’re given a wake-up call…
So true! I’m a Filipino who lived in Hong Kong for 38 years. Even before the handover to China in 1997, most Hong Kong people now are still disciplined because of the type of government that governed us for the past 99 years, and that is the British Monarchy rule. The citizens of Hong Kong, and like the rest of the commonwealth countries under British rule, love the Royal family dearly. It is that kind of love and respect for the government that made these countries great. Said to say, but I strongly believe that Democracy will not work for the Philippines. Democracy – “a government chosen by the people for the people” is a total failure in the Philippines no matter who becomes the president. I rather allow a kind and generous self proclaimed King who is rich enough to pay all the country’s debt and rebuild the infrastructure and economy of the Philippines. Of course, we will forever owe our livelihood to this new King and royal family of the Kingdom of the Philippines. Sounds crazy, but not impossible. Don’t you think? Haven’t you guys notice that most rich countries are Monarchy Rule?
Hmmm…the French executed the royal couple after the fall of the French monarchy during the famous French revolution and their country did just fine.
Not with how the French Revolution ate up its own children, and not with what Napoleon’s imperial war campaigns did to Europe.
Lmao filipinos are pretty stupid. I’ve been to the Philippines over 30 times. Every year they seem to get dumber and dumber. Someone should make a documentary on how dumb that country gets every year. I’ll fund it if someone is will to make the documentary on it.
See how dumb you are with your comment.
If you don’t see it you are worst than us 🙂
Well at least you didn’t mentioned “ALL” or else it would be outrage here :)…. now your statement of feeling “victimized” is showing up…. why can’t we just take this as a constructive criticism… when people see our fault why not we examine our self and try to improve ourselves, not bashing the one who criticize, you don’t need data that much for one’e point of view.. to cut the statement short, just look at the problem and do something about it, not nagging about it or worst be proud of it. just saying….action is the key… This is not to down us but to wake us up, to change our lives better 🙂 because these is what people see, so they just pour out their mind. Let’s not be affected of these negatively 🙂 I’m proud to be Pinoy 🙂
Not all humans races can be on top. Who will be rich if there are no poor. Not all will be masters if there are no slaves. Same with human mentality , if everyone is intelligent who can we compare them with? This is all part of the world system to make it work.If one is intelligent another has to be dumb and another, a dumber!
The rule of law cannot easily take root in the Philippines because the nation does not possess the political maturity to sustain a thriving republican democracy. The concepts of the rule of law and democracy are fragile ideals and aspirations, which need constant vigilance and a continuing active social commitment. They are not indigenous to any one particular people or nation in the western world, not even the United States of America where they have eroded over time.
In order to foster the rule of law, democracy must be supported by the integral, moral discipline of its citizenry. It is a discipline that does not come about through force or imposition. It does not come by as an unconscious, random natural process. Rather, it is the product of a volitional, conscious choice and effort, individually and collectively, to progress beyond the past and well on to the future, based on the sense of a common good for the greatest numbers of people. It is a learned, informed, and enlightened discipline, which is promoted, encouraged and permitted to develop and evolve over time. It is powered by the same kind of determination a medical student might have to studiously, dedicatedly apply himself to his medical studies and practice, in order to become an effective physician and potent healer.
By and large, the consciousness of Philippine society is still very much tribal, at worst, or feudal, at best. The nation is stuck in the feudal mentality of its historic past, and the ongoing failure of the nation to confront and transform its poor, historical self-image has only fueled a pervasive social indifference, self-denial, and hypocrisy.
Efforts in the past to externally change this have not succeeded, because the nation’s backward feudal mentality is very deep-rooted in the national psyche. Such mindset manifests from its grossest manner in the rural areas to its subtlest in the highly populated urban areas. It blankets the country extensively with its regressive value system (the real Juan Tamad syndrome) and detrimental social by-products, to the point of suffocating and driving away the nation’s brightest, progressive and promising minds, who are forced to leave the country for the greener pastures of opportunities, challenges and the promise of fulfillment elsewhere.
The nation cannot seem to rise and transcend upward to the skies beyond its roots in the ground. Thus, the people are deluded into a smug contentment of crawling and spreading themselves on the ground only like a creeping vine’s tendrils, instead of sprouting thick sturdy branches and tall tree trunks by aspiring to heights of excellence and greatness. It is a catch-22 situation unfortunately. The nation’s political, social, religious, and educational institutions conspire to reinforce and assure the ongoing mediocrity of the nation.
To aggravate matters, the people do not have a shared collective vision or goal of what they want their nation and country to become in the 21st century. So, people just plod along doing their own individual thing from day to day. Neither have they been blessed with a leadership that can sincerely fire the nation’s collective imagination and motivate the people toward a brighter, glorious, truly prosperous future.
For Filipinos, the presidential form of government has become another socio-political instrument for preserving political opportunism and societal mediocrity. It is unfortunate that the country never gave the parliamentary system of government an authentic working chance. The latter could have been a good political experiment and laboratory for the nation to rediscover and reinvent itself. During pre-colonial times, native Filipinos governed themselves through the consensus-building political-social unit of the “barangay.” It is my view that this pre-colonial administrative structure would have been the evolving early attempts of the people toward parliamentarianism.
Parliamentarianism was an opportunity for the people to politically develop and cultivate their appreciation for the rule of law in a democratic setting. However, it is now just another lost opportunity to the nation, just as many economic growth opportunities have been missed and lost in the past. How true can this be? We do not have to dig deep in research to find out. We only need to note how well Filipinos based and working overseas have done or are doing in their foreign environments. When presented with the opportunity to thrive, they did!
A nation without a dream is a people condemned to the hopelessness of their mediocrity. A country without a vision of its future is a nation robbed of its present and enslaved by its past.
At no point other than now can the following Filipino word be more meaningful — Mabuhay. It does not only mean “Welcome.” It also means “Long live,” or, better yet, “Come alive.”
I am rather confused about the connection between “following rules” and the idea that “being relaxed and having fun” to the ideal result which is to “solve serious problems”.
Citing pedestrian behavior is one thing, but I have to digress on putting too much praise and emphasis on the Japanese discipline. You are simply limiting your perspective as well as to what the problem is (the subjective experience of daily traffic) locally compared to our neighbor country.
This article also failed to offer a solid, concrete suggestion/s as to how a problem should be solved in the local context instead of just simply suggesting that we mimic what others do.
I suggest you read the article again. I have copied and pasted the parts where you got confused below. It’s should be an easy concept to understand:
Worse, Filipinos in general feel a strong sense of entitlement to relax or “chill-out” even when there is still so much to do to move the country forward. Instead of discussing solutions seriously and in detail during their spare time, Filipinos would rather spend it fooling around — never mind that societies from great nations like China, Japan and South Korea have historically shown that being more serious and devoting more of their time to solving problems yields better results in the long term.
From the top guys and gals sitting behind desks at the Presidential office down to the tricycle driver down the road, everyone just wants to have “fun” in the Philippines first before tackling the problems of the land in a more serious manner. You can be forgiven for thinking that one hit wonder Wang Chung probably wrote the song “Everybody have fun tonight” for Filipinos. It can absolutely boggle the mind to wonder why Filipinos cannot limit switching to party mode when they are at an actual party.
As discussed in my previous article, Filipinos are proud of being a happy-go-lucky society and make it a point to show the rest of the world that they are coping with smiling faces despite the dire circumstances they face. This mentality shows that Filipinos are satisfied with mediocrity and find striving for excellence too daunting. A few remaining Filipinos who want to engage in a more serious discussions are even labeled “kill-joy” or “librarians.” Aside from their penchant for bullying when others don’t engage in “pakikisama,” Filipinos indeed, have a tendency to discriminate against more sober ways of tackling solutions.
Unfortunately, a 90 year old study by psychologist Dr Leslie Martin and his colleagues in California suggested that “too much of a sense that everything will be fine can be dangerous because it can lead one to be careless about things that are important to long life.” Likewise, the study also showed that those who are always optimistic take more gambles with their health. They were more likely to drink, smoke and eat badly, which is a typical characteristic of a Filipino. While prudent and persistent individuals are more cautious with their health and overall wellbeing – characteristics that are less likely to be found in Filipinos.
Duh? I’m not sure I get what you are trying to say but the need for discipline transcends cultural boundaries. Discipline is easy to apply it in your daily life. It’s an important ingredient for success.
Here’s a solution: Follow the rule of law. I’m sorry if that is such a hard concept for you to understand but like I said, just read the article again. I have already dumb down my explanation and I don’t think I can go any further
What a harsh reply! I think he was just pointing out that we have our own ways as much as the Japanese has theirs. Sure, I wish Filipinos could have more respect to the law, but relative to other countries, we already are; yet they are better off than us. Instead of giving another copy-paste solution, what the Filipinos need is to figure out its identity crisis first.
Furthermore, as much as I respect the author and her views, the article does seem like an elaborate and well-put series of complaints comparable to the ones I see in Yahoo! news.
It’s OK to point out criticisms. And I do hope that the Filipino people realize soon that the stagnant situation in the Philippines is their fault too, not just the government’s. But more importantly, Filipinos need to see what to do, instead of just being said what not to do. Positive change instead of complaints. The author suggested abiding by the law and orderliness for that, but it is not enough nor is it convincing. It feels as if the solution is just an extra and the author just wanted to rant about the negative aspects of Filipinos’ common traits.
I apologize if this post offends the author, I am merely stating my opinion about the article. My advice is: please be open to criticisms.
You presume to know what the other guy was thinking and worse, you presume to know what my motives are for writing this article. Here’s a piece of advice: stick to the points raised in the article, please.
I’m sorry to say but your statement does not make any sense. Did you mean Filipinos need to be shown what to do instead of being told what to do? What does “positive change instead of complaints” mean? Please explain. Or don’t.
Suit yourself. The pork barrel funds scam is evidence enough of the Filipino people’s inability to obey laws. It is why the country cannot progress. If you don’t want to acknowledge that, I am not going to force you to.
” What does “positive change instead of complaints” mean? Please explain. Or don’t.”
–kind of confusing, don’t you think? You’re asking what I mean but don’t want to listen?
–I’m not trying to troll, and I see your point. I take your posts seriously and I mean these replies to be respectful, though not always agreeable. Clearly, the Filipino people have come a long way in terms of misinterpreting the meaning of “democracy”. For most of us Filipinos, it’s become freedom without responsibility. I agree with you on that.
–What I’m trying to say is that after recognizing our failures, there’s little use to complaining and writing about it anymore because negative thinking only restricts progress. There’s more than enough objections/protests/disagreements about the people and the government happening in the Philippines. Our country will NOT benefit from having a society so divided in thoughts and actions.
– I subscribe to getrealphilippines.com because it keeps an open eye to such important issues, but I really think it’s time to fix things by introducing and bringing in positivity and a more encouraging approach than continue bashing and pointing out each other’s mistakes.
I was merely giving you an option. You can either explain what you meant or ignore the request for further explanation.
Now that is worth highlighting, indeed.
I don’t agree. Mainstream media is good at distracting people from the real issues plaguing the nation. The time for Filipinos to face the truth was decades ago. Most Filipinos are not even ready to accept that our dysfunctional culture is part of the problem. They simply blame the corrupt public servants without realising they indirectly encourage corrupt activities.
What makes you say we are being negative anyway? The people who are apathetic and indifferent, those who say “wala na tayong magagawa”, they are the one’s being negative in my view.
Well, I suggest you read more of the articles here again because there has been a lot of suggestions written in the past in how to fix the nation. The solution usually presents itself once you have identified the problem.
I like this article and I knew 99% of Filipinos will bash about this! No wonder they get offended easily.
In response to you mentioning the discrimination lawsuit in Boston, you should know the women WON.
kudos to the author of this article, well-said….
I left the Philippines in 1973 when I was 11 years old. I came back to visit in Jan 2011. Your comment is fair, and unfortunately you have the government to blame for it. Everyone is for themselves. There is no structure. The Philippines needs a leader who doesn’t care about the money going into their pockets and their family’s pocket, but rather someone who truly cares about helping the Filipino Citizens. We have a long way to go. I pray that I may somehow get an opportunity one day to be able to help our people. When you have so many people in the Philippines struggling to make ends meat and many children going hungry and people looking for shelter anywhere for their family, how can we expect a sense of order or discipline. I had dinner at the Hotel we are staying at (Marriott) and they had a seafood buffet. I had asked the head waiter if the staff gets to eat the leftover and I was told NO. They sell the leftover to some company. I had spoken to the Manager of the restaurant (who was white) and asked if it’s ok for me to buy his wait staff dinner. He was agreeable. So they set up a table for them and they actually asked me and my family to join them. A comment was said by the wait staff that for all the years he has worked there, no one has ever done this for them. I told all of them two things. First, don’t ever forget where you came from and don’t take prayer for granted. We need to start treating our own people better and perhaps there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
“Filipinos in general feel a strong sense of entitlement to relax or “chill-out” even when there is still so much to do to move the country forward.”
This one really hits me. I usually ended up cramming my work when the deadline’s just only a few days away.
Anyway, good read. Kudos to the author.
Reading this kind of article makes me feel like I finally found my own kind, my own specie. People that can understand my view.
Sorry if there were any grammatical errors.
1. “Victim mentality”, being too proud yet easily offended by criticisms, seemingly unable to comprehend and abide by law… these are traits that are not specific to the Philippines. Many colonized developing countries in Africa and some parts of South America are the same. Just throwing this question out: Are these traits necessarily ingrained into a race or are they an indirect result of being exposed to years of unstable management and unfair treatment by colonizers?
2. I admire the Japanese for their orderliness, but what works for others may not be the best solution for another. I think the Filipinos could use a lot more respect to the law, but it is by no means the panacea to a better country. Besides, I rather we have our own identity (granted there are negative as well as positive sides to it) than copy again from another (just like when we looked up to the Americans and copied their behavioral patterns).
Corruption is the root of all this negative thing that is happening. If we want to implement laws that will benefit majority of us then we must abide and be a role model, and not a breaker.
i think the writer has a strong point in general, to add up, we Filipinos in general cannot take the ”hurting” part of what we call ”TRUTH” and what the writer’s point is very very true..i think if we will just take it as a step to change ourselves then it would be helpful in the long run. Just look around you, simple rules are violated, at home, school, roads, etc..etc.. Look at how Luzon’s premier problem?when it rains heavily it is already a catastrophe!, because floods here and everywhere not because of the heavy rain but because of garbage that also flooded in rivers ,canal…It’s not mother nature’s fault but its the people’s fault!.. simple rule can’t be follow, have your trash dispose properly!..
Your proposition is great theoretically, but laws will do nothing if the people enforcing them don’t even have the decency to follow themselves. The only way this could happen is if the government itself knew how to abide by a general moral code and principle.
It is unfortunate to say that the vast majority of people in the government can’t even do something as simple as that.
Discipline is a quality that the majority of Filipinos lack, be they the poorest of the poor or the richest of the rich. It’s the sad truth.
Well. id have to disagree. If we just keep on waiting on everyone else that we think “matter” to change, then we would be looking, at another long and slow decline in our countrys well being. if you see someone throw trash on the road and walk away, would you wait for him to come back for it? or would you simply do one for the country and pick it up yourself. @the blogger, this comment, is the perfect example of your so-called “victim mentality”.
I partially agree with your point Gillian, but change should have both ways, the people and the government all together. We have a fair share of the deal why this country is not a great country and we have our share of dirt why our government is not doing their job well.
Because all the leaders are also Filipinos!!!
True to some Filipinos, but not all Filipinos have lack of discipline or just happy-go-lucky. We have many Filipinos that we can be proud of. This article is imbalanced, making a sweeping generalization. In fact, in the place where I work, Filipinos are 10 times more hardworking and 10 times more disciplined than other nationalities.
Defensive much? That would be an isolated incidence. Your average, and we mean average, Filipino is fairly accurately summarized. Generalizations exist for a reason.
“True to some”? or True to majority?
Last election isn’t that a hard enough evidence? The process of picking candidates and the logic behind it. The majority exhibits mental retardation. Society are judge collectively or by their common traits (common traits of the majority that is).
I think the problem starts with the implementation of the law. If only the government strictly enforces the law, I think everybody will follow. All Filipinos living abroad follow the rules of any country they wherein, because they knew they cannot circumvent around it or make a bribe out of it.
Very true. I have lived abroad for 30+ years. When we went back to the Phils. I was a bit shocked to find out how undisciplined the people are from the drivers who are cutting each other aggressively, to improper disposal of their garbage. People doesn’t seem to care. I call it “ I am an alien in my own country.
Really? with the law? seriously? when martial law was implemented. it was the same “filipino” abused it. everywhere as long as there’s an opportunity, they abuse it. even if they became strict with the law. someone in the law would take advantage of it. so why not concentrate on programs or events that will make the people of the philippines take part of the what we called “change” and since the filipino community are mostly Greedy. why not take advantage of that greed and use it for good cause. like maybe a contest like kawang gawa awards or such?
Nope, the article isn’t about martial law. It’s about the general lack of regard for what existing laws we have.
I think you miss the point here. It is us, every single person who has to learn discipline. If this works not even laws are necessary.
I agree. We should start with the man in the mirror.
Why wait for the government to strictly enforce the law? Why not follow the law just because it is there? Or why not follow it just because by following it, society would be much better as a whole? Halimbawa na lang, yung simpleng bagay na sumunod sa batas trapiko. Kahit na walang traffic enforcer, kung susundin ng mga tao ang batas trapiko, di hamak na mas gagaan ang daloy ng trapiko.
While it is problematic that the government does strictly enforce the law, what is fundamentally more problematic is the non-observance of our people of the law. I think that is one of the points of this article – that Filipinos in general do not respect the rule of law.
Your comment itself shows that problem. By saying that Filipinos abroad follow the law because they can’t make their way around it, you are implicitly saying that Filipinos abroad would still break the law given the chance to do so.
So in the end, the problem really is us. We, as a whole, are the cause of our own suffering. Don’t blame the government; don’t blame your neighbor. Blame yourself. Take responsibility, and do something about it.
Correct! Besides following rules and the laws of their host countries, it has been proven by Martial Law (of Marcos) that Filipinos are capable of being obedient if the rules are implemented. I was a still a student then and saw for myself how people obeyed bus stops, curfew hours, anti-littering, etc..
This article clearly tells us on why the filipinos are having a hard time attaining progress. It is a fact that filipinos love to complain, dwell so much on their emotions, and evidently play stupid in lieu of following a single rule and guidelines. I myself is guilty of it anyway. We just simply loves to violate rules, as simple as that. Almost everyone wants to be superior and think that they will never be wrong. Lahat magaling! I only wish that one day, the Philippines might have a ‘Duterte-like’ leader with a strong-will to implement laws and rules.
In relation to your article, I just found this from Butthurt Philippines Ms. Ilda.
Hi Domo
I just saw this. Thanks for sharing. The guy was really funny. He managed to capture the awful traffic situation in Manila.
Well written and quite insightful. What might be missing, which might be playing a big part as the root cause of some of these dispositions and tendencies could be religious in nature. The concept of relying heavily on divine intercession and instant forgiveness by the sacrament of penance behind an instant pastoral absolution deeply ingrained in the filipinos fiber are worth marinating and reassessing over. The narcissistic injury of “hiya”, the desire to grandstand, the lack of a common sense of empathy and the shallowness of flash over substance, all could possibly go back to the centuries old and pervading “Filipino poor self esteem”. Just my two cents worth.
Indeed, the appalling behaviour we can observe from some Filipinos stem from their sense of insecurity or poor self-esteem. The arrogance is a form of defense mechanism from their lack of achievements. They feel they have to overcompensate to mask their weaknesses.
The concept of forgiveness has been discussed in other GRP articles here as well. It certainly helps complicate our already dysfunctional culture. Here’s something I wrote about it:
To read the full article, click Filipinos need to develop a sense of shame or guilt
Very well said . Now all we have to do is inculcate and spread awareness not only to us cyber users but also to the very poor kababayans.But how do we do that? I just hope media will be a tool on this….and set aside politics(impossible?).Firstly, the school must have a great influence on our young.Because our kids tend to have a negative perception when it comes to parent/ child lecture thinking it is just sermon, lets face it right?.I mean most.But in school ,they have to listen,or just even a fraction would be in thier young minds.So do we educate our teachers first? hehehe. On the part of out od school youth, I think it is the NGO , Rotary, Lions, Jaycees, Inner wheel, etc to teach,educate parents and kids as well. It is my advocate to do this while on medical/dental missions.I just hope someone reads this and spread the word. This way , we can help our bruised economy and make the Philippines a better place to live.
bruised ego as well.. well pointed out Mrs…allow me to address you as such as you speak with the mother’s heart of properly raising her young like a kindergarden teacher. and you thought well as well.. Presently I see no hope for todays generation with their deep fixation to shallow entertainment spearheaded by Kris the number 1 commercial endorser. I see no wrong with her..its the chill mode escapism of the Filipinos I am scared of. we are presently led by weak leaders with a hugh equally lazy following.. hindi naman lahat ng tao bobo at mahirap/
the entire tone of the article insinuates that lack of discipline within “filipinos” is inherent to our culture — which it isn’t. how is it that filipinos overseas, as in singapore or japan, manage to adhere to rigid laws and rules, like “don’t bring durian in the elevator” or “no spitting on the pavement”?
another thing, when we speak of “filipino,” who are we talking about? did the author, AS USUAL, generalise people from the NCR region or, more specifically, the “tagalogs,” as “filipinos”? has she not considered, say, the bisayans, or the people from davao?
and what are her bases for her conclusion? she did not cite field researches done on the subject of discipline here in the philippines. most, if not, all, of her arguments are subjective and are phenomenological in nature. if she is confident enough to come up with a conclusion that generalises a population, where are her empirical proofs?
one last point: regarding the “victim card,” the author has cited the news report of the filipina nurses. read this article http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/… and see that their claim was completely justified. the rule clearly states: “The hospital’s policy states that English is the principal language and must be the exclusive language spoken and written by all employees while on duty in the emergency department.” so why were the nurses fired from the hospital if they spoke filipino/whatever dialect they used during their BREAKS (ergo, they were off-duty)?
I’ll just repeat my previous responses because your question has been answered so many times on this very same comment thread. Filipinos follow rules and laws in other countries because they know they cannot get away with not following them.
Most advanced countries have very organized law enforcement agencies (e.g., the Police, the FBI, and other criminal investigation services) that motivate people to abide by the law. In short, individuals who violate these rules and laws are punished. Filipinos who go to those countries know that they cannot bribe members of these agencies into allowing them to get away with their crime. Hence, they follow the law.
You want data to prove that majority of Filipinos do not follow the law? Just look around you. Try to observe the people who use the pedestrian crossing and you’ll realize what I’m talking about. The number of squatters alone, those who illegally occupy other people’s property should already tell you that the average Pinoy doesn’t care about the law.
To get the data you want, you need to conduct a survey. Tell me, do you actually believe that people who do not follow the law will truthfully answer survey questions like “do you follow road rules while driving?”
Those who cheat the system won’t admit that they do. So therefore, I cannot conduct a survey to give you data. The fact that the Philippines is still considered as one of the world’s basketcases is already proof that majority cannot follow the law. Even former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said that Filipinos lack discipline.
As to the nurses, well what can I say? Obviously they do play the “victim card” very well. 😉
Some Pinoys are quick to complain about being discriminated upon but they don’t bother to think about how they alienate others when they speak in Tagalog in front of people from other cultures who don’t understand them. Gees…
I once rode a public transportation and i saw this woman threw her garbage out the window and another kid did the same… A simple event in life that shows how loose our character is, no wonder, the people in general are living in a loose way, and our government are ruling in a very loose way also. How I wish, all Filipinos will live a discipline life, will have a humble character, and not think of their selves highly than others. Instead, bear one another with all humility and respect. I adore the Japanese character. At an early age, they inculcate to their young ones the importance of character building. Filipinos, it’s not too late yet. Few among us are having this character. It’s true they’re tagged as “kill-joy” yet we need to strive and help one another to get out from the life and character that they used to be.
I agree with your article except for one thing you pointed which is:
“Filipino victim mentality was quite evident in the case of a group of nurses in the US who reportedly filed a discrimination complaint when their employer called their attention for speaking too much in their native Tagalog at work.”
in my opinion is not victim mentality. they filed their case because it is required while on duty and they only spoke filipino during break. If they broke the rule then I would wholeheartedly agree with.
My suggestion is to change your example instead of that case, that is if you are amenable with that.
Thank you.
I agree with you..They did not play victim here they were simply victims of discrimination very much like the school boy in Canada reprimanded and I think suspended for using a spoon for eating instead of fork and knife
Even without the guideline, it’s just common sense not to speak in your native tongue when there are people from other cultures who won’t be able to understand you. It’s too rude or bastos to blab on and on in Tagalog when others in the room cannot understand you. I guess common sense is lacking in some Filipinos.
It’s ironic the nurses and those who side with them think that they are the ones being descriminated upon when in fact, in speaking too much in Tagalog in their workplace, they didn’t realise that they came across as discriminating on others who cannot speak Tagalog.
Agree to these article, hope you publish this in a way that most, can have access to it and read it, just don’t have Idea to what publication, about speaking native language, it’s really become a practice of Filipinos even I abroad that they speak their own kababayan language even they know the other Infront of them cannot understand it, that’s our big problem too many dialect in our country just lucky we are not force to learn Spanish anymore, fallow the rules of law, I really cannot comment to these, left Philippines 40 years ago cause of martial law, but I love going home every year, going to different provinces in small town and observe, how people live, kids at school, how all the Squaters settle in anywhere, they think it’s ok, trash all over their neighborhood, it’s very in healthy that cause babies to be born with sickness, color coding is one of the funniest one rule that should be taken out, I call it the most stupid laws and its only in Philippines, you cannot stop the people who has business so they just buy another car, to drive, this particular law should be abolish, yes we are stranger to our country when we take vacation, but we all cannot blame our leaders they were all not the same, some have good intention and some have bad greed and still want to be popular, there’s really no solution, but start educating the educators then educate the young ones and just hope the next twenty years something change for the benefit of our grandchildren, God Bless Us All,,,,
Nothing new about the observations of this blogger…. it’s been that way ever since I can remember. The question is what do we do about it. Besides maybe that’s what Filipinos want, that they are happy to live in a dysfunctional system and hope that divine providence will take care of them…. Japan is rich… but so what? They have a suicide rate much higher than ours… The USA is much richer than the Phil. but at least Filipinos do not have mass shootings ala Columbine… Maybe we don’t want to become great and grandstand on the world stage like Japan and the USA both who at a certain time were imperialistic assholes….
Please do not speak on everyone’s behalf because you don’t seem to realise that a lot of Filipinos are sad and depressed in the Philippines. Here’s an article I wrote about it:
Reports say Filipinos are sad and depressed in the Philippines
75% of the total population in the Philippines are farmers that lives in rural provinces. high ranking government officials and rich families only represent 1% also only 10% of the 90-100 million Filipinos have access to internet. these are facts that i hope you can consider if you want to brand or describe a Filipino.
a significant few can not definitely represent the everyone.
Please tell us where you got that info. Thanks
I agree with everything the author said except the part about Wang Chung being a one hit wonder.
Well, Dance Hall Days and that score for To Live and Die in L.A. were considered minor hits. 😉
If you are posting this to tap into the psyche of every Filipino to incite a challenge for change and improvement, whether individually or collectively, then I’m all for it.
If it is intended to criticize, regardless of the validity of your claim, then I guess you are merely looking at the people in a subjective sense more inclined to what “might” be negative about them. Besides, you believe in the aphorism that “in life, things are not always what they seem”.
You claimed:
“Filipinos are proud of being a happy-go-lucky society and make it a point to show the rest of the world that they are coping with smiling faces despite the dire circumstances they face.”
The Filipinos’ happy spirit, to you defines them as “happy-go-lucky”. I see it as a strong character and a graceful display of resilience despite the odds.
Also, you have generalized the entire Filipino populace, sounding certain about your claims as though you have lived among the different ethnic groups. How can you possibly know if the tribal people of the Cordilleras fall under your generalization?
You cited the drug mules in China as an example of the Filipino’s lack of respect for law. We’re you there with them before they committed the alleged crime? Not because there was a handful of misguided Filipinos breaking Chinese laws, doesn’t mean that Filipinos in general would do the same under the same circumstances.
You have also connoted that Filipinos are self centered, always wanting to be ahead of others.I think you have been exposed so much to the wrong Filipinos. Start counting the hits instead of the misses and it might change your perspective.
we weren’t like the people we are now before marcos. we were already a great nation before, in fact we were next to japan during the 60s. care to explain what happened Ilda?
(Of course, because we don’t have such things as INFRASTRUCTURE before and such.)
(Everything is fine back then until the day AFTER Marcos left. I’m going to blame people like YOU instead.)
(mfw the comment I’m replying is FLAMEBAIT.)
Lol! A statement that makes a generalisation is different from a statement that makes an assertion about all e the elements of a given set. When we say, for example that the Japanese are an industrious people, we do not claim that all Japanese individuals are industrious. Similarly, the argument that Filipinos are an undisciplined lot does not imply a claim that every single individual in Pinoy society is undisciplined. It is a generalisation on the COLLECTIVE character of the nation.
so can the author be more specific then?
Here’s to hoping he gets that explanation. Cheers!
(Nah, that question of yours makes you more IGNORANT. Stop the lies, TROLLFAG.)
NON-SENSE is all I can say about your above comment.
Despite the odds? No, Filipinos just shrug off their mistakes and the consequences of their actions. If you examine it closely, the “odds” can be evened out by simply following the rule of law and using critical analysis before making big decisions. Voting for the right leader is one example. Filipinos use their emotion too much when voting. Some just don’t think. This was evident when they voted for PNoy because they were too attached to the Aquino name.
I personally think that the word mediocre better describes Filipinos in general than “resilient”. Being resilient means having the capability to return to an original position. When you say Filipinos are resilient, you are also saying that our society’s original position is being a basketcase.
Being average is NOT being resilient
Can you enumerate all the so-called “hits”?
so, what do we about it? whine? in the 60s the philippines was #2 in asia next to japan before marcos became president. can you explain what happened? how did we end up as the “sick man of asia”? how come the filipinos were a disciplined society back then? can you tell us what happened? can you explain to us how we became a nation of unruly people? it seems that you know the filipinos so well…
(Well, how about YOU explain first?)
(Enough of your LIES, flamebaiter.)
(Well, if you want answers then I would answer this with a question, trollhomo)
(“So you like being a government whored by media that tells you that ‘everything is ok’ and never look forward for progress as a society and a nation but to be part of a MEDIOCRITY?”)
(That’s what happened after Marcos left. FACT.)
@Manny V
You need to read the article again because you missed the whole point. The title alone should answer your questions. You seem to be blaming one person alone for why most Filipinos do not follow the law.
(TROLL.) 😀
(So you’re a crybaby who keeps on blaming Marcos, huh? You never realize the fact that the regime AFTER Marcos left has transformed the Filipinos to what they are now.)
(inb4 FLAMEBAIT comment…)
“write something that can inspire your fellowmen… haven’t you noticed? your style only creates division and only the “HATERZ CLUB” (your minions) can comprehend…”
(Fact: Rizal’s novels are also like GRP, but they took the wrong ideas instead. So are you trying to say that Mahathir is also part of your so-called “HATERZ CLUB”?)
(Dick Gordon was right: Filipinos don’t think. They REACT.)
(Fact is your a filthy liar because yours is nothing but FLAMEBAIT. I would love your comments being deleted.)
bunch of ignorant loyalists? bye!
(And bunch of gullible, foolish, asshats like you? Go TROLL somewhere else).
I am glad you pointed out the obvious, to which I agree with wholeheartedly, and has been the bane of most of my frustration having transplanted to the Philippines almost 5 years ago.
From my point of view as an American with a Filipino parent, and having lived in the Philippines for the past few years, primarily to understand my the blood running through my veins so to speak (but mostly to explore and feed my sense of wanderlust whilst have a good time), what is even more shocking is how the people I have met have so much hostility for their own kind. Almost every Filipino I have come across has a superiority complex, and holier-than-though attitude (to mask what I’m sure is either a lot of insecurity or embarrassment for their own culture) and is so quick to shame their fellow man. I’ve never seen anything like it, nor does anyone seem to talk about it.
One more time I come across a Filipino talking about how stupid Filipinos are, I am going to go apeshit.
Yeah, Filipinos should be more like Japanese… Disciplined? Yes, but they are more likely to end their life after hitting rock bottom. They have a high suicide rate unlike Filipinos who choose to smile if the going gets tough.
Oh really? Here’s an article that says otherwise: Reports say Filipinos are sad and depressed in the Philippines
“A 2012 World Happiness Report has reportedly ranked the Philippines “among the least happiest in Southeast Asia, or 103rd out of 155 surveyed countries worldwide.”
Incidentally, the country also “has the highest incidence of depression in Southeast Asia, according to the Department of Health (DOH).” 2011 data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that “the Philippines has the highest incidence of depression in Southeast Asia with 93 suicides for every 100,000 Filipinos.”
It is so annoying when “tagalog” blog writers attempt to speak in behalf of the entire Philippines when the “tagalog” culture in Manila is significantly detached from the rest of the country.
The reason why we kept on electing the same garbage politicians is simply because the seat of government is isolated in Manila. The scum of the Philippines FLOCK in Manila. Please don’t describe the Filipinos as the same as the Manilenos.
No, many of us in the province FOLLOW the rule of law. Many of us, Filipinos, are very well respected abroad because we are very reliable.
Many of us Filipinos are doing wonders in our cities except, Manila is siphoning all the credit, benefits, and resources intended for the remaining 7,106 island in the Philippines.
So NO, do not speak about Filipinos as though you have considered the REST of the VARYING cultures of the PHILIPPINES!
in addition to that farmers that consist a large number in the Filipino population are the most industrious hardworking and humble sector in the Philippines also repressed sector I’m a social working i have been to almost all of the province in the Philippines. if one wishes to know who is a Filipino pleas see, live and experience a life of a Filipino farmers first. then tell me who is a Filipino?
And STOP dragging “religion” in this arrogant piece of blog since religion has NOTHING to do with it. Stop blaming our belief system as the choice to be stupid and ignorant is “individual”.
Don’t stereotype Filipinos – you smell worse than a dead fish. We each have varying identities and belief system. What you describe about Filipinos EXIST in SOUTH KOREA, CHINA and JAPAN. You just don’t know about it.
Don’t pretend to convey your opinion as FACTS. What you have are MERE observations based on “presumptions” NOT facts.
(And you’re very arrogant because when someone criticize Filipinos then you use EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS instead.)
(Stop defending our DYSFUNCTIONAL culture because you’re just one moron who can’t even think of SOLUTIONS and prefer to remain the status quo.)
The premise of your blog is in itself “racist” and “bigoted” already. It wreaks of ignorance not just about Filipinos but human nature.
This writer is merely projecting her own personality, biases, and ignorance and put the burden on the entire Filipino society.
This writer is merely an individual and there are many individuals like her not exclusively found in the Philippines only.
If she had bothered “to live” among different people coming from different backgrounds from all over the world and allow herself to get to know these people on a level where all walls are down, she’d realize that the Filipinos she wrapped up in a nice little package is NOT uniquely Filipino. We all recycle cultural traits that “exist” in other parts of the world.
think of a glass globe. Shake it. When the world moves around, you’ll realize that more and more people sharing the same personalities are going to find each other. They don’t share the same color, religion or education, or career but they share the same personalities, quirks, characters, lack of discipline, arrogance, etc.
RACE has nothing to do with it. It’s the mystery of the human DNA.
(And you’re IGNORANT about the fact is your comments are nonsense i.e. FLAMBAITING.)
(Troll somewhere else…)
(You love to talk about human nature but never bother to talk about culture.)
(Citing this blog post as ‘racist’ are ignorant about the fact that you just love playing the victim.)
(Clueless, as I say…)
All cultures have downsides. I’m wondering why this writer is all praise with all except the Filipinos. As if there is not any good out of us.
She doesn’t realize that Japan has to kill and oppress millions to enforce discipline.
She doesn’t realize that many have to flee China to escape government oppression to find fortune in other friendlier skies like the Philippines. Ordinary workers are treated so badly in China until now because the government want “discipline.”
She doesn’t realize how Korean men look down on their Filipina wives because its imbibed in their culuture. Koreans are generally inconsiderate of other “lower” cultures like the Philippines because they think they are “more disciplined.”
This article is too destructive, it only offers resolution on pathetic discipline that should be enforced on children. Nakakaperhuwisyo ang blogger na ito sa halip na makatulong. You should renounce your Philippine citizenship. Marry a “disciplined” Japanese, Chinese, or Korean and see how you will live like hell.
Just because other societies do bad things does not make Pinoy dysfunction any better. And besides, Japan is a prosperous society with among the lowest crime rates in the world. Japan and Germany were aggressors in World War II and committed heinous atrocities. But what society didn’t when it could? If the Philippines at any point its history had the capability to wage war against a foreign nation, it probably would have. In fact, dominant tribes in the Philippines have histories of subjugating weaker indigenous communities and treating them unfairly.
Indeed, some of the greatest and wealthiest societies in the world seem to be characterised by strong martial traditions. But then look at the Philippines and there is none of that to speak of. Only a rather pathetic emo culture that gets us nowhere.
Japan is prosperous? are you updated about their huge public debt and unemployment today.
lack of strong martial tradition?
we went down that route already? Martial Law. Can’t you remember that?
as far as I know, rule-abiding societies like Japan, S.korea and singapore lack innovation.
S.Korea and Japan practically copied American inventions and turned them cheap.
Have you read about the scandals involving Singaporean Elites?
Naperhuwisyo ka na after reading this article? Maybe because you are one of those people who don’t really want to do the hard work that’s needed for the country to progress.
Since you mentioned South Korea, here’s some excerpts from my previous article: Experts say President Noynoy Aquino is part of the Philippines’ problem
The Philippines’ political history has a lot in common with Korea’s. For one, both countries have a Presidential system; two, similar to Korea, the Philippines was under a dictatorship for decades. From 1972 the Philippines was under the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos’s regime until he was toppled and exiled in 1986 while Korea was under Military dictatorship since the 1950s until they switched to more democratic governance in the 1980s. Third, Korea’s political system even after switching to democracy always got bad international press as late as the 1990s because it was riddled with corruption and nepotism which is something that the Philippines is unfortunately still experiencing until now.
The situation with the Koreans in the 1990s was so similar to what is happening to Filipinos now. There were massive election frauds committed with public servants spending public funds and television was totally under the control of the State.
To be sure, Philippine elections in the past and even the recent one in May 2010 were mired by allegations of fraud in the form of vote buying and rigging of election results, the latter not prevented even by new electronic voting systems. Sadly, the powerful elite who exert a strong influence on the electorate controls the media.
However, despite the turmoil in the political scene in South Korea back in the 1990s, strong institutions backed by an ancient Confucian culture provided a check and balance that eventually resulted in a stable Korean economy. The sense of nationalism in Korea is unmatched even by the Japanese. Part of this strong sense of nationalism has a lot to do with the draconian laws and decrees introduced during the period when they were still under dictatorship. To quote an excerpt from an article written by the late Teddy Benigno:
In the 1950s former General Park Chung-hee set-up a dictatorship which first decreed land reform. He then got the leading capitalists, entrepreneurs, economists; policy planners together win to something like a ruling national council. He drove them to excel, meet or exceed targets. Or else. The story goes that a prominent businessman complained, said he couldn’t meet his target. Park Chung-hee simply replied he would be executed at dawn. The businessman relented and met his target.
That was iron discipline. But it was that discipline that forged the new South Korea and today it is the 12th biggest economy in the world.
What was Korea’s secret then? The average Korean is ambitious and works furiously hard and long hours. There is even a saying that “Korea is the one society in the world in which the Chinese go broke and the Japanese look lazy”. They instill this discipline to the younger generation. The average Korean child goes to a coaching school three times a week and it is standard for them to learn English because they recognize the importance of being proficient in the English language.”
Ang hirap sa iyo ay nilalahat mo. Hindi ka yata Pilipino? Kasi kung lalahatin mo ang pananaw mo sa Filipino ay kasali ka na kung Filipno ka nga. Magkaiba ang kultura ng dalawang bansaa na pinagkukumpara mo, ang pilipinas ay nasakop ng Kastila, Americano at Japanese at may mga Chinese at Malayo pa, kaya iba ang ugali. Ano ba talaga kultura mo, ng lahi mo? Mukhang nagmula ka sa isang superior na lahi, kagaya ng Arian, kaya ka perpekto.
So true , even here in United State the situation is getting worse , Family life, cultural and religious discrimination start to weaken! Businesses start to dropped from 2010 when I come herein New York up to now a lot of stores are closing…In this situations the political will of every world leaders should focus on helping each other… Lets pray for the Philippines to be saved and guided by the Lord!!!
Your notion of the Japanese and Koreans being racists has nothing to do with the article. If you truly believe that living in Japan is harder than in the Philippines, it’s obvious that you’ve never been out of the country.
And how is it destructive? people should admit their faults before they can change.
@Dirch, did you understand the article? I don’t need to explain to you why I mentioned about Japanese and Koreans racist characters. It’s obvious you lack understanding.
Yes, I have been to Japan, Korea, and all of South East Asia. I have seen all the good and the bad of most Asian cultures.
My sister was married to a Japanese bastard who made her life like hell. With all the material comforts in Japan, most Filipinos are treated like lower creatures and that is practically harder “than in the Philippines” as you said.
And you know what, my other sister was molested by her Korean employer. You see, it’s in their cultures deep down their throats. Their disgusting nature are all covered with materialistic wealth we see buried in their most “disciplined”conduct.
Yes, meron ding mga walanghiyang Pinoy. Pero mas walanghiya ang mga Hapon, Koreano at Intsik.
@ cheetos
I agree. As much as I laud her for being critical, she has a ‘tone’ problem. I’m certain her intentions are to help her people, but that type of condescending, shaming criticism is almost more damaging. Furthermore, she doesn’t seem to handle criticism well herself.
(No, you should GET REAL because the fact is you’re just FLAMEBAITING.)
(Keep on lying, HYPOCRITE.)
(Please tell that to SINGAPORE and MALAYSIA. And thanks to their leaders, they did it. They can look for the Visayans for inspiration but I wanna ask: sino sa mga taga-Visayas ang sasama sa kapalpakan at kalokohan ng Imperial Manila?)
(Still, nandyan pa rin ang problems. If we don’t look on our weaknesses to solve our problems with critical thinking, then you’re inspiring everyone to be delusional.)
I don’t think this is something that is endemic to just Filipinos. You see these kind of “stereotypical traits” in other races and cultures, too. What I do agree with however is that there is a lot more that still needs to be done and improved upon and part of it is dependent on changing or disrupting the status quo.
Simple traffic rules lang hindi nga makasunod ang Pinoy. Malabo talaga umasenso ang Pilipinas. Nakalagay NO PARKING SIGN. Pero magpa park pa rin. Saan ka pa? Only in the Philippines.
(Yep. That’s the sad truth, my friend. And there are retards who blame Marcos for that w/o realizing the fact is that during Martial Law, we have a disciplined society. And the transformation of the Filipinos is where AFTER he left.)
(Even Lee Kuan Yew once stated: “Ang kailangan ng Pilipinas ay DISIPLINA at hindi demokrasya.)
Exactly..and these people even have the audacity of getting mad and name some police or gov’t officials they know whenever they are asked to do the right thing or be apprehended about it…Only in the Philippines 🙂
I refuse to read a long-winded comment that has no paragraph break.
It’s as if my thoughts have been printed out verbatim. These are totally true. From the highly professional ( doctors getting away from traffic tickets and claiming they have emergencies, even if they don’t or a lawyer verifying such violation and intimidating the enforcer ) to the jeepney driver who refuse to put his passengers in the proper lane, and even saying that : nag tratrabaho lang!
I don’t know what happened with discipline and sense of love for the country. And everything seems to be personnal, not duties or professional responsibilities. From the long standing utang na loob to the kamag – anak ko yan system, we have really not moved on from this.
But if you go to other countries worldwide, Filipinos are the best employees, workers, drivers and professionals around. What is it about leaving the country that makes every Filipino more disciplined? Is it the kind of leadership that we have here? Or the kind of Filipinos left behind who doesn’t care at all what happens to his fellowmen?
In times of catastrophe, you can see the generosity of Filipinos, in fact you don’t need the government to take actions ( being the useless agency in itself ) . How come it takes calamities to see the kindness in everyone?
It’s true, let us start from the very young ones, try as much as we can true discipline and hard work. This will keep them thru the realities of life in the Philippines. And yes, mediocrity is a killer for development.
WHATEVER!!!!….Nothing’s gonna change…
Then kill yourself if you think this country is hopeless. DO IT NOW!
Because there are NO RULES in our country, ONLY SUGGESTIONS.
We Filipinos should remove that mentality that we are the best in the world or we are all knowing. What we all should do is to humble ourselves and recognize our limitations. This is so when Filipinos work abroad; they follow the rules but in our own country… ‘Masyado tayong mayabang!’
Let’s remove this mentality and we will progress…
tama! andami sa filipino na masyado mayabang kaya minsan nahoholdap dahil sa kayabangan. . tsk2x. .
you know I agree on your blog! they are many of us that don’t know the meaning of “law and order” like may footbridge na hala sige tawid parin kaya I do not blame sometimes yung mga driver kasi kalimitan sa highway pa bawal magbaba at magsakay hala sige baba at galit pa ang pasahero kapag tinama ni mamang driver sa pagbaba at pagsakay I know hindi lang filipino ang ganito pero mostly tayo yung walang paki sa batas. . coz I’ve been to japan, hong kong and canada grabe ang orderliness dun kapag nakared ang stoplight kahit walng tumatawid nakahinto talaga ang mga sasakyan pati mga tao kapag hindi pa nakarunning man ang stop light walang tumatawid and they really use footbridges and follow signs. . this country really needs discipline we always cry for a change but do we ask ourselves if what we are doing is right and just? masunurin ba tayo sa batas? if not then don’t cry change tayo ang magsimula nang pagbabago. . =)
Filipinos follow rules when they are outside the Philippines. I believe that Filipinos are capable of living by the “rule of law” if there is proper and strict implementation of the law.
I completely agree with you!
Not always for sure but the society and other citizens usually help with implementation. I see it as “out of sight out of mind”, there is a rationalization of it being okay if one is not caught. And that there is something wrong with wanting rules to be upheld.
I have the same sentiment! The paniningit, crossing on red lights when there are no traffic attendants!anything you can think of..it’s a sad state and truth just hurts!
What the country needs is a good old fashioned Spanking. People are too arrogant, thinking “their way” is the right way. A nuke on the Capital might just do the trick, if not a nuke on all 3 cities.
You don’t talk to animals to discipline them, you beat it into them. And Filipinos are no better than rabid stray dogs that needs a good leash and whipping.
If you think Filipinos are better than stray dogs, better go out more. You might just see someone peeing on a random pole in broad daylight.
Not true regarding training animals. PAWS can help w/ that view. I so agree with the spanking comment, appropriate analogy.
I totally agree with this blog. Aminin na natin we are a stupid race who can’t follow simple rules. We lack descipline, we have no sense of true patriotism. Ang lahat ay palabas lang, payabang lang. Kapag tinatamaan tayo ang daming nagagalit, puro negative reactions, parang bata. We lack maturity as a nation. Illusion lang ang pagiging pilipino pero deep inside we are just a race with no nationality, copy cats, no originality, no ambitions, greedy, corrupt, boastful, lazy, happy go lucky bastards….poor philippines,you have no future with people like us.
It probably has something to do with our history.
We were ruled by Spain for 300 years, w/c could have instilled in our culture
the mentality, we must impress our masters. Then we get ruled by America w/c was cut short because as Quezon have said, he’d prefer a country ruled lik hell by filipinos than a country ruled likeheaven by the americans. Rather immature independence to start with. And that is the difference between Philippines and other countries.
Reality bites and it hurts… It hurts a lot more especially when we see our self as one of the reason for a problem to occur. What was presented here are realities (negative) in life that we Filipinos had done or doing. Most of us want to learn things the hard way which in turn leads us to trouble. I my self had gone through such thing which i am not proud of, however, with a little bit of common sense i am able to avoid doing or committing mistakes. Sometimes, some of us tend to forget a simple saying “common sense lang”. If we intend to always bear this in mind (common sense lang), i know that we don’t need to go through any trouble. The problem with us Filipinos is we are good in enforcing discipline to others but when it us, we do not like to be disciplined, worst is we put the blame to others when we ourselves is the root of the problem. I am not saying that we do all things perfectly, but with a little discipline and sensitivity, we will be able to avoid doing wrong. Our country needs a collective effort of all its citizen to do good if we want others to look upon this country of ours with high regards.
What the Philippines need is a 5 to 10 year stretch of a martial law type of government with an honest,knowledgeable, strong leader like Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore who will require strict discipline and compliance to all laws with unbridled penalties for law breakers.If we can discipline the growing generation there is hope for a better Philippines.
Inom muna kayo ng salabat. Mga virus lang yan sa lalamunan. One cup of “salabat” will bring you all to your senses. Peace!
This article struck a cord with me. Look in from the outside. If people cannot understand the basic rules of society (trash, traffic, public urination,good neighbor, no tong) there is a serious problem, change it. I hope blogs like this give strength for people to do it.It all makes me feel bad for the Filipino friends who work so hard to do the right thing…“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.” -ghandi. Don’t blame it on others, be the change and demand it of others. Are you brave enough to obey laws? Call out others (even in private)when they do not follow rules?
hahaha…every word you wrote in this article is TRUE…..tumitino lang ang PINOY if they go abroad…..you forgot one thing: Pinoys are obssessed with anything–and everything… what a materialistic society!
you are ryt. discipline is the the key for progress. even a simple instruction to follow we cannot. thats why filipinos who went abroad .learned so much thing and even immitate what they observed because they knew na ito yong tama.
True. But not accurate. Why single out Filipinos? The Japanese are disciplined and they should be emulated in times of crisis. But why put down Filipinos? Maybe you should also mension the male dominant culture of the Japanese, their disrespect towards women, maybe its something we can also emulate? Or rather point out the caring nature of Filipinos?
If you bash this God fearing race it is only fair to mension the good traits we Filipinos have. We are not perfect. But certainly we are all not bad. Island living is different from some capitalist’s notion of a good life. You truly are a Filipino, u find it hard to love your own, and thats definitelyone trait i love to do without.
Why single out Filipinos? Uhmm, maybe she wants to improve the filipinos and not other countries. Why should she focus on the negative traits of the japanese culture? Because it is not worthy to emulate.
This is not bashing the filipino “race” (it isn’t a race at all), this is telling us what is wrong with us and hopefully change for the better. Why should she mention what is good with the filipinos, you know that already.
As long as excuses such as “we are not perfect” are used, then we cannot step up to the next level.
Do you think the author hates the filipino, I think its the contrary.
It’s the truth, take it with a grain of salt.
Yes…I agree with you Joel..as long as we always find excuses we can not take the step for the next level…
I agree, though the words are really strong and insulting but this is very true. The very reason why this blog was written because the Filipinos whom the author loves so much is not getting anywhere. Their lives are not improving resulting to augmentation of crimes. THINK,, what will the Philippines be in years to come. She wanted to touch the minds of Filipino people, the leaders or the common.
Lawyered him!
The author was right, I don’t think so she hates filipinos , she just want to show everybody should change their attitude, and all she said was very true nature of filipinos, yes we have good treats too but the worst should be change and it is a must or else philippines will never improve forever
Richard – you miss the point entirely and are focusing on the wrong thing. Clear your head and read thru this again. Granted you are in the philippines and you have been overseas to more industrialized countries like singapore, japan etc. dont you wonder why we cant have it here. Its because of everything thats written in this a rticle
The article is not bashing Filipinos. It simply tells us how we can improve. Nevermind the ugly traits of other countries, let’s just focus on how we can improve first, before finger-pointing the negatives of other.
Richard, this article only focuses on 1 aspect and topic… If they put in other topics, this will be a very long blog or might as well be a book. Generally for me, this article is an observation of what is happening on this part of the topic. Something we should take positively as an advise and correct since we know it really needs to be corrected. This is one of the problem, we don’t take criticism in a positive way. As 1 quote say “Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you; correct a wise man, and he will appreciate you.” Good that I see a lot of wise people here 🙂
Richard, while admit that you are right and that everything she wrote could be said about Africans, we too suffer all the above, and thus are unable to go forward, even South America has the same issues, the point your missing is that she is not in Africa or South America. The author has written a well written document that is blunt and to the point, but in such a way as to be constructive not destructive. Its plain that she loves her people and wants the best for them.
If each of the failing cultures had more people like her and less people as described imagine how great ALL the countries of the world could be.
I think the analogy there isn’t right…It doesn’t follow that if you emulate or try to adopt the good traits and practices of Japanese and Koreans(or any other progressive countries)into our culture specifically those concerning discipline and working habits that we should also adopt(or will automatically follow) their “other” cultural practices that we find unappealing….It’s as simple as “Take in what we see that is good in them,and leave their “garbage” behind and on our side of the fence we should “Throw out some of the “garbage” culture/mentality we have within and try to take in,practice and adopt the good that we see in other cultures”…so don’t worry,our fear of God and respect towards women won’t certainly vanish into thin air when our society starts following proper rules that we must abide and practice.
Love your own. A more balanced point of view next time please. Maybe you could also point out the famous disrespect of Japanese men toward women. Maybe we could emulate that too.
Amen to that, am I the only one thinking that this article is crass, condescending and equally unproductive as far as improving the lives of our brethren is concerned? Tough love is one thing, but self-loathing and shaming from this author is quite another.
Why are you on the defensive.learn to take it with a grain of salt.
They cannot take any critisism Paolo. That’s another problem too, ignorance.
kaya d umuunlad pinas ganyan kau e insecure
Minus the glaringly judgmental statements:
‘It is quite interesting to note that some Filipinos would rather act like idiots than follow the rules.’
the unsubstantiated data:
‘In other words, Filipinos in general tend to put their own interest first before other people.’
‘…They were more likely to drink, smoke and eat badly, which is a typical characteristic of a Filipino…’
…and so forth, this author might actually have had chance at being taken seriously.
I challenge her to rewrite this article, but from an uplifting, positive, constructive point of view (while still including the stereotypes and crude generalizations) and see if she can’t aspire to become one of those strong leaders she thinks the PI needs, a voice that can be helpful and compassionate in such a dire situation.
Have a great day!
She does not need to do anything for you rose. She has said her peace. If your unhappy write your own blog. I on the other hand would like to grasp the positive points of her statements. I suggest trying to improve oneself thru reflection.
I wrote my peace, that’s allowed in the USA still y’know…agree to disasgree!
Peace to you.
You might have not been in a typical Pinoy community like the slums of Tondo, where you’ll actually see those unsubstantiated data you’re talking about, substantiated.
It is indeed, the Filipino culture itself that is keeping the country from progressing. Most Filipinos cannot understand this because any criticism against the culture is not appreciated.
It maybe hard to admit but the observations in this article has a lot of truth in it.
Learn from japanese? you insolent traitor…
So just because we were told to learn from someone else to correct our own mistakes, that person is already accused of betrayal? What a shallow reasoning!
Honestly, when someone is correcting you, they don’t mean to insult nor do they mean to hate on you either, it’s all because they wish for you to take the correct line and not head down to failure.
What’s wrong with us Filipinos is, we can’t even take on constructive criticism.
Traydor agad? That is such shallow reasoning. There are definitely many qualities we can emulate from other nations. The Japanese, for example, formed orderly lines after the Sendai Earthquake and looting was minimal. The product of years and years of disciplinary formation in schools and at home.
Implying that you’re not just a regular moron. You were born and proud to be a moron.
sabi ng the only great president of the philippines ferdinand marcos …sa ikauunlad ng bayan DISIPLINA ang kailangan..
The author lays blame on Filipinos for their miserable plight and in same breath, accuses Filipinos of doing the same.
The hypocrisy is STAGGERING…but then again the author is also Filipino–so according to her, she wouldn’t have known any better.
You can replace the word “Filipino” with many other countries and the article could still apply. The limited historic knowledge of the PI may explain the lack of “discipline.” After Martial Law under Marcos, and even back in the Magellan days, the PI was always under some thumb of a dictator or single ruler. To rebound to the opposite side of the spectrum is reactionary, but not necessarily permanent. Take a bird out of its cage for the first time and it will likely fly too far.
And to compare to Japan? Disciplined, yes. But women are second class, homosexuality is repressed, and authority is never questioned. Is that what citizens want in a country? Maybe? But Japan also has a history of being conquered (i.e. WWII) that may explain their transformation. Japan was imperialistic and “war-mongering” prior to an atom bomb being dropped on them and forced by the Allies to never have a strong military again. Obedience is not in their cultural DNA; it may just be that in defeat, you do it to stay alive as a country.
Asians, including Filipinos, are some of the hardest working people I know. They also lack aggression which keeps them out of management. Is it because they hold too tightly to “discipline?”
That thing about the Filipino nurses? The case was in regard to them talking in the lunch room or in casual situations, not during work-related exchange. Talking in whatever language is a goddamn right IN THE USA.
I understand being critical of one’s own culture is necessary, but unchecked, self-loathing screeds are embarrassing and equally non-productive.
I think every country’s culture is different, each having their own good points and bad points. Japan is a country known for its discipline and conformity, but of course these things have their own drawbacks as well. What we Filipinos could learn from the Japanese is their belief that “no one is above the law”. What the Japanese could learn from us, on the other hand, could be our better respect for women. Although the Philippines is not a 100% equal in terms of gender roles and equality, since it’s still common for women to end up as housewives.. I digress from the gist of the article. Discipline is not strictly a trait of the Japanese, it’s something that any nation can come to learn. But where should the discipline start? From our leaders or from the citizens? It ought to come from every single one of us, rather than just waiting for our government or for the rest of us to shape up.
I think this is insane… Filipinos are always obeys the rule… you know why if we are not obeying the rules Most Corrupt Politician would be probably in jail or dead by now. Filipinos are very patient, even the Napoles Pork Barrel Scam and other big time criminal and political case we always “Obey the Rules” even the rules stupid. You can’t blame Filipinos because of the difference between Japan and Philippines during catastrophes. The first rule in Life is to survive… so don’t blame Filipinos blame our Politicians…
Pfft yeah right tell that to the jaywalkers and those who just throw their garbage anywhere.
Now After the Yolanda Tragedy, What should the Government Do Next?
1. Most of the Filipino Culture always rely on “BAHALA NA” , “MAMAYA NA” and “BUKAS NA”.
2. Most of the Filipinos are NOT AWARE on DISASTER TERMINOLOGIES like “STORM SURGE vs. TSUNAMI , SUPER TYPHOON vs. SIGNAL no. 3 etc.
4. FILIPINO PEOPLE are NOT EQUIP with ADVANCE Warning Systems and Response in Calamity.
I mentioned these things because I want that the Government should look on the causes on why these YOLANDA and other Calamity related incidents causes thousand lives lost despite of perceived preparations and efforts.
They always recommend to prepare evacuation and relief goods but these preparations is not enough to meet the sudden changing dangers of climate change.
Encourage Congressman and Senators to look into revision and make new LAWS in Regarding DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. Make a DISASTER BILL OF PHILIPPINES to address the problem stated above. FILIPINO PEOPLE IS NOT WELL EDUCATED on DISASTER PLANNING and IMPLEMENTATION.
TRAINING WITH COURSE CERTIFICATES for a 3 days to 1 week of training to achieve a Course Disaster Preparedness Achievement or let say A yearly FIRE DRILL is NOT ENOUGH to influence the FILIPINO PEOPLE to become prepared it should START on Level of Preparatory (Elementary-HS, to Undergraduates) to Graduate Level of Education and lastly on Working Professional Fields.
1. Introduction to Disasters and Kinds of Disasters
2. Survival and Communication during time Disasters
3. Simulation of Disaster Situation
4. Universal Sanitation Protocols
5. Communication Lines to Call during Disasters
1. Leadership Training on Disaster Management
2. Responsibility of a Member as a Disaster Committee
3. Intermediate Basic Life Support Protocols
4. Basic Health Hygiene Protocol and Introduction Quarantine
5. Advanced Survival Protocols during and after Disasters
6. Basic Nuclear Fall-out protocols
7. Advance Communication Protocols
UNDERGRADUATE: This will depend on the Specialization
Para-Medical Fields:
Other Science Fields:
Other Courses:
1. Advance Disaster Management
2. Advance Quarantine Management
1. The Government should push to a Law and establish a DISASTER BILL
2. Educated and Non Educated People should be not innocent on Disaster Preparedness
3. Every Specialization should move and cooperate during disaster.
4. THE DISASTER IS NOT LIMITED to EARTHQUAKES OR STORM, There can be a man made violence or riots, Infection Outbreaks and possible Nuclear Fall-out.
The Nation Needs Disaster Management Leaders, and do not rely on Appointee or by experience, we should have a course to address these problems.
Wack article. Generalizations on the negative aspects of culture can be written about any and everyone. Good job of causing a shocking reaction to people, many may feel strongly about this article , so mission accomplished
A wack article? This is another example of Filipinos not being able to take criticism. You would rather sweep it under the rug rather than address the problem or discuss it in a civil manner. The current state of the country serves as proof of what the author wrote. A shocking reaction is exactly what Filipinos need. They need that slap in the face to wake them. I am a Filipino and I am not proud to be one.
The author is just telling the truth about serious issues that dumb flips like you suffered. If that hurts you, then it’s your fault. You hate criticism because you don’t want to be a better person don’t you deny it.
“rule of law”. wtf is this phrase! filipinos are brainwash by entertainment (the masses which are the citizen living on poverty. 70,000,000+). These are the one who cast their votes during elections. The working class don’t care and the upper class are the one who pull the strings.
one of the worst atitude of human being that’s why they do not progress because of the PRIDE. They do not accept correction even they know that they are wrong.
I have read the article and most of the comments here.. The article clearly says it all. while I only have few words on some of the comments here.. for Richard and the rest who can’t accept this article as it is.. you guys are a typical pinoy.. If someone will say you are wrong or you could have been better if you do this you then counteract by saying you have been at your best. You are a typical pinoy with an attitude of not being able to grasp or accept criticism that’s. You are a person who has high regard for himself. Someone who thinks that he can never be better for he is already at his best. One thing for you dude.. Learn to accept feedback that way you will find out that their is more to you than what you have now. Do not point fingers focus on the feedback as it is and work on it.
I strongly agree with you James! and especially to the posted this blog!
Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.
Proverbs 23:9
While i agree with most of things you tlak about there are a few that we i differ on opinion. I have traveled and lived in a few industrialized countries. I think the main problem is the Filipinos dont grandstand enough or rather we dont take responsibility. We either pray for the corruption and injustices to go away or we ignore it. The only way to fix real world problems for each citizen to take charge and make their society better, dont wait for someone else or when the time is right. There is a saying “The only thing necessary for evil to truimph is for good men(people) to do nothing”. Since we are small children we have been brainwashed by the previous generations that our only hope for a better life is to go abroad but when you get there its not all milk and honey. They tell us that the solutions to all our problems are outside of us. They tell us the only way for our society to improve is by some foreign intervention. They were wrong, no one is going to fix our problems for us and even if you go abroad people will look at by how progressed your country of origin is and thats a fact. Up until yolanda hit us we thought that we were hidden from the rest of the world. We learned that we are just as visible and through the internet and social media we can now quickly and widely expose the old world corrupt practices of politicians and the media. Everyone from japan to switzerland got off their asses and did everything they could to help us. They didnt have to but they did, let us show that we deserved it and help ourselves change the old mentality and corrupt practices. There is a saying in the US since 9/11 “If you see something say something”. Dont ignore or wait for someone else.
I get what you’re doing here and i appreciate this blog. More power and Mabuhay.
What I think is being applied in this article is nothing else but reverse analogical reasoning. One good example is the author’s claim of “each individual (referring to Filipinos) having baseless sense of being more important than everybody else thus pushing their way in lines ahead of the rest in a queue.” The author forgot to consider that forcing yourself up ahead would in the first place only be possibe in a crowd that shows a sense of consideration for others, a trait which ironically is very common among Filipinos. So this shows to say that the author is definitely wrong to presume that all Filipinos want to put their own interest first before other people. If this were true, then the word “pakikisama” would have not existed in our vocabulary.
And oh yes as a Filipina born and have lived in the Philippines for 30 years and living abroad for more than 20 year, I up todate dare to say that I am still very proud to be a FILIPINO! There is certainly nothing to be shameful about our people simply because every nation and every race has its own flaws.
Are you sure we’re describing the same Philippines here? While there is a sense of consideration here, it’s more the exception than the rule. What you see as “a sense of consideration”, isn’t it in fact a world of survival of the fittest, or a dog-eat-dog world? If there was “a sense of consideration” like you said, then people would line up courteously at MRT stations, as an obvious example. But they don’t; Filipinos don’t even wait for the passengers inside to get off before they push themselves in.
And besides, the author did not say that ALL Filipinos want to put their own interest first before other people. You’re yet another one who does not understand the difference between a general statement about a collective and an all-encompassing statement. A generalization applies to the collective properties of the set but does not necessarily apply to all members of it. As an example used so many times, the Japanese are generally seen as disciplined, even if not ALL Japanese are disciplined.
Misery loves company. How sad that there are Filipinos like you who think that way. Every “race” has its own flaws, unfortunately some “races” have fared better than others despite their flaws. Can we say the same about Filipinos?
Filipinos have been influenced primarily by the West with the bourgeois mentality and what was left by the Spanish aristocratic standards that if you conduct and poll survey on people to ask the question if they are poor or rich, I don’t think you can find many that will admit they are poor. The reason why they put too much emphasis on materialism. They love watching TV idiotic programs that are made for the uneducated. One of the main culprit here is religion. When you have a religion that teaches one thing and does another completely opposite then you can expect people not following even simple rules. Christianity teaches love your enemies, a vow to poverty, all of which the Institution itself has shown that they are really for against it in their actions and the wealth they accumulate. Philippines is slave nation, ever since it has been a country. I completely disagree with this author above implying that they are indolent lacking discipline. If anything they are slave drivers. That is why the people who came from communist countrie hires them because they one of the most cruel and hostile people in work places, because this has been done to them by the Spaniards, Americanas, Japanese, so it follows that their leaders would loot them out of whatever is there for the takingd make the people suffer in their poverty and hardships. It’s strange because even though a lot of people are hard up, since it has been their tradition to to be hostile to each other by showing how better off they are or have to assert that in the power they have in working institutions.
Crab mentality, one of it…boastful! Hahahaha!
Crab mentality is just as MYTH. -_-
Nah the true person with crab mentality are the emofags like you.
I think what you all said are true BUT comparing FILIPINOS to other nations
is a NO NO!!! Nobody’s perfect! I’ve been living in Japan for 7 years and their weaknesses are no respect for women, high rate of suicides, no care for their parents and others and many more. Try to be balance next time lalo na kung pinoy ka…to make it short isa lang ang wala sa pinoy kaya di tayo umuunlad…alam mo kung ano? RESPECT…we don’t respect each other. Japanese respect each other even they don’t care for each other…isa nang example yung sinulat mo…Goodluck na lang sayo:)
Barok, agree na sana ako sa disagreement mo regarding comparing the Flips to the Japanese. Pero kinumpara mo pa rin by saying ang kulang sa atin ay respect, sa Japan respectful sila….I think unfair ang e compare tayo sa ibang cultura pero sometimes its a mirror to reveal to us what we are missing. But tama ka, respect should be basic…
philippines have so much rules and laws, the problem is the authorities are too lazy to enforce the laws. most often than not, they use the law to extort money, especially the traffic enforcers. look at balintawak, unregistered tricycles and unlicensed drivers counterflow and park their vehicles relentlessly. mmda personnel just turn around their head.. also, during the time of b. fernando, media always attack his traffic schemes that they are not effective, now have they ask the current mmda chairman if he has any solution to the traffic? are they effective? also, the construction of road are not to the standard, imagine, curbs are constructed almost 90 deg, when in fact, it should have a curvature of certain radius proportional to the width of the road.. enforcement of the law is necessary !!!
how true!!! People say Filipinos are nice, but they are a selfish and inconsiderate bunch too – especially to each other. If you are not blond and carry greenbacks or euros…then the unselfishness and kindness will not be directed towards you…
Crab Mentality !
But Discipline ? I
Crab Mentality that is …? We are a unique nation with four cultural heritage isn’t it?
and i guess we need to change ..
Change for the better !
Funny…one commentor talks about respect, but his comments do not show him respecting the writer…. A proof of one thing pointed out in this article. Pinoy talaga.
I completely disagree; for one, countries like Japan, Korea, and China have well established law enforcement systems that are respected and actually feared by most. When calamities hit those countries, naturally some amount of anarchy ensued, but it’s not as apparent as what’s happened back home because the law is more effectively enforced and feared. Japan for example is a great example of the effectiveness of proper law enforcement. As opposed to the Philippines with a proportion of 1 personnel to roughly 690 people, Japan has a highly active police force of 1 personnel to 495 citizens. The local force also knows 14% of the citizens under their jurisdiction on a personal level. As for China and Korea; Korea has a large military population considering the conscription law, and China has excellent infrastructure.
Another factor is the infrastructure. One of the main problems of the Philippines is proper infrastructure. Considering the fact that most roads are dilapidated, and full of potholes thanks to the lack of funding, it becomes increasing difficult to find order in a place that is so disorganized. Japan, arguably has some of the best infrastructure in the world. The law enforcement operates in “koban” which are strategically placed in and around populated areas. Not to mention, buildings and shelters are all made known, and accessible to citizens allowing for efficient evacuation when necessary. The government has also funneled billions in building massive flood tunnels that help retard the tsunamis and monsoons that hit Japan. The Philippines does not have any of these things. People don’t have shelter during times of disaster leading people to become desperate, our lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for relief forces to operate, and the lack of proper flood barriers leads to even more decomposition of infrastructure when disasters do hit.
It’s not fair to make the culprit of an entire nation’s problems the generalized aspects of the people’s personalities, and it’s not fair to say that Filipinos as people are incapable of being disciplined and virtuous based on menial observation alone. Look at America, when Katrina hit New Orleans, the crime rate was ridiculously high in that area of the city, and yet despite the “character” of the people there, it was quelled quickly and efficiently due to the superior infrastructure and law enforcement.
Regarding your attack on Filipinos being unable to follow rules, Americans are far worse. The proportion of Asian immigrants that go to prison in America, are much lower than that of the general populace of 3rd generation onward which is steadily increasing with each year, and yet America is still heralded as one of the greatest countries in the world. Strange isn’t it, how infrastructure and proper law enforcement can change one’s presumably “innate” attitude of complacency and “victim” mentality?
You have a thick skull do you?
In japan, it is not about fearing the law. It is self respect and respect for each other. If you have been to their country or have worked with them, you will know. Regardless of the law, they know it is not right to steal from malls, groceries and other people, REGARDLESS of the law enforcer. AS said before, impunity have become ingrained into the filipino mind from the top down. Basta may butas, lusot!
Infrastructures of lack of it still points to the the characteristic of the typical filipino, even for the high ranking government officials, basta makakalusot. That is why we have lack of funds, they would rather channel funds into their pockets, ever filipino knows this, hence they also make do with what they can get away with.
It is just right to point and magnify to the typical filipino flaws, because those are really the reasons why we are in this deep hole. What is not right in your reasoning is that, it is ok for us to not measure up to countries like Japan or US because we are just filipinos, that is plainly idiotic.
Again, why should you compare crime rates in other countries to ours…. why not just focus on keeping it down than saying, it is ok for that crime since other countries have higher crime rates, again….idiotic. A crime committed is still a crime.
And lastly, what the article stated are all true, take it with a grain of salt. Obviously if you are butt hurt then it must be referring to you.
its fine for Filipino to go simple leaving…
Filipino nurses in the US filed discrimination lawsuit due to few medical facilities barring the use of tagalog.Point is,why tagalog alone?how about spanish,french,german,western european and onwards?US sets the bar on wiping out any form of discrimination.To single out one language is a no no. By the hour,a discrimination lawsuit is being filed in the US,it’s a big business and very sensitive matter here.
I agree with the author, it is so true especially Filipinos in the Philippines for not following simple rules of law. Growing up in the Philippines and learning those bad habits is very hard to break when you go to other countries! I think we are lacking good morals, the golden rules “do unto others as you want others to do unto you” and that’s starts at home.
At least Filipino kids do not go to school to shoot people.
About discipline? It’s a matter of enforcing the laws. Discipline follows when the laws are enforced properly.
Make the Philippines a Police State like Singapore and you will see Filipinos behaving much better than Singaporeans.
The millions of Filipinos living abroad can attest to the fact that we are one of the most disciplined people in the world.
Lastly, if I don’t like the place, I pack my things and go.
May be you can consider getting out of this hole you call the Philippines.
Right Filipinos don’t shoot up schools,
they only massacre a whole family or a whole group of journalists and rival politicians because Filipinos love mafia-style recklessness 😛
One of the most disciplined in LIVING ABROAD.
Talk about grasping at straws.
By saying Filipinos are satisfied in mediocrity and everybody wants to be a “star” are contradicting statements.
The author of this blog is somewhat racist. I suggest that he/she should go to other places around the world, and discover that people are not so totally different after all.
Hey look guys. We got a stupid indiot here. What’s the matter you dumb flip? Can’t tell the difference between racism and criticism? Tinamaan ka ano kaya “racist” ang tawag mo sa article na ito dahil halatang isa ka sa mga indio de trapo na walang disiplina’t inutil pa rin ang pag-iisip? You’re not just a regular moron. You were born and proud to be a moron.
haist tang inang bl0g 2 puRo batikos.
wla n b msasabing mabuti e2ong site na 2?
atsaka wag kau magpa2-uto d2… ang
ang lagi nya gus2 eh parliamentary.
d quh alam kung anu un per0 basta wak kau magpa2 uto sa kanya.
say no 2 parliamentary n lng huh!
Translation: “Hi I’m spekkoi and I’m proud to be a moron because I always embrace anything mediocre and hate to be criticized because isip bata pa rin ako for whining like a little baby.”
No country can ever be progress without dicipline.There must be a leader who can impose dicipline to his people with wisdom and integrity.Like those that reign during the old days. Now in the Phillipines you can see leaders anywhere in the senate and in the congress they all look no discipline, no integrity and no vision for good life for Pilipinos. Why? The answer is the leader of the country is not capable to give dicipline to his followers, because he himself can not dicipline himself.
In general, we are seen as such lousy ———- ” Filipinos cannot progress if they cannot follow even simple guidelines.” I have been to Puerto Princesa and Marikina,and of course Subic and Davao. I
I have been to Subic, Marikina, aPuerto Princesa and Davao City. Certainly people from these places obey the rules, simple or otherwise. If they can follow rules, why can’t the rest of us do the same? What makes them different from the rest of us?
I blame the damn Spaniards and their dirty culture. Saying that, the only to fix the Filipino is a societal restructuring, similar to what the Chinese did, by putting people in reeducation camps and executing the oligarchs and their families.
Laws in the Philippines are just suggestions for its citizens.
Roads in Manila streets have lines that divide each lane but drivers drive like the lines dont exist. The vehicles when viewed from above look like a brigade of ants that travel in all directions. Thats how Filipinos follow rules and regulations. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with that. Its only wrong when we start comparing the Philippines to other countries. Filipinos dont know what they’re missing until they reach places like U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, London, etc. Filipinos who have lived, resided, raised families in these foreign soils go back to the Philippines and see a lot of “new” things (the roads are narrower, seat belts on cars are not used, smokers smoke inside the house, kids buying liquor and cigarettes without being asked for ID (it’s for my uncle), etc). Those foreigners that now live in the Philippines that are enjoying life are those who are there on permanent vacation mode. Most of them live in houses built in a beachfront, drawing retirement dollars, and could care less about Mar Roxas. Philippine politics are transparent to these foreigners. Maybe not to their wives. Moral of the story, when you have established residence outside the Philippines and return to the Philippines for a vacation, enjoy your stay by turning on your vacation mode switch. If you start entertaining politics, traffic rules, and religious rites, while on vacation, lugi ka sa round trip ticket mo.
Not true, try driving inside Olongapo, there you drivers following the rules.
In Olongapo City the rules are as elsewhere in the PH. There are a couple areas where accidents are created to bag foreigners (14th st bridge). In SBFZ (under RA 7227) it is international traffic rules and the residents actually enjoy turning in an officer who asks for Php. Also it is easy to pay a ticket or call the traffic office if you are stopped. A different system has produced a different product.
Agree ako diyan.And there’s that invisble pedestrian crossing as well,drivers will honk at you if you cross on it and of course the “rubish throwing”.It’s like throwing it anywhere is normal activity as eating and walking.
Mr Magsalin, l like your sense of humor…
(im a filipino, born and raised in Cebu). i know this post is old but after reading i cant resist commenting. I couldnt agree with you more, its absolutely true. The qualities you spoke of is very evident in philippines. But i totally disagree that all filipinos has all these traits. I know for the fact that there are Filipino’s who want to have a better society. There are filipino’s who gets annoyed watching people not doing anything. Gets sick of the government and the people who continue to pull Philippines down. Disgusted by the dirty and awful streets because people are so lazy to dispose their waste properly. I know this because Im one of those people. And i know a person who tries to encourage people for a change. FYI shes not into politics. Ever since i was a kid, i always help her clean the road going to our little “barangay”. and plant pretty flowers on the side of the road. She’s not paid to do it. I always adore her. She’s not part of any “political organization” but she always reach out for those in need. So, not all Filipino’s are the same. Just like in other countries, theres always an assh**** and lazy people. The bad thing about Philippines is there’s more of them than the people who wants a change.
so true. my dad is the same way. it is a sad truth that it is how the majority are, hence- culture.
I salute the blogger whoever you are. This is a very good article for all Filipinos who think that they are great. I have been in Australia for a long time and it is an eye opener for me to see the big difference. Your article is 200% correct. For me my country people will only be good if under the martial law.(They need iron hands) so that they will obey the law. Democratic country is no good for them. They are also very very divisive. Only martial law is the only thing they can do to take away plenty of graft and corruption in that country. Plenty of them don’t like martial law because they cannot do their corruption. They like to do all their stupid things under the democratic system. They all pretend to be smart and wise, how come nobody have think of this. Politicians want all the money in their pocket, and forget the country. Common people think,your country cannot be great with graft and corruption being rampant, front back and centre. It is very very embarrassing to other country.
I hope you understand what your saying. Look up North Korea and tell me that’s what your countrymen needs. Politicians will gain control over anything, everything.
I agree with Manny Rivera for the good explanation
I been an alien to other countries…just because our country is hopeless…let me say, i am hopeless…i lost my trust in our leaders.Sometimes, i thought of having a training in the army or just buy a sniper gun just to eliminate all those corrupt officials!
But still i hope the God can do something about it…
No,god won’t do something about it because if god really wants to help,it should have start helping those children and innocent people killed by suicide bombers.
That is an unfair statement. You should know that it was not God who did the act it was the suicide bombers. This is the price of freedom of choice. We have the power, the will and the ability to change not only ourselves but our country as well. Please don’t put God in this.
An eye opener for the Filipinos. Ang malungkot lang hindi eto makakarating sa mga walang internet…. sana kahit tsismis lang ay makarating ang sustansya neto…
Oo nga. Kahit sa mga tsismis lang, at least may laman na mailalagay. Puro kasi walang kwenta kadalasan ang tsismis. Instead of talking about solutions to solve problems in the neighborhood (the least thing we can do yet for the whole), eh yung kapitbahay at yung kerida nya ang inaatupag sa mga bulung-bulungan. Hindi nakakatulong.
couldn’t have said it better myself.
it really depends a lot (although not whole)on our leaders. if we have leaders that follow the law and respect human rights, then the citizen have no reason not to. but the sad fact is, our leaders are the ones who are the first lawbreakers, and the sad fact is, they are getting away with it. we really, really have to change our ways 180 degrees.
at last, i’ve seen one that makes perfect sense.
A Filipino is a filipino, a japanese is a japanese. a filipino can never be a japanese or an american and vice versa. its not fair to compare with other nationalities. its like, your own family cannot be compared to another family. you cant compare yourself to another person. if you have things you cant do, well others can do it. In one nation, people are not the same. we are born unique. comparing people is like, why is a green color not brown? isnt it stupid? all filipinos are not the same, generally we can be compared but again I am different to you. Simple as that. If you dont like it, then at least have some RESPECT.
Oh fuck off, we’re all humans. Stop acting as if there is a Japanese and Filipino “gene” that permanently determines our personalities and traits.
You are making excuses for mediocrity. You are justifying terrible habits and a lack of discipline. I don’t care kung tinamaan ka masyado ng article na ito, you have no right to say that Filipinos can never improve or follow positive examples. I don’t care how you act, but don’t go around telling others (especially our children) that sitting on your ass is fine and part of who we are.
This is not about RESPECT. This is about the lack of high standards which results in a lack of discipline. I remember when the DSWD Secretary got interviewed and was asked what her comment was to the people who complained that they were too slow in distributing the relief goods. Her reply was, “By what standards are we being labeled as slow?” Do you see the consequences of mediocrity? We cannot afford to be mediocre because people’s lives are at stake. Besides, don’t you want your children and your children’s children to live a good life?
See, you have it right ma’am, if there were more people with your thinking we could actually get somewhere.
Unfortunately we as a people take offense too easily even to the most constructive of criticism. Nevermind that it’s our children’s future at stake, the Filipino “pride” (arrogance) is what’s most important apparently.
I think you are right iconrj. We should not compare ourselves to them. We should know better than forcing discipline and trying to change other people’s attitude. It’s so difficult to even change one person and we’re talking millions of people here. What we can do is is stop blaming other people for their lack of discipline and not abiding by the rules etc. it’s good to point out mistakes but instead of playing the blaming game, we should find a way to work around it and make rules more effective. If we force things on people, they will just reject it. It’s not because they’re stubborn, but because it’s human nature. It’s just like loving your wife or your kids. We have to accept them for what they are and not compare them to other wives or kids or else we will always think they are not good enough. My point is, we should not try to copy other countries just to be as successful as them. People should try to think out of the box but still try to work with what we have and not demand impossible things like a drastic change in the filipino’s attitude to become like south korea and japan. (Yo! That’s like demanding a wife with hypothyroidism to turn into a Victoria secret angel…so mean and impossible!!) But still we should learn from them. South korea did not copy north korea or vice versa to prosper. Japan never copied America or something else to prosper. Maybe we can start with finding strengths of the country instead of weaknesses and blog about it. because if they always think about the what they’re short on and how they’re so different from the other countries, then we can never succeed our own way.
And one more thing, we’re not the only country who doesn’t follow traffic rules so that should not be a big deal. Oh that reminds me i think we should be proud of our driving skills and not limit the people of what they can do. Maybe we just need different rules. It’s just like how some creative moms discipline their hyperactive kids.
Nobody said it had to happen overnight. We’re talking a timespan of at least a generation or two here. However we DO need to act NOW. The Filipinos that suffer as a result of negligence (children being forced into slave labor, or being imprisoned for petty theft because apparently hunger is a crime) aren’t just going to happily wait for us to get our shit together.
And I see that you do realize the importance of change, but you’re too hung up on avoiding negative words. Don’t try to sugarcoat things please, it just makes the problems that much harder to deal with. A child that goes around kicking people in the shins isn’t going to learn to stop if the parent says “Oh he’s just being a kid.”
Strengths should be developed and weaknesses should be pointed out in order for change to occur. We are not forcing change on people. Personally, I want my leaders to not settle for mediocrity because if they do their job well then, they will be able to set a good example to us Filipinos. The article does not say that we should copy Japan or South Korea.The writer used the culture of these countries as an example. However, we can always assimilate their culture of discipline and humility into our own Filipino culture. We all know that change is a process but when are we ever going to start the process of change?
We “be the change we wish to see in the world” and not glorify, joke, enable those who do not. Not following the rules is disrespectful to the country, other citizens and shows we don’t respect ourselves. 12 Little Things every Fililipino…. explains this also.
The article is so correct.And I couldn’t agree more with Manny Rivera. We need Martial Law in the Philippines to control & discipline leaders of the country who go into Politics to enrich themselves. No there’s no patriotism in their bones. There are only a few great leaders like Jose Rizal, Manuel Quezon,Ramon Magsaysay & Carlos P. Romulo. The Philippines will never improve unless there will come a leader/s whose main purpose is to impose the lot of the country. We should promote love of country to improve. Japan is a very small cnation but it is so patriotic to the Nation’s cause became an economic world power I think in the ’80’s. It’s still in a way, anyuone caught being corrupt resigns in shame. Not so with the Philippines, they even brag their position as in “Kilala mo ba ako?”, which is a disgrace. Another example is what happened to sosme reliefs during the Haiyan. It ended up in the black market. Shame, shame.
Some of the people in military also use that “kilala mo ba ako?”thing. Military officials/leaders are always linked to corruptions. I dont think they’ll make anything better. And with Martial Law. Remember “Marcus”, he declared martial law and it didn’t do any good. Well for Emelda Marcus, it was good. Its frustrating. I hope change will come. But I disagree with the martial law. And last thing people disobey the rules cause its not enforce. And that’s not the main problem. The corruption and people making a lot of babies with no savings is the problem.
If you don’t agree with Martial law, can you suggest anything at all that will improve graft and corruption in the Philippines. Let the reader know your opinion, and see if they agree with you. Get a brain storming team to help you find a solution.With martial law, only one party will do the corruption, whereas with your democratic way, everybody, all politicians have their hands in the coffers of the country. So which one do you think is better. What the country needs is discipline to follow the fundamental rules of the country. With your politicians, graft and corruption still will prevail. The country is poor that is why they are forced to follow the wrong way. Publish your opinion if you have a better one. Let the people know your idea.
I didn’t defend the politicians at all. Philippines needs a small government. And the taxes shouldn’t go all to the federal. Only federal taxes should go and the local taxes should stay in the local. Cause what’s happening now is the taxes from federal and local goes all to federal and only very small portion of the local taxes comes back. People are not force, the author stated that Filipinos don’t follow rules. Now they are force the wrong way!? Rules are not enforced.
I just hope that if “Martial Law” happens you’ll go back to Philippines for the entire time and embrace it. I’m not in Philippines either but I know that its not what Filipinos needs. And I tell you ” over my dead body” I will fight for it not to happen to the people dear to me. It like giving permission to the people you don’t know to do anything to your kids or other loved ones. You’ll never know what’s gonna happen and you can’t do anything about it.
The reader in this blog is waiting for your answer. You must have a better idea than my proposal. Give us your opinion and ideas so that it will the best alternative to Martial law. Let the people and reader know that you are right. Prove it to them that you have a brilliant idea about this topic. Don’t be shy, let the public learn from your ideas. Give us your alternative solutions.
Lasty, Manny Rivera if you felt insulted because i disagreed with your thoughts. Pardon me, its not my intention. Your probably successful man, achieved a lot of things throughout your life and more knowledgeable than I do. So i wasn’t competing on “whos smarter”. And please take deep breaths ( inhale and exhale). Dont wanna be the cause of anything. 🙂
I hope that if martial law happens you’ll go back to Philippines to embrace it. I’m not in Philippines either, mail me how good it is when you’re there.
i did. maybe you didnt see it or refuse to see it. anyways, please dont take it too personally. i dont have any grudge against you. were only stating our opinions to what is better for the philippines.
This is a great article. So true. I just wonder why some people cannot take your opinion and line of observation and use culture and difference as an excuse for lack of discipline. We should know this but how can we influence or inspire our people to do this
after reading the blogger’s article,it made me smile ,there are lots of truth of what’s writen.looking back on history,what elcted cora aquino to the presidency is the pilipino emotions.from above,look down on the streets and you see the cars like bunch of ants running in all directions.try to get a driver licence in the philipines,there are steps to follow,however,there is no booklet to read about the street rules and regulations. you get it by simply paying one of the employee.every one got a racket going on every time you register your car. hehe.lines on car registration? you can get ahead by simply giving lagay to one of the employee around the corner or if you know someone inside or if you know the mayor or simply say don’t you know me.generally drivers ignore all street signs.this is just one example of pilipino traits.
This is the one of the worse article that i’ve ever read…
but I do like the reply made by
Janana on December 23, 2013 at 2:15 am:
& she said:
I think you are right iconrj. We should not compare ourselves to them. We should know better than forcing discipline and trying to change other people’s attitude. It’s so difficult to even change one person and we’re talking millions of people here. What we can do is is stop blaming other people for their lack of discipline and not abiding by the rules etc. it’s good to point out mistakes but instead of playing the blaming game, we should find a way to work around it and make rules more effective. If we force things on people, they will just reject it. It’s not because they’re stubborn, but because it’s human nature. It’s just like loving your wife or your kids. We have to accept them for what they are and not compare them to other wives or kids or else we will always think they are not good enough. My point is, we should not try to copy other countries just to be as successful as them. People should try to think out of the box but still try to work with what we have and not demand impossible things like a drastic change in the filipino’s attitude to become like south korea and japan. (Yo! That’s like demanding a wife with hypothyroidism to turn into a Victoria secret angel…so mean and impossible!!) But still we should learn from them. South korea did not copy north korea or vice versa to prosper. Japan never copied America or something else to prosper. Maybe we can start with finding strengths of the country instead of weaknesses and blog about it. because if they always think about the what they’re short on and how they’re so different from the other countries, then we can never succeed our own way.
And one more thing, we’re not the only country who doesn’t follow traffic rules so that should not be a big deal. Oh that reminds me i think we should be proud of our driving skills and not limit the people of what they can do. Maybe we just need different rules. It’s just like how some creative moms discipline their hyperactive kids.
It’s bad because it’s accurate. Could you be more emo?
@john dominic
You and iconrj are both morons.
“We should know better than to force discipline on Filipinos” ba kamo? Then don’t expect the country to improve, idiot.
Wolpe offered these, from the late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the late non-rabbi Saul Bellow. Heschel: “Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.” And Bellow: “You can spend the entire second half of your life recovering from the mistakes of the first half.”
Butthurt much?
You can’t handle the truth that’s why.
You obviously prefer living in mediocrity and are perfectly happy with a mediocre way of living.
Of course, you won’t reply because everything I’ve said is 100% true.
If you reply, that only means that you’re only trolling.
Wow. You enjoy chaos, lack of law and order and dumb voters and politicians. Morons enjoy being morons .
A very accurate observation.This is why I love to be in Singapore for the rest of my life.
You see guys, I totally agree about majority of Filipinos are undisciplined. I came to Saudi Arabia in 2004, I am pretty much sure the world knows how driving in this country is. I thought this is the worst country to be driving around and was mistaken. 7 years later was back in my hometown lived for a year and I saw everything in the road, NO ENTRY sign, everyone enters, NO LEFT TURN sign, everyone doing left. Literally every traffic rules is not observed. The good thing NO ACCIDENTS happened associated with traffic sign violations not to my knowledge. I found out that most drivers got their license “over-the-counter”. Now say for example you got yours without a clue about traffic signs, but our city is littered with worded signs reinforcing traffic symbols. So what now??? Drivers in our city don’t know how to read? Anyways, for me the only solution is to imposed traffic rules and regulations to the dot. No exemptions both driver and pedestrian. IN UAE NOBODY PARKS IN A PARKING SLOT INTENDED FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY, and you know why because the fine is AED 5,000 CIRCA PHP 60,000 try to impose this in the Philippines you’ll receive YOLANDA-strong comments “WHY SO EXPENSIVE? etc. etc. etc…as if ONE INTENDS TO BREAK THE RULE THAT’S WHY COMPLAINING (AT THAT EARLY EVEN BEFORE A LAW OR RULE IS HATCHED) AS TO WHY IT’S EXPENSIVE… But when you see Filipinos working in other countries THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST BEHAVED INDIVIDUALS YOU’D EVER SEEN. I wonder why???
An even funny rule that most people don’t follow is “Bawal Umihi Dito”, yup..rules are merely suggestions, laws are merely just brainfarts, regulations are merely just another way to squeeze your wallet..yep..proud to be pinoy.
Getting a drivers license here is easy as 1-2-3 because…1. Student license here is for people who can afford to get training but sadly even the trainers are not really up to good standard, 2. Once you take the exams, the answers are already filled in, 3. Just pay over the counter like how you buy OTC meds..
They become most behaved abroad but very rabid here in their own country..well even so, I’ve hardly trusted any Filipino even in abroad..because the same culture they had in their own country is still present and it is a lot more negative than positive.
Agree Sanzo, good thing you mentioned about exams for license. In our place, you literally need only money to get it no exams required, they it for you. Mine in the 90’s I got by taking the exam without a single penny for fixers. What is so hard with this exams??? Why Filipinos have to get it using money? About Filipinos abroad, I mentioned that to emphasize as to why Filipinos follow rules their host country and back home simply cannot. Observe inside aircraft shortly after landing while on taxi, in 2005 up to 2008 you will never find a single instance passengers getting up to take their belongings while aircraft is on taxi. But in 2009 to present most of them do? Why? I don’t see them do that in KSA local flights? Most of the expats here do that except for Westerners…
CORRECTION: A single instance where nobody gets up, I know for sure they are Filipinos because they speak the language all the time during the flight.
If the scandals of the politicians in the Philippines,happened in Japan..no more involved politicians were around…because it’s either they committed suicide or resign right away because of shame..whether it’s true or not!!
But Filipino politicians really braved the way,kasi sanay na sila sa kahihiyan!!that’s one of the downside of being a Filipino ..our politics is still and obviously dirty..,iniisip kasi nila,makakalimutan din pag nagtagal-tagal..but I guess,mas marami ng dilat ang mata sa katotohanan ng buhay ngaun.BANGON PILIPINO!! Tayo ang dapat magtanggol sa bansa natin.
This article is very true. With the kind of attitude most Filipinos have or exhibits, progress or real success for our beloved country is nowhere to be found. Martial Law is not appealing to Pinoys because of its generally negative connotation and probable abuses by those who will be in power; but Pinoys seriously needs dedicated leaders whom we can emulate. What the Phils. need is DISCIPLINED DEMOCRACY and not the somewhat absolute Democracy that we’re enjoying right now because of the Padrino System that is spoiling our society. I am a regular commuter and oftentimes I encounter violators on the road and they will insist on the Police Officer, “this vehicle belongs to Col. Untouchable”, then the Officer will be left scratching his head and let the erring driver go. Yes, laws in the Philippines are mere suggestions. SAD. You can really buy your license without going thru the rigors of driving requirement. Modesty aside, I have my own passport to arrogance, especially in the streets of Quezon City and Makati City, courtesy of military friendship. But I never used it ever since it was issued to me because I prefer to be a law-abiding citizen because that is my contribution to our ailing society. I wish to repeat, this country needs DISCIPLINED DEMOCRACY for the sake of our posterity. This is what Lee Kuan Yew did to Singapore (sans the negative things he committed)and look how progressive SG is.
Very true. We don’t love our country, only ourselves.
If Filipinos are an undisciplined lot, answer me this: why will the same pinoy who does not follow traffic rules here in the Philippines suddenly become a model traffic law abiding citizen in the USA, or any first world country? Is it because their system there imposes the same penalties whether you’re a rich/powerful guy or just an ordinary bum and not like here where the penalties are only for the weak and powerless? Hence it’s in our survival DNA to do what needs to be done to survive and prosper in our kind of a system… Thus we need to change our system and have the elite follow the rule of law before we can expect the masa to follow…
The idea that in the United States everyone is equal under the law is a fallacy. If it were precisely as you say, there would not be a popular outrage against the perceived elites as evidenced by the protests in recent years collectively known as ‘Occupy (Wall Street).’
The fact is, even in the US, equal status among citizens does not persist throughout the union and rates of intergenerational social mobility are far lower than many believe them to be. There are many, especially ethnic minorities, who believe they are discriminated against and prevented from getting ahead by these so-called elites; that there is one set of laws for the ‘rich’ and another for the rest of America.
It isn’t that laws in the Philippines are designed only for one segment of society. Filipinos first have to build the legal institutions that the whole of society will be invested in, that we all feel we SHOULD adhere to because we believe in them. If we can inculcate that kind of emotional investment in our legal and political institutions, respect for and complying with them will follow. That goes for the United States as well.
Look a location where there is a sign “bawal magtapon ng basura dito”, or a place where there is “bawal umihi dito”
Most of the points are debatable. I’d hazard a guess that the author has not been to China, nor Italy which also have discipline issues similar to Filipinos. Hard workers, sure, but absolute demons on the road and in when lining up. The thoughts do not flow well from “Filipinos have no discipline” to “Filipinos are too lazy and happy go lucky.” I do agree with the victim and the chill mentalities being problems, but the piece has failed to establish if the relation between these and poverty is causative or correlative. I think it can go either way and the piece does not tackle this issue.
The author also fails to establish causation between being wealthy and non-optimistic. Sure, wealthier countries can be less optimistic and happy on the happiness index, but the author does not establish properly if those countries are wealthy because they’re less optimistic or if they’re less optimistic because they’re wealthy. Nor has the piece noted that America, a very prosperous nation, is not so cynical nor law-abiding as claimed depending on state to state.
And I take difference with using a 90-year old psychology study as basis for a conclusion. First: psychology is a science where your assumptions and sampling make a world of difference. It’s based on statistics which are very fluid. Second: things change a lot in academia over 90 years.
Still, it’s well written and can be saved by a future revision. The points are not invalid, just under-defended for my tastes. It’s eloquent, but lacking in solid foundation. Try to ascend beyond the limitations of common punditry next time.
nicely said. very good jackson at least you gave the writer a thing to do for a later day for her piece and other things besides. happy to have stumbled upon your comment.
Great post.
I see a lot of things posted online by westerners saying that the Philippines is great because there are no rules and everyone does what they want. It is nice seeing a post showing the error of that type of thinking.
The author did not read the discrimination case … Sorry but the case was not about speaking too much Tagalog
Since at least 2006, the Filipino-American hospital workers, mostly nursing staff, alleged that they were the targets of harassing comments, undue scrutiny and discipline particularly when speaking with a Filipino accent or in Filipino languages like Tagalog or Ilocano. Supervisors, staff, and even volunteers were allegedly encouraged to act as vigilantes, constantly berating and reprimanding Filipino-American employees for nearly six years. According to the EEOC, staff constantly made fun of their accents, ordering them to speak English even when they were already speaking in English. Some Filipino-American workers endured humiliating threats of arrest if they did not speak English and were told to go back to the Philippines. In a particularly offensive incident, an employee sprayed air freshener on a claimant’s lunch due to the offender’s self-professed hatred of Filipino food.
There is something to be said about the claim that only Filipino-Americans were being monitored for enforcement of “English only” policy. It could be because a lot of Filipino-Americans working in that hospital have a track record of breaking the rules most of the time. It could also be because these people coming from the same ethnicity tend to speak too loudly when speaking in Tagalog, which annoys the hell out of other people from different backgrounds.
I am a Filipina who has lived in the US since I was 20 years old; I am 63 years old, a retired health care professional. I am thankful that I spent my youth in the Philippines. Because of such mentoring, I am who I am despite the sudden environmental and culture changes.I won’t change me for who I am for the world. Please stop generalizing … it’s your own observation and not everyone. Filipinos like me are fun loving; yet reserved and with lots of diginity. At my age, I have years of visualization to how hard Filipinos work in the United States. Loud talks … my gosh! Please observe others … I won’t mention race or ethnicity … but I ask for everyone to open your eyes. Attend a meeting with diverse group; see who talks the loudest and who tries to monopolizes. I am a proud Filipina … we are not perfect but we are cultured! Thank you and God bless!
Thank you Editha, i dont want to discredit the writer but what she had written basically negative. I started working abroad since 1996, curently in canada now. To the author and readers please radiates positive energy. Cultured is the right word.
To Alds
Please tell us something “positive”. We’d love to read it. Thanks!
Hi Alds, Editha. Good for you, as the youth in your time had that much discipline. See, the youth of our time (im 30 by the way), are very, very, very much different. I’m quite young yet growing intolerant to the worsening “culture” we have right now. The mere fact we are discussing this is proof enough that something is wrong
Blimey!!! Was wondering if you yourself is a filipino or just one of those who is trying to be not one, can’t blame you however of your personal reason or indemnification. All your statements my dear author reqiures scrunity on your personal pronoun “first person category”, excluding yourself on every part of general comment.
In summary, there are more positive feedbacks to us filipino professionals rather than negatives.
It is how rules are enforced…here we do not that’s why everyone break them another factor is education and proper knowledge of social responsibility and personal obligation.
A well written, common sense article that brings to the forefront a problem that is epidemic in the Philippines.
going to fill up at the local Jetti service station, one occasionally is confronted with another vehicle blocking one’s way when about to go. that is because vehicles can come in from any direction, which can make things a bit tricky. a suggestion that arrows on the ground might improve things was met with a shrug.
Great read Ilda. Now I cannot stop myself from commenting.
Here’s one that fuels “pinoy pride” so much, it burns. “Resilience”. Why? It’s the pride and joy in every news writeup, editorial article or any of those feel good clips on local TV. Resilience makes people tolerate the harshness of life, and that is good. But to me, too much resilience IS what’s causing the status quo in our country. People tolerate being poor, being “tamad”, people in the government ripping us off. Everyone keeps saying, “ok lang yan, the Lord will get us by”. Sheesh. What a load of crap. It’s high time to do something about the problems, yet everyone is busy watching their soap operas thinking this is not such a bad life after all.
See if this is what you had in mind. http://getrealphilippines.com/2013/12/cnn-is-proud-of-the-filipino-paul-walker-heroics-bola-lang-yan/
Disiplina ang kailangan sa pinas, pano mangyayari yon? kung mawawala ang sistemang padrino
The reason why I do not believe in the author (Ilda no-last-name) are:
(1) I truly believe that the majority of Filipinos are good people who follow the rules of law. That belief extends to all the people of the world, too;
(2) Therefore, the author is just looking at the minority and believing that they represent the entire population who does not follow the rule of law. This is akin to getting voters’ pulse by sampling a very, very tiny portion of the voting population;
(3) Show me proof that the majority of Filipinos do not follow the rule of law and I’ll believe that; and
(4) After writing 21 paragraphs beleaguering the Filipino, the author devotes one paragraph to offer a piece of her advise: “Discipline should be inculcated at an early age.” That’s it?
So, may I suggest that the author get real information to base the author’s assessment of the Filipino’s psyche of not following the rule of law, and extrapolate a percentage of the population which does not follow the rule of law. The author could also offer more solutions than just one paragraph so that the readers, Filipinos themselves, can be guided on how to change their ways.
Try crossing a zebra-striped pedestrian crossing on a Manila street. See what happens.
That’s a single occurrence. Does that represent the entire country?
Single occurrence?? Let me guess, Manila rush hour is just one choreographed ballet. Just people being polite and respectful. Taxi drivers, jeepney drivers, bus drivers ALL OBEYING THE LAW! You know Raffy, I am talking about Manila, Philippines. Rumor has it, it is the biggest collection of Filipinos anywhere in the world. Whatever drugs you are on, give me some.
Look a location where there is a sign “bawal magtapon ng basura dito”, or a place where there is “bawal umihi dito”
my guess is you haven’t been in Manila/Philippines for awhile, have you?
But if you have, I think you are spending way too much of your time inside your house.
Please look out of your window or better yet, put down your phone and look at Manila. Tell me if this is just a single occurrence.
Nope. That’s not a “single occurrence”. More often than not, no vehicle will stop and allow you to cross. If Pinoys cannot follow simple traffic rules like that, how do we expect them to follow bigger rules?
Note too that you will find lots of Pinoy pissing on public walls and streets and building their homes illegally on public and private property. Trespassing is a national tradition, indeed.
So, no data. Just assumptions and observations based on single occurrences. Then, I won’t change my mind that the majority of Filipinos are good and they follow the rules of law; and I hope the Filipinos who are reading our comments don’t change their minds, too.
Don’t change your mind then. Nobody’s forcing you to stop thinking what you prefer to think.
Really? So you are telling me that no one will not be able to survive in crossing a street in Manila? Are you the CREATOR who knows everything and speaking for the Majority? Why don’t you run on a Partylist who only creates TROUBLES for the Philippines.. it’s where you belong..
@Raffy Pekson II
Please support your statement. If the majority of Filipinos are good people who follow the rule of law, why is the country one of world’s basketcases or still considered Third World status? Please do not tell us it’s because of the public servants who steal public funds because every election, the voters keep putting the same bozos into office.
If those who do not follow the law belong only to the minority of the population, why is the country one of the world’s basketcases? Why is the traffic on the roads and highways chaotic for example?
Why don’t you go outside of your house and see for yourself. Observe the drivers who violate the road rules. Watch the people who throw garbage on the streets.
Unfortunately, it seems like that is the only message that you got from the article. I suggest you read it again but this time with an open mind.
The law is there to guide Filipinos on how to become better citizens. I don’t need to tell you what they are. You can consult the Philippine constitution and your local Barangay for more information on the local policies.
Kindly refer to the definition of Third World (via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World). So, in the world stage, your definition of the Philippines is a basketcase while other countries see the Philippines as one of the emerging markets in the world. Based on information, local and global indicators, and statistical data, the Philippines is improving. There is still a long road ahead but I think the private sector, the MSMEs and the good ones in the public sector continue to find ways to continue the improvement.
Traffic on the roads and highways is visible in the highly urbanized metropolitan cities. In the less urban location, this is not so. However, it also only means that access to motor vehicles is more open than before, a luxury only available to the minority before. But an overpopulated urbanized city with its population having easier access to motor vehicles will definitely create traffic. Helping find solutions to traffic in an overpopulated urban area is what we all need to do.
My observation regarding motor vehicle drivers violating the law is it has decreased. While there are still those who defy road law, I see more drivers following the law, e.g. staying in lane, keeping the speed limit (i.e. for fear of police with speed guns at Congressional Ave. and Macapagal Ave.), not beating the red light (because of CCTVs), etc. Also, only in observable terms because of the lack of real data, I see garbage in the streets have decreased, probably due to the LGUs becoming more strict in unlawful garbage disposal and increasing garbage and sanitation infrastructure.
I have read your article again and again with an open mind and I still believe you could have opted to share ideas on how to overcome these challenges.
If you were to tell me what the law is, it will take you a long time to do so. What you wrote in the last paragraph of your reply or comment is something I’ll just take into context that I need to consult with the Philippine constitution and my local barangay before I should have commented on your article. Suggestion read here.
Let’s do get real. Let’s all help our country. We don’t have to love our government but at least let’s love our country and countrymen. Have a good week!
Sir, with all due respect. I understand some of what you are implying, but here’s one that I’m standing by with.
“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation.”Petro Gustavo Mayor of Bogota (former, I think). People having access to cars means a lot of the population is in debt. Not everyone who thinks they can buy a car actually affords one, hence the debt.
Now going back, do you even have an idea how horrendous our mass transport system is? It really reflects how bad our society has gone down. See, a regular salary employee usually has an 8 hour workday(that’s paid) but wastes approximately 3-5 hours at transit(that’s unpaid and away from family). See where I’m getting at, sir? Now, I don’t have those “data” you seek, but spend one day outside, and I’m pretty sure you will take back what you said. And about that “emerging market” hogwash? Yeah, good for the entrepreneurs and those big time conglomerates. Any chance the good old taxpaying Juans get a fair share of that growth? I don’t think so.
@Raffy Pekson:
Your observations are correct, but rather than prove your assertion, these merely further highlight that wealth is concentrated on a tiny minority of the population. As the previous commenter said in the quote he tabled, any moron can own a car. But what sets great nations apart from basketcases is the existence of public facilities that can safely be used by both rich and poor, powerful and hapless, famous and obscure.
To be fair most Pinoys — being Pinoys — equate wealth with owning a car. So perhaps the existence of gridlocked traffic in their country’s premier city assures them (falsely, unfortunately) that their country is ok. Pwede na rin. ha ha!
@Raffy, going back to what you’ve said. “Fear of police with speed guns at congressional Ave. And Macapagal Ave.” does not imply discipline. People just want to avoid the hassle of being “hulidapped”. Go past those speed guns and have a great view of “pinoy wealth icons” racing through the streets, alongside those oh-so-well disciplined bus drivers younspeak of
@Raffy Pekson II
You seem like a nice guy but your comments are a bit delusional. You provided a link to Wikipedia but you didn’t even bother to expound on the explanation. Why don’t you explain what “Third World” means in your own words?
Just because some columnists from news sites like Bloomberg say the Philippines is an “emerging market” doesn’t mean it’s true. Recall that we have been called that so many times in the past especially during Cory Aquino’s initial years in office but we always fail to take off.
Tell us, has the Philippines produced a new product that we can offer the world? Do we have new innovation in the works somewhere that will blow the minds of the international community and make them come rushing in to “invest” in our country? Are there factories producing something that only we can offer? I don’t think so. What we have are call centers and more ofws to send overseas. They and government spending help prop up the economy, indeed. Unfortunately, we don’t even have the right infrastructure to entice foreign investors. Our airport is still the worst in the world.
Your statement made my day. Please remove your rose-tinted glasses the next time you try and observe the behaviour of your fellow men.
It pains me to say this but it is obvious that you do not understand the concept of following the rule of law. It’s simple, really. But not for…the small-minded.
@ Raffy
1. Support that with data, too.
2. What is your basis that the analyses were based on a minority? If you commute within the metro, you will be lucky to encounter one filipino who actually follow rule/s. I say one out of the number of people you will encounter in a day is “majority”.
3. When using the MRT/LRT, why do they need to cordone/barricade each queue to the token/card booth? It is because majority of the filipinos will jump queue given the opportunity. Why do you have “bawal tumawid, nakakamatay”, complete with fences and barricades, albeit some traces of people access through it, and despite the existence of an overpass some tens of meters away? Why do we have security guards, pat down, and bag inspection in mall entrances? Is there a constant security threat? Why does every transaction in the Philippines feel as if you are threading a needle, a procedure to validate another procedure, countless times? It is because we do not trust each other to follow guidelines, rules, regulations, laws. Hey, if that’s a single occurrence to you then you should spend more time outside of your house.
4. First and foremost, yes, we need discipline. After self discipline, then follows all others such as respect for other people, orderliness, cleanliness, etc. Hey it may even decrease corruption. So yes, discipline comes first.
I suggest you also back up your claim that most of the filipinos are “good people who follow the rules of law”. Because in my world, the number of law abiding filipinos is in a downward trend since 1986. Must be the filipinos’ definition of “freedom”.
@ Raffy
“Traffic on the roads and highways is visible in the highly urbanized metropolitan cities. In the less urban location, this is not so. However, it also only means that access to motor vehicles is more open than before, a luxury only available to the minority before.”
That reminds me of Pnoy saying, “mabuti nga po at trapik, ibig sabihin may progreso.” Now if that statement do not seem to bother you a bit, then something must be wrong with your logic.
Comparing what anybody says to the decrees of wisdom coming from the mouth of Noynoy ? “dem’s fighting words.”
Anybody who needs data to validate an obvious issue suffers from the same problem that accounts for the world’s most brilliant economists and experts totally failing to foresee the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.
But then this guy is some sort of “consultant” (see his website/blog). Those guys charge you an arm and a leg to “analyse” your own wristwatch and issue a 2-inch thick report that essentially tells you the time. 😀
discipline and rules have always been the chararacteritic traits of this country, the Philippines. As much as hospitable and easy go lucky we are. Being too comfortable with what seems to be the thing in the past since we were little is still the thing today – being so used to what was and what is.
In respond to your question no. 3 ( Raffy with a last name , II ) with all do respect, are you wearing one of those eye patches that they put on horses so they only see one direction? Traffic and pedestrian mayhem in this country is just one of the many things, Philippines cant seem to move forward . Not that they can’t follow rules and regulations. I do believe if anything, this is one of the main thing that we need to start doing. But it had to be enforced by the government. But seems there are so many crooked cops out there who can be bribe. That right there is another issue of ”disobedience’ — so, really I can’t blame the Citizens for having to live in this everyday mayhem they have to face. If Iam the President, I’d eliminate the Jeepneys and infintie franchises of Taxi cabs ,not to mentions the crazy bastards bus drivers who think they are the king of the roads. I’d start there. I’d invest on a better public transportation for the country as oppose to unregulate the number of productions of all these private owned public transportations.
Now, Mr. Raffy – do you want to hear more things that might just irk you from your seat and re think your positive outlook of the Philippines. It’s a good thing, but detrimintal to the whole. It’s exactly why I dont agree to the whole damn slogan : “It’s more fun in the Philippines” . who ever thought that should be, honor for stupidity.
was enjoying the tit for tat until the thread became personal all of a sudden.
Hi all,
I have not read all the blogs so please forgive any duplication of thoughts.
First, I’d like to agree with Mr Raffy Pekson II. Why? Because he is willing to state that he believes in the Filipino people and in general has a positive view of them. This is the first step in being able to give people a sense of hope for improvement. Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see.” What change do you want to see? Saying that we should be more disciplined than belittle attempts to follow the law by pointing out all that is wrong is not helping. I do see a change and at my age I saw the transformation of a country since 1985. In ’85 our national debt was so absurd that to say that it belonged in a different dimension was not even to capture the magnitude of its size. Yet today, despite all our ineptness, we can pay off our debt. Ortigas Center, Eastwood, Rockwell, all the development in the South, BGC and McKinley, Metro Davao, Cebu and Bacolod did not exist; in fact, most of it did not exist 20 year ago. 20 years ago, we would have never impeached a Chief Justice, imprison a President and arrest Senators. The roads, the MRT’s and LRT’s and queues for riding public transport were as alien as Yoda. Industries that cater to people who want to secure their future (Life Insurance and all other similar services) are growing which shows that we are beginning to understand that there is much more than the gig this weekend and we are disciplined enough to save for the future. I have seen our country grow and now is the time to be united and allow us to move to the status we deserve. No matter how inept our President may seem, the strides he has taken to correct corruption at its core are huge relative to his predecessors who seemed to abuse corruption rather than get rid of it.
Yet our false pride points out everything that is not right. Our newspapers tend to “ask” the hard questions but offer answers that are as hard as, well, limp noodles. If we truly want to change our nation, than start with yourself and the first step in transformation is believing that we are good people capable of greatness. If all the thinking we can come up with is a 21 (I may have counted wrongly) paragraph rant, then that will simply not do, it just will not do. Hello to Joe if you read this!
Your attempts at praising this current administration is pathetic.
The developments in the places you mentioned above did not start during PNoy’s term. He is only benefiting from it after years of construction mostly by the private sector. Their construction would not have been possible without the previous administrations. The buildings you see now in Ortigas, Eastwood and Rockwell did not just spring up in 2010 after PNoy won the election.The MRT and LRT weren’t constructed during PNoy’s term. You should give credit where credit is due. Having said that, if not for corruption in government including this current government, more could have been done to upgrade the country’s infrastructure.
The first step to fixing the problem is to identify the cause of the problem. In the Philippines, the number one problem is the majority who do not follow the law. This includes the public servants who swore to uphold the law. If you refuse to accept that, then go ahead and continue to live in mediocrity.
Please read more carefully the responses you get. Maybe I should have started a new paragraph, but then again, based on the way you write I felt you are smart enough to know that I am in my 50’s and that I do know how many presidents it took us to get where we are today.
My only praise of President PNoy was the fact that he is making some headway against corruption. When I listed the progress the country has made since 1985 it was to point out that progress has been made. The point I am making is that despite such ineptness in our government we have progressed. Maybe not as quickly as I would have liked, but progress none the less. As a point of comparison, Do you have any idea how long it took Singapore to achieve its status? I’m sure you’re smart enough to to know that that is a rhetorical question. If you truly desire change start someplace you can control. I’m sure you know that the only thing you can control is yourself and all I see is anger at a situation that you have little control over. I may be making an incorrect assumption and you may very well be a person who can address the discipline problem. Which begs the question, if you do have that power, how are you using it? I know I do not have the power to change the discipline problem; but I do know I have the power to change people close to me, my children for starters and anybody who is willing to listen, I let them know, some listen, most don’t but in the end I as long as I have managed to make one person at least give it a thought, that is progress for me…because after all, the only person I can really control is myself. What are you doing? I haven’t read all your posts, just the one this comment is associated with. It seems that you feel you can change our discipline issue by making us aware of our weaknesses, then what do you do? Or do you expect someone else to come and fix the problem for you? Who is the victim now?
Your post solicited many responses many of them agreeing with you and extending the argument. If you feel that making us aware of our discipline issue while offering no solution, other than to point it out, has pushed us closer to being a discipline lot, congrats! At least I know that I have raised my children to be strong enough to resist that kind of temptation and I’d like to believe that I have impacted people outside my immediate family. How many people have you managed to impact? Please let us know because I can see a lot of responses that agree with you, but agreement does not necessarily mean action.
You asked that someone please post something positive, I did, and what did you do with it? If you want positive comments, then please encourage them.
In what way is PNoy “making headway against corruption”? It can’t be in the way he defends his allies who have been implicated in the pork barrel scam. PNoy is only interested in persecuting his political enemies. He spends a lot of his time switching from badmouthing his enemies and defending his allies.
In fact, BS Aquino can’t help but defend his staff from their shenanigans. Instead of giving him the support he needs to run a smooth operation, his staff – those he handpicked himself to fill sensitive positions in government – distract him from the more important things he needs to address.
Now that it has been revealed that no less than Budget Secretary Florencio Abad allegedly benefitted from the pork barrel scam, we can now understand why the budget for the PDAF kept going up every year. Abad’s 2014 budget would have allocated 200 million pesos for every senator and 70 million for every congressman. It was mind-boggling how Abad kept putting up the pork allocation when there was no evidence that the money given to the lawmakers in the past made a difference to the plight of the poor nor was the PDAF allocation improving the country’s decrepit infrastructure.
The inclusion of Abad in pork barrel scam mastermind Janet Napoles’ list is another interesting chapter in BS Aquino’s sorry saga. It would be interesting to see how Abad can come out of this one unscathed. No matter what version of the list people look at, and there are three versions so far, Abad’s name keeps coming up.
Only someone who is narrow-minded would say that I do not offer solutions. To someone who cannot accept our society’s shortfalls, he wouldn’t recognise solutions even if it bit him in the face. In this particular article, I highlighted examples of how the average Filipino disregard the law and how it wreaks havoc in society. The solution then is simple: Filipinos should follow the law/rules/guideline if they want order in their society. I can’t believe I had to spell that out for you.
Yes, I can’t make people follow the law. I can’t control everyone. I didn’t even say that I could. I am merely pointing out what is wrong with our society. Take it or leave it.
instead of condemning them , it only hardens their resolve to stick their heads in harder . an open dialouge would be much much better.
for those who have been following the news and what’s happening in thailand.
compared to philippines, no matter how deluded or misled at least the slum dogs have their day in the polls even if their choice is another impreached ex president or some boxer.
in thailand, because of some concept called sakdina
the well off felt they should dictate and the rural folk obey, leading into the current political crisis. can you imagine in philippines your unwashed masses decided to vote erap back into presidency and some rich guy comes out and says “nope, this is bullshit. I think you people are too stupid to vote so I decide from now”
is that what you want? because the articles here are increasingly leaning towards that direction.
this is not democracy. it’s just another dictatorship/oligarchy taking over the current ones in the form of technocrats
You seem to be still filled with hate. You are also very confrontational, you seem to end each response with a threat, or maybe it’s a challenge. I don’t mind challenges but threats are truly for the weak in spirit.
Let’s see where should I start? How about a story from Buddah, I think we can both agree that he is a great leader.
The story
A poor man asked the Buddha, “Why am I so poor?”
The Buddha said, “you do not learn to give.”
So the poor man said, “If I’m not having anything?”
Buddha said: “You have a few things,
The Face: which can give a smile;
Mouth: you can praise or comfort others;
The Heart: it can open up to others;
Eyes: who can look the other with the eyes of goodness;
Body: which can be used to help others.”
So, actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.
If all you are telling me is that all you can bring to the table is pointing out failure or incapacity to follow laws, how is that suppose to help? I still belief we Filipinos are undisciplined but I have a greater belief that we are capable and worthy of greatness. I commute in 2-4 hours of traffic every day. I see crazy drivers, corrupt policemen and undisciplined people all the time. But I also see people who have learned to fall in line, I see drivers who stop for pedestrians and I see police men actually doing their jobs correctly (this despite standing the whole day under the sun and in smog and possibly under the threat of life from their less honest colleagues). I have seen improvements in some government offices, and some have improved 100 X over – DFA for starters and the SSS. Have you ever tried applying for a new passport at the DFA or getting a loan from SSS in 1990?
As for PNoy, what he inherited was a culture of corruption that started in 1972 – like all other presidents before him. If you expect him to make things right in 6 years, maybe I’d be happy to go join you in Legoland. The fact that he has created an atmosphere where people can come out and speak against corruption publicly is a small miracle in itself. I can assure you, that what PNoy has done to fight corruption in the years he has been in charge no single president or presidents combined have managed to do. Let’s see, Chief Justice Impeached, Ex president in jail, 3 senators with arrest warrants two of whom already surrendered. As for the PDAF and DAF, that is only the tip of the iceberg. I have tried (tried because I was a spectacular failure) to work with the government in the past (1991-1993) When I realized that what they were asking ran anywhere from 30% to 3000% bribes, my stomach could not take it. That was more that 20 years ago and only now it has come to light and arrest warrants issued and we can thank PNoy for that. Finally, and this can be attributed to all the presidents before PNoy, internationally, companies continue to invest and have faith in our country. I just find it sad the people seem to have lost faith while companies are willing to risk millions of dollars and stake their reputations here in the Philippines. I know I don’t live in Legoland, instead I choose to live here. In making that choice, I decided to look for and find what is good in the Filipino. While it is obvious that Filipinos should follow the law but don’t, is it obvious to you that, based on Buddah’s story that your spirit is…well I’ll leave that for you to discover. As for solutions, saying that all Filipinos should follow the law…strangely is still conditional. It must read; Filipinos must follow the law; or have to follow the law.
After all they are just words. Words just like mine and I do my best to make mine words of kindness with eyes looking for the goodness in others. Alas, I am not as wise as Buddah.
What are your words made of? What do your eyes see? That is not a threat it’s a challenge and please do not answer by quoting only one or two lines, read what I have written in its entirety and answer if you wish.
Thank you very much mindless marionette of Malacanang . Noynoy was a useless traditional politician who got by only on his name and his looks at 50. Corona impeachment was achieved by arm twisting Congress and 50 million bribes that Franklin Slim Drillon does not deny. Noynoy himself promised eliminating poverty and corruption so you should join him in Lego land Braniac. Don’t give me this crap he is fighting corruption. He fans the flames of corruption with his floundering and lack of leadership .
I “almost” believed until you gave All credit to Noy. Yes, we do have a convicted Chief Justice. But is the conviction 100% just? If it was, there would be no more talk of it, yet the noise on the bribing keeps popping up. Yes the ex president was jailed, but on what grounds? Aren’t all the cases against her losing ground and dropping? Most, if not all have been trashed by the courts. Why is she in jail?
Now, a little tidbit for “Mr. Clean”. The SC already has a ruling on Luisita. Now why can’t our oh-so-great president follow this simple ruling?
Those who are willing to accept our society’s shortcomings actually appreciate articles that tackle our problems. Obviously, you are not one of them. Those who can accept that our culture is dysfunctional are a step ahead of the rest in Philippine society. They can plan their future based on the information they get. Those who want to stay in the dark will remain in the dark for decades to come. Their children will continue the cycle of mediocrity.
You need to read the article again because you missed the point entirely. Our society will only become progressive once the majority are doing what they are supposed to do – follow the law/rules/guideline in public and in their respective jobs. The problem with you is, you see a handful of people doing things right and you already magnify it and declare the Filipinos as “great” people.
And PNoy continues the tradition of corruption by using the pork barrel funds to bribe the members of congress and all the little ladies who are willing to lie for him.
Oh really? I seem to recall that members of the Black & White movement were always on the streets speaking out against corruption during GMA’s term. Have you forgotten about that? I also recall that former President Erap Estrada going to jail for plunder. Have you forgotten about that too?
You should cut the crap because a lot of the readers here can see through your BS.
While I appreciate the Buddha parable, I really think that it escapes you that PNOY and his administration have adopted the very system they swear to end. You say PNOY is trying hard to get rid of corruption? All I see is him creating lots of smoke, but not getting rid of the fire.
PNOY is all talk, threats and slogans. He lacks the passion to really end corruption because he needs to fan its flames so that he could get what he wants out of this country for himself and his family. What the country wants, which is to get rid of corruption and to have equal rights is different to what the oligarchs like him and his family want.
You know what Ilda, with all of these apologists bitching in your article, is this country full of outlaws? I mean jeez are we really in the Philippines or in the Wild West?
Being half-Japanese, I agree that to a certain extent, we Filipinos have much to learn from the Japanese. The only observation I can make, though, is that this article failed to focus on what ails this country. The root cause of the Filipino Problem is not discipline, not the happy-go-lucky attitude, it’s the lack of patriotism. Everything flows from there. If you love your country, you’ll respect your neighbors, your community, your environment, everything else around you. Sadly, Filipinos don’t have this patriotic attitude, unlike Korea, Japan, and to a certain extent, the US. We are not proud to be Filipino. We may say it, but we don’t show it. It’s as simple as that.
if you ask my grandmother how the japanese are, she will paint you a different picture… there are a lot we can learn from the japanese, and there is sure a lot they can also learn from us
I don’t get this whole thing. It’s simple (as truth always is):
Look at what other countries do successfully, copy it, period.
Colder countries have more discipline than tropical/warmer countries. This is seen in Europe- England, Germany, the Netherlands have orderly societies while Italy, Greece and Spain are plagued by the same lack of discipline as the Philippines. The same goes for the southern/Latin hemisphere. Chile, Argentina, etc are more orderly than the Dominical Republic or Haiti. It has to do with the weather.
Not true. I lived in Spain for 3 years, visited Italy and Greece many times. Filipino attitude is unmatched in the world, believe me.
we are once a great nation duriung President Marcos’ regime….
Actually, the whole problem starts with the headline (I know, unintentionally):
“Filipinos cannot progress if …”
And this is where it starts. Lots of Filipinos find everything great the way it is, feel no need to progress at all.
Mangos grow on trees around (a bit exaggarated now, I admit, but basically that’s the attitude), so why be busier than necessary?
Very good observation.
Indeed the Filipinos need to follow the good examples of how people are disciplined in other countries for example in the USA, Japan, etc. Instead, they follow the bad examples of a few bad apples. They have forgotten the good teachings of their Lolo’s and Lola’s. The Filipinos used to be known for being respectful, obedient, helpful, hard working people. What happened?
The younger generation have forgotten not only the good teachings of the old, but also to follow the law of God.
We can not only be Catholics on Sundays but most of all to remind ourselves everyday of the week to observe and follow His teachings. Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for us. Let not His sufferings and death on the cross be in vain. The Filipinos of all people who were chosen by God to be the only Catholic country in Asia to be His people, are not giving the whole world a good example. We have to be aware of this and live our lives in Thanksgiving for His love and mercy for us.
“Bagong taon ay magbagong buhay” as the song goes. To be obedient and practice our Lord’s law and teachings to the best of our knowledge.
The Filipinos are very good in copying or imitating we hope that the above article will be a good reminder for all of us that the whole world is watching us. Let us start with ourselves, our family, the community, the country as a whole for we are part of the whole world.
The Filipinos in the Philippines should be mindful of the other Filipinos all over the world who have learned to follow rules.
Kapit bisig mga Kababayan. Together we can do this. Konting disiplina lang po para hindi kahiya-hiya ang bansang Pilipinas.
Para nang pasasalamat sa ating Mahal na Dios Ama, Dios Anak at Dios Spiritu Santo at sa ating Mahal na Inang Birhen Maria sa lahat ng biyaya na ipinagkaloob sa ating lahat.
Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon sa lahat.
Mabuhay and Pilipinas!
@Rhodora You lost me at: “The Filipinos of all people who were chosen by God to be the only Catholic country in Asia.”
I think you mean “were colonised by the Catholic Spanish.” And have you heard of East Timor, the other Catholic country in Asia?
It is not DISCIPLINE Filipinos are short of, its VIRTUES AND VALUES, discipline is the end result. Somewhere down the line, someone forgot to think about how our future will be if the leaders control or limit what the people specifically the youth can learn from ! IGNORANCE has been the most basic tool a potential public official will keep in his pocket !
We’re Filipinos, goddamnit! We’re not Singaporeans, Japanese or Taiwanese or the people of Hongkong. We know what we are and that is: we are happy in our misery!
Implying that you’re proud to be a moron ever since you’re a sperm cell. Then do me a favor and make your own island because idiots like you playing the victim card don’t belong here.
I’m a Filipino and I’m not happy with our misery
very good observation. now what have you been actually doing about it? have you actually made any real contribution to Filipino society other than words? because talk is rather cheap.
have you?
It is easy enough to blame everything that is happening in the country to a weakness in character, and while it really is annoying (to be cut off in line, to observe some people violating rules of conduct etc) this is not the cause, these are just symptoms. In Steven Pinker’s The Better Anels of our Nature, he presented a much clearer overview of history among the “great nations” of today who we’re once lawless themselves. What changed in their history apparently is plain an simple stronger law enforcement. More policing in short. so yeAh, it might be less romantic than saying that we have to change our character collectively but it’s more effective to have more stronger and tether policing. 🙂
it’s still boils down to discipline
@Kokay I see this evident in Davao City. Many of the locals credit the lower crime rate to the notion that they are the ‘friendliest’ people in the Philippines (why is there such regional competitiveness all the time?), but the realists admit that it’s only that way because of the ruthless mayor and his vigilante death squads deterring many of the criminals, and that it used to be much worse.
it is disappointing that Filipinos have developed this sense of entitlement. The basic unit of society is the family and it is there where this entitlement was allowed to fester. This brought about the tremendous failure in the the unity of the family. How Filipinos think having a mistress or another family is ok is beyond comprehension Yes, internalizing and living true virtues and values is the first step to take in the grass roots of society – in the family – for the Philippines to claim true progress
“How Filipinos think having a mistress or another family is ok is beyond comprehension…”
Yes, We see that most of the time in families with OFWs, where two separately-married individuals who happen to work as teachers of the same international school are living together as “husband and wife”… all the while playing the determined father/mother and the lonely husband/wife whenever their families communicate with them through Facebook.
Excuse me, Gerardo Reynaldo. Speak for your self. You can have your misery to yourself…and take your cursing with you too. You’re the perfect example of what the article is about.
Filipinos are proud of their “only in the Philippines” whether for good or for bad, as if they are proud when things go wrong. That’s their excuse and label. Only in the Philippines, yes, what was mentioned above can be sum up with this phrase.
I believe this to be an accurate observation, and anybody who says otherwise have that typical, and I dare say misplaced Filipino pride. When the Philippines was given the title “Tiger of Asia” because of our fast -surging economy back in Ramos’ regime, we had a huge chance then to be as progressive as our neighboring Asian countries. What happened? We got left behind, and now we have one of the most corrupt government in the world.
But change is easier said than done. It’s a dog-eat-dog out there, and it sucks.
Last time I checked the Philippines was never declared a “Tiger Economy” back in the 1990’s. There were only four of them: South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. We were more appropriately labeled a “Tiger Cub,” on par with Thailand.
In any case, all these creature labels (Dragon, Tiger, etc.) were all wiped out in the 1997 Financial Crisis. The Philippines was slow to recover afterwards.
With regards to the discrimination complaint made by the Filipino nurse, the US Court sided with Filipino nurse because they were only ones who were forbidden from speaking their own native. The Hispanics and other foreign nationals were allowed to speak their own native languages. So the Filipinos were singled out by their employer.
It doesn’t matter that they won the case. They still violated the rule. And if what they are saying is true – that they were singled out, that still says a lot. Maybe they were too loud and annoying when they spoke in Tagalog and it was enough for management to call their attention for violating the rule.
They weren’t penalized for being loud and annoying. They were penalized for speaking Filipino which is grounds for discrimination.
It does matter that they won the case. Are you suggesting that we just blindly follow every rule we encounter?
I am sorry but there is a lot of generalizations in the above article. Being a reactionist is passé! Look at the brighter side of your own people.
Please list all the “bright” side. Thanks!
There were the particular challenges you mentioned which are good reminders but the negative emotions you breathed into it overpowered the good you wanted to convey.
What “negative” emotions? You’re imagining things.
“There is very little evidence that Filipinos are capable of living by the “rule of law”.”
I think the sentence above is a bit overboard. Living by ‘rule of law’ of whom? I think we are capable and have been demonstrating for years now that we can abide by rule of law.
When you say those things you should give a point of comparison like living by the rule of law like the US, etc. At least, we have a standard where we can put the country side by side with another and show the difference if indeed there exists any.
So, I guess I have to agree with Sr. Athens. There is an OA exaggeration on the article as if the Philippines is the hopeless and worst country in the world.
Even in the end there was no ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ expression that signifies the possibility of the country turning around for the better.
Too much concentration on the negatives made the prose another typical put down article about the Philippines/Filipinos.
Sorry, but your comment doesn’t make any sense. Try explaining it again. Or not.
Please feel free to write down the “positives” in Philippine society. Thanks!
You are being hard on your own country. It will take time. Japanese unique culture has been there for thousands of year. We are a mixture of varied cultures and under Spanish, American occupation for hundreds of years. We are still in the process of identifying ourselves as Filipinos. Our weakest trait as Pinoys is our crab mentality. We’d rather point out the negatives rather than emphasized the positives. Your piece is one example, unfortunately. Now that we have a government trying its best to rid the country of corruption, and you very well know how hard that is, yet you and lots of Pinoys cannot seem to see this fact. Why can’t we point this simple fact so that Pinoys will be more aware of it. The people have to be educated and informed honestly on what is going on in our country.
I bet you’re always throwing your garbage anywhere and not falling in line properly you malicious indiot. And what makes Ilda very hard on our country when she’s just giving a solution about our dysfunctional mkindset? You asshurt? And government trying it’s best to rid our country of corruption? Are you watching too much yellow journalism you noytard?
Even if you add thousands of years of history, Filipinos won’t find their true identity if they continue to be in denial of their weaknesses. And by the way, Singapore has proven that a society does not have to have thousands of years of history to become a success.
Please feel free to emphasise the “positives”. We look forward to reading it.
The concept of “crab mentality” only applies to successful people. Philippine society hasn’t achieved success yet. The article is actually pointing out the reasons why the Philippine society cannot achieve success.
Oh really? So far this government has only managed to prosecute or rather, persecute members of the opposition. That’s not fighting corruption. They are just basically working on maintaining their hold on power.
Hi Ilda. I don’t know if you remember but we met through a common friend sometime ago. Anyway, I congratulate you for your “ENLIGHTENING” observations which, for the most part, I happen to agree with.
In the grand scheme of things, I don’t think progress will come soon. Change is needed and it has to start at the grassroots level, in schools, in communities, etc. Instead of critizising or questioning the accuracy of your blog I would rather start the change process with the most basic unit of society, ME and MY FAMILY. I believe this is the unit which I can handle and can act upon STRAIGHT AWAY, no excuses. If only everyone would have the heart and the will to do so, I think, Filipinos could be in for a good start.
Hi Victor
Thanks. Indeed, it has to start with the individual. When the majority in Philippine society follow the law, Filipinos can collectively achieve peace and prosperity.
because Filipinos have excellent role models starting with the Marcoses all the way to the Binays. If these guys who are supposed to enforce/create/legislate the laws ignore the laws, why wouldn’t the rest? Hence, if those gutys can get away with it, they everyone else will do the same.
Start getting rid of these bad role models and exercising your right to vote wisely. Then the rest will follow
Hhmmn! Well just another blogger who wants to get famous by provoking people’s emotion. Bravo!
Oh really? If I wanted to be famous, I would just post my photos wearing skimpy clothes on Instagram.
There you go “Juice”, just proving your attitude is the very problem !!!!!! TRY and maybe understand the issue and not the writer.
The problems of we filipinos, we inherited most of the negative sides of the foreigners who colonized our country. And it’s really difficult to adopt change as that attitude keep flowing in our blood. I just hope that someday change will start from adult down to children.
Fellow Filipinos, please start loving our country as you love yourself so that next observation article will be affirmative. Christ bless Philippines.
Cant just blame the foreigners who came and settled for the ills of society. Shifting the responsibility to others is at the core of this debate. Instead of blaming work at the solutions to the problem. I believe that when Magellan arrived here, (He is said to have written in his diaries)That his men went ashore to find water and when they returned to the beach the boats had been stolen. Not a bad thing in itself, the Spanish were here to steal all that which was not nailed down and a lot more whilst they had the population prostrated to the priests and praying to god. Those that did not accept the offer of salvation whilst. being robbed were put to the sword. Convert or die. The Spanish were followed by other plunderers and they have learned well. Plundering is the norm whilst the rest pray. Unfortuunately Most Filipinos will tell you they are Catholics but most simply do not understand the concept of Christianity. From the top to the bottom of society they want as much as they can get for nothing if possible and with no responsibility for the consequences. The legal system is designed to avoid justice and the courts at any cost and the Law allows the procrastinations putting off decisions and the responsibility for making true and correct judgements to others.
This country needs someone as a head of state who is part Lee Kwan Yu, part Mahatma Ghandi and part Joseph Stalin. Jesus Christ would not have succeeded, he was not Filipino.
I think it somehow lies in the Unconscious. While English speaking Westerners don’t have a problem with posted directions, we Filipinos however would have since it is not our native tongue. Filipinos started rebelling for nearly 500 years with the Spanish and nearly 50 years with the Americans.
They didn’t have real freedom. And most of these signs are in English, which the mind still relates to being binned in fetters, inlets one is on the upper middle class where even if the accent is Pilipino, they think that they can talk American.
The Europeans had the same problem when they dietary came in to loot and Christian/enslave the There were two occasions today that I had close contact with people that I can feel their hearts.
First was the security guard for that road gate going up the Hollywood sign. The way he talked, the voice that came out of his mouth was not coming from his vocal cords nor his diaphragm, but somewhere deeper.
He was telling us that we cannot pass through the gated road because it was close to the public. But when I tried to talk him out of it, then I noticed his voice, it was from the depths of humility.
The second one was when I gave a plate of food to an elderly lady. She was sitting at the end of the table so I handed it first to her when we were giving out food to this homeless shelter. She open up her two hands to receive it like there was something out of compassion, out of the pureness of her being when she received the food. It was so full of kindness as a receiver.. The natives despite the fact that they have aaccepted Christianity its superstition that they were able to blend it with theirs religion, wouldn’t want to be slaves on their own land. So there was a lot of mass genocide that went on and the White Man had to import slaves from Africa where slavery was a big part of their culture.
I think it somehow lies in the Unconscious. While English speaking Westerners don’t have a problem with posted directions, we Filipinos however would have since it is not our native tongue. Filipinos started rebelling for nearly 500 years with the Spanish and nearly 50 years with the Americans.
They didn’t have real freedom. And most of these signs are in English, which the mind still relates to being binded in fetters, unless one is on the upper middle class where even if the accent is Pilipino, they think that they can talk American.
The Europeans had the same problem when they dietary came in to loot and Christian/enslave tthe natives. The natives didn’t want to work for them but incorporated its religion for the superstitious practices that they already have. There were a lot of genocide on the natives because they were useless. So they have to import slaves from Africa where slavery was is a big part of their culture.
One thing about Filipinos is that, whenever they are working abroad, some of them tend to discriminate and put down their fellow Filipinos at work. All too often I hear of such stories. In companies and institutions with multiple cultures, the Filipinos most often stab the backs of their fellowmen just so they can “look better” professionally.
This one is called “Crab Mentality”. It is interesting to note that the behaviors that hinder Filipinos progress has long been identified by them and each behavior, in fact, have a corresponding positive counterpart (I first learned it in elementary). Anyway, lessons like this became ineffective because the educational institutions as well as the society’s said foundation – the family – and the government (the leaders being the offenders themselves) fail to instill to their children or the people the big role they play in the society causing “Filipinos… to put their own interest first before other people.”
Like here we have this adult or teacher telling his younger follower/pupil the right from wrong but if the latter miss the whole point of learning, that his actions contributed to the change in the society or the kind of society he and the future generations will live in, then he will go on living as a passive citizen (more concerned about his battle of personal good vs. evil or personal desires) and not as someone who is part of a whole. Notice that when one decides for the collective good, he was able to produce good projects or ideas (like developing solar plants and using recyclable materials after the first knowledge of global warming).
Its not too often that Pinoy backstabs fellow Pinoy’s because of the “I” mentality or the “crab mentality”. I get stabbed and discriminated because I corrected myself of the mistake that I picked up when I was younger growing up in Manila and try to correct the same mistakes I see in my fellow countryman. Its all too obvious that most don’t know the difference between Religious Faith and Culture in our own backyards and continuous to dwell on the ” our ancestors did it so why should we change it” mentality.
I hate to say it but this is true…I just don’t understand why? The most appropriate reason that I could think of is envious and some sort of jealousy towards others success.
Absolutely agree with this and having lived there would describe all those things in what I’ve seen 1st hand. Can’t believe the selfishness greed ignorance and acts of stupidity I witnessed. Even in marriage of westerners they play the victim card and try on the puppy eyed butter wouldn’t melt trick
I believe it’s more because of corruption which brings the majority of people into the practice of lack of discipline. When the government is corrupt, from the top to the bottom, it sends a message that the citizens can always get away with everything. The arrogance, the lack of discipline, all are a product of corruption. Look at Filipinos who lived in Western cointries, where no one is above the law…. well, most of the time. But these Filipinos have adapted discipline and learned to follow simple traffic laws because they know they cannot get away with it. A community like in Olongapo where the law is strictly followed breeds an organized and law-abiding citizens, but once they are out of the border they return to the old ways because the law is constantly violated by everyone. Once Filipinos learn to love their country and the law is strictly applied, everyone else will have to tow the line. But the leadership is weak, the corrupt practices are everywhere so this makes it more difficult.
You are very correct on that Dr. Ed. But everyone has to understand that the problem stems from how these kids are educated. If everyone would look closely on DepEd’s curriculum, teacher guidelines, quality of teachers and of course the corruption of DepEd’s budget. Yes, the standards we follow are that of the highest in the world but, the aptitude guidelines are wayyyyy below par compared globally. And then there the parent’s and their unequivocal old world system that has devoid this youth’s from motivation of new world ideals. Statistically, majority of the voters are that of the middle class and poverty stricken masa who are raised to SURVIVE rather than to create an ideal country of opportunity.
I think Filipinos are a disciplined people. You cannot just judge a country by the actions of a few.
No one here is judging the majority of Filipinos if they indeed are disciplined. The point here is that if Filipinos really are as disciplined as they say, they have to prove it.
A few? If there are only a “few” undisciplined Filipinos, how come the country is a mess? Even members of the upper class ignore the law when it is convenient.
If Filipino’s are “Disciplined” why can’t the country move forward or the gov’t be rid of obvious corrupt officials or why are the same corrupt officials get voted in again and again ? Optimism is good only of your intouch with reality and reality is most Filipino’s can’t follow rules !
There is so much truth in this post, yet there’s not much we can do for now but try to do it right with the next generation. The current generation is dead. They will never know how stupid most of them are and they will remain ignorant of this blatant fact. They have gotten most if not all the horrible traits we got from Spanish ne’er do wells that were rid from Spain and sent here. One of the answers is education, educating the youth as early, correctly, and efficiently as now is our best shot at freeing the Philippines from its tainted reputation and this vicious cycle of idiocy, bigotry, inexplicable prejudice regarding issues, mile-high prides, laziness, and many more undesirable qualities which it is currently in and has been since who knows when. #WakeUpCall #SaveThe Philippines #MoreReformsInEducation #EmancipationThroughEducation #HashtagsAreFrickin’StupidSoIDon’tUnderstandWhyI’mUsingThem
Stop blaming the Spaniards, they have been long gone for decades. We are not the only country who have been colonized. Visit Spain and see the difference. This blaming game will take the Filipinos and the country nowhere. If there are unpleasant traits indeed from the colonizers, then keep the good ones and eliminate the bad. Change comes from within.
Interesting article.
I live in the US. The reason I like Filipinos is that they are relaxed, casual, and fun loving. Some tend to be quite spontaneous and high drama.
I get along well.
I do know some professional Filipinos that are in the tech industry, and they are quite disciplined and low drama
Japan is a great country economically. The people are very selfless and trustworthy. The products are highest quality. The group/society comes first. Heaven help you if you do your own thing though, you will be ostracized. Japan has a lot of culture undertow to make the individual conform.
I know Philippines is no match compare to other countries’ government system and progress in economy. I just wonder why most of my friend and relatives consider to go back here in our country despite their huge earnings abroad,whether its in Western countries or just within the asia. They strive hard to have enough savings then they plan to have the rest of their lives spent here in the country. This is a third-person perspective i’m sharing and I’m not claiming its mine. They frequently say that “Iba pa rin sa Pilipinas”. They have to fight for discrimination, homesickness, extreme loneliness and isolation. This is where they belong. Maybe we are not born in a wealthy or successful country but there are still good points for being a Filipino. We are a close-knit and family oriented country, we don’t need nursing homes for our elders. We stand by their side until the day they die. We laugh our problems out with friends that’s why suicide rate in our country are way to low compare to korea and japan. Children here are less brat compare to Americans and Chinese. As regards to discipline, I agree that most of the Filipinos are stubborn in following rules. We are not used for strict compliance and find violating a rule challenging. There are lots of reasons to hate this country but for me I choose to look on the brighter side of it.
Yes, the start of change must start within oneself. Our family must raised well-rounded children for they are the next generation of this nation.
“Children here are less brat compare to Americans and Chinese”
Out of all the replies, this is the stupidest thing that I have read. Children are less of a brat? Are you kidding me? They run around mostly unwatched, loud, screaming and oblivious to the world around them. They have absolutely no discipline from their parents UNLESS the parent gets annoyed with their actions personally and once that happens, its usually an outburst and smacking.
Actually almost your entire reply validates the author’s point. So good job there.
I agree with many things you mentioned. However I must beg to differ in your opinion towards why Filipinos don’t follow rules of disipline. I have lived in Korea and the US for sometime though I still see myself as Filipino and Philippines as my home. I think the readon Filipinos have difficulty following the rules is because corruption is so rampant at every level that if you play by the rules you will be screwed by the system. I had a duscussion with people from other less developed countries and they experience the same thing. Simply put after spending time abroad it’s difficult to reintegrate back in our homeland because the that runs things is broken.Don’t get me wrong even in developed nations there is corruption you just don’t hear about and also our views of other countries are tainted by our colonial mentality conditioning. So we only observe the positive aspects of other nations. Thats a different discussion all together.
Regarding the “Crab mentality” issues that is absolutely true. I think at the root of it is the “victim mentality”. Many justify their crab mentality because they see themselves as victims and misery loves company. These are traits not unique to Filipinos but none the less it is a trait we must change.
maybe the link of Ilda to Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the key. The question is are Filipinos suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder? If the answer is yes, the majority of Filipinos are NPD, then it will explain everything that is wrong in our country. To have a cure, we must find the cause. the root cause of NPD is poor parenting and child rearing practices. Neglected or abused children grow up too be NPD.
@Dr. Conrad Drueco
I have an article discussing exactly that condition afflicting a lot of Filipinos.
Do Filipinos suffer from narcissistic personality disorder?
Indeed, a lot of Filipinos have an inflated sense of self-importance and are extremely preoccupied with themselves. No wonder they cut corners and do not follow the law.
The connection or link to Narcissitc Personality Disorder is the i think the key. NPD leads to dysfunctionalism. What is the cause? Poor child rearing practices. Neglected or abused kids leads to NPD. Maybe our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal has the correct idea when he wrote to the Women of Malolos that good child rearing practices is the key to good nation building. How true that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rocks the world.
we are the same people that we need to follow the rules.why? because our culture is the same us that need to respect and love….. if without culture,
what happened on us? we don’t know. i am right?
In relation to guidelines, you might want to read:
Many Filipinos Have Very Thick Faces And Very Thin Skins At The Same Time!
Mine will probably get lost in the sea of ideas here, but I just can’t help but argue with several points made on this article.
The conclusion that the sum of our problems can be attributed to this so called inherent laziness is in itself, a lazy statement to make.
That’s a broad brushstroke to paint over 98.39 million people in Philippines. Although fine, I’ll give you the benefit of a doubt. Let’s say we all do have these mental glitches (Narcissism, vanity, pride, etc), inherent to our race (which it isn’t, that would be racist), as you may suggest. Shouldn’t the scale of the social problem qualify for us to examine other factors in our society as VALID causes for these problems? Rather than simply concluding that Filipinos in general are assholes?
I’m calling you out for making a hasty generalization, and its also a dangerous one to make. it’s popular opinion to say that Filipinos are lazy, and it diffuses the spotlight rightfully placed on government leaders and institutions.
We are not lazy. I liken this statement to another hasty generalization that the poor are lazy as well, hence they deserve to be in their misery.
However in reality many lower class Filipinos work so hard, but they will never get as far as other privileged filipinos would, who in their high horse, have the gall to call our poor “lazy.”
In your argument, the lens is only broadened. Our country has suffered immensely from colonization and abuse from other countries. Unlike Japan or Korea, we are far more disconnected from our indigenous culture, and this creates a crisis within our collective psyche. When your foundations are weak, the structure will fall.
Plus,all these other countries you’ve mentioned are successful because their institutions are respected by the people. Give me a country that’s just as corrupt as the Philippines only with more “hardworking” or “simple guideline” loving people then maybe the argument will make more sense.
Why do you think we’re being used as a garbage cans for other countries? Why do you think our wild parks are being bombed for US military exercises? We, as a country are poor, and the world needs poor countries to have rich countries. It’s reflected in our policies, and sadly, in how we think as well.
Resorting to these lazy conclusions is dangerous because instead of thinking about what is just and fair, we blame each other and ourselves for problems tied to bigger factors. Do we not have the right to question the world we were born into? Do we not have the right to ask our leaders why we are forced to live with such massive disturbances like the lack of public welfare? all opposing action begins in doubt. We can’t change anything if we never question anything.
“There’s a reason the poor don’t rise up over inequality. Because our culture shames them,” said Helaine Olen of inequality in western countries. It’s the same banana for us.
Stop. shaming. them.
What should be done instead, is to hold our institutions accountable for the laws that are poorly implemented (how can you follow laws, when they’re so poorly made in the first place?)
Many of us can’t follow “simple guidelines” because we have lost faith in the intent behind the law. We scramble and kiss ass, because that’s what works in this society.
We don’t trust our officials to handle our public welfare, so we close ourselves into smaller units. (hence the popularity of the “family” concept) This has been happening for decades, which is why I’m so disturbed at how quick you are to dismiss history, when its a prerequisite to understanding our present situation, and therefore planning our collective future.
Let me level with you and say that this is reflective when Filipinos are seen to obey laws in other countries. Another popular observation made.
I hate what our country has become, but I think these problems are repairable. We just have to stop picking on each other for hypothetical mental disorders, buckle down, and do the grinding work to change our law and order.
I agree with you Ms. Cruz for most of what you say. My wife is Filipina and I love her a lot. We are traveling through Bacolod to give aid to children in need, but then on to Cebu for a while. Married 48 years, we have seen a lot of Filipino life. I see the country changing slowly with some improved infrastructure and higher learning centers. I think the world has a lot to learn about life from Filipinos, who show more of the Christian values of Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Goodness, Kindness and self control… than most all other countries.
Your article is on point with “Philippines will never be a great nation unless Filipinos learn to live by the principle of the “rule of law”.
However the only plausible reason you give is only due to the “Padrino system” that Filipinos still adhere to. For all other reasons or malaises you vet out to the Filipino people, its quite debatable.
First, the “Padrino system” is a direct consequence of a highly collective society. Filipinos are very collective and conforming (Geert-Hofstede).
Rule breaking is more likely to happen in collectivist cultures due to its structure of smaller groups which can have conflicting interests, i.e in groups vs out groups.
Individuals will break rules and laws to preserve the interests of their in-group.
Also, collectivist cultures impose hierarchical practices. Which means deferring and following individuals or groups higher up than you in the status ladder (age, SES, class, gender etc).
That means those lower down the hierarchy will break rules and laws to satisfy not the greater good but for those higher up than them.
The remaining malaises you give Filipino people is debatable on why the country is not progressing.
Filipinos do not want to “stand out” or show individuality by engaging in rule/law breaking. Like what I said above its more to serve the interests of those higher up.
There is also the concept of “hiya”. By engaging in these behaviours its possible Filipinos do it to gain the esteem of others around them. Since its this very behaviour that marks out high social status.
Remember in collectivist cultures, rank is important. Losing face is equal to being on the lowest rung of the hierarchy.
Lack of discipline I think is unrelated to Philippine malaise. Filipino people are in fact excessively hard working given the chance. Filipino’s are conscientious people.
Not every lifestyle aspect of Filipinos can be conscientious though. This has more to do with education. Which needs improvement in the Philippines.
Having fun and living a happy go lucky life is not a bad trait. Being excessively carefree and unrestrained is JUST AS BAD as being excessively conscientious.
The final malaise you point out shows a Filipino’s colonial mentality.
All the other Asian countries especially the Japanese are not without flaw. They were able to weed out the deficiencies that allowed their countries to stagnate. It did not mean appropriating an entirely different culture.
Finally the Japanese demonstration of pro sociality. You’re comparing a country that is culturally more alien to the Philippines.
the likely cause of our disorderly conduct is a lack of CIVIC NATIONALISM. Not a character flaw or a moral failure caused by Filipinos.
All I know, I’m Filipino, is that if discipline is not worth my time and effort, I quickly abondone it and fend for myself, until someone put things in order again, enforce the rules and that someone follows the rules himself.
Authoritarianism is important with discipline than democracy.
Western Democracy does NOT fit in the Philippines.
Take a look in China. It has been since Han or Qing Dynasty.
It needs to bring back the old-reestablished 1935+1973 Constitution to have unicameral one-party legislature and constitutional authoritarianism without parliament.
Great commentary, but only a personal biased look through blue tinted glasses after having taken the red pill. You can post negative comments about ANY group of people in a blog like this, but that does not mean it is so. Such superficial views as this do not show the heart of the Nation as it really is, which is a great people who are racing forward with high tech training and other skills in universities that rival any in other countries. Serious solid military leadership is being developed by a president who is an Attorney by trade, who had had ENOUGH death and ruin by drugs in his city and cleaned it up with harsh deadly measures. – The nation saw this and demanded he be their president.
This article was written at a time when the government that took power (under then President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III) represented the very dysunctional behaviour described here.
The promise in Duterte’s administration lies in his approach, vision, and philosophy being fundamentally different from most post-1986 government which were all staunchly biased towards Western liberalism which, had progressively disillusioned many Filipinos following a failure to implement real change even after several decades of pre-eminence.